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Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*+==========================================================================
- Summary: This directory and those in the branch below contain the COM
- Tutorial Samples. These code samples include an integrated
- tutorial narrative that covers the foundations of COM
- technology. All source for these samples is in C++. MFC is
- not used. The series is for advanced programmers using their
- proficiency in C++ Win32 programming to code COM and ActiveX
- applications.
- You can start the tutorial by executing TUTORIAL.EXE in this
- directory (ie, the main directory of the installed COM
- Tutorial Samples). Within the tutorial you can jump to Web
- pages containing the individual lessons associated with each
- sample. You can also jump to view pages covering how to set
- up your computer environment to build and run the code
- samples,
- You must have a Web browser installed for TUTORIAL.EXE to
- work. The Web browser must have a file association with the
- .HTM file extension. The tutorial starts in the TUTORIAL.HTM
- file.
- Origin: 9-9-97: atrent - Revised for COM Tutorial Sample series.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file is part of the Microsoft COM Tutorial Code Samples.
- Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997. All rights reserved.
- This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft
- Development Tools and/or online documentation. See these other
- materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples.
- ==========================================================================+*/
- COM Tutorial Programming Samples
- ================================
- The COM (Component Object Model) technology is the primary foundation for
- Microsoft's component software technology. OLE technology is built upon COM
- and all ActiveX controls are COM Component Objects.
- This tutorial sample series is directed to serve advanced programmers who
- are using their proficiency in C++ Win32 programming to develop or modify
- systems-level software using COM (Component Object Model) technology.
- These advanced samples show how to program components at the foundation
- level of COM. Neither MFC nor ATL is used in the samples.
- If you are developing internet Web applications with ActiveX controls and
- an integrated development environment like Microsoft Developer Studio,
- then you have the benefit of tools and abstractions that hide most of the
- technical detail covered in this series. The series exposes much of the
- infastructure that is now being increasingly hidden by MFC (Microsoft
- Foundation Classes) and ATL (Active Template Library). This series can
- help when you need to drop below the convenient abstractions in MFC or ATL
- to perform COM-compliant modifications. Of course, it can also help if you
- are working directly at this foundation level of COM programming to
- develop the highest performance professional applications.
- These source code samples are the same as those currently found as branch
- MSSDKSAMPLESCOMTUTSAMP of the installed Microsoft Win32 Platform SDK.
- All source for these code samples is in C++. MFC is not used.
- Each code sample has an associated description of the sample's external
- operation and a narrative code tour of the internal construction (based on
- the specific goal of the tutorial lesson). This tutorial narrative resides
- in a <lesson>.HTM Web page file--where <lesson> is the name of the
- lesson/code sample. There is one of these narrative HTML files for each
- tutorial code sample. All of these HTML files are located in the main
- directory of the tutorial samples branch. The complete tutorial is thus
- made up of many HTML files located in the parent directory of all the
- sample directories. This single parent directory is the main tutorial
- directory. Additional details on the internal mechanisms of each sample
- can be found in code comments in each source file located in the sample's
- directory.
- The tutorial HTML files for the tutorial samples are linked together into
- a Web that can be viewed with a Web browser. You can start browsing this
- tutorial by executing the TUTORIAL.EXE command in the main directory. You
- must have a Web browser installed for TUTORIAL.EXE to work.
- The COM tutorial samples reside in the following directory tree, organized
- in a graduated sequence of tutorial lessons. The numbered order of lessons
- is the sequence we recommend that you follow in the tutorial. Each lesson
- illustrates a major feature of COM technology. Most lessons build on the
- ones that came earlier in the sequence.
