Windows Develop
Linux-Unix program
Web Server
Browser Client
Ftp Server
Ftp Client
Browser Plugins
Proxy Server
Email Server
Email Client
WEB Mail
Telnet Server
Telnet Client
Search Engine
Sniffer Package capture
Remote Control
TCP/IP Stack
Grid Computing
Cluster Service
Network Security
Game Program
Multimedia program
Graph program
Compiler program
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Crypt_Decrypt algrithms
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Java Develop
assembly language
Other systems
Database system
Embeded-SCM Develop
source in ebook
Delphi VCL
OS Develop
MacOS develop
Upload User: autodoor
Upload Date: 2022-08-04
Package size: 9973k
Downloads: 82
Development Platform:
- LogDB.cs
- BllLoginUser.cs
- DbManage_UserInfo.cs
- DbManagerLogininfo.cs
- AdminDB.cs
- CheckEmpRight.cs
- CatalogsDB.cs
- EmpDB.cs
- ModulesDB.cs
- AdList.cs
- FileA.cs
- FileRight.cs
- ResiveModule.cs
- MsgObj.cs
- Tabs.cs
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- DA.csproj
- DA.csproj.user
- SQLHelper.cs
- ScheduleDA.cs
- CNDate.cs
- notebind.cs
- AccessDb.cs
- controlbinding.cs
- NoteDA.cs
- depsch.cs
- MrBaseInf.cs
- MrDep.cs
- qminoa.etp
- qminoa.sln
- CNDate.cs
- DateUtil.cs
- ValidateUtil.cs
- JScript.cs
- Common.csproj.user
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- StringUtil.cs
- EmpBaseData.cs
- EmpVisaData.resx
- MsgCont.cs
- ModuleData.cs
- FileData.resx
- EmpConData.resx
- DepData.resx
- CatalogData.cs
- CatalogData.resx
- EmpBaseData.resx
- DocData.cs
- UserData.cs
- MessageData.resx
- UserData.resx
- Filemessdata.resx
- EmpConData.cs
- ModuleData.resx
- EmpArcData.cs
- FileData.cs
- EmpPhotoData.resx
- Filemessdata.cs
- MessageData.cs
- ScheduleData.cs
- MsgAdd.resx
- EmpVisaData.cs
- DocData.resx
- DepData.cs
- EmpPhotoData.cs
- LogData.cs
- MsgAdd.cs
- Common.csproj
- EmpSystem.cs
- DocTree.cs
- FileBLL.cs
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- ProjectReportCategoryCollection.cs
- TimeEntriesCollection.cs
- ProjectReportEntryLogCollection.cs
- ProjectReportEntryLog.cs
- ProjectReportProjectCollection.cs
- Project.cs
- Roles.cs
- RolesCollection.cs
- ResourceReportUserCollection.cs
- PMUser.cs
- ProjectReportProject.cs
- UsersCollection.cs
- ResourceReportUser.cs
- ProjectReportCategory.cs
- TimeEntry.cs
- CategoriesCollection.cs
- ProjectsCollection.cs
- Category.cs
- BLL.csproj
- DepSystem.cs
- BLL.csproj.user
- CatalogSystem.cs
- ModuleSystem.cs
- AddModule.aspx
- AddNew.aspx
- UserLog.aspx.resx
- RolesFuncUsers.aspx.resx
- ChangePassword.aspx.cs
- ManagerOptLog.ascx.resx
- AddNew.aspx.resx
- ManagerUserlog.ascx
- ErrorPage.aspx.cs
- Useradmin.aspx.cs
- Roleadmin.aspx.cs
- ManagerOptLog.ascx.cs
- AddCatalog.aspx
- AddCatalog.aspx.cs
- Moduleadmin.aspx
- RolesFuncUsers.aspx
- FuncRights.ascx.resx
- FuncModule.ascx.resx
- ManagerUserlog.ascx.cs
- FuncRights.ascx
- ManagerOptLog.ascx
- UserLog.aspx
- AddModule.aspx.cs
- FuncModule.ascx
- UserRoles.aspx.resx
- AddNew.aspx.cs
- FuncRightSet.aspx
- RegCatalog.aspx.resx
- SecurityRoles.aspx.cs
