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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 11k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "lapb.h"
- #include "ax25.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "usock.h"
- char Ax25_eol[] = "r";
- static void autobind(struct usock *up);
- /* The following two variables are needed because there can be only one
- * socket listening on each of the AX.25 modes (I and UI)
- */
- int Axi_sock = -1; /* Socket number listening for AX25 connections */
- static int Axui_sock = -1; /* Socket number listening for AX25 UI frames */
- static struct mbuf *Bcq; /* Queue of incoming UI frames */
- /* Function that handles incoming UI frames from lapb.c */
- void
- beac_input(
- struct iface *iface,
- uint8 *src,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- struct mbuf *hdr;
- struct sockaddr_ax *sax;
- if(Axui_sock == -1){
- /* Nobody there to read it */
- free_p(bpp);
- } else {
- pushdown(&hdr,NULL,sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax));
- sax = (struct sockaddr_ax *)hdr->data;
- sax->sax_family = AF_AX25;
- memcpy(sax->ax25_addr,src,AXALEN);
- strncpy(sax->iface,iface->name,ILEN);
- hdr->next = (*bpp);
- *bpp = NULL;
- enqueue(&Bcq,&hdr);
- }
- }
- int
- so_ax_sock(
- struct usock *up,
- int protocol
- ){
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_axui_sock(
- struct usock *up,
- int protocol
- ){
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_axui_bind(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- if(Axui_sock != -1){
- errno = EADDRINUSE;
- return -1;
- }
- Axui_sock = up->index;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_ax_listen(
- struct usock *up,
- int backlog
- ){
- struct sockaddr_ax *local;
- if(up->name == NULL)
- autobind(up);
- if(up != itop(Axi_sock)){
- errno = EOPNOTSUPP;
- return -1;
- }
- local = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->name;
- up->cb.ax25 = open_ax25(NULL,local->ax25_addr,NULL,
- backlog ? AX_SERVER:AX_PASSIVE,0,
- s_arcall,s_atcall,s_ascall,Axi_sock);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_ax_conn(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- struct sockaddr_ax *local,*remote,localtmp;
- struct ax25_cb *ax25;
- struct iface *iface;
- int s;
- s = up->index;
- remote = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->peername;
- if((iface = if_lookup(remote->iface)) == NULL){
- errno = EINVAL;
- return -1;
- }
- local = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->name;
- if(local == NULL){
- /* The local address was unspecified; set it from
- * the interface we'll use
- */
- localtmp.sax_family = AF_AX25;
- memcpy(localtmp.ax25_addr,iface->hwaddr,AXALEN);
- memcpy(localtmp.iface,remote->iface,ILEN);
- bind(s,(struct sockaddr *)&localtmp,sizeof(localtmp));
- local = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->name;
- }
- /* If we already have an AX25 link we can use it */
- if((up->cb.ax25 = find_ax25(remote->ax25_addr)) != NULL
- && up->cb.ax25->state != LAPB_DISCONNECTED &&
- up->cb.ax25->user == -1) {
- up->cb.ax25->user = s;
- up->cb.ax25->r_upcall = s_arcall;
- up->cb.ax25->t_upcall = s_atcall;
- up->cb.ax25->s_upcall = s_ascall;
- if(up->cb.ax25->state == LAPB_CONNECTED
- || up->cb.ax25->state == LAPB_RECOVERY)
- return 0;
- } else {
- up->cb.ax25 = open_ax25(iface,local->ax25_addr,
- remote->ax25_addr,AX_ACTIVE,
- Axwindow,s_arcall,s_atcall,s_ascall,s);
- }
- /* Wait for the connection to complete */
- while((ax25 = up->cb.ax25) != NULL && ax25->state != LAPB_CONNECTED){
- if(up->noblock){
- errno = EWOULDBLOCK;
- return -1;
- } else if((errno = kwait(up)) != 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(ax25 == NULL){
- /* Connection probably already exists */
- free(up->peername);
- up->peername = NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_axui_conn(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- if(up->name == NULL)
- autobind(up);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_ax_recv(
- struct usock *up,