- INC - Common include directory used by the code samples
- LIB - Common library directory used by the code samples
- APPUTIL - Lesson 0: Win32 Basics: Application Utility Library
- READTUT - Lesson 1: Win32 Basics: Tutorial Reader and Linking to APPUTIL
- EXESKEL - Lesson 2: Win32 Basics: Win32 EXE Skeleton Application
- DLLSKEL - Lesson 3: Win32 Basics: Win32 DLL Skeleton
- DLLUSER - Lesson 4: Win32 Basics: EXE User of a DLL
- COMOBJ - Lesson 5: COM Objects: Containment and Aggregation in a DLL
- COMUSER - Lesson 6: COM Objects: Nested Aggregation in EXE User
- REGISTER - Lesson 7: COM Components: Component Registration
- DLLSERVE - Lesson 8: COM Components: Component DLL Server
- DLLCLIEN - Lesson 9: COM Components: Client Application of DLL Server
- LICSERVE - Lesson 10: COM Components: DLL Licensed Server
- LICCLIEN - Lesson 11: COM Components: Client App of Licensed Server
- MARSHAL - Lesson 12: COM Components: Custom Interface Standard Marshaling
- MARSHAL2 - Lesson 13: COM Components: Marshaling DLL Self-Registration
- LOCSERVE - Lesson 14: COM Components: Local Server
- LOCCLIEN - Lesson 15: COM Components: Client App of Local Server
- APTSERVE - Lesson 16: COM Components: Local Server with Multiple Apartments
- APTCLIEN - Lesson 17: COM Components: Client of Multiple Apartment Server
- REMCLIEN - Lesson 18: COM Components: DCOM Remote Client
- FRESERVE - Lesson 19: COM Components: Free-threaded Server
- FRECLIEN - Lesson 20: COM Components: Client of Free-threaded Server
- CONSERVE - Lesson 21: COM Components: Connectable Object Server
- CONCLIEN - Lesson 22: COM Components: Client of Connectable Object Server
- STOSERVE - Lesson 23: COM Components: Structured Storage Server
- STOCLIEN - Lesson 24: COM Components: Client of Structored Storage Server
- PERSERVE - Lesson 25: COM Components: IPersistStream Persistence Server
- PERTEXT - Lesson 26: COM Components: IPersistStreamInit Persistence Server
- PERDRAW - Lesson 27: COM Components: IPersistStorage Persistence Server
- PERCLIEN - Lesson 28: COM Components: Client of Persistent Components
- DCDMARSH - Lesson 29: COM Components: Standard Marshaling for DCOM
- DCDSERVE - Lesson 30: COM Components: DCOM Server Using Security
- DCOMDRAW - Lesson 31: COM Components: DCOM Client Using Security.
- Throughout the sample sequence a clear differentiation is maintained
- between client and server, with a separate lesson sample for each.
- Usually, each client/server pair covers an area of COM technology. Here is
- an overview of the technologies covered by the lessons.
- Basic Win32 application programming is covered in the APPUTIL, READTUT,
- EXESKEL, DLLSKEL, and DLLUSER lessons. APPUTIL provides a utility
- framework for building Win32 applications. It also contains some tools
- needed for tutorial purposes. READTUT is a very simple EXE application
- that shows how to link to the APPUTIL static library and call utility
- functions in it. READTUT also shows how to invoke the COM tutorial Web
- page reader that is used throughout the sample series. EXESKEL shows a
- basic Win32 skeleton EXE application built using APPUTIL. DLLSKEL and
- DLLUSER simularly show a basic Win32 DLL (Dynamic Link Library) skeleton
- and how to access it from an EXE user application.
- Basic COM object construction, custom interfaces, and techniques for
- coding their reuse using aggregation and containment are covered in COMOBJ
- and COMUSER. The implementation and use of the standard IUnknown interface
- is covered. The implementation and use of the custom ICar, IUtility, and
- ICruise interfaces is covered.
- Basic COM component construction, class factories, component object
- registration, and techniques for housing COM objects in COM component
- servers are covered in REGISTER, DLLSERVE, and DLLCLIEN. The
- implementation and use of the standard IClassFactory interface is covered.
- COM component Licensing is covered in LICSERVE and LICCLIEN. The
- implementation and use of the standard IClassFactory2 interface is
- covered.
- Out-of-Process local servers and the standard marshaling of custom
- interfaces are covered in MARSHAL, LOCSERVE, and LOCCLIEN. Explicit
- self-registration in the standard marshaling DLL is covered in MARSHAL2.
- The use of the MIDL language to specify custom interfaces is covered. The
- use of the MIDL compiler to produce proxy/stub marshaling servers is also
- covered.
- Apartment model server and client construction are covered in APTSERVE and
- APTCLIEN. Construction of multiple single-threaded apartments (STA) in the
- same process is covered.
- DCOM (Distributed COM) with custom interfaces operating between client and
- server across machine boundaries is covered in REMCLIEN. Specifying the
- remote machine name in the COSERVERINFO structure is covered. Detailed
- DCOM security issues are not covered.
- Free-threaded COM components and their access by free-threaded clients are
- covered in FRESERVE and FRECLIEN. The use several client worker threads in
- the multi-threaded apartment (MTA) is covered. The implementation and use
- of a custom IBall interface is covered.
- Connectable COM object technology is covered in CONSERVE and CONCLIEN.
- Event source and sink construction is covered. Implementation and use of
- the IConnectionPointContainer, IConnectionPoint, IEnumConnectionPoints,
- and IEnumConnections standard interfaces are covered. The implementation
- and use of the custom IBall and IBallSink interfaces is covered.
