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Education soft system
Development Platform:
- <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=gb2312" language="java" errorPage="" %>
- <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%>
- <%@ page import="jinghua.*"%>
- <%@ page import="java.text.*"%>
- <%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
- <script language="javascript">
- </script>
- <jsp:useBean id="DBCon" class="jinghua.JinghuaConn" scope="session">
- </jsp:useBean>
- <jsp:useBean id="transString" class="jinghua.TransformString" scope="page">
- </jsp:useBean>
- <%!
- String questTypeID=null;
- boolean debug=true;
- int subjectID=-1;
- String gradeID=null;
- String JH_Tools=null;
- String difficulty=null;
- String knowPointID1=null;
- String knowPointID2=null;
- String knowPointID3=null;
- String answer=null;
- StringBuffer msgsb=new StringBuffer("OK");
- Statement stmt=null;
- String sql="";
- String temp="";
- int teaID=-1;
- int ID=-1;//新提交试题或试卷的ID
- Connection con=null;
- //生成试题分类编号
- public String QuestClassCode(Connection con,int SubjectID,String gradeID,
- String KnowPointID,String testpoint,String QuestType, String PostHard){
- int num=0;
- StringBuffer bs=new StringBuffer();
- String sql="";
- try{
- Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
- sql="select count(*) as num from question where subjectid="+SubjectID+
- " and knowpointid1="+KnowPointID+
- " and questtype="+ QuestType+
- " and prehard='" +PostHard+"'";
- ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if({
- num=rs.getInt(1);
- }
- num++;
- //格式化第几道题
- DecimalFormat df=new DecimalFormat("00000");
- String numNF=df.format(num);
- //NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance ();
- // nf.
- //nf.setMinimumIntegerDigits(5);//整数部分最小的长度不能少于2,如果少了则补另.
- //String numNF=nf.format(num);
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- sql="select subject.note as sn, knowpoint.note as kn,grade.note as gn "+
- " from subject,knowpoint,grade "+
- " where"+SubjectID+
- " and"+KnowPointID+" and"+"'"+gradeID+"'";
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- if ({
- String temp;
- temp=rs.getString("sn");
- bs.append(temp);
- bs.append(rs.getString("gn") );
- df=new DecimalFormat("00");
- temp=df.format(Integer.valueOf(testpoint));
- bs.append(temp);
- bs.append(QuestType);
- bs.append(PostHard);
- bs.append(numNF);
- temp=rs.getString("kn");
- bs.append(temp);
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- }
- }catch(Exception se){
- msgsb.append(se.toString());
- msgsb.append("<br>"+"SQL="+sql);
- }
- return bs.toString();
- }
- synchronized public int submitOne(String strHtml,String answer,float mark,String difficulty,Connection con,boolean commit){
- //commit=true则需要在一道题提交完后,使用commit
- strHtml=strHtml.trim();
- int tipPos=-1;
- String tip="";
- //检查格式:
- if(strHtml.startsWith("@@")){
- msgsb.append("<BR>单个试题的数据格式错误,请检查!");
- return -1;
- }else{
- //检查是否包含了文件
- }
- //检查答案:
- if(answer.trim()==""){
- msgsb.append("<BR>试题答案为空,请检查!"+"原试题为:<br>"+strHtml);
- return -1;
- }else if (answer.trim().length()!=1){
