Windows Develop
Linux-Unix program
Web Server
Browser Client
Ftp Server
Ftp Client
Browser Plugins
Proxy Server
Email Server
Email Client
WEB Mail
Telnet Server
Telnet Client
Search Engine
Sniffer Package capture
Remote Control
TCP/IP Stack
Grid Computing
Cluster Service
Network Security
Game Program
Multimedia program
Graph program
Compiler program
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Crypt_Decrypt algrithms
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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Other systems
Database system
Embeded-SCM Develop
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Upload User: hjieqiu
Upload Date: 2013-05-11
Package size: 16494k
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Development Platform:
Detail: "Visual C#.NET Database Development classic case analysis "matching discs, including inventory management systems, human resources management systems, production management systems, financial management system, library management system, hotel management system, the system of hospital management, educational administration system.
- Readme.txt
- 财务管理系统.sql
- TrialBalance.resx
- DataSet2.cs
- DataSet2.xsd
- MainForm.cs
- SubjectSetting.cs
- DetailQuery.cs
- DetailQuery.resx
- FinancialReport.resx
- DataSet1.cs
- WarrentInput.cs
- SelectSubject.resx
- DataSet1.xsd
- MainForm.resx
- TrialBalance.cs
- 财务管理系统.csproj
- LedgerQuery.resx
- WarrentInput.resx
- CrystalReport1.cs
- SelectSubject.cs
- SubjectSetting.resx
- LedgerQuery.cs
- AccountSetting.cs
- FinancialReport.cs
- DataSet2.xsx
- 财务管理系统.csproj.user
- DataSet1.xsx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- AccountSetting.resx
- 财务管理系统.sln
- 酒店管理系统.sln
- HotelLeave.cs
- SelectTable.resx
- DataSet2.cs
- DataSet2.xsd
- RoomType.cs
- MainForm.cs
- ClientConsume.cs
- HotelReserve.cs
- RoomStatus.resx
- DataSet1.cs
- DataSet1.xsd
- 酒店管理系统.csproj
- SelectTable.cs
- ClientConsume.resx
- MainForm.resx
- 酒店管理系统.csproj.user
- HotelLeave.resx
- HotelReserve.resx
- RoomInfo.cs
- ParentForm.cs
- HotelArrival.cs
- ParentForm.resx
- RoomType.resx
- DataSet2.xsx
- HotelArrival.resx
- DataSet1.xsx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- RoomStatus.cs
- RoomInfo.resx
- autorun.inf
- 进销存管理.sql
- 进销存管理系统.csproj
- StokerDataManage.resx
- DataSet2.cs
- CrystalReport.resx
- DataSet2.xsd
- SelectStorage.cs
- StorageSearch.resx
- StokerDataManage.cs
- DataGridComboBoxColumn.cs
- DataSet1.cs
- StockTable.resx
- MainFrm.resx
- SelectStorage.resx
- PopedomManage.cs
- CrystalReport.cs
- LoginFrm.resx
- PopedomManage.resx
- 进销存管理系统.sln
- LinkDataBase.cs
- DataGridComboBoxColumn.resx
- SellTable.cs
- CrystalReport1.cs
- StorageSearch.cs
- LoginFrm.cs
- CrystalReport11.cs
- StockTable.cs
- DataGridNoActiveCellColumn.cs
- DataGridNoActiveCellColumn.resx
- WareDataManage.cs
- MainFrm.cs
- ClientDataManage.cs
- WareDataManage.resx
- 进销存管理系统.csproj.user
- DataSet1.xsx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- SellTable.resx
- ClientDataManage.resx
- RepairEXE.reg
- nav_top.js
- nav_bott.js
- 生产管理系统实例程序.sql
