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Education soft system
Development Platform:
- <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=gb2312" language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>
- <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%>
- <%@ page import="java.text.*"%>
- <%@ page import="jinghua.*"%>
- <%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
- <%@ page import = "jinghua.chart.servlet.WebHitChart" %>
- <%@ page import = "jinghua.chart.servlet.WebHitDataSet" %>
- <%@ page import = "" %>
- <jsp:useBean id="DBCon" class="jinghua.JinghuaConn" scope="session">
- </jsp:useBean>
- <%!Connection con;
- //查询参加某次模拟考试的所有学生的ID
- String colwidth="";
- boolean debug=false;
- String studentID="";
- String gradenote="";
- String gradename="";
- int maxHisSubNum =0;
- String mn_testID="";
- Statement stmt=null;
- ResultSet rs=null;
- String sql="";
- String test_subs="";
- int sub_num=0;
- int have_test=0;
- int i=0;
- int j=0;
- long i10=0;
- long i30=0;
- float f10=0;
- float f30=0;
- DecimalFormat df=new DecimalFormat("####.00");
- class mn_test{
- String id;
- String name;
- String gradenote;
- String subs;
- String totalMark;
- int sub_num;
- int testPeople;//全部参加人数
- //参加完所有测试的学生的ID,用","分隔
- int flag;//1:complete;2:uncomplete;3:do not any test;
- public String toString(){
- String temp="";
- temp="<br> id="+id+"<br> name="+name;
- return temp;
- }
- };
- class student{
- String id;
- String name;
- String jh_area;
- String school;
- String jh_area_sch;
- String grade;
- String test_date;
- int total_mark;//总分
- String avgTop10;//top 10%的总分
- String avgTop30;
- int posAll;//全部排名
- int posPercent;//100人排名
- public String toString(){
- String temp="";
- temp="<br> id="+id+"<br> name="+name+"<br> grade="+grade+"<br>jh_area="+jh_area+
- "<br>school="+school+"<br>jh_area_sch="+jh_area_sch+"<br>test_date="+test_date;
- return temp;
- }
- };
- class History{
- long id;
- String stu_id;
- String mn_test_id;
- int sub_num;
- int testPeople;
- String tested_id;
- int totalmark;
- String position;
- String top10avg;
- String top30avg;
- String testdate;
- String [] sub_names;
- String [] sub_marks;
- String debug;
- public String toString(){
- String temp="";
- temp="<br> id="+id+"<br> stu_id="+stu_id+"<br> mn_test_id="+mn_test_id+
- "<br>totalmark="+totalmark+"<br>position="+position+
- "<br>top10avg="+top10avg+"<br>top30avg="+top30avg;
- return temp;
- }
- };
- class Subject{
- int sub_id;
- String name;
- String totalMark;
- String realMark;
- String avgArea;
- String avgTotal;
- String avgTop10;
- String avgTop30;
- String posAll;//全部排名
- String posPercent;//100人排名
- int testnum=0;//试题数目
- String [] arrAnswer;
- String [] arrMark;
- String [] arrSubAnswer;
- String [] arrTF;
- String [] arrDif;
- String [] arrSubMark;
- String [] arrRate;//准确率
- String [] arrID;//question id数组
- public String toString(){
- String temp="";
- temp="<br> sub_id="+sub_id+"<br> name="+name+"<br> totalMark="+totalMark+
- "<br>avgArea="+avgArea+"<br>avgTotal="+avgTotal+"<br>avgTop10="+avgTop10+
- "<br>avgTop30="+avgTop30+ "<br>posAll="+posAll+ "<br>posPercent="+posPercent;
- return temp;
- }
- };
- mn_test mnTest;
- student Student;
- Vector subs;
- Vector hisRS;
- %>
- <%
- try{
- studentID=request.getParameter("stuID");
- mn_testID=request.getParameter("mn_testID");
- //Tools.showalert(studentID,out);
- }catch(Exception e){
- Tools.showalert("您还没有登录,或连接超时,请重新登录!",out);
- Tools.showJS("'../login.jsp','_self')",out);
- }
- try{
- con=DBCon.getConnection();
- String filenamemn = WebHitChart.generateMnBarChartSize(Long.parseLong(mn_testID), 350,250,session, new PrintWriter(out));
- //String graphURLmn = request.getContextPath() + "/servlet/DisplayChart?filename=" + filenamemn;
- String graphURLmn = request.getContextPath()+"/chart/temp/"+filenamemn;
- String filenamestu = WebHitChart.generateStuHisXYChartSize(studentID, Long.parseLong(mn_testID),350,250,session, new PrintWriter(out));
- //String graphURLstu = request.getContextPath() + "/servlet/DisplayChart?filename=" + filenamestu;
