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Package: linux-2.4.20.tar.gz [view]
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Linux-Unix program
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- /* $Id$
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992 - 1997, 2000-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
- #ifndef _ASM_IA64_SN_ROUTER_H
- #define _ASM_IA64_SN_ROUTER_H
- /*
- * Router Register definitions
- *
- * Macro argument _L always stands for a link number (1 to 8, inclusive).
- */
- #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- #include <linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h>
- #include <asm/sn/vector.h>
- #include <asm/sn/slotnum.h>
- #include <asm/sn/arch.h>
- typedef uint64_t router_reg_t;
- #define MAX_ROUTERS 64
- #define MAX_ROUTER_PATH 80
- #define ROUTER_REG_CAST (volatile router_reg_t *)
- #define PS_UINT_CAST (__psunsigned_t)
- #define UINT64_CAST (uint64_t)
- typedef signed char port_no_t; /* Type for router port number */
- #else
- #define PS_UINT_CAST
- #define UINT64_CAST
- #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
- #define MAX_ROUTER_PORTS (8) /* Max. number of ports on a router */
- #define ALL_PORTS ((1 << MAX_ROUTER_PORTS) - 1) /* for 0 based references */
- #define PORT_INVALID (-1) /* Invalid port number */
- #define IS_META(_rp) ((_rp)->flags & PCFG_ROUTER_META)
- #define IS_REPEATER(_rp)((_rp)->flags & PCFG_ROUTER_REPEATER)
- /*
- * RR_TURN makes a given number of clockwise turns (0 to 7) from an inport
- * port to generate an output port.
- *
- * RR_DISTANCE returns the number of turns necessary (0 to 7) to go from
- * an input port (_L1 = 1 to 8) to an output port ( _L2 = 1 to 8).
- *
- * These are written to work on unsigned data.
- */
- #define RR_TURN(_L, count) ((_L) + (count) > MAX_ROUTER_PORTS ?
- (_L) + (count) - MAX_ROUTER_PORTS :
- (_L) + (count))
- #define RR_DISTANCE(_LS, _LD) ((_LD) >= (_LS) ?
- (_LD) - (_LS) :
- /* Router register addresses */
- #define RR_STATUS_REV_ID 0x00000 /* Status register and Revision ID */
- #define RR_PORT_RESET 0x00008 /* Multiple port reset */
- #define RR_PROT_CONF 0x00010 /* Inter-partition protection conf. */
- #define RR_GLOBAL_PORT_DEF 0x00018 /* Global Port definitions */
- #define RR_GLOBAL_PARMS0 0x00020 /* Parameters shared by all 8 ports */
- #define RR_GLOBAL_PARMS1 0x00028 /* Parameters shared by all 8 ports */
- #define RR_DIAG_PARMS 0x00030 /* Parameters for diag. testing */
- #define RR_DEBUG_ADDR 0x00038 /* Debug address select - debug port*/
- #define RR_LB_TO_L2 0x00040 /* Local Block to L2 cntrl intf reg */
- #define RR_L2_TO_LB 0x00048 /* L2 cntrl intf to Local Block reg */
- #define RR_JBUS_CONTROL 0x00050 /* read/write timing for JBUS intf */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG0 0x00100 /* Scratch 0 is 64 bits */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG1 0x00108 /* Scratch 1 is 64 bits */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG2 0x00110 /* Scratch 2 is 64 bits */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG3 0x00118 /* Scratch 3 is 1 bit */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG4 0x00120 /* Scratch 4 is 1 bit */
- #define RR_JBUS0(_D) (((_D) & 0x7) << 3 | 0x00200) /* JBUS0 addresses */
- #define RR_JBUS1(_D) (((_D) & 0x7) << 3 | 0x00240) /* JBUS1 addresses */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG0_WZ 0x00500 /* Scratch 0 is 64 bits */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG1_WZ 0x00508 /* Scratch 1 is 64 bits */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG2_WZ 0x00510 /* Scratch 2 is 64 bits */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG3_SZ 0x00518 /* Scratch 3 is 1 bit */