- struct mbuf **bpp,
- struct sockaddr *from,
- int *fromlen
- ){
- struct ax25_cb *ax25;
- int cnt;
- while((ax25 = up->cb.ax25) != NULL
- && (*bpp = recv_ax25(ax25,(uint16)0)) == NULL){
- if(up->noblock){
- errno = EWOULDBLOCK;
- return -1;
- } else if((errno = kwait(up)) != 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(ax25 == NULL){
- /* Connection went away */
- errno = ENOTCONN;
- return -1;
- }
- cnt = (*bpp)->cnt;
- return cnt;
- }
- int
- so_axui_recv(
- struct usock *up,
- struct mbuf **bpp,
- struct sockaddr *from,
- int *fromlen
- ){
- int s;
- s = up->index;
- while(s == Axui_sock && Bcq == NULL){
- if(up->noblock){
- errno = EWOULDBLOCK;
- return -1;
- } else if((errno = kwait(&Bcq)) != 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(s != Axui_sock){
- errno = ENOTCONN;
- return -1;
- }
- *bpp = dequeue(&Bcq);
- if(from != NULL && fromlen != NULL
- && *fromlen >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax)){
- pullup(bpp,from,sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax));
- *fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax);
- } else {
- pullup(bpp,NULL,sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax));
- }
- return len_p(*bpp);
- }
- int
- so_ax_send(
- struct usock *up,
- struct mbuf **bpp,
- struct sockaddr *to
- ){
- struct ax25_cb *ax25;
- if((ax25 = up->cb.ax25) == NULL){
- free_p(bpp);
- errno = ENOTCONN;
- return -1;
- }
- send_ax25(ax25,bpp,PID_NO_L3);
- while((ax25 = up->cb.ax25) != NULL &&
- len_q(ax25->txq) * ax25->paclen > ax25->window){
- if(up->noblock){
- errno = EWOULDBLOCK;
- return -1;
- } else if((errno = kwait(up)) != 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(ax25 == NULL){
- errno = EBADF;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_axui_send(
- struct usock *up,
- struct mbuf **bpp,
- struct sockaddr *to
- ){
- struct sockaddr_ax *local,*remote;
- local = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->name;
- if(to != NULL)
- remote = (struct sockaddr_ax *)to;
- else if(up->peername != NULL){
- remote = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->peername;
- } else {
- free_p(bpp);
- errno = ENOTCONN;
- return -1;
- }
- ax_output(if_lookup(remote->iface),remote->ax25_addr,
- local->ax25_addr,PID_NO_L3,bpp);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_ax_qlen(
- struct usock *up,
- int rtx
- ){
- int len;
- if(up->cb.ax25 == NULL){
- errno = ENOTCONN;
- return -1;
- }
- switch(rtx){
- case 0:
- len = len_p(up->cb.ax25->rxq);
- break;
- case 1: /* Number of packets, not bytes */
- len = len_q(up->cb.ax25->txq);
- }
- return len;
- }
- int
- so_axui_qlen(
- struct usock *up,
- int rtx
- ){
- int len;
- switch(rtx){
- case 0:
- len = len_q(Bcq);
- break;
- case 1:
- len = 0;
- break;
- }
- return len;
- }
- int
- so_ax_kick(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- if(up->cb.ax25 != NULL)
- kick_ax25(up->cb.ax25);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_ax_shut(
- struct usock *up,
- int how
- ){
- if(up->cb.ax25 == NULL)
- return 0;
- switch(how){
- case 0:
- case 1: /* Attempt regular disconnect */
- disc_ax25(up->cb.ax25);
- break;
- case 2: /* Blow it away */
- reset_ax25(up->cb.ax25);
- up->cb.ax25 = NULL;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_ax_close(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- if(up->cb.ax25 != NULL){
- /* Tell the CLOSED upcall there's no more socket */
- up->cb.ax25->user = -1;
- disc_ax25(up->cb.ax25);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- so_axui_close(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- Axui_sock = -1;
- free_q(&Bcq);
- ksignal(&Bcq,0); /* Unblock any reads */
- return 0;
- }
- /* AX.25 receive upcall */
- void
- s_arcall(
- struct ax25_cb *axp,
- int cnt
- ){
- int ns;
- struct usock *up,*nup,*oup;
- union sp sp;
- up = itop(axp->user);
- /* When AX.25 data arrives for the first time the AX.25 listener
- is notified, if active. If the AX.25 listener is a server its
- socket is duplicated in the same manner as in s_tscall().