- String graphURLstu = request.getContextPath()+"/chart/temp/"+filenamestu;
- //out.print("<br>graphURLmn="+graphURLmn);
- //out.print("<br>graphURLstu="+graphURLstu);
- //获取学生的年级信息
- sql=" SELECT `grade`.`Name`, `grade`.`note` FROM"+
- " `grade` INNER JOIN `UserInfo` ON (`grade`.`note` = `UserInfo`.`gradenote`)"+
- " WHERE (`UserInfo`.`vcUserNo` = '"+studentID+"')";
- try{
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if({
- gradenote=rs.getString("note");
- gradename=rs.getString("Name");
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- }
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>stuID="+studentID+"<br>gradenote="+gradenote);
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> query student error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> query student error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //获取模拟考试的科目信息
- sql="select * from mn_test where id="+mn_testID;
- try{
- mnTest=new mn_test();
- Student=new student();
- subs=new Vector();
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if({
- mnTest.subs=rs.getString("subs");
- if(mnTest.subs==null)
- mnTest.subs="-1";
- else if(mnTest.subs.equals(""))
- mnTest.subs="-1";
- mnTest.sub_num=rs.getInt("sub_num");
- mnTest.gradenote=gradenote;
- mnTest.testPeople=rs.getInt("testpeople");
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>mn_test_subs="+mnTest.subs+"<br>sub_num="+mnTest.sub_num);
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> query mn_test error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> query mn_test error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //
- //如果完成了模拟考试,
- have_test=0;
- sql="select count(*) as have_test from mn_history where stu_id='"+studentID+"' and mn_test_id="+mn_testID;
- try{
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if({
- have_test=rs.getInt("have_test");
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>query mn_history sql="+sql);
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br>query mn_history sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br>query mn_history sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //查询该学生是否完成该模拟考试中的所有测试
- %>
- <%if(mnTest.sub_num==0){
- Tools.showalert("模拟考试还没有进行!",out);
- Tools.showJS("window.close()",out);
- }else if (have_test<1){
- Tools.showalert("您还没有全部参加完这次模拟考试的各科测试,不能统计分数!",out);
- Tools.showJS("window.close()",out);
- }else{
- //查询模拟考试的总分
- sql="select FORMAT(sum(mark),0) as totalmark from test,mn_scores "+
- "where and mn_test_id="+mn_testID+" and stu_id='"+
- studentID+"'";
- try{
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if({
- mnTest.totalMark=rs.getString("totalmark");
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>mn_test totalMark sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>mn_test totalMark="+mnTest.totalMark);
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> query totalpeople error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> query totalpeople error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //查询学生信息,生成成绩单,考试日期取为所有试卷最后做的时间
- sql="SELECT `UserInfo`.`vcName`, `UserInfo`.`vcUserNo`, "+
- " DATE_FORMAT(`mn_scores`.`test_date`,"%Y-%m-%e") as test_date, `UserInfo`.`vcSchool`, `UserInfo`.`jh_area`,CONCAT(`UserInfo`.`jh_area`,'<br>(',`UserInfo`.`vcSchool`,')') AS jh_area_sch "+
- "FROM `UserInfo` LEFT OUTER JOIN `grade` ON (`UserInfo`.`gradenote` = `grade`.`note`) "+
- "LEFT OUTER JOIN `mn_scores` ON (`UserInfo`.`vcUserNo` = `mn_scores`.`stu_id`) "+
- "WHERE UserInfo.vcUserNo='"+studentID+"' and mn_scores.mn_test_id="+mn_testID+
- " and mn_scores.stu_id='"+studentID+"'"+
- " ORDER BY test_date DESC"+
- " LIMIT 1";
- try{
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if({
- Student.grade=gradename;
- Student.jh_area=rs.getString("jh_area");
- Student.jh_area_sch=rs.getString("jh_area_sch");
- Student.test_date=rs.getString("test_date");
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br> query student info sql="+sql);
- //out.print("<br>student info="+Student.toString());
