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Package: MMOPRG_server_dev.rar [view]
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Upload Date: 2009-05-26
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Development Platform:
- GLPlanet readme
- Keyboard commands for GLPlanet:
- keypad 2, 4, 6, 8 - turn camera
- keypad 7, 9 - roll camera
- keypad +, - - adjust error threshold to increase/decrease detail
- w, s, a, d - thrust forward, reverse, left, and right
- Ctrl - hold down for 100x thrust
- spacebar - full stop
- p - toggle polygon mode (fill/wireframe)
- t - toggle texture maps (on/off)
- i - toggle mesh & planet info (on/off)
- u - toggle mesh updates (on/off)
- 1-9 (non-keypad) - jumps the camera close to the nth planet
- Tips for running GLPlanet:
- 1) For starters, GLPlanet has almost exclusively been tested on NVidia GeForce-
- class cards. While it should run on other video cards, it may not run very
- well. It uses NVidia's hardware vertex buffer extensions if they're supported,
- which makes it run an order of magnitude faster on NVidia cards.
- 2) The ss.cfg file contains the star system configuration. Edit this to
- add/modify planets and moons. GLPlanet.exe looks for ss.cfg in the
- application's starting path, or the current working directory, when it is
- launched. It will not start if it cannot find that file.
- 3) The default ss.cfg creates a star system similar to our inner solar system.
- It contains 4 planets named Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars (in that
- order). The Earth-like planet has a moon. The camera is initially
- positioned in front of the third planet, with the moon off to the right.
- 4) The thrusters in GLPlanet cause simple acceleration, as they would in
- space. In otherwords, the camera will not slow down on its own. To make
- navigation easier, the space bar instantly stops the camera.
- 5) When you first start GLPlanet, you will be far enough away from the Earth-
- like planet and moon that normal thrusters will take too long to get there.
- Hold down the Ctrl key while flying around the planets, then release it
- when flying over the surface of a planet.
- 6) At the default error threshold (0.0015), the Earth-like planet has a
- manageable number of triangles, but the moon (due to the roughness of its
- surface) jumps way up near the max of 128K triangles, causing things to
- run a little slow. At any time, you may use the + or - keys (on the
- keypad) to change the error threshold. Keep in mind that impostored
- planets will not be updated until the camera moves enough to require
- them to be updated.
- 7) One interesting thing to do is to fly close to a planet, stop the camera
- at a viewpoint you like, then press 'u' to stop the ROAM mesh updates.
- The change in FPS indicates how much time the ROAM priority checks are
- taking. Then press 'p' to switch to wireframe mode and fly around the
- planet. This will show you how well the triangles are optimized for the
- viewpoint you picked.
- Tips for building GLPlanet:
- 1) This project was written using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. You should be
- able to build it with older versions of MSVC++, or any other C++ compiler
- than compiles Windows programs, with a few changes. Other than standard
- Windows and C run-time libraries, the only libraries I link are
- opengl32.lib, glu32.lib, and dinput.lib.
- 2) Originally I tried to minimize the amount of Windows-specific code, but
- the use of certain WGL extensions made it difficult to contain. It
- shouldn't be difficult to port the key pieces of this software to Linux,
- but there are a number of supporting files that may be a pain to port.
- 3) The MSVC++ 6.0 project file has many of the key source files grouped by
- type for convenience. Here is a brief description of the files and the
- groups they are in.
- ROAM Files
- * ROAMTriangle.cpp and h - Encapsulates a ROAM triangle
- * ROAMDiamond.cpp and h - Encapsulates a ROAM diamond
- * ROAMSphere.cpp and h - Encapsulates a ROAM sphere, which manages the triangle and diamond lists, as well as the ROAM priority checks and mesh updates
- Planetary Map Files
- * PlanetaryMap.cpp and h - A base class for all other planetary maps
- * HeightMap.cpp and h - A planetary map class representing a planet's height map (calls the fractal function and crater tree to retrieve height values)
- * SurfaceMap.cpp and h - A planetary map class representing a planet's surface texture maps (loads the 1D textures from ss.cfg and pre-generates the global texture maps)
- Solar System Files
- * PlanetInfo.cpp and h - A utility class used for loading entries from ss.cfg
- * Star.cpp and h - A star object, which is currently rendered with a billboarded glow map
- * Planet.cpp and h - Brings together all of the ROAM and PlanetaryMap classes to encapsulate a planet or moon
- * StarSystem.cpp and h - Organizes the star system, handling impostor updates and rendering
- Supporting Files (not in a special group)
- * WndClass.h - Contains some of my own home-made MFC-like wrappers around part of the Win32 API.
- * ListClasses.h and ListTemplates.h - Contains some of my own home-made container classes. I tried using STL at one point (the MSVC++ implementation), but the performance was an order of magnitude slower, so I kept these classes around.
- * Noise.cpp and h - Contains Perlin noise and fBm-based functions.
- * Matrix.cpp and h - Contains Vector, Matrix, Quaternion, and 3DObject classes.
- * PixelBuffer.cpp and h - Contains a pixel buffer class for procedural generation of textures.
- * Texture.cpp and h - Contains a simple texture object class.
- * Font.cpp and h - Contains a simple font class (uses wglUseFontBitmaps).
- * Billboard.cpp and h - Contains a simple billboard class to handle billboard rendering.
- * Impostor.cpp and h - Contains an impostor class that represents the bulk of the impostoring code.
- * GLUtil.cpp and h - Handles the initialization of OpenGL extensions and rendering contexts.
- * DXUtil.cpp and h - Handled the initialization of DirectInput.
- * GameApp.cpp and h - Handles the startup of GLPlanet and the Windows-specific initialization.
- * GameEngine.cpp and h - Contains the top-level rendering and input-handling functions.
- * Master.cpp and h - The pre-compiled header.