- */
- if (Axi_sock != -1 && axp->user == -1) {
- oup = up = itop(Axi_sock);
- /* From now on, use the same upcalls as the listener */
- axp->t_upcall = up->cb.ax25->t_upcall;
- axp->r_upcall = up->cb.ax25->r_upcall;
- axp->s_upcall = up->cb.ax25->s_upcall;
- if (up->cb.ax25->flags.clone) {
- /* Clone the socket */
- ns = socket(AF_AX25,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- nup = itop(ns);
- ASSIGN(*nup,*up);
- axp->user = ns;
- nup->cb.ax25 = axp;
- /* Allocate new memory for the name areas */
- nup->name = mallocw(sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax));
- nup->peername = mallocw(sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax));
- /* Store the new socket # in the old one */
- up->rdysock = ns;
- up = nup;
- } else {
- axp->user = Axi_sock;
- del_ax25(up->cb.ax25);
- up->cb.ax25 = axp;
- /* Allocate space for the peer's name */
- up->peername = mallocw(sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax));
- /* Store the old socket # in the old socket */
- up->rdysock = Axi_sock;
- }
- /* Load the addresses. Memory for the name has already
- * been allocated, either above or in the original bind.
- */
- = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->name;
->sax_family = AF_AX25;
- memcpy(>ax25_addr,axp->local,AXALEN);
- memcpy(>iface,axp->iface->name,ILEN);
- up->namelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax);
- = (struct sockaddr_ax *)up->peername;
->sax_family = AF_AX25;
- memcpy(>ax25_addr,axp->remote,AXALEN);
- memcpy(>iface,axp->iface->name,ILEN);
- up->peernamelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax);
- /* Wake up the guy accepting it, and let him run */
- ksignal(oup,1);
- kwait(NULL);
- return;
- }
- /* Wake up anyone waiting, and let them run */
- ksignal(up,1);
- kwait(NULL);
- }
- /* AX.25 transmit upcall */
- void
- s_atcall(
- struct ax25_cb *axp,
- int cnt
- ){
- /* Wake up anyone waiting, and let them run */
- ksignal(itop(axp->user),1);
- kwait(NULL);
- }
- /* AX25 state change upcall routine */
- void
- s_ascall(
- register struct ax25_cb *axp,
- int old,
- int new
- ){
- int s;
- struct usock *up;
- s = axp->user;
- up = itop(s);
- switch(new){
- /* Clean up. If the user has already closed the socket,
- * then up will be null (s was set to -1 by the close routine).
- * If not, then this is an abnormal close (e.g., a reset)
- * and clearing out the pointer in the socket structure will
- * prevent any further operations on what will be a freed
- * control block. Also wake up anybody waiting on events
- * related to this block so they will notice it disappearing.
- */
- if(up != NULL){
- up->errcodes[0] = axp->reason;
- up->cb.ax25 = NULL;
- }
- del_ax25(axp);
- break;
- default: /* Other transitions are ignored */
- break;
- }
- ksignal(up,0); /* In case anybody's waiting */
- }
- /* Issue an automatic bind of a local AX25 address */
- static void
- autobind(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- struct sockaddr_ax local;
- int s;
- s = up->index;
- local.sax_family = AF_AX25;
- memcpy(local.ax25_addr,Mycall,AXALEN);
- bind(s,(struct sockaddr *)&local,sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax));
- }
- int
- checkaxaddr(
- struct sockaddr *name,
- int namelen
- ){
- struct sockaddr_ax *sock;
- sock = (struct sockaddr_ax *)name;
- if(sock->sax_family != AF_AX25 || namelen != sizeof(struct sockaddr_ax))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- char *
- axpsocket(
- struct sockaddr *p
- ){
- struct sockaddr_ax *axp;
- static char buf[30];
- char tmp[11];
- axp = (struct sockaddr_ax *)p;
- pax25(tmp,axp->ax25_addr);
- if(strlen(axp->iface) != 0)
- sprintf(buf,"%s on %s",tmp,axp->iface);
- else
- strcpy(buf,tmp);
- return buf;
- }
- char *
- axstate(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- return Ax25states[up->cb.ax25->state];
- }
- so_ax_stat(
- struct usock *up
- ){
- st_ax25(up->cb.ax25);
- return 0;
- }