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> query student info error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> query student info error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //成绩和排名
- //总分
- try{
- //个人总分
- sql=" SELECT mn_history.stu_id,mn_history.mn_test_id, FORMAT(SUM(mn_scores.score),0) AS totalmark"+
- " FROM `mn_history` LEFT OUTER JOIN `mn_scores` ON (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`) "+
- " AND (`mn_history`.`stu_id` = `mn_scores`.`stu_id`) "+
- " WHERE mn_history.mn_test_id="" and mn_history.stu_id ='" +"'"+
- " GROUP BY mn_history.stu_id,mn_history.mn_test_id"+
- " ORDER BY totalmark desc";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if(debug)
- out.println("<br><br><br> person totalmark sql="+sql);
- if({
- Student.total_mark=rs.getInt("totalmark");
- }
- else{
- Student.total_mark=0;
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- //排名
- i10=Math.round(mnTest.testPeople *0.1);//top10
- i30=Math.round(mnTest.testPeople *0.3);
- if(i10==0) i10=1;
- if(i30==0) i30=1;
- f10=0;
- f30=0;
- sql=" SELECT mn_history.stu_id,mn_history.mn_test_id, FORMAT(SUM(mn_scores.score),0) AS totalmark"+
- " FROM mn_history LEFT OUTER JOIN mn_scores ON(mn_history.stu_id=mn_scores.stu_id) "+
- " AND (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`)"+
- " WHERE mn_history.mn_test_id="
- " GROUP BY mn_history.stu_id,mn_history.mn_test_id"+
- " ORDER BY totalmark desc";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- i=0;
- int imark=0;
- int tempPos=1;
- float fmark=0;
- int tmark=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- while({
- i++;
- imark=rs.getInt("totalmark");
- fmark=rs.getFloat("totalmark");
- if(i<=i10)
- f10+=fmark;
- if(i<=i30)
- f30+=fmark;
- //查找分数的排名
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br><br>student totalmark="+Student.total_mark +
- "<br>sql totalmark="+rs.getInt("totalmark"));
- }
- if(Student.total_mark==imark){
- Student.posAll=tempPos;
- if(mnTest.testPeople>100)
- Student.posPercent=100*tempPos/mnTest.testPeople;
- else
- Student.posPercent=tempPos;
- }
- else if(tmark>imark){//分数不同
- tempPos++;
- tmark=imark;
- }
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- Student.avgTop10=df.format(f10/i10);
- Student.avgTop30=df.format(f30/i30);
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>Query student's position: sql="+sql);
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> Query student's position sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> Query student's total position sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //各科目的成绩单
- sql=" SELECT test.paper as testpaper,test.testnum as testnum,mn_scores.test_rs,`subject`.`id` AS `subid`,`subject`.`Name` AS `subname`, FORMAT(`test`.`mark`,0) AS `totalmark`, FORMAT(`mn_scores`.`score`,0) AS `score` "+
- " FROM `mn_scores` LEFT OUTER JOIN `subject` ON (`mn_scores`.`sub_id` = `subject`.`ID`)"+
- " LEFT JOIN `test` ON (`mn_scores`.`test_id` = `test`.`id`)"+
- " WHERE (`mn_test_id` = "") AND (`stu_id` = '""')"+
- " ORDER BY `subid`";
- try{
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- String temp=null;
- String [] arrtemp=null;
- String [] tests=null;
- while({
- Subject s=new Subject();
- s.sub_id=rs.getInt("subid");
- s.totalMark=rs.getString("totalmark");
- s.realMark=rs.getString("score");
- s.testnum=rs.getInt("testnum");
- //处理试题信息
- temp=rs.getString("testpaper");
- tests=temp.split("#");
- StringBuffer Answer=new StringBuffer();
- StringBuffer Mark=new StringBuffer();
- StringBuffer Dif=new StringBuffer();
- StringBuffer testIDs=new StringBuffer();
- StringBuffer Rate=new StringBuffer();
- for(i=0;i<s.testnum;i++){
- //取回试题号
- arrtemp=tests[i].split("@");
- testIDs.append(arrtemp[0]+",");//题号
- Rate.append(T_Question.getCorrectRate(con,Integer.parseInt(arrtemp[0]))+",");
- Answer.append(arrtemp[1]+",");//答案
- Mark.append(arrtemp[2]+",");
- Dif.append(arrtemp[3]+",");
- }
- s.arrAnswer=Answer.toString().split(",");
- s.arrDif=Dif.toString().split(",");
- s.arrMark=Mark.toString().split(",");
- s.arrID=testIDs.toString().split(",");
