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- /*
- * cash.c
- * Written by D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- *
- * Functions to allow input and output of money normally but store
- * and handle it as int4s
- *
- * A slightly modified version of this file and a discussion of the
- * workings can be found in the book "Software Solutions in C" by
- * Dale Schumacher, Academic Press, ISBN: 0-12-632360-7.
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/cash.c,v 1999/08/02 05:24:50 scrappy Exp $
- */
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <locale.h>
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "miscadmin.h"
- #include "utils/builtins.h"
- #include "utils/cash.h"
- static const char *num_word(Cash value);
- /* when we go to 64 bit values we will have to modify this */
- #define CASH_BUFSZ 24
- #define LAST_DIGIT (LAST_PAREN - 1)
- #ifdef USE_LOCALE
- static struct lconv *lconvert = NULL;
- #endif
- /* cash_in()
- * Convert a string to a cash data type.
- * Format is [$]###[,]###[.##]
- * Examples: 123.45 $123.45 $123,456.78
- *
- * This is currently implemented as a 32-bit integer.
- * XXX HACK It looks as though some of the symbols for
- * monetary values returned by localeconv() can be multiple
- * bytes/characters. This code assumes one byte only. - tgl 97/04/14
- * XXX UNHACK Allow the currency symbol to be multi-byte.
- * - thomas 1998-03-01
- */
- Cash *
- cash_in(const char *str)
- {
- Cash *result;
- Cash value = 0;
- Cash dec = 0;
- Cash sgn = 1;
- int seen_dot = 0;
- const char *s = str;
- int fpoint;
- char *csymbol;
- char dsymbol,
- ssymbol,
- psymbol,
- *nsymbol;
- #ifdef USE_LOCALE
- #ifdef CASHDEBUG
- setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
- lconvert = localeconv();
- #endif
- if (lconvert == NULL)
- lconvert = localeconv();
- /* frac_digits in the C locale seems to return CHAR_MAX */
- /* best guess is 2 in this case I think */
- fpoint = ((lconvert->frac_digits != CHAR_MAX) ? lconvert->frac_digits : 2); /* int_frac_digits? */
- dsymbol = ((*lconvert->mon_decimal_point != '') ? *lconvert->mon_decimal_point : '.');
- ssymbol = ((*lconvert->mon_thousands_sep != '') ? *lconvert->mon_thousands_sep : ',');
- csymbol = ((*lconvert->currency_symbol != '') ? lconvert->currency_symbol : "$");
- psymbol = ((*lconvert->positive_sign != '') ? *lconvert->positive_sign : '+');
- nsymbol = ((*lconvert->negative_sign != '') ? lconvert->negative_sign : "-");
- #else
- fpoint = 2;
- dsymbol = '.';
- ssymbol = ',';
- csymbol = "$";
- psymbol = '+';
- nsymbol = "-";
- #endif
- #ifdef CASHDEBUG
- printf("cashin- precision '%d'; decimal '%c'; thousands '%c'; currency '%s'; positive '%c'; negative '%s'n",
- fpoint, dsymbol, ssymbol, csymbol, psymbol, nsymbol);
- #endif
- /* we need to add all sorts of checking here. For now just */
- /* strip all leading whitespace and any leading currency symbol */
- while (isspace(*s))
- s++;
- if (strncmp(s, csymbol, strlen(csymbol)) == 0)
- s += strlen(csymbol);
- #ifdef CASHDEBUG
- printf("cashin- string is '%s'n", s);
- #endif
- /* a leading minus or paren signifies a negative number */
- /* again, better heuristics needed */
- if (strncmp(s, nsymbol, strlen(nsymbol)) == 0)
- {
- sgn = -1;
- s += strlen(nsymbol);
- #ifdef CASHDEBUG
- printf("cashin- negative symbol; string is '%s'n", s);
- #endif
- }
- else if (*s == '(')
- {
- sgn = -1;
- s++;
- }
- else if (*s == psymbol)
- s++;
- #ifdef CASHDEBUG
- printf("cashin- string is '%s'n", s);
- #endif
- while (isspace(*s))
- s++;
- if (strncmp(s, csymbol, strlen(csymbol)) == 0)
- s += strlen(csymbol);
- #ifdef CASHDEBUG
- printf("cashin- string is '%s'n", s);
- #endif
- for (;; s++)
- {
- /* we look for digits as int4 as we have less */
- /* than the required number of decimal places */
- if (isdigit(*s) && dec < fpoint)
- {
- value = (value * 10) + *s - '0';
- if (seen_dot)
- dec++;
- /* decimal point? then start counting fractions... */
- }
- else if (*s == dsymbol && !seen_dot)
- {
- seen_dot = 1;
- /* "thousands" separator? then skip... */
- }
- else if (*s == ssymbol)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- /* round off */
- if (isdigit(*s) && *s >= '5')
- value++;
- /* adjust for less than required decimal places */
- for (; dec < fpoint; dec++)
- value *= 10;
- break;
- }
- }
- while (isspace(*s) || *s == '0' || *s == ')')
- s++;
- if (*s != '')
- elog(ERROR, "Bad money external representation %s", str);
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't input cash '%s'", str);
- *result = (value * sgn);
- #ifdef CASHDEBUG
- printf("cashin- result is %dn", *result);
- #endif
- return result;
- } /* cash_in() */
- /* cash_out()
- * Function to convert cash to a dollars and cents representation.