- Structured storage using COM's compound file technology is covered in
- STOSERVE and STOCLIEN. A COM-based scribble drawing application is used.
- Use of the IStorage and IStream standard interfaces is covered. The
- implementation and use of the custom IPaper and IPaperSink interfaces is
- covered.
- Persistent COM objects are covered in PERSERVE, PERTEXT, PERDRAW, and
- PERCLIEN. IPersistStream is covered in the PERSERVE components.
- IPersistStreamInit is covered in the PERTEXT components. IPersistStorage
- is covered in the PERDRAW components. The PERCLIEN client functions these
- various persistent objects and manages storage for all of them in various
- substorages and streams within one structured storage compound file. The
- implementation and use of the custom IPageList, ITextPage, IDrawPage,
- IPageListSink, ITextPageSink, and IDrawPageSink interfaces is covered.
- DCOM (Distributed COM) Security is covered in DCDMARSH, DCDSERVE, and
- DCOMDRAW. The use of CoInitializeSecurity is shown in the DCDSERVE and
- DCOMDRAW samples. Multiple clients accessing a shared single COM object
- across machine boundaries is shown in a simple network shared-drawing
- application. Process and activation security within NT network domains is
- discussed. Registry AppIDs and their LaunchPermission, AccessPermission,
- and RunAs named values are discussed. The use of the DCOMCNFG utility is
- covered.
- FILES in the Main TUTSAMP Tutorial Directory
- ============================================
- File Description
- ---- -----------
- README.TXT This file. Short introduction to the COM Tutorial Samples.
- MAKEALL.BAT Main batch file for building the entire samples branch
- regardless of branch's location. Use this one.
- LOGMALL.BAT Same as MAKEALL.BAT except that all build output is logged
- to file ERRORLOG.TXT and viewed in NOTEPAD.
- REGALL.BAT Batch file for registering all sample COM servers.
- UNREGALL.BAT Batch file for unregistering all sample COM servers.
- CLEANALL.BAT Batch file for performing CLEANALL on all the samples.
- MAKEFILE Makefile for all samples. Use ONLY if building the entire
- samples branch WITHIN an installed Win32 Platform SDK.
- TUTORIAL.EXE The main executable entry to the Web-based tutorial.
- TUTORIAL.HTM Tutorial Web page. Main overview of COM Tutorial Samples.
- LESSONS.HTM Tutorial Web page. Main Tutorial lesson list (with links).
- USING.HTM Tutorial Web page. Details about using the code samples.
- APPUTIL.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the APPUTIL sample.
- READTUT.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the READTUT sample.
- EXESKEL.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the EXESKEL sample.
- DLLSKEL.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the DLLSKEL sample.
- DLLUSER.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the DLLUSER sample.
- COMOBJ.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the COMOBJ sample.
- COMUSER.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the COMUSER sample.
- REGISTER.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the REGISTER sample.
- DLLSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the DLLSERVE sample.
- DLLCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the DLLCLIEN sample.
- LICSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the LICSERVE sample.
- LICCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the LICCLIEN sample.
- MARSHAL.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the MARSHAL sample.
- MARSHAL2.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the MARSHAL2 sample.
- LOCSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the LOCSERVE sample.
- LOCCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the LOCCLIEN sample.
- APTSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the APTSERVE sample.
- APTCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the APTCLIEN sample.
- REMCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the REMCLIEN sample.
- CONSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the CONSERVE sample.
- CONCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the CONCLIEN sample.
- FRESERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the FRESERVE sample.
- FRECLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the FRECLIEN sample.
- STOSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the STOSERVE sample.
- STOCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the STOCLIEN sample.
- PERSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the PERSERVE sample.
- PERTEXT.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the PERTEXT sample.
- PERDRAW.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the PERDRAW sample.
- PERCLIEN.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the PERCLIEN sample.
- DCDMARSH.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the DCDMARSH sample.
- DCDSERVE.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the DCDSERVE sample.
- DCOMDRAW.HTM Tutorial Web page covering the DCOMDRAW sample.
- LOGO.GIF Logo graphic used by the Tutorial. COM Logo.
- BULLET.GIF Small graphic used by the Tutorial. General Bullet.
- PAGETOP.GIF Small graphic used by the Tutorial. Top-of-page button.
- NAVBTN.GIF Small graphic used by the Tutorial. General Button.
- NEXT.GIF Small graphic used by the Tutorial. Next Arrow Button.
- PREV.GIF Small graphic used by the Tutorial. Previous Arrow Button.