- s.arrRate=Rate.toString().split(",");
- Answer=null;
- Mark=null;
- Dif=null;
- testIDs=null;
- //处理科目考试结果
- temp=rs.getString("test_rs");
- arrtemp=temp.split("#");
- //s.arrAnswer=arrtemp[0].split(",");
- //s.arrMark=arrtemp[1].split(",");
- s.arrSubAnswer=arrtemp[0].split(",");
- s.arrTF=arrtemp[1].split(",");
- //s.arrDif=arrtemp[4].split(",");
- s.arrSubMark=arrtemp[2].split(",");
- subs.addElement(s);
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>subject info sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>subject info="+subs.toString());
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> subject info error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> subject info error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //科目的平均
- try{
- //分校平均
- sql="SELECT `UserInfo`.`jh_area`, `mn_history`.`mn_test_id`, `mn_scores`.`sub_id`,"+
- " FORMAT(AVG(`mn_scores`.`score`),2) AS `score_avg`"+
- " FROM `mn_history` "+
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN `mn_scores` ON (`mn_history`.`stu_id` = `mn_scores`.`stu_id`) "+
- " AND (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`)"+
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN `UserInfo` ON (`mn_history`.`stu_id` = `UserInfo`.`vcUserNo`) "+
- " WHERE"+
- " (`UserInfo`.`jh_area` = '"+Student.jh_area+"') AND "+
- " (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = "") "+
- " GROUP BY `UserInfo`.`jh_area`, `mn_history`.`mn_test_id`, `mn_scores`.`sub_id`"+
- " ORDER BY `mn_scores`.`sub_id`";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- i=0;
- Subject s=null;
- while({
- s=(Subject)subs.elementAt(i);
- s.avgArea=rs.getString("score_avg");
- i++;
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>subject area_avg sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>subject info="+subs.toString());
- }
- //全体平均
- sql="SELECT `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`, `mn_scores`.`sub_id`,"+
- " FORMAT(AVG(`mn_scores`.`score`),2) AS `score_avg`"+
- " FROM mn_history LEFT OUTER JOIN mn_scores ON(mn_history.stu_id=mn_scores.stu_id) "+
- " AND (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`)"+
- " WHERE mn_history.mn_test_id="
- " GROUP BY `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`, `mn_scores`.`sub_id`"+
- " ORDER BY `mn_scores`.`sub_id`";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- i=0;
- s=null;
- while({
- s=(Subject)subs.elementAt(i);
- s.avgTotal=rs.getString("score_avg");
- i++;
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>subject total sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>subject info="+subs.toString());
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> subject total error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> subject total error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //10% top 30% top
- //
- DecimalFormat df=new DecimalFormat("####.##");
- for(j=0;j<subs.size();j++){
- //每一科目
- Subject s=(Subject)subs.elementAt(j);
- try{
- sql=" SELECT mn_history.mn_test_id,mn_history.stu_id, mn_scores.score, mn_scores.sub_id "+
- " FROM mn_history LEFT OUTER JOIN mn_scores ON(mn_history.stu_id=mn_scores.stu_id) "+
- " AND (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`)"+
- " WHERE mn_history.mn_test_id="
- " AND sub_id="+s.sub_id+
- " ORDER BY mn_scores.score DESC";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- //top10
- i10=Math.round(mnTest.testPeople *0.1);
- i30=Math.round(mnTest.testPeople *0.3);
- if(i10==0) i10=1;
- if(i30==0) i30=1;
- f10=0;
- f30=0;
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br><br><br>Begin:j="+j+"<br>sub_name=" +
- "<br>f10="+f10+"<br>i30="+i30+"<br>f30="+f30);
- }
- i=0;
- int tempPos=1;
- float fmark=Float.MAX_VALUE;
- float tempf=0;
- float realf=Float.parseFloat(s.realMark);
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>top10-top30:"+
- "<br>i10="+i10+
- "<br>i30="+i30);
- }
- while({
- tempf=rs.getFloat("score");
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>sub_real_mark="+realf+
- "<br>rs:score="+tempf);
- }
- i++;
- if(i<=i10)
