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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 35k
Development Platform:
- /* mqPxLib.c - message queue library (POSIX) */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01s,17jul00,jgn merge DOT-4 pthreads changes
- 01r,29sep00,pai added Andrew Gaiarsa's fix for mq_send() during kernelState
- (SPR #32033)
- 01q,16oct96,dgp doc: modify mq_send to show maximum priority <= 31
- (SPR #7019)
- 01p,19aug96,dbt added use of MQ_PRIO_MAX (SPR #7039).
- 01o,11feb95,jdi corrected spelling error.
- 01n,25jan95,rhp doc tweaks.
- 19jan95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 01m,15apr94,dvs fix mq_send to unlock interrupts on error.
- +rrr
- 01l,08apr94,dvs doc cleanup of mq_close (SPR #3099).
- 01k,08apr94,dvs fixed error in args when calling symFindByName (SPR #3090).
- 01j,03feb94,kdl moved structure definitions to mqPxLibP.h.
- 01i,01feb94,dvs documentation changes.
- 01h,30jan94,kdl changed #if for conditional ffsMsb() prototype (!=I960).
- 01g,28jan94,kdl added check for invalid msg and queue sizes in mq_open().
- 01f,28jan94,dvs fixed i960 ffsMsb() problem
- 01e,24jan94,smb added instrumentation macros
- 01d,12jan94,rrr fixed bug sending message to self; change to follow wrs
- +kdl coding conventions; change mqLibInit() to mqPxLibInit().
- 01c,21dec93,kdl fixed errno if opening non-existant queue.
- 01b,12nov93,rrr rewrite
- 01a,06apr93,smb created
- */
- /*
- This library implements the message-queue interface defined in the
- POSIX 1003.1b standard, as an alternative to the VxWorks-specific
- message queue design in msgQLib. These message queues are accessed
- through names; each message queue supports multiple sending and receiving
- tasks.
- The message queue interface imposes a fixed upper bound on the size of
- messages that can be sent to a specific message queue. The size is set on
- an individual queue basis. The value may not be changed dynamically.
- This interface allows a task be notified asynchronously of the
- availability of a message on the queue. The purpose of this feature is to
- let the task to perform other functions and yet still be notified that a
- message has become available on the queue.
- The mq_close() call terminates a message queue descriptor and
- deallocates any associated memory. When deleting message queue
- descriptors, take care to avoid interfering with other tasks that are
- using the same descriptor. Tasks should only close message
- queue descriptors that the same task has opened successfully.
- The routines in this library conform to POSIX 1003.1b.
- INCLUDE FILES: mqueue.h
- SEE ALSO: POSIX 1003.1b document, msgQLib,
- .pG "Basic OS"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "stdarg.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "qLib.h"
- #include "fcntl.h"
- #include "objLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "private/mqPxLibP.h"
- #include "private/sigLibP.h"
- #include "private/kernelLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- #include "symLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #define __PTHREAD_SRC
- #include "pthread.h"
- #if CPU_FAMILY != I960
- extern int ffsMsb (unsigned long); /* not in any header except for i960 */
- #endif
- #undef FREAD
- #undef FWRITE
- #define FREAD 1
- #define FWRITE 2
- static OBJ_CLASS mqClass;
- CLASS_ID mqClassId = &mqClass;
- SYMTAB_ID mqNameTbl;
- BOOL mqLibInstalled = FALSE;
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #define INLINE __inline__
- #else
- #define INLINE
- #endif
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sll_ins - insert into a singly linked list
- *
- * These list have the following form:
- *
- * ---------
- * | head |-------------
- * ---------
- *
- * ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- * ,-->| New - 1|-------->| Newest |----->| Oldest |--~~~-->| |-
- * / ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- * ____________________________________________________________________/
- *
- * To insert, put it after the Newest and move the head up one.