- * XXX HACK This code appears to assume US conventions for
- * positive-valued amounts. - tgl 97/04/14
- */
- const char *
- cash_out(Cash *in_value)
- {
- Cash value = *in_value;
- char *result;
- char buf[CASH_BUFSZ];
- int minus = 0;
- int count = LAST_DIGIT;
- int point_pos;
- int comma_position = 0;
- char mon_group,
- comma,
- points;
- char *csymbol,
- dsymbol,
- *nsymbol;
- char convention;
- #ifdef USE_LOCALE
- if (lconvert == NULL)
- lconvert = localeconv();
- mon_group = *lconvert->mon_grouping;
- comma = ((*lconvert->mon_thousands_sep != '') ? *lconvert->mon_thousands_sep : ',');
- /* frac_digits in the C locale seems to return CHAR_MAX */
- /* best guess is 2 in this case I think */
- points = ((lconvert->frac_digits != CHAR_MAX) ? lconvert->frac_digits : 2); /* int_frac_digits? */
- convention = lconvert->n_sign_posn;
- dsymbol = ((*lconvert->mon_decimal_point != '') ? *lconvert->mon_decimal_point : '.');
- csymbol = ((*lconvert->currency_symbol != '') ? lconvert->currency_symbol : "$");
- nsymbol = ((*lconvert->negative_sign != '') ? lconvert->negative_sign : "-");
- #else
- mon_group = 3;
- comma = ',';
- csymbol = "$";
- dsymbol = '.';
- nsymbol = "-";
- points = 2;
- convention = 0;
- #endif
- point_pos = LAST_DIGIT - points;
- /* We're playing a little fast and loose with this. Shoot me. */
- /* Not me, that was the other guy. Haven't fixed it yet - thomas */
- if (!mon_group || mon_group == CHAR_MAX)
- mon_group = 3;
- /* allow more than three decimal points and separate them */
- if (comma)
- {
- point_pos -= (points - 1) / mon_group;
- comma_position = point_pos % (mon_group + 1);
- }
- /* we work with positive amounts and add the minus sign at the end */
- if (value < 0)
- {
- minus = 1;
- value *= -1;
- }
- /* allow for trailing negative strings */
- MemSet(buf, ' ', CASH_BUFSZ);
- buf[TERMINATOR] = buf[LAST_PAREN] = '';
- while (value || count > (point_pos - 2))
- {
- if (points && count == point_pos)
- buf[count--] = dsymbol;
- else if (comma && count % (mon_group + 1) == comma_position)
- buf[count--] = comma;
- buf[count--] = (value % 10) + '0';
- value /= 10;
- }
- strncpy((buf + count - strlen(csymbol) + 1), csymbol, strlen(csymbol));
- count -= strlen(csymbol) - 1;
- if (buf[LAST_DIGIT] == ',')
- buf[LAST_DIGIT] = buf[LAST_PAREN];
- /* see if we need to signify negative amount */
- if (minus)
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(CASH_BUFSZ + 2 - count + strlen(nsymbol))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't output cash", NULL);
- /* Position code of 0 means use parens */
- if (convention == 0)
- sprintf(result, "(%s)", buf + count);
- else if (convention == 2)
- sprintf(result, "%s%s", buf + count, nsymbol);
- else
- sprintf(result, "%s%s", nsymbol, buf + count);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(CASH_BUFSZ + 2 - count)))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't output cash", NULL);
- strcpy(result, buf + count);
- }
- return result;
- } /* cash_out() */
- bool
- cash_eq(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return FALSE;
- return *c1 == *c2;
- } /* cash_eq() */
- bool
- cash_ne(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return FALSE;
- return *c1 != *c2;
- } /* cash_ne() */
- bool
- cash_lt(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return FALSE;
- return *c1 < *c2;
- } /* cash_lt() */
- bool
- cash_le(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return FALSE;
- return *c1 <= *c2;
- } /* cash_le() */
- bool
- cash_gt(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return FALSE;
- return *c1 > *c2;
- } /* cash_gt() */
- bool
- cash_ge(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return FALSE;
- return *c1 >= *c2;
- } /* cash_ge() */
- /* cash_pl()
- * Add two cash values.