- FuncRightSet.aspx.cs
- RegCatalog.aspx
- UserRoles.aspx
- Moduleadmin.aspx.resx
- regModule.aspx.resx
- SecurityRoles.aspx.resx
- UsersModule.ascx.cs
- Moduleadmin.aspx.cs
- UserLog.aspx.cs
- FuncModule.ascx.cs
- OperationLog.aspx.cs
- OperationLog.aspx
- RolesFuncUsers.aspx.cs
- RolesModule.ascx.resx
- RegCatalog.aspx.cs
- UsersModule.ascx.resx
- FuncRights.ascx.cs
- AddModule.aspx.resx
- RolesModule.ascx
- Roleadmin.aspx.resx
- UsersModule.ascx
- ErrorPage.aspx
- RolesModule.ascx.cs
- ErrorPage.aspx.resx
- OperationLog.aspx.resx
- regModule.aspx
- Useradmin.aspx
- ManagerUserlog.ascx.resx
- FuncRightSet.aspx.resx
- UserRoles.aspx.cs
- SecurityRoles.aspx
- Roleadmin.aspx
- AddCatalog.aspx.resx
- regModule.aspx.cs
- Useradmin.aspx.resx
- ChangePassword.aspx
- ChangePassword.aspx.resx
- database.ascx.cs
- information.ascx
- Content.aspx
- fmNewFile.aspx.resx
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- fmSelFolder.aspx.resx
- fmNewFile.aspx
- Download.aspx.cs
- fmNewFolder.aspx
- fmRecycle.aspx
- ShowAccount.aspx
- fmNewFile.aspx.cs
- FileSearch.aspx.resx
- fmSelFolder.aspx
- fmRecycle.aspx.resx
- SecurityFMPage.aspx
- ShowAccount.aspx.resx
- FileSearch.aspx.cs
- FileSearch.aspx
- ShowBranch.aspx.cs
- FileManage.aspx.cs
- SecurityFMPage.aspx.cs
- SecurityFMPage.aspx.resx
- fmSelFolder.aspx.cs
- SetRightType.aspx.cs
- fmDocTree.aspx
- FileManage.aspx.resx
- Download.aspx.resx
- 2004174162529InstMod.ini
- fmNewFolder.aspx.cs
- ShowBranch.aspx.resx
- fmDocTree.aspx.resx
- SetRightType.aspx
- fmRecycle.aspx.cs
- ShowAccount.aspx.cs
- Download.aspx
- SetRightType.aspx.resx
- fmDocTree.aspx.cs
- ShowBranch.aspx
- FileManage.aspx
- Global.asax.cs
- MessageRead.aspx.resx
- MessageFolder.aspx.cs
- MessageDo.aspx
- MessageFolder.aspx.resx
- MessageNotice.aspx.resx
- SendMessage.aspx.resx
- MessageNotice.aspx.cs
- MessageList.aspx.cs
- func.js
- MessageFolder.aspx
- MessageRead.aspx
- SendMessage.aspx.cs
- SendMessage.aspx
- MessageDo.aspx.resx
- MessageList.aspx
- RTFBox.vbproj
- RTFBox.vb
- RTFBox.sln
- AssemblyInfo.vb
- RTFBox.vbproj.user
- MessageDo.aspx.cs
- MessageList.aspx.resx
- ResiveModule.ascx.resx
- ResiveModule.ascx.cs
- AccessoryModule.ascx.resx
- ResiveModule.ascx
- AccessoryModule.ascx.cs
- AccessoryModule.ascx
- sql.txt
- 2004-5-15 18-55-21.ini
- 2004-5-15 23-59-11.txt
- 2004-5-16 15-43-59.ini
- 2004-5-21 16-16-43.ini
- 2004-5-15 23-43-34.ini
- 2004-5-15 18-53-15.ini
- 2004-5-15 18-55-34.txt
- 2004-5-25 9-17-15.txt
- 2004-5-14 0-16-13.ptsConn
- 2004-5-15 18-47-47.ptsConn
- 2004-5-17 18-51-15.ini
- 2004-5-24 16-11-28.ini
- 2004-5-15 23-43-38.txt
- 2004-5-15 18-47-51.ini
- MessageRead.aspx.cs
- MessageNotice.aspx
- information.ascx.resx
- navigation.ascx.cs
- login.aspx.resx
- index.aspx.resx
- left.aspx.cs
- simplenews.ascx.resx
- index.aspx
- top.aspx.cs
- publication.ascx.resx
- index.aspx.cs
- desktop.aspx
- Content.aspx.cs
- WebApplication1.csproj.webinfo
- Global.asax.cs
- WebForm1.aspx
- WebApplication1.vsdisco
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- Web.config