- #define RR_SCRATCH_REG4_SZ 0x00520 /* Scratch 4 is 1 bit */
- #define RR_VECTOR_HW_BAR(context) (0x08000 | (context)<<3) /* barrier config registers */
- /* Port-specific registers (_L is the link number from 1 to 8) */
- #define RR_PORT_PARMS(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0000) /* LLP parameters */
- #define RR_STATUS_ERROR(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0008) /* Port-related errs */
- #define RR_CHANNEL_TEST(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0010) /* Port LLP chan test */
- #define RR_RESET_MASK(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0018) /* Remote reset mask */
- #define RR_HISTOGRAM0(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0020) /* Port usage histgrm */
- #define RR_HISTOGRAM1(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0028) /* Port usage histgrm */
- #define RR_HISTOGRAM0_WC(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0030) /* Port usage histgrm */
- #define RR_HISTOGRAM1_WC(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0038) /* Port usage histgrm */
- #define RR_ERROR_CLEAR(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0088) /* Read/clear errors */
- #define RR_GLOBAL_TABLE0(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0100) /* starting address of global table for this port */
- #define RR_GLOBAL_TABLE(_L, _x) (RR_GLOBAL_TABLE0(_L) + ((_x) << 3))
- #define RR_LOCAL_TABLE0(_L) (((_L+1) & 0xe) << 15 | ((_L+1) & 0x1) << 11 | 0x0200) /* starting address of local table for this port */
- #define RR_LOCAL_TABLE(_L, _x) (RR_LOCAL_TABLE0(_L) + ((_x) << 3))
- #define RR_META_ENTRIES 16
- #define RR_LOCAL_ENTRIES 128
- /*
- * RR_STATUS_REV_ID mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RSRI_INPORT_SHFT 52
- #define RSRI_INPORT_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 52)
- #define RSRI_LINKWORKING_BIT(_L) (35 + 2 * (_L))
- #define RSRI_LINKWORKING(_L) (UINT64_CAST 1 << (35 + 2 * (_L)))
- #define RSRI_LINKRESETFAIL(_L) (UINT64_CAST 1 << (34 + 2 * (_L)))
- #define RSRI_LSTAT_SHFT(_L) (34 + 2 * (_L))
- #define RSRI_LSTAT_MASK(_L) (UINT64_CAST 0x3 << 34 + 2 * (_L))
- #define RSRI_LOCALSBERROR (UINT64_CAST 1 << 35)
- #define RSRI_LOCALSTUCK (UINT64_CAST 1 << 34)
- #define RSRI_LOCALBADVEC (UINT64_CAST 1 << 33)
- #define RSRI_LOCALTAILERR (UINT64_CAST 1 << 32)
- #define RSRI_LOCAL_SHFT 32
- #define RSRI_LOCAL_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 32)
- #define RSRI_CHIPREV_SHFT 28
- #define RSRI_CHIPREV_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 28)
- #define RSRI_CHIPID_SHFT 12
- #define RSRI_CHIPID_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xffff << 12)
- #define RSRI_MFGID_SHFT 1
- #define RSRI_MFGID_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x7ff << 1)
- /*
- * RR_PORT_RESET mask definitions
- */
- #define RPRESET_WARM (UINT64_CAST 1 << 9)
- #define RPRESET_LINK(_L) (UINT64_CAST 1 << (_L))
- /*
- * RR_PROT_CONF mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RPCONF_FORCELOCAL (UINT64_CAST 1 << 12)
- #define RPCONF_METAID_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 8)
- #define RPCONF_RESETOK(_L) (UINT64_CAST 1 << ((_L) - 1))
- /*
- * RR_GLOBAL_PORT_DEF mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RGPD_MGLBLNHBR_ID_SHFT 12 /* -global neighbor ID */
- #define RGPD_MGLBLNHBR_ID_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 12)
- #define RGPD_MGLBLNHBR_VLD_SHFT 11 /* -global neighbor Valid */
- #define RGPD_MGLBLNHBR_VLD_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 11)
- #define RGPD_MGLBLPORT_SHFT 8 /* -global neighbor Port */
- #define RGPD_MGLBLPORT_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x7 << 8)