- */
- static INLINE void sll_ins
- (
- struct sll_node * pNode, /* node to insert */
- struct sll_node ** ppHead /* addr of head of list */
- )
- {
- if (*ppHead == NULL)
- *ppHead = pNode->sll_next = pNode;
- else
- {
- pNode->sll_next = (*ppHead)->sll_next;
- (*ppHead)->sll_next = pNode;
- *ppHead = pNode;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sll_head - remove the oldest node off a singly linked list
- *
- * These list have the following form:
- *
- * ---------
- * | head |-------------
- * ---------
- *
- * ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- * ,-->| New - 1|-------->| Newest |------| Oldest |--~~~-->| |-
- * / ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- * ____________________________________________________________________/
- *
- * To remove, pull off the one after the Newest, then make sure there are
- * still some nodes left otherwise null out the head.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to the oldest node.
- */
- static INLINE struct sll_node *sll_head
- (
- struct sll_node ** ppHead /* addr of head of list */
- )
- {
- struct sll_node *pRetval;
- if ((pRetval = (*ppHead)->sll_next) == *ppHead)
- *ppHead = NULL;
- else
- (*ppHead)->sll_next = pRetval->sll_next;
- return (pRetval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mqPxLibInit - initialize the POSIX message queue library
- *
- * This routine initializes the POSIX message queue facility. If <hashSize> is
- * 0, the default value is taken from MQ_HASH_SIZE_DEFAULT.
- *
- */
- int mqPxLibInit
- (
- int hashSize /* log2 of number of hash buckets */
- )
- {
- if (!mqLibInstalled)
- {
- if (hashSize == 0)
- if (((mqNameTbl = symTblCreate (hashSize, FALSE, memSysPartId)) != NULL)
- && (classInit (mqClassId, sizeof (struct mq_des),
- OFFSET (struct mq_des, f_objCore),
- mqLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- return (mqLibInstalled) ? OK : ERROR;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_init - quick and dirty init of the guts of a message queue.
- *
- * The needs to be redone with objects!!! XXX
- *
- */
- static void mq_init
- (
- void * pMem, /* memory to hold queue */
- int nMsgs, /* number of messages in queue */
- int msgSize /* size of each message */
- )
- {
- struct sll_node *pNode;
- struct msg_que *pMq;
- size_t nBytes;
- nBytes = MEM_ROUND_UP (msgSize + sizeof (struct sll_node));
- pMq = (struct msg_que *) pMem;
- bzero ((void *) pMq, sizeof (struct msg_que));
- qInit (&pMq->msgq_cond_read, Q_PRI_LIST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- qInit (&pMq->msgq_cond_data, Q_PRI_LIST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- pMq->msgq_sigTask = -1;
- pMq->msgq_attr.mq_maxmsg = nMsgs;
- pMq->msgq_attr.mq_msgsize = msgSize;
- pNode = (struct sll_node *) (void *) ((char *)pMem +
- MEM_ROUND_UP (sizeof (struct msg_que)));
- while (nMsgs-- > 0)
- {
- sll_ins (pNode, &pMq->msgq_free_list);
- pNode = (struct sll_node *) (void *) ((char *)pNode + nBytes);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_terminate - quick and dirty termination of the guts of a message queue.
- *
- * The needs to be redone with objects!!! XXX
- *
- */
- static void mq_terminate
- (
- struct msg_que *pMq
- )
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* ENTER KERNEL */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- windPendQTerminate (&pMq->msgq_cond_read);
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- windPendQTerminate (&pMq->msgq_cond_data);
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- /*
- * notification processing
- */
- if (pMq->msgq_sigTask != -1)
- {
- sigPendDestroy (&pMq->msgq_sigPend);
- pMq->msgq_sigTask = -1;
- }
- free (pMq);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_create - create a message queue
- *
- * The function mq_create() is used to create a message queue. The maximum
- * size of any message that can be sent is <msgSize>. The message queue
- * can hold <nMsgs> messages before a mq_send() will block.
- *
- * RETURNS: Upon successful completion, mq_create() will return a
- * message queue descriptor. Otherwise, the function will return (<mqd_t>)-1
- * and set <errno> to indicate the error.