- f10+=tempf;
- if(i<=i30)
- f30+=tempf;
- if(tempf==realf){
- s.posAll=String.valueOf(tempPos);
- if(mnTest.testPeople<=100)
- s.posPercent=s.posAll;
- else
- s.posPercent=String.valueOf(100*tempPos/mnTest.testPeople);
- }
- else if(fmark>tempf){
- tempPos++;
- fmark=tempf;
- }
- }
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>end:i10="+i10+"<br>f10="+f10+"<br>i30="+i30+
- "<br>f30="+f30+"<br>posall="+s.posAll);
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- df=new DecimalFormat("####.00");
- s.avgTop10=df.format(f10/i10);
- s.avgTop30=df.format(f30/i30);
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>avgTop10="+s.avgTop10+"<br>avgTop30="+s.avgTop30);
- out.print("<br>subject top10-30 sql="+sql);
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> subject info error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> subject info error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- }//end for
- //更新历史记录
- //先将这次查询的结果存入mn_history
- try{
- sql=" select * from mn_history where mn_test_id="
- " and stu_id='""'";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if({
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
- for(i=0;i<subs.size();i++){
- Subject s=(Subject)subs.elementAt(i);
- sb.append(":"+s.realMark+"#");
- }
- sql=" update mn_history set totalmark="+Student.total_mark+","+
- " submark='"+sb.toString()+"',test_date='"+Student.test_date+"',"+
- " sub_num="+mnTest.sub_num+","+
- " totalpeople="+mnTest.testPeople+","+
- " position="+Student.posAll+","+
- " top10avg="+Student.avgTop10+","+
- " top30avg="+Student.avgTop30+
- " where stu_id='""' and mn_test_id=";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
- if(debug) out.println("<br>update mn_history sql="+sql);
- stmt.close();
- }
- else{
- //将新记录插入数据库
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
- for(i=0;i<subs.size();i++){
- Subject s=(Subject)subs.elementAt(i);
- sb.append(":"+s.realMark+"#");
- }
- sql=" insert into mn_history(stu_id,mn_test_id,totalmark,submark,test_date,sub_num,"+
- " position,top10avg,top30avg,testpeople) "+
- " values('""',"","+Student.total_mark+",'"+
- sb.toString()+"','"+Student.test_date+"',"+mnTest.sub_num+","+
- Student.posAll+","+Student.avgTop10+","+Student.avgTop30+","+mnTest.testPeople+")";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
- stmt.close();
- }
- }catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> insert into mn_history sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> insert into mn_history sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //从mn_history中选取记录 stu_id,mn_test_id,totalmark,submark,test_date
- try{
- sql="SELECT MAX(`mn_history`.`sub_num`) AS `maxsub` FROM `mn_history`"+
- " WHERE (stu_id = '""')";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if(
- maxHisSubNum=rs.getInt("maxsub");
- else
- maxHisSubNum=0;
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- sql=" SELECT `mn_test`.`sub_num`,`mn_test`.`testpeople`,`mn_history`.`totalpeople`, "+
- " `mn_history`.`mn_test_id`, `mn_history`.`totalmark`, `mn_history`.`position`,"+
- " `mn_history`.`top10avg`, `mn_history`.`top30avg`, `mn_history`.`submark`,"+
- " DATE_FORMAT(`mn_history`.`test_date`,"%Y-%m-%e") AS `test_date`, "+
- " `mn_history`.`stu_id` "+
- " FROM `mn_history` LEFT OUTER JOIN `mn_test` ON (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = `mn_test`.`id`)"+
- " WHERE (`mn_history`.`stu_id` = '""')"+" AND (`mn_test`.`grade_note` = '"+gradenote +"')"+
- " ORDER BY `test_date` DESC";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- hisRS=new Vector();
- if(debug)
- out.print("<br> query mn_history sql="+sql);
- String submarks;
- while({
- //构造一条历史记录/
- History h=new History();
- h.sub_num=rs.getInt("sub_num");
- h.testdate=rs.getString("test_date");
- h.mn_test_id=rs.getString("mn_test_id");
- h.stu_id=rs.getString("stu_id");
- h.totalmark=rs.getInt("totalmark");
- submarks=rs.getString("submark");
- h.sub_marks=submarks.split("#");
- if(rs.getInt("testpeople")==rs.getInt("totalpeople")){
- //模拟考试的总人数没有变化
- h.top10avg=rs.getString("top10avg");