- #define RGPD_PGLBLNHBR_ID_SHFT 4 /* +global neighbor ID */
- #define RGPD_PGLBLNHBR_ID_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 4)
- #define RGPD_PGLBLNHBR_VLD_SHFT 3 /* +global neighbor Valid */
- #define RGPD_PGLBLNHBR_VLD_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 3)
- #define RGPD_PGLBLPORT_SHFT 0 /* +global neighbor Port */
- #define RGPD_PGLBLPORT_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x7 << 0)
- #define GLBL_PARMS_REGS 2 /* Two Global Parms registers */
- /*
- * RR_GLOBAL_PARMS0 mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RGPARM0_ARB_VALUE_SHFT 54 /* Local Block Arbitration State */
- #define RGPARM0_ARB_VALUE_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x7 << 54)
- #define RGPARM0_ROTATEARB_SHFT 53 /* Rotate Local Block Arbitration */
- #define RGPARM0_ROTATEARB_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 53)
- #define RGPARM0_FAIREN_SHFT 52 /* Fairness logic Enable */
- #define RGPARM0_FAIREN_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 52)
- #define RGPARM0_LOCGNTTO_SHFT 40 /* Local grant timeout */
- #define RGPARM0_LOCGNTTO_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xfff << 40)
- #define RGPARM0_DATELINE_SHFT 38 /* Dateline crossing router */
- #define RGPARM0_DATELINE_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 38)
- #define RGPARM0_MAXRETRY_SHFT 28 /* Max retry count */
- #define RGPARM0_MAXRETRY_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x3ff << 28)
- #define RGPARM0_URGWRAP_SHFT 20 /* Urgent wrap */
- #define RGPARM0_URGWRAP_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xff << 20)
- #define RGPARM0_DEADLKTO_SHFT 16 /* Deadlock timeout */
- #define RGPARM0_DEADLKTO_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 16)
- #define RGPARM0_URGVAL_SHFT 12 /* Urgent value */
- #define RGPARM0_URGVAL_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 12)
- #define RGPARM0_VCHSELEN_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 11)
- #define RGPARM0_LOCURGTO_SHFT 9 /* Local urgent timeout */
- #define RGPARM0_LOCURGTO_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x3 << 9)
- #define RGPARM0_TAILVAL_SHFT 5 /* Tail value */
- #define RGPARM0_TAILVAL_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 5)
- #define RGPARM0_CLOCK_SHFT 1 /* Global clock select */
- #define RGPARM0_CLOCK_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 1)
- #define RGPARM0_BYPEN_SHFT 0
- #define RGPARM0_BYPEN_MASK (UINT64_CAST 1) /* Bypass enable */
- /*
- * RR_GLOBAL_PARMS1 shift and mask definitions
- */
- #define RGPARM1_TTOWRAP_SHFT 12 /* Tail timeout wrap */
- #define RGPARM1_TTOWRAP_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xfffff << 12)
- #define RGPARM1_AGERATE_SHFT 8 /* Age rate */
- #define RGPARM1_AGERATE_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 8)
- #define RGPARM1_JSWSTAT_SHFT 0 /* JTAG Sw Register bits */
- #define RGPARM1_JSWSTAT_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xff << 0)
- /*
- * RR_DIAG_PARMS mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RDPARM_ABSHISTOGRAM (UINT64_CAST 1 << 17) /* Absolute histgrm */
- #define RDPARM_DEADLOCKRESET (UINT64_CAST 1 << 16) /* Reset on deadlck */
- #define RDPARM_DISABLE(_L) (UINT64_CAST 1 << ((_L) + 7))
- #define RDPARM_SENDERROR(_L) (UINT64_CAST 1 << ((_L) - 1))
- /*
- * RR_DEBUG_ADDR mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RDA_DATA_SHFT 10 /* Observed debug data */
- #define RDA_DATA_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xffff << 10)
- #define RDA_ADDR_SHFT 0 /* debug address for data */
- #define RDA_ADDR_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x3ff << 0)
- /*