- *
- * ERRORS: If any of the following conditions occur, the mq_create() function
- * will return (<mqd_t>)-1 and set <errno> to the corresponding value:
- * .iP ENOMEM
- *
- */
- mqd_t mq_create
- (
- size_t nMsgs, /* number of messages in queue */
- size_t msgSize /* size of each message in queue */
- )
- {
- struct mq_des *pMqDesc;
- void *pQMem;
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK)
- return ((mqd_t) -1); /* restrict ISR from calling */
- if ((!mqLibInstalled) && (mqPxLibInit (0) != OK))
- return ((mqd_t) -1); /* package init problem */
- pQMem = malloc (MEM_ROUND_UP (sizeof (struct msg_que)) +
- nMsgs * MEM_ROUND_UP (msgSize + sizeof (struct sll_node)));
- if (pQMem == NULL)
- {
- errno = ENOSPC;
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- }
- if ((pMqDesc = (mqd_t) objAlloc (mqClassId)) == NULL)
- {
- free (pQMem);
- errno = ENOSPC;
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- }
- mq_init (pQMem, nMsgs, msgSize);
- pMqDesc->f_flag = FREAD | FWRITE;
- pMqDesc->f_data = pQMem;
- pMqDesc->f_data->msgq_links++;
- objCoreInit (&pMqDesc->f_objCore, mqClassId); /* valid file obj */
- return (pMqDesc);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_open - open a message queue (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine establishes a connection between a named message queue and the
- * calling task. After a call to mq_open(), the task can reference the
- * message queue using the address returned by the call. The message queue
- * remains usable until the queue is closed by a successful call to mq_close().
- *
- * The <oflags> argument controls whether the message queue is created or merely
- * accessed by the mq_open() call. The following flag bits can be set
- * in <oflags>:
- * .iP O_RDONLY
- * Open the message queue for receiving messages. The task can use the
- * returned message queue descriptor with mq_receive(), but not mq_send().
- * .iP O_WRONLY
- * Open the message queue for sending messages. The task can use the
- * returned message queue descriptor with mq_send(), but not mq_receive().
- * .iP O_RDWR
- * Open the queue for both receiving and sending messages. The task can use
- * any of the functions allowed for O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY.
- * .LP
- *
- * Any combination of the remaining flags can be specified in <oflags>:
- * .iP O_CREAT
- * This flag is used to create a message queue if it does not already exist.
- * If O_CREAT is set and the message queue already exists, then O_CREAT has
- * no effect except as noted below under O_EXCL. Otherwise, mq_open()
- * creates a message queue. The O_CREAT flag requires a third and fourth
- * argument: <mode>, which is of type `mode_t', and <pAttr>, which is of type
- * pointer to an `mq_attr' structure. The value of <mode> has no effect in
- * this implementation. If <pAttr> is NULL, the message queue is created
- * with implementation-defined default message queue attributes. If <pAttr>
- * is non-NULL, the message queue attributes `mq_maxmsg' and `mq_msgsize' are
- * set to the values of the corresponding members in the `mq_attr' structure
- * referred to by <pAttr>; if either attribute is less than or equal to zero,
- * an error is returned and errno is set to EINVAL.
- * .iP O_EXCL
- * This flag is used to test whether a message queue already exists.
- * If O_EXCL and O_CREAT are set, mq_open() fails if the message queue name
- * exists.
- * The setting of this flag is associated with the open message queue descriptor
- * and determines whether a mq_send() or mq_receive() will wait for resources
- * or messages that are not currently available, or fail with errno set
- * to EAGAIN.
- * .LP
- *
- * The mq_open() call does not add or remove messages from the queue.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * Some POSIX functionality is not yet supported:
- *
- * - A message queue cannot be closed with calls to _exit() or exec().
- * - A message queue cannot be implemented as a file.
- * - Message queue names will not appear in the file system.