- h.top30avg=rs.getString("top30avg");
- h.position=rs.getString("position");
- h.testPeople=rs.getInt("totalpeople");
- }
- else{
- //历史排名 //重新求排名
- h.testPeople=rs.getInt("testpeople");
- i10=Math.round(h.testPeople *0.1);//top10
- i30=Math.round(h.testPeople *0.3);
- if(i10==0) i10=1;
- if(i30==0) i30=1;
- f10=0;
- f30=0;
- try{
- sql=" SELECT mn_history.stu_id,mn_history.mn_test_id, FORMAT(SUM(mn_scores.score),0) AS totalmark"+
- " FROM mn_history LEFT OUTER JOIN mn_scores ON(mn_history.stu_id=mn_scores.stu_id) "+
- " AND (`mn_history`.`mn_test_id` = `mn_scores`.`mn_test_id`)"+
- " WHERE mn_history.mn_test_id="+h.mn_test_id+
- " GROUP BY mn_history.stu_id,mn_history.mn_test_id"+
- " ORDER BY totalmark desc";
- Statement tempstmt=con.createStatement();
- ResultSet temprs=tempstmt.executeQuery(sql);
- i=0;
- int imark=0;
- int tempPos=1;
- float fmark=0;
- int tmark=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- while({
- i++;
- imark=temprs.getInt("totalmark");
- fmark=temprs.getFloat("totalmark");
- if(i<=i10)
- f10+=fmark;
- if(i<=i30)
- f30+=fmark;
- //查找分数的排名
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br><br>history student totalmark="+Student.total_mark +
- "<br>sql totalmark="+temprs.getInt("totalmark"));
- }
- if(h.totalmark==imark){
- h.position=String.valueOf(tempPos);
- //Student.posAll=tempPos;
- }
- else if(tmark>imark){//分数不同
- tempPos++;
- tmark=imark;
- }
- }//end while
- temprs.close();
- tempstmt.close();
- df=new DecimalFormat("####.00");
- h.top10avg=df.format(f10/i10);
- h.top30avg=df.format(f30/i30);
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br>Query history student's position: sql="+sql);
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> Query history student's position sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> Query history student's total position sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- //将查询回的信息写入数据库
- try{
- sql=" update mn_history set "+
- " totalpeople="+h.testPeople+","+
- " position="+h.position+","+
- " top10avg="+h.top10avg+","+
- " top30avg="+h.top30avg+
- " where stu_id='""' and mn_test_id=";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
- if(debug) out.println("<br> update mn_history sql="+sql);
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> update history position sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> update history position sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- }//end else
- hisRS.addElement(h);
- }//end while
- }catch(SQLException se){
- out.print("<br> select from mn_history error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- out.print("<br> select from mn_history error sql="+sql);
- out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
- }
- %>
- <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>模拟考试成绩查询</TITLE>
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- <A
- href="">首页</A>--共创题库--在线测试-模拟考试成绩查询
- <P align="center"> </P>
- <div align="center">
- <table width="91%" height=832 border=0 align="center" bordercolor=#d3add1>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td height="32" align="center" valign=middle><form action="Query_mark_mn_print.jsp" method="post" name="report" target="_blank" id="report">
- <table width="30%" border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="2%"> </td>
- <td width="62%"><input name="stuID" type="hidden" id="stuID" value="<%=studentID%>">
- <input name="mn_testID" type="hidden" id="mn_testID" value="<%=mn_testID%>">
- <input name="graphURLmn" type="hidden" id="graphURLmn" value="<%=graphURLmn%>">
- <input name="graphURLstu" type="hidden" id="graphURLstu" value="<%=graphURLstu%>">
- <input name="filenamemn" type="hidden" id="filenamemn" value="<%=filenamemn%>">
- <input name="filenamestu" type="hidden" id="filenamestu" value="<%=filenamestu%>"></td>
- <td width="32%"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="打印"></td>