- msgsb.append("<BR>试题答案长度不为1,请检查!"+"原试题为:<br>"+strHtml);
- return -1;
- }else{
- String strAnswer="ABCDEFGH";
- if(strAnswer.indexOf(answer)<0){
- msgsb.append("<BR>单选试题的答案长度不为“ABCDEFGH”中的字符,请检查!"+"原试题为:<br>"+strHtml);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- //检查难易度
- if(difficulty.trim()==""){
- msgsb.append("<BR>试题难易度为空,请检查!"+"原试题为:<br>"+strHtml);
- return -1;
- }else if (difficulty.trim().length()!=1){
- msgsb.append("<BR>试题难易度长度不为1,请检查!"+"原试题为:<br>"+strHtml);
- return -1;
- }else{
- String strAnswer="ABCDE";
- if(strAnswer.indexOf(difficulty)<0){
- msgsb.append("<BR>单选难易度的答案长度不为“ABCDE”中的字符,请检查!"+"原试题为:<br>"+strHtml);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- tipPos=strHtml.indexOf("#tip");
- if(tipPos>0){
- tip=strHtml.substring(tipPos+4);//取提示
- strHtml=strHtml.substring(0,tipPos);
- tip=Tools.toSql(tip);
- strHtml=Tools.toSql(strHtml);
- }
- SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
- String now=df.format(new java.util.Date());
- answer=answer.toUpperCase();
- int newID=-1;
- if(!strHtml.equals("")){
- try{
- answer.toUpperCase();
- difficulty.toUpperCase();
- //String QuestClassType=QuestClassCode(con,subjectID, gradeID, knowPointID1,1,
- // questTypeID, difficulty);
- String QuestClassType="";
- if(QuestClassType==null){
- msgsb.append(" Error:试题编号生成错误n"+""+QuestClassType+strHtml);
- }
- else
- {
- //source=1为自由测试
- sql="insert into question(QuestID,Mark,Answer,TeacherID, `question`.`Source`,"+
- "PubDate,QuestType,SubjectID,gradenote, "+
- "KnowPointID1,KnowPointID2,KnowPointID3,PreHard,Tip) "+ "values("+
- "'"+QuestClassType+"',"+mark+",'"+answer+"',"+teaID+",1,'"+now+"',"+
- questTypeID+","+subjectID+","+"'"+gradeID+"'"+","+knowPointID1+","+knowPointID2+","+knowPointID3+
- ",'"+difficulty+"','"+tip+"'"+")";
- con.setAutoCommit(!commit);
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
- stmt.close();
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as newid from question");
- if({
- newID=rs.getInt("newID");
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- }
- }
- }//end try
- catch(SQLException se){
- System.out.print(se);
- System.out.print(sql);
- msgsb.append("试题入库出错:SQL="+sql+"n"+se.toString());
- }catch(Exception e){
- msgsb.append("试题格式可能出错 strHtml=:"+strHtml);
- }
- if(newID!=-1 && msgsb.toString().equals("OK") ) {
- try{//修改题干
- temp=jinghua.TransformString.TransformSelction(strHtml,newID);
- temp=Tools.toSql(temp);
- if(temp==null)
- throw new Exception("题目没有数据");
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- sql="update question set QuestText='"+temp+"' where ID="+newID;
- stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
- stmt.close();
- }
- catch(SQLException se){
- System.out.print(se);
- msgsb.append("试题入库出错:SQL="+sql+"n"+se.toString());
- }
- catch(Exception se){
- System.out.print(se);
- msgsb.append("试题入库出错:"+se.toString());
- }
- }//end if
- }else{
- msgsb.append("提交试题出错:试题为空");
- }
- return newID;
- }//end submitOne
- //@@2. My pain _____apparent the moment I walked into the room. for the first man I met asked
- //sympathetically: "Are you feeling all right?"