- *
- * RETURNS: A message queue descriptor, otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_send(), mq_receive(), mq_close(), mq_setattr(), mq_getattr(),
- * mq_unlink()
- *
- */
- mqd_t mq_open
- (
- const char *mqName, /* name of queue to open */
- int oflags, /* open flags */
- ... /* extra optional parameters */
- )
- {
- va_list vaList; /* arg list (if O_CREAT) */
- struct mq_des * pMqDesc; /* memory for queue descriptor */
- struct mq_attr * pAttr; /* pointer to attr passed in */
- void * pQMem; /* memory queue will be placed in */
- mode_t mode; /* not used by vxWorks */
- int nMsgs; /* number of messages in queue */
- int msgSize; /* size of each message in queue */
- int nBytes; /* amount of mem needed for queue */
- SYM_TYPE dummy; /* dummy var for symFindByName */
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict ISR from calling */
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- if ((!mqLibInstalled) && (mqPxLibInit (0) != OK))
- return ((mqd_t) -1); /* package init problem */
- if ((oflags & 3) == 3)
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- }
- semTake (&mqNameTbl->symMutex, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (symFindByName (mqNameTbl, (char *) mqName, (char **)&pQMem,
- &dummy) == OK)
- {
- /*
- * Found a mq, see if we should use it
- */
- if (O_EXCL & oflags)
- {
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- errno = EEXIST;
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- }
- if ((pMqDesc = (mqd_t) objAlloc (mqClassId)) == NULL)
- {
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- errno = ENOSPC;
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * There was no mq, create one if asked
- */
- if (!(O_CREAT & oflags))
- {
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- errno = ENOENT;
- return ((mqd_t) -1); /* queue does not exist */
- }
- va_start (vaList, oflags);
- mode = va_arg (vaList, mode_t);
- pAttr = va_arg (vaList, struct mq_attr *);
- va_end (vaList);
- if (pAttr != NULL)
- {
- nMsgs = pAttr->mq_maxmsg;
- msgSize = pAttr->mq_msgsize;
- if ((nMsgs <= 0) || (msgSize <= 0))
- {
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- errno = EINVAL;
- return ((mqd_t) -1); /* invalid size specified */
- }
- oflags |= (pAttr->mq_flags & O_NONBLOCK);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- nBytes = MEM_ROUND_UP (sizeof(struct msg_que)) +
- nMsgs * MEM_ROUND_UP (msgSize + sizeof (struct sll_node));
- pQMem = malloc (nBytes + strlen (mqName) + 1);
- if (pQMem == 0)
- {
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- errno = ENOSPC;
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- }
- mq_init (pQMem, nMsgs, msgSize);
- ((struct msg_que *) pQMem)-> = (char *) pQMem + nBytes;
- ((struct msg_que *) pQMem)->msgq_sym.value = (char *) pQMem;
- strcpy ((char *)pQMem + nBytes, mqName);
- if ((pMqDesc = (mqd_t) objAlloc (mqClassId)) == NULL)
- {
- free (pQMem);
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- errno = ENOSPC;
- return ((mqd_t) -1);
- }
- symTblAdd (mqNameTbl, &((struct msg_que *) pQMem)->msgq_sym);
- }
- /*
- * (oflags & 3) + 1 is magic for transposing O_RDONLY, O_RDWR or
- * O_WRONLY into the bit field flags FREAD and FWRITE
- */
- pMqDesc->f_flag = (oflags & O_NONBLOCK) | ((oflags & 3) + 1);
- pMqDesc->f_data = pQMem;
- pMqDesc->f_data->msgq_links++;
- objCoreInit (&pMqDesc->f_objCore, mqClassId); /* valid file obj */
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- return (pMqDesc);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_receive - receive a message from a message queue (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine receives the oldest of the highest priority message from
- * the message queue specified by <mqdes>. If the size of the buffer in
- * bytes, specified by the <msgLen> argument, is less than the `mq_msgsize'
- * attribute of the message queue, mq_receive() will fail and return an
- * error. Otherwise, the selected message is removed from the queue and
- * copied to <pMsg>.
- *
- * If <pMsgPrio> is not NULL, the priority of the selected message
- * will be stored in <pMsgPrio>.
- *
- * If the message queue is empty and O_NONBLOCK is not set in the message
- * queue's description, mq_receive() will block until a message is added to
- * the message queue, or until it is interrupted by a signal. If more than
- * one task is waiting to receive a message when a message arrives at an
- * empty queue, the task of highest priority that has been waiting the
- * longest will be selected to receive the message. If the specified message
- * queue is empty and O_NONBLOCK is set in the message queue's description,
- * no message is removed from the queue, and mq_receive() returns an error.
