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Package: pfly523.rar [view]
Upload User: shyhai1508
Upload Date: 2007-06-11
Package Size: 48k
Code Size: 11k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #include "GameWnd.h"
- #include "AEEStdLib.h"
- #include "AEEAppGen.h"
- #include "pfly_res.h"
- #include "pfly.h"
- #include "commondef.h"
- #define MAX_HEIGHT 12800
- #define WALL_START_POS_Y 150
- #define SCORE_START_X 9
- #define DIGIT_WEIGHT 7
- //rgCmds中各种对象的索引
- #define SPRITE_DIGIT 8
- #define SPRITE_PLANE 12
- //各种对象的源图像贴索引
- #define PIC_START_DIGIT 15
- #define PIC_START_WALL 13
- //纸飞机在不同飞行角度下的速度表
- static const uint16 speedTableX[] = {-4, -3, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4};
- static const uint16 speedTableY[] = { 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3};
- static int GameWnd_LoadResources(GameWnd *pthis);
- static void GameWnd_UnloadResources(GameWnd *pthis);
- static boolean GameWnd_HandleKeyEvent(GameWnd *pthis, AEEEvent eCode, uint16 wParam);
- static void GameWnd_NextFrame(GameWnd *pthis);
- static boolean GameWnd_IsCrash(GameWnd *pthis);
- static void GameWnd_LoadSprites(GameWnd *pthis, const char * pszFile,
- uint16 resID, uint8 unSpriteSize, boolean isTile);
- static int16 Random(int16 range);
- boolean GameWnd_New(GameWnd *pthis, PflyApp* pMe)
- {
- pthis->pMe = pMe;
- return TRUE;
- }
- boolean GameWnd_HandleEvent(GameWnd * pthis, AEEEvent eCode, uint16 wParam, uint32 dwParam)
- {
- switch (eCode) {
- CALLBACK_Cancel(&pthis->cbTimer);
- return TRUE;
- ISHELL_SetTimerEx(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIShell, 0, &pthis->cbTimer);
- return TRUE;
- // catching this event prevent BREW from going to "sleep"
- return TRUE;
- default:
- return GameWnd_HandleKeyEvent(pthis, eCode, wParam);
- }
- }
- boolean GameWnd_Open(GameWnd *pthis)
- {
- AEEDeviceInfo di;
- int i;
- int8 gridCntX;
- pthis->direction = 5;
- pthis->keyLeft = FALSE;
- pthis->keyRight = FALSE;
- pthis->layer = 0;
- pthis->crashCounter = 0;
- pthis->isCrash = FALSE;
- ISHELL_GetDeviceInfo(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIShell, &di);
- gridCntX = ((di.cxScreen+12)/16 > 9) ? 9 : (di.cxScreen+12)/16;
- //tile索引数组
- MEMSET(pthis->BackGroundLayer,0,sizeof(pthis->BackGroundLayer));
- pthis->BackGroundLayer[0] = 2;
- pthis->BackGroundLayer[gridCntX-1] = 1;
- pthis->BackGroundLayer[gridCntX] = 3;
- pthis->BackGroundLayer[15] = 3;
- pthis->frameMax.x = gridCntX*16;
- pthis->frameMax.y = 256;
- pthis->frameStart.x = (di.cxScreen - pthis->frameMax.x)/2;
- pthis->frameStart.y = 0;
- CALLBACK_Init(&pthis->cbTimer, GameWnd_NextFrame, pthis);
- //sprite
- MEMSET(pthis->rgCmds, 0, sizeof(pthis->rgCmds));
- //score digit
- for (i = SPRITE_DIGIT; i < 4+SPRITE_DIGIT; i++) {
- pthis->rgCmds[i].x = pthis->frameStart.x
- pthis->rgCmds[i].y = pthis->frameStart.y + 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_DIGIT;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_16X16;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unComposite = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unLayer = 2;
- }
- //wall
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- pthis->rgCmds[i].x = pthis->frameStart.x
- + 4 + Random((int16) (pthis->frameMax.x - 8 - 32));
- pthis->rgCmds[i].y = WALL_START_POS_Y + 56*i;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_WALL;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_16X16;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unComposite = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unLayer = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].x = pthis->rgCmds[i].x + 16;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].y = pthis->rgCmds[i].y;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_WALL+1;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_16X16;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unComposite = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unLayer = 0;
- }
- //plane
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].x = pthis->frameStart.x + 50;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].y = pthis->frameStart.y + 40;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unSpriteIndex = pthis->direction;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_16X16;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unComposite = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unLayer = 1;