- * RR_LB_TO_L2 mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RLBTOL2_DATA_VLD_SHFT 32 /* data is valid for JTAG controller */
- #define RLBTOL2_DATA_VLD_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 32)
- #define RLBTOL2_DATA_SHFT 0 /* data bits for JTAG controller */
- #define RLBTOL2_DATA_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xffffffff)
- /*
- * RR_L2_TO_LB mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RL2TOLB_DATA_VLD_SHFT 33 /* data is valid from JTAG controller */
- #define RL2TOLB_DATA_VLD_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 33)
- #define RL2TOLB_PARITY_SHFT 32 /* sw implemented parity for data */
- #define RL2TOLB_PARITY_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 32)
- #define RL2TOLB_DATA_SHFT 0 /* data bits from JTAG controller */
- #define RL2TOLB_DATA_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xffffffff)
- /*
- * RR_JBUS_CONTROL mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RJC_POS_BITS_SHFT 20 /* Router position bits */
- #define RJC_POS_BITS_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 20)
- #define RJC_RD_DATA_STROBE_SHFT 16 /* count when read data is strobed in */
- #define RJC_RD_DATA_STROBE_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 16)
- #define RJC_WE_OE_HOLD_SHFT 8 /* time OE or WE is held */
- #define RJC_WE_OE_HOLD_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xff << 8)
- #define RJC_ADDR_SET_HLD_SHFT 0 /* time address driven around OE/WE */
- #define RJC_ADDR_SET_HLD_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xff)
- /*
- * RR_SCRATCH_REGx mask and shift definitions
- * note: these fields represent a software convention, and are not
- * understood/interpreted by the hardware.
- */
- #define RSCR0_BOOTED_SHFT 63
- #define RSCR0_LOCALID_SHFT 56
- #define RSCR0_UNUSED_SHFT 48
- #define RSCR0_NIC_SHFT 0
- #define RSCR0_NIC_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xffffffffffff)
- #define RSCR1_MODID_SHFT 0
- #define RSCR1_MODID_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xffff)
- /*
- * RR_VECTOR_HW_BAR mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define BAR_TX_SHFT 27 /* Barrier in trans(m)it when read */
- #define BAR_TX_MASK (UINT64_CAST 1 << BAR_TX_SHFT)
- #define BAR_VLD_SHFT 26 /* Valid Configuration */
- #define BAR_SEQ_SHFT 24 /* Sequence number */
- #define BAR_LEAFSTATE_SHFT 18 /* Leaf State */
- #define BAR_PARENT_SHFT 14 /* Parent Port */
- #define BAR_CHILDREN_SHFT 6 /* Child Select port bits */
- #define BAR_LEAFCOUNT_SHFT 0 /* Leaf Count to trigger parent */
- /*
- * RR_PORT_PARMS(_L) mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RPPARM_MIPRESETEN_SHFT 29 /* Message In Progress reset enable */
- #define RPPARM_MIPRESETEN_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 29)
- #define RPPARM_UBAREN_SHFT 28 /* Enable user barrier requests */
- #define RPPARM_UBAREN_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 28)
- #define RPPARM_OUTPDTO_SHFT 24 /* Output Port Deadlock TO value */
- #define RPPARM_OUTPDTO_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 24)
- #define RPPARM_PORTMATE_SHFT 21 /* Port Mate for the port */
- #define RPPARM_PORTMATE_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x7 << 21)
- #define RPPARM_HISTEN_SHFT 20 /* Histogram counter enable */
- #define RPPARM_HISTEN_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x1 << 20)
- #define RPPARM_HISTSEL_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x3 << 18)
- #define RPPARM_DAMQHS_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x3 << 16)
- #define RPPARM_NULLTO_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0x3f << 10)
- /*
- * NOTE: Normally the kernel tracks only UTILIZATION statistics.
