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Package: postgresql-6.5.2.tar.gz [view]
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Database system
Development Platform:
- <Chapter Id="xtypes">
- <Title>Extending <Acronym>SQL</Acronym>: Types</Title>
- <Para>
- As previously mentioned, there are two kinds of types
- in <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>: base types (defined in a programming language)
- and composite types (instances).
- Examples in this section up to interfacing indices can
- be found in <FileName>complex.sql</FileName> and <FileName>complex.c</FileName>. Composite examples
- are in <FileName>funcs.sql</FileName>.
- </Para>
- <Sect1>
- <Title>User-Defined Types</Title>
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Functions Needed for a User-Defined Type</Title>
- <Para>
- A user-defined type must always have input and output
- functions. These functions determine how the type
- appears in strings (for input by the user and output to
- the user) and how the type is organized in memory. The
- input function takes a null-delimited character string
- as its input and returns the internal (in memory)
- representation of the type. The output function takes the
- internal representation of the type and returns a null
- delimited character string.
- Suppose we want to define a complex type which represents
- complex numbers. Naturally, we choose to represent a
- complex in memory as the following <Acronym>C</Acronym> structure:
- <ProgramListing>
- typedef struct Complex {
- double x;
- double y;
- } Complex;
- </ProgramListing>
- and a string of the form (x,y) as the external string
- representation.
- These functions are usually not hard to write, especially
- the output function. However, there are a number of points
- to remember:
- <ItemizedList>
- <ListItem>
- <Para> When defining your external (string) representation,
- remember that you must eventually write a
- complete and robust parser for that representation
- as your input function!
- <ProgramListing>
- Complex *
- complex_in(char *str)
- {
- double x, y;
- Complex *result;
- if (sscanf(str, " ( %lf , %lf )", &x, &y) != 2) {
- elog(WARN, "complex_in: error in parsing
- return NULL;
- }
- result = (Complex *)palloc(sizeof(Complex));
- result->x = x;
- result->y = y;
- return (result);
- }
- </ProgramListing>
- The output function can simply be:
- <ProgramListing>
- char *
- complex_out(Complex *complex)
- {
- char *result;
- if (complex == NULL)
- return(NULL);
- result = (char *) palloc(60);
- sprintf(result, "(%g,%g)", complex->x, complex->y);
- return(result);
- }
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para> You should try to make the input and output
- functions inverses of each other. If you do
- not, you will have severe problems when you need
- to dump your data into a file and then read it
- back in (say, into someone else's database on
- another computer). This is a particularly common
- problem when floating-point numbers are
- involved.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </ItemizedList>
- </para>
- <Para>
- To define the <Acronym>complex</Acronym> type, we need to create the two
- user-defined functions complex_in and complex_out
- before creating the type:
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION complex_in(opaque)
- RETURNS complex
- AS 'PGROOT/tutorial/obj/complex.so'
- CREATE FUNCTION complex_out(opaque)
- RETURNS opaque
- AS 'PGROOT/tutorial/obj/complex.so'
- CREATE TYPE complex (
- internallength = 16,
- input = complex_in,
- output = complex_out
- );
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- As discussed earlier, <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> fully supports arrays of
- base types. Additionally, <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> supports arrays of
- user-defined types as well. When you define a type,
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> automatically provides support for arrays of
- that type. For historical reasons, the array type has
- the same name as the user-defined type with the
- underscore character _ prepended.
- Composite types do not need any function defined on
- them, since the system already understands what they
- look like inside.
- </Para>
- </sect2>
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Large Objects</Title>
- <Para>
- The types discussed to this point are all "small"
- objects -- that is, they are smaller than 8KB in size.
- <Note>
- <Para>
- 1024 longwords == 8192 bytes. In fact, the type must be considerably smaller than 8192 bytes,
- since the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> tuple
- and page overhead must also fit into this 8KB limitation.
- The actual value that fits depends on the machine architecture.
- </Para>
- </Note>
- If you require a larger type for something like a document
- retrieval system or for storing bitmaps, you will
- need to use the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> large object interface.
- </para>
- </Sect2>
- </Sect1>
- </Chapter>