- 生产管理系统.sql
- 生产管理系统.sln
- FactorySchedule.resx
- DataSet2.cs
- Form1.resx
- SelectMaterial.cs
- DataSet2.xsd
- MRPCal.cs
- DataSet3.xsd
- RequirePlan.resx
- SelectMaterial.resx
- 生产管理系统.csproj.user
- MainForm.cs
- ProducePlan.cs
- BomForm.cs
- MRPHistory.resx
- DataSet1.cs
- DataSet1.xsd
- MainForm.resx
- ProducePlan.resx
- RequirePlan.cs
- MaterialsForm.cs
- BomForm.resx
- Form1.cs
- MRPHistory.cs
- MRPCal.resx
- FactorySchedule.cs
- DataSet2.xsx
- DataSet1.xsx
- MaterialsForm.resx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- DataSet3.cs
- 生产管理系统.csproj
- 教务管理系统.sln
- StudentInfo.cs
- 教务管理系统.csproj
- CourseInfo.cs
- DataSet2.cs
- ViewScore.resx
- CrystalReport.resx
- DataSet2.xsd
- ClassInfo.resx
- CourseInfo.resx
- MainForm.cs
- ViewScore.cs
- CurriculumSchedule.resx
- ScoreInput.resx
- CourseElect.resx
- DataSet1.cs
- ScoreInput.cs
- DataSet1.xsd
- CrystalReport.cs
- MainForm.resx
- 教务管理系统.csproj.user
- ParentForm.cs
- ParentForm.resx
- CrystalReport1.cs
- CurriculumSchedule.cs
- CourseElect.cs
- DataSet21.cs
- StudentInfo.resx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- ClassInfo.cs
- ClinicCharge.resx
- ClinicPriceConfirm.cs
- DataSet2.cs
- ClinicCharge.cs
- DataSet2.xsd
- ServiceInfo.resx
- DataSet3.xsd
- ServiceInfo.cs
- DataSet1.cs
- MainFrm.resx
- DataSet1.xsd
- 医院管理系统.csproj.user
- SendMedicine.cs
- InputBox.cs
- StoreQuery.resx
- MedInfo.cs
- ClinicReg.resx
- StoreQuery.cs
- InputBox.resx
- ClinicReg.cs
- ClinicPriceConfirm.resx
- ParentForm.cs
- ParentForm.resx
- SendMedicine.resx
- MedInfo.resx
- MainFrm.cs
- RegQuery.cs
- RegQuery.resx
- DataSet2.xsx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- DataSet3.cs
- 医院管理系统.csproj
- 医院管理系统.sln
- 图书馆管理系统.sln
- BookBorrow.resx
- DataSet2.cs
- ReaderClassify.resx
- SelectBook.resx
- DataSet2.xsd
- DataSet11.cs
- BookInfo.resx
- ReaderInfo.resx
- BookInfo.cs
- BookClassify.resx
- ReaderClassify.cs
- ReaderClassfiy.cs
- DataSet1.cs
- BookPenalty.cs
- MainFrm.resx
- DataSet1.xsd
- 图书馆管理系统.csproj
- BookClassify.cs
- SelectBook.cs
- BookSubscribe.resx
- BookReturn.resx
- BookSubscribe.cs
- BookBorrow.cs
- 图书馆管理系统.csproj.user
- BookPenalty.resx
- OverdueBook.cs
- MainFrm.cs
- ReaderClassfiy.resx
- ReaderInfo.cs
- BookReturn.cs
- DataSet1.xsx
- OverdueBook.resx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- 人力资源管理.sql
- 人力资源管理实例程序.sql
- HortationManage.resx
- SalaryManage.cs
- AmendStafferInfo.resx
- DataSet2.cs
- SalaryManage.resx
- DataSet2.xsd
- DataSet11.cs
- OrgInfo.cs
- DataSet1.cs
- LookupStafferInfo.resx
- PunishmentManage.resx
- MainFrm.resx
- DataSet1.xsd
- LookupStafferInfo.cs
- HortationManage.cs
- 人力资源管理系统.csproj.user
- SetOrgInfo.resx
- IncomeTax.cs
- PunishmentManage.cs
- PayoffHistory.cs
- PayoffHistory.resx
- IncomeTax.resx
- DataGridNoActiveCellColumn.cs
- AmendStafferInfo.cs
- DataGridNoActiveCellColumn.resx
- OrgInfo.resx
- DataSet11.xsd
- 人力资源管理系统.sln
- MainFrm.cs
- SetOrgInfo.cs
- DataSet2.xsx
- DataSet1.xsx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- 人力资源管理系统.csproj
- conf.ini
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