- * The other 2 should not be used, except during any experimentation
- * with the router.
- */
- #define RPPARM_HISTSEL_AGE 0 /* Histogram age characterization. */
- #define RPPARM_HISTSEL_UTIL 1 /* Histogram link utilization */
- #define RPPARM_HISTSEL_DAMQ 2 /* Histogram DAMQ characterization. */
- /*
- * RR_STATUS_ERROR(_L) and RR_ERROR_CLEAR(_L) mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RSERR_POWERNOK (UINT64_CAST 1 << 38)
- #define RSERR_PORT_DEADLOCK (UINT64_CAST 1 << 37)
- #define RSERR_WARMRESET (UINT64_CAST 1 << 36)
- #define RSERR_LINKRESET (UINT64_CAST 1 << 35)
- #define RSERR_RETRYTIMEOUT (UINT64_CAST 1 << 34)
- #define RSERR_FIFOOVERFLOW (UINT64_CAST 1 << 33)
- #define RSERR_ILLEGALPORT (UINT64_CAST 1 << 32)
- #define RSERR_DEADLOCKTO_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 28)
- #define RSERR_RECVTAILTO_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xf << 24)
- #define RSERR_RETRYCNT_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xff << 16)
- #define RSERR_CBERRCNT_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xff << 8)
- #define RSERR_SNERRCNT_MASK (UINT64_CAST 0xff << 0)
- #define PORT_STATUS_UP (1 << 0) /* Router link up */
- #define PORT_STATUS_FENCE (1 << 1) /* Router link fenced */
- #define PORT_STATUS_RESETFAIL (1 << 2) /* Router link didnot
- * come out of reset */
- #define PORT_STATUS_DISCFAIL (1 << 3) /* Router link failed after
- * out of reset but before
- * router tables were
- * programmed
- */
- #define PORT_STATUS_KERNFAIL (1 << 4) /* Router link failed
- * after reset and the
- * router tables were
- * programmed
- */
- #define PORT_STATUS_UNDEF (1 << 5) /* Unable to pinpoint
- * why the router link
- * went down
- */
- #define PROBE_RESULT_BAD (-1) /* Set if any of the router
- * links failed after reset
- */
- #define PROBE_RESULT_GOOD (0) /* Set if all the router links
- * which came out of reset
- * are up
- */
- /* Should be enough for 256 CPUs */
- #define MAX_RTR_BREADTH 64 /* Max # of routers possible */
- /* Get the require set of bits in a var. corr to a sequence of bits */
- #define GET_FIELD(var, fname)
- ((var) >> fname##_SHFT & fname##_MASK >> fname##_SHFT)
- /* Set the require set of bits in a var. corr to a sequence of bits */
- #define SET_FIELD(var, fname, fval)
- ((var) = (var) & ~fname##_MASK | (uint64_t) (fval) << fname##_SHFT)
- #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- typedef struct router_map_ent_s {
- uint64_t nic;
- moduleid_t module;
- slotid_t slot;
- } router_map_ent_t;
- struct rr_status_error_fmt {
- uint64_t rserr_unused : 30,
- rserr_fifooverflow : 1,
- rserr_illegalport : 1,
- rserr_deadlockto : 4,
- rserr_recvtailto : 4,
- rserr_retrycnt : 8,
- rserr_cberrcnt : 8,
- rserr_snerrcnt : 8;
- };
- /*
- * This type is used to store "absolute" counts of router events
- */
- typedef int router_count_t;
- /* All utilizations are on a scale from 0 - 1023. */
- #define RP_BYPASS_UTIL 0
- #define RP_RCV_UTIL 1
- #define RP_SEND_UTIL 2
- #define RP_TOTAL_PKTS 3 /* Free running clock/packet counter */
- #define RP_NUM_UTILS 3
- #define RP_HIST_REGS 2
- #define RP_NUM_BUCKETS 4
- #define RP_HIST_TYPES 3