- //terminator
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE+1].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_END;
- //tile
- MEMSET(pthis->rgMaps, 0, sizeof(pthis->rgMaps));
- pthis->rgMaps[0].pMapArray = (uint16*) pthis->BackGroundLayer;
- pthis->rgMaps[0].x = pthis->frameStart.x;
- pthis->rgMaps[0].y = pthis->frameStart.y;
- pthis->rgMaps[0].w = MAP_SIZE_16;
- pthis->rgMaps[0].h = MAP_SIZE_1;
- pthis->rgMaps[0].unTileSize = TILE_SIZE_16X16;
- pthis->rgMaps[0].unFlags = MAP_FLAG_WRAP;
- if (GameWnd_LoadResources(pthis) != SUCCESS) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ISHELL_SetTimerEx(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIShell, 0, &pthis->cbTimer);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void GameWnd_Close(GameWnd *pthis)
- {
- CALLBACK_Cancel(&pthis->cbTimer);
- GameWnd_UnloadResources(pthis);
- }
- void GameWnd_Free(GameWnd *pthis)
- {
- CALLBACK_Cancel(&pthis->cbTimer);
- GameWnd_UnloadResources(pthis);
- }
- static int GameWnd_LoadResources(GameWnd *pthis)
- {
- IBitmap *pbmScreen;
- //creates instance of ISprite
- ISHELL_CreateInstance(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIShell, AEECLSID_SPRITE,
- (void**)&pthis->pISprite);
- //sets IDisplay as its destination
- pbmScreen = IDISPLAY_GetDestination(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIDisplay);
- ISPRITE_SetDestination(pthis->pISprite, pbmScreen);
- IBITMAP_Release(pbmScreen);
- //load image for tile
- GameWnd_LoadSprites(pthis, PFLY_RES_FILE, IDB_BACKGROUND, TILE_SIZE_16X16, TRUE);
- //load image for sprite
- GameWnd_LoadSprites(pthis, PFLY_RES_FILE, IDB_SPRITE16, SPRITE_SIZE_16X16, FALSE);
- GameWnd_LoadSprites(pthis, PFLY_RES_FILE, IDB_SPRITE32, SPRITE_SIZE_32X32, FALSE);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- static boolean GameWnd_HandleKeyEvent(GameWnd *pthis, AEEEvent eCode, uint16 wParam)
- {
- if (eCode == EVT_KEY_PRESS) {
- switch (wParam) {
- case AVK_RIGHT:
- if (pthis->keyLeft == FALSE) {
- pthis->keyRight = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case AVK_LEFT:
- if (pthis->keyRight == FALSE) {
- pthis->keyLeft = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- } else if (eCode == EVT_KEY_RELEASE) {
- switch (wParam) {
- case AVK_RIGHT:
- pthis->keyRight = FALSE;
- break;
- case AVK_LEFT:
- pthis->keyLeft = FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- } else if(eCode == EVT_KEY) {
- switch(wParam) {
- case AVK_CLR:
- return Pfly_SetActiveWnd(pthis->pMe, IDW_MAINMENU);
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- static void GameWnd_NextFrame(GameWnd *pthis)
- {
- int i;
- ISHELL_SetTimerEx(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIShell, 80, &pthis->cbTimer);
- //飞机是否分解
- if (pthis->isCrash == FALSE) {
- pthis->isCrash = GameWnd_IsCrash(pthis);
- if(pthis->keyRight == TRUE ) {
- if (pthis->direction<10) {
- pthis->direction++;
- }
- } else if (pthis->keyLeft == TRUE ) {
- if (pthis->direction>0) {
- pthis->direction--;
- }
- }
- //update coordinate
- pthis->rgMaps[0].y += speedTableY[pthis->direction];
- if (pthis->rgMaps[0].y >= MAX_HEIGHT) {
- pthis->rgMaps[0].y -= MAX_HEIGHT;
- }
- //update wall
- for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
- if ((pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].y >
- pthis->rgCmds[i].y+16-speedTableY[pthis->direction])
- && pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].y <= pthis->rgCmds[i].y+16) {
- pthis->layer++;
- }
- if (pthis->rgCmds[i].y < -16) {
- //init wall
- pthis->rgCmds[i].x = pthis->frameStart.x
- + 4 + Random((int16) (pthis->frameMax.x - 8 - 32));
- pthis->rgCmds[i].y += 224;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_WALL;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_16X16;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unComposite = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i].unLayer = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].x = pthis->rgCmds[i].x + 16;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].y = pthis->rgCmds[i].y;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_WALL+1;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_16X16;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unComposite = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].unLayer = 0;