- *
- * RETURNS: The length of the selected message in bytes, otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_send()
- */
- ssize_t mq_receive
- (
- mqd_t mqdes, /* message queue descriptor */
- void *pMsg, /* buffer to receive message */
- size_t msgLen, /* size of buffer, in bytes */
- int *pMsgPrio /* if not NULL, priority of message */
- )
- {
- struct sll_node *pNode;
- struct msg_que *pMq;
- int status;
- int level;
- int prio;
- int error = 0;
- int savtype;
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict ISR from calling */
- return (-1);
- if ((OBJ_VERIFY (mqdes, mqClassId) != OK) ||
- ((mqdes->f_flag & FREAD) == 0))
- {
- error = EBADF;
- goto bad;
- }
- pMq = mqdes->f_data;
- /* Link into pthreads support code */
- if (_func_pthread_setcanceltype != NULL)
- {
- _func_pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &savtype);
- }
- if (msgLen < pMq->msgq_attr.mq_msgsize)
- {
- error = EMSGSIZE;
- goto bad;
- }
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- if (pMq->msgq_bmap == 0)
- {
- if (mqdes->f_flag & O_NONBLOCK)
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- error = EAGAIN;
- goto bad;
- }
- /*
- * This needs to be in a loop, the reason is that someone
- * can wake us up but we may not run. During that time someone
- * else can come in and steal our message.
- */
- while (pMq->msgq_bmap == 0)
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* ENTER KERNEL */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- if (windPendQPut (&pMq->msgq_cond_data, WAIT_FOREVER) != OK)
- {
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- error = EBADF; /* what should ernno be??? */
- goto bad;
- }
- status = windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- if (status != 0)
- {
- error = (status == RESTART) ? EINTR : EAGAIN;
- goto bad;
- }
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- }
- }
- prio = ffsMsb (pMq->msgq_bmap) - 1;
- pNode = sll_head (&pMq->msgq_data_list[prio]);
- --pMq->msgq_attr.mq_curmsgs;
- if (pMq->msgq_data_list[prio] == NULL)
- pMq->msgq_bmap &= ~(1 << prio);
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- msgLen = pNode->sll_size;
- bcopy ((void *) (pNode + 1), pMsg, msgLen);
- if (pMsgPrio != 0)
- *pMsgPrio = prio;
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- sll_ins (pNode, &pMq->msgq_free_list);
- if (Q_FIRST (&pMq->msgq_cond_read) != 0)
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* ENTER KERNEL */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- windPendQGet (&pMq->msgq_cond_read);
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- }
- else
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- bad:
- /* Link into pthreads support code */
- if (_func_pthread_setcanceltype != NULL)
- {
- _func_pthread_setcanceltype(savtype, NULL);
- }
- if (error != 0)
- {
- errno = error;
- return (-1);
- }
- return (msgLen);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_work - handle mq work
- *
- * The routine is always done as work. It is needed because windPendQGet
- * does not check it the queue is empty.
- */
- LOCAL void mq_work
- (
- struct msg_que *pMq,
- int flag
- )
- {
- if (Q_FIRST (&pMq->msgq_cond_data) != NULL)
- {
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- windPendQGet (&pMq->msgq_cond_data);
- }
- else if ((flag == 0) && (pMq->msgq_sigTask != -1))
- {
- /* SPR #32033
- * An interrupt context is faked while executing sigPendKill().
- * Since the work queue is drained with kernelState set to TRUE,
- * sigPendKill() will perform an excJobAdd() of itself. Without
- * faking an interrupt context, the ensuing msgQSend() will perform
- * taskLock/taskUnlock to protect it's critical section. The
- * taskUnlock() would then re-enter the kernel via windExit().
- * The kernel cannot be re-entered while in the process of draining
- * the work queue.