- */
- Cash *
- cash_pl(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't add cash", NULL);
- *result = (*c1 + *c2);
- return result;
- } /* cash_pl() */
- /* cash_mi()
- * Subtract two cash values.
- */
- Cash *
- cash_mi(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't subtract cash", NULL);
- *result = (*c1 - *c2);
- return result;
- } /* cash_mi() */
- /* cash_mul_flt8()
- * Multiply cash by float8.
- */
- Cash *
- cash_mul_flt8(Cash *c, float8 *f)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(f) || !PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
- *result = ((*f) * (*c));
- return result;
- } /* cash_mul_flt8() */
- /* flt8_mul_cash()
- * Multiply float8 by cash.
- */
- Cash *
- flt8_mul_cash(float8 *f, Cash *c)
- {
- return cash_mul_flt8(c, f);
- } /* flt8_mul_cash() */
- /* cash_div_flt8()
- * Divide cash by float8.
- *
- * XXX Don't know if rounding or truncating is correct behavior.
- * Round for now. - tgl 97/04/15
- */
- Cash *
- cash_div_flt8(Cash *c, float8 *f)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(f) || !PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
- if (*f == 0.0)
- elog(ERROR, "cash_div: divide by 0.0 error");
- *result = rint(*c / *f);
- return result;
- } /* cash_div_flt8() */
- /* cash_mul_flt4()
- * Multiply cash by float4.
- */
- Cash *
- cash_mul_flt4(Cash *c, float4 *f)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(f) || !PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
- *result = ((*f) * (*c));
- return result;
- } /* cash_mul_flt4() */
- /* flt4_mul_cash()
- * Multiply float4 by float4.
- */
- Cash *
- flt4_mul_cash(float4 *f, Cash *c)
- {
- return cash_mul_flt4(c, f);
- } /* flt4_mul_cash() */
- /* cash_div_flt4()
- * Divide cash by float4.
- *
- * XXX Don't know if rounding or truncating is correct behavior.
- * Round for now. - tgl 97/04/15
- */
- Cash *
- cash_div_flt4(Cash *c, float4 *f)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(f) || !PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
- if (*f == 0.0)
- elog(ERROR, "cash_div: divide by 0.0 error");
- *result = rint(*c / *f);
- return result;
- } /* cash_div_flt4() */
- /* cash_mul_int4()
- * Multiply cash by int4.
- */
- Cash *
- cash_mul_int4(Cash *c, int4 i)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
- *result = ((i) * (*c));
- return result;
- } /* cash_mul_int4() */
- /* int4_mul_cash()
- * Multiply int4 by cash.
- */
- Cash *
- int4_mul_cash(int4 i, Cash *c)
- {
- return cash_mul_int4(c, i);
- } /* int4_mul_cash() */
- /* cash_div_int4()
- * Divide cash by 4-byte integer.
- *
- * XXX Don't know if rounding or truncating is correct behavior.
- * Round for now. - tgl 97/04/15
- */
- Cash *
- cash_div_int4(Cash *c, int4 i)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
- if (i == 0)
- elog(ERROR, "cash_idiv: divide by 0 error");
- *result = rint(*c / i);
- return result;
- } /* cash_div_int4() */
- /* cash_mul_int2()
- * Multiply cash by int2.
- */
- Cash *
- cash_mul_int2(Cash *c, int2 s)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
- *result = ((s) * (*c));
- return result;
- } /* cash_mul_int2() */
- /* int2_mul_cash()
- * Multiply int2 by cash.