- }
- //move wall
- pthis->rgCmds[i].y -= speedTableY[pthis->direction];
- pthis->rgCmds[i+4].y = pthis->rgCmds[i].y;
- }
- //update plane
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].x += speedTableX[pthis->direction];
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unSpriteIndex = pthis->direction;
- //update score digit
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_DIGIT+0].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_DIGIT
- + (pthis->layer/1000)%10;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_DIGIT+1].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_DIGIT
- + (pthis->layer/100)%10;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_DIGIT+2].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_DIGIT
- + (pthis->layer/10)%10;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_DIGIT+3].unSpriteIndex = PIC_START_DIGIT
- + pthis->layer%10;
- } else {
- if(pthis->crashCounter == 1) {
- //update image to crash plane
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].x -= 8;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].y -= 8;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unSpriteIndex = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unSpriteSize = SPRITE_SIZE_32X32;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unComposite = 0;
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unLayer = 1;
- } else if (pthis->crashCounter == 4) {
- //update crash image
- pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].unSpriteIndex = 1;
- } else if (pthis->crashCounter == 7) {
- //game over
- Pfly_SetActiveWnd(pthis->pMe, IDW_GAMEEND);
- return;
- }
- pthis->crashCounter++;
- }
- //update tiles and sprites
- ISPRITE_DrawTiles(pthis->pISprite, pthis->rgMaps);
- ISPRITE_DrawSprites(pthis->pISprite, pthis->rgCmds);
- IDISPLAY_Update(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIDisplay);
- }
- static void GameWnd_LoadSprites(GameWnd *pthis, const char * pszFile,
- uint16 resID, uint8 unSpriteSize, boolean isTile)
- {
- IBitmap *pbmScreen = NULL;
- IBitmap *pbmDib = NULL;
- IBitmap *pbmDdb = NULL;
- NativeColor color;
- AEEBitmapInfo bi;
- pbmScreen = IDISPLAY_GetDestination(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIDisplay);
- pbmDib = ISHELL_LoadResBitmap(pthis->pMe->a.m_pIShell, pszFile, resID);
- IBITMAP_GetInfo(pbmDib, &bi, sizeof(bi));
- IBITMAP_CreateCompatibleBitmap(pbmScreen,
- &pbmDdb, (uint16), (uint16);
- IBITMAP_BltIn(pbmDdb, 0, 0, (uint16), (uint16),
- pbmDib, 0, 0, AEE_RO_COPY);
- IBITMAP_Release(pbmDib);
- IBITMAP_GetPixel(pbmDdb, 0, 0, &color);
- IBITMAP_SetTransparencyColor(pbmDdb, color);
- if (isTile == TRUE) {
- ISPRITE_SetTileBuffer(pthis->pISprite, unSpriteSize, pbmDdb);
- } else {
- ISPRITE_SetSpriteBuffer(pthis->pISprite, unSpriteSize, pbmDdb);
- }
- IBITMAP_Release(pbmDdb);
- IBITMAP_Release(pbmScreen);
- }
- static void GameWnd_UnloadResources(GameWnd *pthis)
- {
- if (pthis->pISprite) {
- ISPRITE_Release(pthis->pISprite);
- pthis->pISprite = NULL;
- }
- }
- static boolean GameWnd_IsCrash(GameWnd *pthis)
- {
- int i;
- //判断是否撞边
- if (pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].x - pthis->frameStart.x < 8
- || pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].x - pthis->frameStart.x > pthis->frameMax.x - 24) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- //判断是否撞墙
- for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
- if (pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].x >= pthis->rgCmds[i].x-13 && pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].x <= pthis->rgCmds[i].x+29) {
- if (pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].y >= pthis->rgCmds[i].y-14 && pthis->rgCmds[SPRITE_PLANE].y <= pthis->rgCmds[i].y+14) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- static int16 Random(int16 range)
- {
- uint16 rand;
- GETRAND((byte *)&rand,2);
- return range == 0 ? 0 : rand%range;
- }