- */
- ++intCnt; /* no need to lock interrupts around increment */
- sigPendKill (pMq->msgq_sigTask, &pMq->msgq_sigPend);
- --intCnt; /* no need to lock interrupts around decrement */
- pMq->msgq_sigTask = -1;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_send - send a message to a message queue (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine adds the message <pMsg> to the message queue
- * <mqdes>. The <msgLen> parameter specifies the length of the message in
- * bytes pointed to by <pMsg>. The value of <pMsg> must be less than or
- * equal to the `mq_msgsize' attribute of the message queue, or mq_send()
- * will fail.
- *
- * If the message queue is not full, mq_send() will behave as if the message
- * is inserted into the message queue at the position indicated by the
- * <msgPrio> argument. A message with a higher numeric value for <msgPrio>
- * is inserted before messages with a lower value. The value
- * of <msgPrio> must be less than or equal to 31.
- *
- * If the specified message queue is full and O_NONBLOCK is not set in the
- * message queue's, mq_send() will block until space becomes available to
- * queue the message, or until it is interrupted by a signal. The priority
- * scheduling option is supported in the event that there is more than one
- * task waiting on space becoming available. If the message queue is full
- * and O_NONBLOCK is set in the message queue's description, the message is
- * not queued, and mq_send() returns an error.
- *
- * This routine can be called by interrupt service routines as well as
- * by tasks. This is one of the primary means of communication
- * between an interrupt service routine and a task. If mq_send()
- * is called from an interrupt service routine, it will behave as if
- * the O_NONBLOCK flag were set.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 (OK), otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_receive()
- */
- int mq_send
- (
- mqd_t mqdes, /* message queue descriptor */
- const void *pMsg, /* message to send */
- size_t msgLen, /* size of message, in bytes */
- int msgPrio /* priority of message */
- )
- {
- struct sll_node *pNode;
- struct msg_que *pMq;
- int status;
- int level;
- int flag;
- int sigTaskSave; /* saved task id */
- int error = 0;
- int savtype; /* saved cancellation type */
- if (msgPrio > MQ_PRIORITY_MAX)
- {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Link into pthreads support code */
- if (_func_pthread_setcanceltype != NULL)
- {
- _func_pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &savtype);
- }
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- if ((OBJ_VERIFY (mqdes, mqClassId) != OK) ||
- ((mqdes->f_flag & FWRITE) == 0))
- {
- error = EBADF;
- goto bad;
- }
- pMq = mqdes->f_data;
- if (msgLen > pMq->msgq_attr.mq_msgsize)
- {
- error = EMSGSIZE;
- goto bad;
- }
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- if (pMq->msgq_free_list == NULL)
- {
- if (mqdes->f_flag & O_NONBLOCK)
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- error = EAGAIN;
- goto bad;
- }
- if (INT_CONTEXT ())
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- error = EAGAIN; /* what should errno be??? */
- goto bad;
- }
- while (pMq->msgq_free_list == NULL)
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* ENTER KERNEL */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- if (windPendQPut (&pMq->msgq_cond_read, WAIT_FOREVER) != OK)
- {
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- error = EBADF; /* what should errno be??? */
- goto bad;
- }
- if ((status = windExit ()) != 0) /* EXIT KERNEL */
- {
- error = (status == RESTART) ? EINTR : EAGAIN;
- goto bad;
- }
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- }
- }
- pNode = sll_head (&pMq->msgq_free_list);
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- bcopy (pMsg, (void *) (pNode + 1), msgLen);
- pNode->sll_size = msgLen;
- level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- sll_ins (pNode, &pMq->msgq_data_list[msgPrio]);
- flag = pMq->msgq_attr.mq_curmsgs++;
- pMq->msgq_bmap |= 1 << (msgPrio);
- if (kernelState)
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- workQAdd2 ((FUNCPTR)mq_work, (int) pMq, flag);
- }
- else
- {
- if (Q_FIRST (&pMq->msgq_cond_data) != 0)
- {
- kernelState = TRUE; /* ENTER KERNEL */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- /* windview - level 2 instrumentation */
- windPendQGet (&pMq->msgq_cond_data);
- windExit (); /* EXIT KERNEL */
- }
- else
- {
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- if ((flag == 0) && (pMq->msgq_sigTask != -1))
- {
- sigTaskSave = pMq->msgq_sigTask;
- pMq->msgq_sigTask = -1;
- sigPendKill (sigTaskSave, &pMq->msgq_sigPend);
- }
- }
- }
- bad:
- if (!INT_CONTEXT ())
- /* Link into pthreads support code */
- if (_func_pthread_setcanceltype != NULL)
- {
- _func_pthread_setcanceltype(savtype, NULL);
- }
- if (error)
- {
- errno = error;
- return (-1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_close - close a message queue (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine is used to indicate that the calling task is finished
- * with the specified message queue <mqdes>.