- #define RP_AGE0 0
- #define RP_AGE1 1
- #define RP_AGE2 2
- #define RP_AGE3 3
- #define RR_UTIL_SCALE 1024
- /*
- * Router port-oriented information
- */
- typedef struct router_port_info_s {
- router_reg_t rp_histograms[RP_HIST_REGS];/* Port usage info */
- router_reg_t rp_port_error; /* Port error info */
- router_count_t rp_retry_errors; /* Total retry errors */
- router_count_t rp_sn_errors; /* Total sn errors */
- router_count_t rp_cb_errors; /* Total cb errors */
- int rp_overflows; /* Total count overflows */
- int rp_excess_err; /* Port has excessive errors */
- ushort rp_util[RP_NUM_BUCKETS];/* Port utilization */
- } router_port_info_t;
- struct lboard_s;
- /*
- * Router information
- */
- typedef struct router_info_s {
- char ri_version; /* structure version */
- cnodeid_t ri_cnode; /* cnode of its legal guardian hub */
- nasid_t ri_nasid; /* Nasid of same */
- char ri_ledcache; /* Last LED bitmap */
- char ri_leds; /* Current LED bitmap */
- char ri_portmask; /* Active port bitmap */
- router_reg_t ri_stat_rev_id; /* Status rev ID value */
- net_vec_t ri_vector; /* vector from guardian to router */
- int ri_writeid; /* router's vector write ID */
- int64_t ri_timebase; /* Time of first sample */
- int64_t ri_timestamp; /* Time of last sample */
- router_port_info_t ri_port[MAX_ROUTER_PORTS]; /* per port info */
- moduleid_t ri_module; /* Which module are we in? */
- slotid_t ri_slotnum; /* Which slot are we in? */
- router_reg_t ri_glbl_parms[GLBL_PARMS_REGS];
- /* Global parms0&1 register contents*/
- devfs_handle_t ri_vertex; /* hardware graph vertex */
- router_reg_t ri_prot_conf; /* protection config. register */
- int64_t ri_per_minute; /* Ticks per minute */
- /*
- * Everything below here is for kernel use only and may change at
- * at any time with or without a change in teh revision number
- *
- * Any pointers or things that come and go with DEBUG must go at
- * the bottom of the structure, below the user stuff.
- */
- char ri_hist_type; /* histogram type */
- devfs_handle_t ri_guardian; /* guardian node for the router */
- int64_t ri_last_print; /* When did we last print */
- char ri_print; /* Should we print */
- char ri_just_blink; /* Should we blink the LEDs */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int64_t ri_deltatime; /* Time it took to sample */
- #endif
- spinlock_t ri_lock; /* Lock for access to router info */
- net_vec_t *ri_vecarray; /* Pointer to array of vectors */
- struct lboard_s *ri_brd; /* Pointer to board structure */
- char * ri_name; /* This board's hwg path */
- unsigned char ri_port_maint[MAX_ROUTER_PORTS]; /* should we send a
- message to availmon */
- } router_info_t;
- /* Router info location specifiers */
- #define RIP_PROMLOG 2 /* Router info in promlog */
- #define RIP_CONSOLE 4 /* Router info on console */
- #define ROUTER_INFO_PRINT(_rip,_where) (_rip->ri_print |= _where)
- /* Set the field used to check if a
- * router info can be printed
- */
- #define IS_ROUTER_INFO_PRINTED(_rip,_where)
- (_rip->ri_print & _where)
- /* Was the router info printed to
- * the given location (_where) ?
- * Mainly used to prevent duplicate
- * router error states.