- <td width="4%"> </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="32" align="center" valign=middle><strong><font size="+2" face="宋体">个人成绩单(表)</font></strong>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="43" align="center" valign=middle><table width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="53%">考试名称: </td>
- <td width="10%"> </td>
- <td width="37%"><div align="left">共创教育研究院</div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <%--=Student.jh_area_sch--%>
- <></td>
- <td> </td>
- <td width="37%"><div align="left">电话:010-68130545</div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><em> </em></td>
- <td> </td>
- <td width="37%"><div align="left">网址</div></td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="654" align="center" valign="top">
- <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td height="37" width="20%"> <div align="center">所属学校</div></td>
- <td width="20%"><div align="center">姓名</div></td>
- <td width="20%"><div align="center">学号</div></td>
- <td width="20%"><div align="center">年级</div></td>
- <td width="20%"><div align="center">考试日期</div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="37"><div align="center"><></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=Student.grade%></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=Student.test_date%></div></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <div align="left"><br>
- 成绩和排名:</div>
- <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td height="37" width="21%"> <div align="center">成绩</div></td>
- <td width="14%"><div align="center">10%平均</div></td>
- <td width="14%"><div align="center">30%平均</div></td>
- <td width="32%"> <div align="center" width="33%">全部参加人员排名</div></td>
- <td width="19%"> <div align="center" width"33%">100人换算排名</div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign="middle">
- <td height="37"><div align="center"><%=Student.total_mark%>分(满分<%=mnTest.totalMark%>分)</div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=Student.avgTop10%>分</div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=Student.avgTop30%></div></td>
- <td> <div align="center"><%=Student.posAll%>名(全部参加排名者<%=mnTest.testPeople%>人)</div></td>
- <td> <div align="center"><%=Student.posPercent%></div></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <div align="left"><br>
- 成绩单:</div>
- <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="12%" height="37"> </td>
- <td width="11%"><div align="center">分数</div></td>
- <td width="11%"><div align="center">得分</div></td>
- <!--td width="11%"><div align="center">分校平均</div></td-->
- <td width="11%"><div align="center">全体平均</div></td>
- <td width="11%"><div align="center">10%平均</div></td>
- <td width="11%"><div align="center">30%平均</div></td>
- <td width="11%"><div align="center">总排名</div></td>
- <td width="11%"><div align="center">100名排名</div></td>
- </tr>
- <%
- for(i=0;i<subs.size();i++){
- Subject s=(Subject)subs.elementAt(i);
- %>
- <tr valign="middle">
- <td height="37" > <div align="center"><></div></td>
- <td> <div align="center"><%=s.totalMark%></div></td>
- <td> <div align="center"><%=s.realMark%></div></td>
- <!--td><div align="center"><%=s.avgArea%></div></td-->
- <td><div align="center"><%=s.avgTotal%></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=s.avgTop10%></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=s.avgTop30%></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=s.posAll%></div></td>
- <td><div align="center"><%=s.posPercent%></div></td>
- </tr>
- <%}%>
- </table>
- <div align="left"><br>
- 判分表及难易度:准确率 A(0~20%)、B(21~40%)、C(41~60%)、D(61~80%)、E(81~100%) :</div>
- <%
- df=new DecimalFormat("00");
- for(i=0;i<subs.size();i++){
- Subject s=(Subject)subs.elementAt(i);
- colwidth=" width=""+String.valueOf(80.00/s.testnum)+"%"";
- %> <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="8%" height="31" nowrap> <div align="center"><strong><font size="+1">科目</font></strong></div></td>
- <td colspan="<%=s.testnum+1%>" width="92%">
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="8" width="8%"><div align="center"><></div></td>
- <td width="12%" height="22" nowrap> <div align="center">题号</div></td>