- * The mq_close() call deallocates any system resources allocated
- * by the system for use by this task for its message queue.
- * The behavior of a task that is blocked on either a mq_send() or
- * mq_receive() is undefined when mq_close() is called.
- * The <mqdes> parameter will no longer be a valid message queue ID.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 (OK) if the message queue is closed successfully,
- * otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_open()
- */
- int mq_close
- (
- mqd_t mqdes /* message queue descriptor */
- )
- {
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict ISR from calling */
- return (-1);
- /*
- * validate message queue
- */
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (mqdes, mqClassId) != OK)
- {
- errno = EBADF;
- return (-1); /* invalid object */
- }
- /*
- * invalidate message queue descriptor
- */
- objCoreTerminate (&mqdes->f_objCore);
- semTake (&mqNameTbl->symMutex, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /*
- * No effect unless the name has been unlinked from name table
- */
- if ((--mqdes->f_data->msgq_links == 0) &&
- (mqdes->f_data-> == NULL))
- mq_terminate(mqdes->f_data);
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- /*
- * free message queue descriptor
- */
- objFree (mqClassId, (char *) mqdes);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_unlink - remove a message queue (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine removes the message queue named by the pathname <mqName>.
- * After a successful call to mq_unlink(), a call to mq_open() on the same
- * message queue will fail if the flag O_CREAT is not set. If one or more
- * tasks have the message queue open when mq_unlink() is called, removal of
- * the message queue is postponed until all references to the message queue
- * have been closed.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 (OK) if the message queue is unlinked successfully,
- * otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_close(), mq_open()
- *
- */
- int mq_unlink
- (
- const char * mqName /* name of message queue */
- )
- {
- struct msg_que *pMq;
- SYM_TYPE dummy; /* dummy var for symFindByName */
- /*
- * The following semTake is used to insure that mq_open cannot
- * attach a task to the message queue between finding the message queue
- * name in the table and unlinking it from the table.
- */
- semTake (&mqNameTbl->symMutex, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (symFindByName (mqNameTbl, (char *) mqName, (char **) &pMq,
- &dummy) == ERROR)
- {
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- errno = ENOENT;
- return (-1);
- }
- /*
- * Remove name from table
- */
- symTblRemove (mqNameTbl, &pMq->msgq_sym);
- pMq-> = 0;
- if (pMq->msgq_links == 0)
- mq_terminate (pMq);
- semGive (&mqNameTbl->symMutex);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_notify - notify a task that a message is available on a queue (POSIX)
- *
- * If <pNotification> is not NULL, this routine attaches the specified
- * <pNotification> request by the calling task to the specified message queue
- * <mqdes> associated with the calling task. The real-time signal specified
- * by <pNotification> will be sent to the task when the message queue changes
- * from empty to non-empty. If a task has already attached a notification
- * request to the message queue, all subsequent attempts to attach a
- * notification to the message queue will fail. A task is able to attach a
- * single notification to each <mqdes> it has unless another task has already
- * attached one.
- *
- * If <pNotification> is NULL and the task has previously attached a
- * notification request to the message queue, the attached notification
- * request is detached and the queue is available for another task to attach
- * a notification request.