- */
- #define ROUTER_INFO_LOCK(_rip,_s) _s = mutex_spinlock(&(_rip->ri_lock))
- /* Take the lock on router info
- * to gain exclusive access
- */
- #define ROUTER_INFO_UNLOCK(_rip,_s) mutex_spinunlock(&(_rip->ri_lock),_s)
- /* Release the lock on router info */
- /*
- * Router info hanging in the nodepda
- */
- typedef struct nodepda_router_info_s {
- devfs_handle_t router_vhdl; /* vertex handle of the router */
- short router_port; /* port thru which we entered */
- short router_portmask;
- moduleid_t router_module; /* module in which router is there */
- slotid_t router_slot; /* router slot */
- unsigned char router_type; /* kind of router */
- net_vec_t router_vector; /* vector from the guardian node */
- router_info_t *router_infop; /* info hanging off the hwg vertex */
- struct nodepda_router_info_s *router_next;
- /* pointer to next element */
- } nodepda_router_info_t;
- #define ROUTER_NAME_SIZE 20 /* Max size of a router name */
- #define NORMAL_ROUTER_NAME "normal_router"
- #define NULL_ROUTER_NAME "null_router"
- #define META_ROUTER_NAME "meta_router"
- #define REPEATER_ROUTER_NAME "repeater_router"
- #define UNKNOWN_ROUTER_NAME "unknown_router"
- /* The following definitions are needed by the router traversing
- * code either using the hardware graph or using vector operations.
- */
- /* Structure of the router queue element */
- typedef struct router_elt_s {
- union {
- /* queue element structure during router probing */
- struct {
- /* number-in-a-can (unique) for the router */
- nic_t nic;
- /* vector route from the master hub to
- * this router.
- */
- net_vec_t vec;
- /* port status */
- uint64_t status;
- char port_status[MAX_ROUTER_PORTS + 1];
- } r_elt;
- /* queue element structure during router guardian
- * assignment
- */
- struct {
- /* vertex handle for the router */
- devfs_handle_t vhdl;
- /* guardian for this router */
- devfs_handle_t guard;
- /* vector router from the guardian to the router */
- net_vec_t vec;
- } k_elt;
- } u;
- /* easy to use port status interpretation */
- } router_elt_t;
- /* structure of the router queue */
- typedef struct router_queue_s {
- char head; /* Point where a queue element is inserted */
- char tail; /* Point where a queue element is removed */
- int type;
- router_elt_t array[MAX_RTR_BREADTH];
- /* Entries for queue elements */
- } router_queue_t;
- #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
- /*
- * RR_HISTOGRAM(_L) mask and shift definitions
- * There are two 64 bit histogram registers, so the following macros take
- * into account dealing with an array of 4 32 bit values indexed by _x
- */
- #define RHIST_BUCKET_SHFT(_x) (32 * ((_x) & 0x1))
- #define RHIST_BUCKET_MASK(_x) (UINT64_CAST 0xffffffff << RHIST_BUCKET_SHFT((_x) & 0x1))
- #define RHIST_GET_BUCKET(_x, _reg)
- ((RHIST_BUCKET_MASK(_x) & ((_reg)[(_x) >> 1])) >> RHIST_BUCKET_SHFT(_x))
- /*
- * RR_RESET_MASK(_L) mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RRM_RESETOK(_L) (UINT64_CAST 1 << ((_L) - 1))
- /*
- * RR_META_TABLE(_x) and RR_LOCAL_TABLE(_x) mask and shift definitions
- */
- #define RTABLE_SHFT(_L) (4 * ((_L) - 1))
- #define RTABLE_MASK(_L) (UINT64_CAST 0x7 << RTABLE_SHFT(_L))
- #define ROUTERINFO_STKSZ 4096
- #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- int router_reg_read(router_info_t *rip, int regno, router_reg_t *val);
- int router_reg_write(router_info_t *rip, int regno, router_reg_t val);
- int router_get_info(devfs_handle_t routerv, router_info_t *, int);
- int router_init(cnodeid_t cnode,int writeid, nodepda_router_info_t *npda_rip);
- int router_set_leds(router_info_t *rip);
- void router_print_state(router_info_t *rip, int level,
- void (*pf)(int, char *, ...),int print_where);
- void capture_router_stats(router_info_t *rip);
- int probe_routers(void);
- void get_routername(unsigned char brd_type,char *rtrname);
- void router_guardians_set(devfs_handle_t hwgraph_root);
- int router_hist_reselect(router_info_t *, int64_t);
- #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
- #endif /* _ASM_IA64_SN_ROUTER_H */