- WebApplication1.csproj
- WebForm1.aspx.resx
- Global.asax
- WebForm1.aspx.cs
- Global.asax.resx
- navigation.ascx
- left.aspx.resx
- login.aspx.cs
- information.ascx.cs
- desktop.aspx.resx
- ClientCheck.js
- LeftCalendar.js
- tree.js
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- Webs.csproj.webinfo
- top.aspx
- ResourceReport.aspx
- ResourceReport.aspx.resx
- Reports.aspx.resx
- ProjectDetails.aspx.resx
- Reports.aspx
- ResourceReport.aspx.cs
- ProjectDetails.aspx.cs
- TimeEntry.aspx.resx
- ProjectReport.aspx.cs
- UserList.aspx.cs
- ProjectList.aspx
- ProjectDetails.aspx
- TimeEntry.aspx.cs
- Calendar.aspx.cs
- Reports.aspx.cs
- ProjectReport.aspx
- ProjectReport.aspx.resx
- ProjectList.aspx.resx
- script.js
- ProjectList.aspx.cs
- Calendar.aspx.resx
- UserList.aspx.resx
- TimeEntry.aspx
- Calendar.aspx
- UserList.aspx
- Content.aspx.resx
- left.aspx
- Web.config
- simplenews.ascx
- database.ascx
- tbbg.js
- PublicFunction.js
- bgColor.js
- Js_Function.js
- DepUp.aspx.resx
- EmpArcInf.aspx
- EmpInf.aspx.resx
- EmpWelInf.aspx.resx
- EmpPhoto.aspx
- EmpEdu.aspx.cs
- EmpPic.aspx.resx
- EmpDel.aspx
- EmpPers.aspx
- EmpVita.aspx.resx
- EmpPers.aspx.cs
- EmpContInf.aspx
- DepInf.aspx.cs
- EmpContact.aspx.cs
- EmpBase.aspx
- EmpInf.aspx.cs
- DepInf.aspx
- DepNew.aspx.resx
- EmpPhoto.aspx.resx
- EmpWelInf.aspx
- EmpVita.aspx
- EmpEdu.aspx
- EmpPic.aspx
- BranchInf.aspx.cs
- EmpArchive.aspx.resx
- EmpVisaInf.aspx.cs
- DepUp.aspx.cs
- EmpDel.aspx.cs
- DepUp.aspx
- EmpPicDown.aspx.resx
- EmpContInf.aspx.resx
- EmpPicDown.aspx.cs
- EmpContact.aspx.resx
- DepNew.aspx.cs
- EmpWelInf.aspx.cs
- EmpEdu.aspx.resx
- BranchInf.aspx
- EmpBase.aspx.resx
- EmpVisaInf.aspx.resx
- BranchInf.aspx.resx
- EmpContact.aspx
- EmpVita.aspx.cs
- EmpArchive.aspx.cs
- DepInf.aspx.resx
- EmpContInf.aspx.cs
- EmpVisaInf.aspx
- EmpInf.aspx
- EmpBase.aspx.cs
- EmpDel.aspx.resx
- EmpPic.aspx.cs
- EmpPhoto.aspx.cs
- EmpArcInf.aspx.cs
- DepNew.aspx
- EmpPicDown.aspx
- EmpArchive.aspx
- EmpPers.aspx.resx
- EmpArcInf.aspx.resx
- BulletinFirstFace.ascx.resx
- simplenews.ascx.cs
- database.ascx.resx
- publication.ascx.cs
- Webs.csproj
- Global.asax
- desktop.aspx.cs
- PageBase.cs
- service.cnf
- services.cnf
- access.cnf
- linkinfo.cnf
- SchedByWeek.aspx.cs
- NoteAddUp.aspx.cs
- Schedule.aspx
- Schedule.aspx.resx
- SchedByWeek.aspx
- DepSch.aspx
- NoteAddUp.aspx
- DepSchByDay.aspx.cs
- Note.aspx
- DepSchByDay.aspx
- DepSch.aspx.cs
- ScheduleNotice.aspx.cs
- NoteAddUp.aspx.resx
- SchAddUp.aspx.cs
- ScheduleNotice.aspx
- Note.aspx.cs
- Schedule.aspx.cs
- SchAddUp.aspx.resx
- SelRoleEmp.aspx.resx
- DepSchByDay.aspx.resx
- SelRoleEmp.aspx.cs
- SchAddUp.aspx
- SelRoleEmp.aspx
- SchedByDay.aspx.resx
- SchedByDay.aspx
- SchedByWeek.aspx.resx
- DepSch.aspx.resx
- SchedByDay.aspx.cs
- Note.aspx.resx
- ScheduleNotice.aspx.resx
- navigation.ascx.resx
- BulletinFirstFace.ascx.cs
- Global.asax.resx
- top.aspx.resx
- BulletinFirstFace.ascx
- publication.ascx
- login.aspx
- Setup.Ini
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