- *
- * If a notification request is attached to a message queue and any task
- * is blocked in mq_receive() waiting to receive a message when a message
- * arrives at the queue, then the appropriate mq_receive() will be completed
- * and the notification request remains pending.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 (OK) if successful, otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_open(), mq_send()
- *
- */
- int mq_notify
- (
- mqd_t mqdes, /* message queue descriptor */
- const struct sigevent * pNotification /* real-time signal */
- )
- {
- struct siginfo * sigInfoP;
- int error = 0;
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict ISR from calling */
- return (-1);
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (mqdes, mqClassId) != OK)
- {
- error = EBADF;
- goto done; /* invalid object */
- }
- /*
- * free realtime signal
- */
- if (pNotification == NULL)
- {
- if (taskIdSelf () == mqdes->f_data->msgq_sigTask)
- {
- mqdes->f_data->msgq_sigTask = -1;
- sigPendDestroy (&mqdes->f_data->msgq_sigPend);
- }
- else
- error = EINVAL;
- goto done;
- }
- /*
- * already in use
- */
- if (mqdes->f_data->msgq_sigTask != -1)
- {
- error = EBUSY;
- goto done;
- }
- mqdes->f_data->msgq_sigTask = taskIdSelf ();
- sigInfoP = &mqdes->f_data->msgq_sigPend.sigp_info;
- sigInfoP->si_signo = pNotification->sigev_signo; /* signal number */
- sigInfoP->si_code = SI_MESGQ; /* signal code */
- sigInfoP->si_value = pNotification->sigev_value; /* signal value */
- /* initialize signal */
- sigPendInit (&mqdes->f_data->msgq_sigPend);
- done:
- if (error != 0)
- {
- errno = error;
- return (-1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_setattr - set message queue attributes (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine sets attributes associated with the specified message
- * queue <mqdes>.
- *
- * The message queue attributes corresponding to the following members
- * defined in the `mq_attr' structure are set to the specified values upon
- * successful completion of the call:
- * .iP `mq_flags'
- * The value the O_NONBLOCK flag.
- * .LP
- *
- * If <pOldMqStat> is non-NULL, mq_setattr() will store, in the
- * location referenced by <pOldMqStat>, the previous message queue attributes
- * and the current queue status. These values are the same as would be returned
- * by a call to mq_getattr() at that point.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 (OK) if attributes are set successfully, otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_open(), mq_send(), mq_getattr()
- */
- int mq_setattr
- (
- mqd_t mqdes, /* message queue descriptor */
- const struct mq_attr * pMqStat, /* new attributes */
- struct mq_attr * pOldMqStat /* old attributes */
- )
- {
- if (INT_RESTRICT () != OK) /* restrict ISR from calling */
- return (-1);
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (mqdes, mqClassId) != OK)
- {
- errno = EBADF;
- return (-1); /* invalid object */
- }
- if (pOldMqStat)
- {
- *pOldMqStat = mqdes->f_data->msgq_attr;
- pOldMqStat->mq_flags = mqdes->f_flag;
- }
- if (pMqStat)
- {
- mqdes->f_flag &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
- mqdes->f_flag |= (pMqStat->mq_flags & O_NONBLOCK);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mq_getattr - get message queue attributes (POSIX)
- *
- * This routine gets status information and attributes associated with a
- * specified message queue <mqdes>. Upon return, the following members of
- * the `mq_attr' structure referenced by <pMqStat> will contain the values
- * set when the message queue was created but with modifications made by
- * subsequent calls to mq_setattr():
- * .iP `mq_flags'
- * May be modified by mq_setattr().
- * .LP
- *
- * The following were set at message queue creation:
- * .iP `mq_maxmsg'
- * Maximum number of messages.
- * .iP `mq_msgsize'
- * Maximum message size.
- * .LP
- *
- * .iP `mq_curmsgs'
- * The number of messages currently in the queue.
- * .LP
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 (OK) if message attributes can be determined, otherwise -1 (ERROR).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: mq_open(), mq_send(), mq_setattr()
- *
- */
- int mq_getattr
- (
- mqd_t mqdes, /* message queue descriptor */
- struct mq_attr * pMqStat /* buffer in which to return attributes */
- )
- {
- return (mq_setattr (mqdes, NULL, pMqStat));
- }