- <%for(j=1;j<=s.testnum;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+df.format(j)+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="22" nowrap> <div align="center">正确答案</div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<s.arrAnswer.length;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+s.arrAnswer[j]+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="22" nowrap> <div align="center">个人答案</div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<s.arrSubAnswer.length;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+s.arrSubAnswer[j]+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="22" > <div align="center">对错</div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<s.arrTF.length;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+s.arrTF[j]+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="22" nowrap> <div align="center">分值</div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<s.arrMark.length;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+s.arrMark[j]+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="22" nowrap> <div align="center">得分</div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<s.arrSubMark.length;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+s.arrSubMark[j]+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="22" nowrap> <div align="center">难易度</div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<s.arrDif.length;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+s.arrDif[j]+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="22" nowrap> <div align="center">准确率</div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<s.arrDif.length;j++)
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+"><div align="center">"+s.arrRate[j]+"</div></td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <%}//end for 科目判分%> <div align="left"><br>
- 历史记录 :</div>
- <%
- colwidth=" width=""+String.valueOf(88.00/(maxHisSubNum+4))+"%"";
- %> <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="12%" height="31" nowrap> <div align="center"><strong>考试日期</strong></div></td>
- <td <%=colwidth%> nowrap><div align="center"><strong>总分</strong></div></td>
- <td <%=colwidth%> nowrap><div align="center"><strong>10%平均</strong></div></td>
- <td <%=colwidth%> nowrap><div align="center"><strong>30%平均</strong></div></td>
- <td <%=colwidth%> nowrap><div align="center"><strong>排名</strong></div></td>
- <%
- /*
- for(i=0;i<subs.size();i++){
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+" nowrap><div align="center"><strong>"+
- ((Subject)subs.elementAt(i)).name+"</div></td>");
- }
- */
- for(i=0;i<maxHisSubNum;i++){
- out.println("<td "+colwidth+" nowrap> </td>");
- }
- %>
- </tr>
- <%for(i=0;i<hisRS.size();i++){
- History h=(History)hisRS.elementAt(i);
- %>
- <tr>
- <td nowrap> <div align="center"><%=h.testdate%></div></td>
- <td nowrap> <div align="center"><%=h.totalmark%></div></td>
- <td nowrap> <div align="center"><%=h.top10avg%></div></td>
- <td nowrap> <div align="center"><%=h.top30avg%></div></td>
- <td nowrap> <div align="center"><%=h.position%></div></td>
- <%for(j=0;j<h.sub_num;j++)
- { String [] submark=h.sub_marks[j].split(":");
- //out.println("<td><div align="center">"+submark[1]+"</div></td>");
- out.println("<td nowrap><div align="center">"+h.sub_marks[j]+"</div></td>");
- }
- for(;j<maxHisSubNum;j++)
- out.println("<td nowrap> </td>");
- %>
- </tr>
- <%}%>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="35" align="center" valign=middle>
- <br>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td width="0%"> </td>
- <td width="45%"><div align="right"><img src="<%= graphURLmn %>" width=350 height=250 border=0 ></div></td>
- <td width="8%"> </td>
- <td width="47%"><img src="<%= graphURLstu %>" width=350 height=250 border=0 ></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td> </td>
- <td><div align="right"></div></td>
- <td> </td>
- <td> </td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- </BODY></HTML>
- <%
- }
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- System.out.print(e.toString());
- }
- finally{
- DBCon.dropConnection();
- }
- %>