- */
- Cash *
- int2_mul_cash(int2 s, Cash *c)
- {
- return cash_mul_int2(c, s);
- } /* int2_mul_cash() */
- /* cash_div_int2()
- * Divide cash by int2.
- *
- * XXX Don't know if rounding or truncating is correct behavior.
- * Round for now. - tgl 97/04/15
- */
- Cash *
- cash_div_int2(Cash *c, int2 s)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
- if (s == 0)
- elog(ERROR, "cash_div: divide by 0 error");
- *result = rint(*c / s);
- return result;
- } /* cash_div_int2() */
- /* cashlarger()
- * Return larger of two cash values.
- */
- Cash *
- cashlarger(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't return larger cash", NULL);
- *result = ((*c1 > *c2) ? *c1 : *c2);
- return result;
- } /* cashlarger() */
- /* cashsmaller()
- * Return smaller of two cash values.
- */
- Cash *
- cashsmaller(Cash *c1, Cash *c2)
- {
- Cash *result;
- if (!PointerIsValid(c1) || !PointerIsValid(c2))
- return NULL;
- if (!PointerIsValid(result = palloc(sizeof(Cash))))
- elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't return smaller cash", NULL);
- *result = ((*c1 < *c2) ? *c1 : *c2);
- return result;
- } /* cashsmaller() */
- /* cash_words_out()
- * This converts a int4 as well but to a representation using words
- * Obviously way North American centric - sorry
- */
- text *
- cash_words_out(Cash *value)
- {
- static char buf[128];
- char *p = buf;
- Cash m0;
- Cash m1;
- Cash m2;
- Cash m3;
- text *result;
- /* work with positive numbers */
- if (*value < 0)
- {
- *value *= -1;
- strcpy(buf, "minus ");
- p += 6;
- }
- else
- *buf = 0;
- m0 = *value % 100; /* cents */
- m1 = (*value / 100) % 1000; /* hundreds */
- m2 = (*value / 100000) % 1000; /* thousands */
- m3 = *value / 100000000 % 1000; /* millions */
- if (m3)
- {
- strcat(buf, num_word(m3));
- strcat(buf, " million ");
- }
- if (m2)
- {
- strcat(buf, num_word(m2));
- strcat(buf, " thousand ");
- }
- if (m1)
- strcat(buf, num_word(m1));
- if (!*p)
- strcat(buf, "zero");
- strcat(buf, (int) (*value / 100) == 1 ? " dollar and " : " dollars and ");
- strcat(buf, num_word(m0));
- strcat(buf, m0 == 1 ? " cent" : " cents");
- /* capitalize output */
- *buf = toupper(*buf);
- /* make a text type for output */
- result = (text *) palloc(strlen(buf) + VARHDRSZ);
- VARSIZE(result) = strlen(buf) + VARHDRSZ;
- StrNCpy(VARDATA(result), buf, strlen(buf));
- return result;
- } /* cash_words_out() */
- /*************************************************************************
- * Private routines
- ************************************************************************/
- static const char *
- num_word(Cash value)
- {
- static char buf[128];
- static const char *small[] = {
- "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
- "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty",
- "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
- };
- const char **big = small + 18;
- int tu = value % 100;
- /* deal with the simple cases first */
- if (value <= 20)
- return small[value];
- /* is it an even multiple of 100? */
- if (!tu)
- {
- sprintf(buf, "%s hundred", small[value / 100]);
- return buf;
- }
- /* more than 99? */
- if (value > 99)
- {
- /* is it an even multiple of 10 other than 10? */
- if (value % 10 == 0 && tu > 10)
- sprintf(buf, "%s hundred %s",
- small[value / 100], big[tu / 10]);
- else if (tu < 20)
- sprintf(buf, "%s hundred and %s",
- small[value / 100], small[tu]);
- else
- sprintf(buf, "%s hundred %s %s",
- small[value / 100], big[tu / 10], small[tu % 10]);
- }
- else
- {
- /* is it an even multiple of 10 other than 10? */
- if (value % 10 == 0 && tu > 10)
- sprintf(buf, "%s", big[tu / 10]);
- else if (tu < 20)
- sprintf(buf, "%s", small[tu]);
- else
- sprintf(buf, "%s %s", big[tu / 10], small[tu % 10]);
- }
- return buf;
- } /* num_word() */