- // A. must be B. had C. must have been D. had to be
- //##A ##B ##C ##D
- //@A@5@E@ :@答案@分数@难度@
- synchronized public int submitAll(String strHtml,String Title,Connection con,javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out){
- if(debug){
- try{
- out.print("<br> submitAll input:<BR>"+ strHtml);
- }catch(Exception e){}
- }
- String [] strArray=strHtml.split("@@");
- String [] ansMark;
- String temp=null;
- StringBuffer bs=new StringBuffer();//试题ID#答案A#分数;
- int newID=-1,bin=-1,end=0;
- int newtestID=-1;
- int i=-1;
- String ans="";
- SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
- String now=df.format(new java.util.Date());
- //先将所有试题提交
- //debug
- //out.println(now);
- // out.print("strArray.length="+String.valueOf(strArray.length));
- // if (debug){
- // for(i=0;i<strArray.length;i++){
- // Tools.debugmsg("<br>strArray["+i+"]="+strArray[i]+"<br>",out);
- // }
- // }
- try{
- con.setAutoCommit(false);
- int mark=0;
- for( i=1;i<strArray.length;i++){//提交每一道试题
- if(debug){
- out.println("<br>test("+i+"):<br>"+strArray[i]);
- }
- bin=strArray[i].indexOf("@");
- end=strArray[i].lastIndexOf("@");
- temp=strArray[i].substring(bin+1,end+1);//答案
- ansMark=temp.split("@");
- int tippos=strArray[i].indexOf("#tip");
- String t1=strArray[i].substring(0,bin)+strArray[i].substring(tippos).trim();
- //将答案串从试题文本中删除,因为单个试题文本中没有这些信息
- //提交单个试题
- mark+=Float.parseFloat(ansMark[1]);
- try{
- newID=submitOne(t1,ansMark[0],Float.parseFloat(ansMark[1]),ansMark[2],con,true);
- if(debug && newID!=-1){
- out.println("<br>database submit success:newID="+newID);
- }
- if(newID!=-1){
- //试题ID@答案@分数@难易度; 一道试题的格式,以#号结束
- temp=String.valueOf(newID)+"@"+ansMark[0].trim() +"@"+ansMark[1].trim() +"@"+ansMark[2].trim() +"#";
- bs.append(temp);
- }else
- {
- throw new Exception("试题格式可能出错");
- }
- }catch(IllegalArgumentException ie)
- {
- msgsb.append("试题格式可能出错 test("+i+")=:"+t1+temp+"<br>"+ie);
- out.print("<br>"+msgsb.toString());
- }
- }
- //提交试卷
- if(msgsb.toString().equals("OK")){
- try{
- // sql="insert into test(id,date,testtypeid,paper,title,subid,gradeid,status,teaid,validtime,testnum) values(38,'2003-09-18 14:10:44',1,'117@A@5@A#118@B@6@B#119@C@7@C#120@D@8@E#','',1,1,2,1,3,4)";
- // con.setAutoCommit(false);
- // stmt=con.createStatement();
- // stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
- // stmt.close();
- //status=4:自由组题
- sql="insert into test(date,testtypeid,paper,title,subid,gradenote,status,teaid,validtime,testnum,"+
- "knowpointid1,knowpointid2,knowpointid3,mark) "+
- "values('"+now+"',"+"1"+",'"+bs.toString() +"','"+Title+"',"+subjectID+","+"'"+gradeID+"'"+
- ","+"4"+","+teaID+","+"3"+","+(strArray.length-1) +","+
- knowPointID1+","+knowPointID2+","+knowPointID3+","+mark+")";
- //缺省testtypeid=1:单一的选择题;statue=2:已经发布;validtiem=3:有效期为3年
- Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
- stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
- stmt.close();
- if(debug){
- Tools.debugmsg("<br>insert into test:SQL="+sql,out);
- }
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as newid from question");
- if({
- newtestID=rs.getInt("newID");
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- }
- con.commit();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br> new test ID is:"+newtestID);
- stmt=con.createStatement();
- rs=stmt.executeQuery("select id,paper,title from test where id="+newtestID);
- if ({
- Tools.debugmsg("<br> the newest paper is:"+rs.getString("paper"),out);
- Tools.debugmsg("<br> the title of the paper is:"+rs.getString("title"),out);
- }
- rs.close();
- stmt.close();
- }
- }
- catch(SQLException e){
- try{
- con.rollback();
- }catch(Exception e1){
- msgsb.append("<BR>rollbackcbd:SQL="+sql+"n"+e1.toString());
- }
- msgsb.append("insert Error:SQL="+sql+"n"+e.toString());
- }
- }else{
- try{
- con.rollback();
- }catch(Exception e2){
- msgsb.append("rollback:SQL="+sql+"n"+e2.toString());
- }
- msgsb.append("Single test is error i="+i);
- }
- }catch(Exception e){
- try{
- con.rollback();
- }catch(Exception e1){
- msgsb.append("<BR>rollbackcbd:SQL="+sql+"n"+e1.toString());
- }
- msgsb.append("<br>Batch submit Errorn"+
- "<br>strArray["+i+"]="+strArray[i]+"<br>"+e.toString() );
- Tools.debugmsg("<br>i="+i,out);
- }
- return newtestID;
- }
- %>
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
- <title>试题提交</title>
- </head>
- <body>`
- <%
- try{
- //UN_debug
- msgsb.delete(0,msgsb.length() );
- msgsb.append("OK");
- try{
- String TeacherID=(String)session.getAttribute("teacherID");
- //Tools.showalert("teaID="+TeacherID,out);
- //Tools.showalert("msgdb="+msgsb.toString(),out);
- //Tools.showalert(TeacherID,out);
- teaID=Integer.parseInt(TeacherID);
- }catch(Exception e){
- Tools.showalert("您还没有登录,或连接超时,请重新登录!",out);
- //response.sendRedirect("../login.jsp");
- msgsb.append("teacherID Errorn");
- Tools.showJS("'../login.jsp','_self')",out);
- //response.sendRedirect("../login.jsp");
- // Tools.goback(out);
- }
- if (msgsb.toString().equals("OK"))
- {
- questTypeID=""+request.getParameter("QuestType");//试题类型ID
- subjectID=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("Subject"));//科目ID
- gradeID=""+request.getParameter("Grade");//年级ID
- //difficulty=""+request.getParameter("Difficulty");//难度
- knowPointID1=""+request.getParameter("KnowPoint1");//知识点ID
- knowPointID2=""+request.getParameter("KnowPoint2");//知识点ID
- knowPointID3=""+request.getParameter("KnowPoint3");//知识点ID
- //answer=""+request.getParameter("Answer");//答案
- //answer=Tools.codestring(answer);
- float mark=0;//Float.parseFloat(request.getParameter("Mark"));//分数
- String strHtml=""+request.getParameter("Content");//获取提交的试题的HTML
- //debug
- con=DBCon.getConnection();
- //
- strHtml=Tools.codestring(strHtml);//转换字符集
- String group=""+request.getParameter("group");
- if(group.equals("single")){//提交单个试题
- ID=submitOne(strHtml,answer,mark,difficulty,con,false);
- }else{
- if(group.equals("suit") ){
- String Title=""+request.getParameter("suit_title");
- Title=Tools.codestring(Title);
- ID=submitAll(strHtml,Title,con,out);
- }
- }
- %>
- <%temp=msgsb.toString();
- if(debug){
- out.print("<br><br><br>New Information");
- out.print(temp);
- }
- if(temp.equals("OK")){
- //提交成功
- if(group.equals("single")){//提交单个试题
- Tools.showalert(" 试题提交成功,新的试题ID为:"+ID,out);
- Tools.goback(out);
- }else if(group.equals("suit")){
- Tools.showalert(" 试卷提交成功,新的试卷ID为:"+ID,out);
- Tools.goback(out);
- }
- %>
- <%
- }
- else{
- System.out.print(msgsb.toString());
- %>
- <SCRIPT language="javascript">
- alert("试题未能提交成功,请检查提交信息或与系统管理员联系");
- //history.go(-1);
- <%
- }
- %>
- </body>
- </html>
- <%
- }
- %>
- <%}
- catch(Exception e){
- System.out.print(e.toString());
- }
- finally{
- DBCon.dropConnection();
- }
- %>