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Package: apriori(c).zip [view]
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Upload Date: 2010-03-31
Package Size: 121k
Code Size: 9k
Development Platform:
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- File : tract.h
- Contents: item and transaction management
- Author : Christian Borgelt
- History : 18.11.2001 file created from file apriori.c
- 28.12.2001 first version completed
- 02.01.2001 ta_sort mapped to v_intsort
- 19.02.2002 transaction tree functions added
- 17.07.2003 functions is_filter, ta_filter, tas_filter added
- 21.08.2003 parameter 'heap' added to tas_sort, tat_create
- 12.09.2003 function tas_total added
- 20.09.2003 empty transactions in input made possible
- 20.11.2004 function tat_mark added
- 11.12.2004 access functions for extended frequency added
- 15.12.2004 function nim_trunc added
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifndef __TRACT__
- #define __TRACT__
- #ifndef NIMAPFN
- #define NIMAPFN
- #endif
- #include "vecops.h"
- #include "symtab.h"
- #include "tfscan.h"
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Preprocessor Definitions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* --- item appearance flags --- */
- #define APP_NONE 0x00 /* item should be ignored */
- #define APP_BODY 0x01 /* item may appear in rule body */
- #define APP_HEAD 0x02 /* item may appear in rule head */
- /* --- error codes --- */
- #define E_NONE 0 /* no error */
- #define E_NOMEM (-1) /* not enough memory */
- #define E_FOPEN (-2) /* cannot open file */
- #define E_FREAD (-3) /* read error on file */
- #define E_FWRITE (-4) /* write error on file */
- #define E_ITEMEXP (-16) /* item expected */
- #define E_DUPITEM (-17) /* duplicate item */
- #define E_APPEXP (-18) /* appearance indicator expected */
- #define E_UNKAPP (-19) /* unknown appearance indicator */
- #define E_FLDCNT (-20) /* too many fields */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type Definitions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct { /* --- an item --- */
- int id; /* item identifier */
- int frq; /* frequency in transactions */
- int xfq; /* extended frequency (t.a. sizes) */
- int app; /* appearance indicator */
- } ITEM; /* (item) */
- typedef struct { /* --- a transaction --- */
- int cnt; /* number of items */
- int items[1]; /* item identifier vector */
- } TRACT; /* (transaction) */
- typedef struct { /* --- an itemset --- */
- TFSCAN *tfscan; /* table file scanner */
- char chars[4]; /* special characters */
- NIMAP *nimap; /* name/identifier map */
- int app; /* default appearance indicator */
- int vsz; /* size of transaction buffer */
- int cnt; /* number of items in transaction */
- int *items; /* items in transaction */
- } ITEMSET; /* (item set) */
- typedef struct { /* --- a transaction set --- */
- ITEMSET *itemset; /* underlying item set */
- int max; /* maximum number of items per t.a. */
- int vsz; /* size of transaction vector */
- int cnt; /* number of transactions */
- int total; /* total number of items */
- TRACT **tracts; /* transaction vector */
- } TASET; /* (transaction set) */
- typedef struct _tatree { /* --- a transaction tree (node) --- */
- int cnt; /* number of transactions */
- int max; /* size of largest transaction */
- int size; /* node size (number of children) */
- int items[1]; /* next items in rep. transactions */
- } TATREE; /* (transaction tree) */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Item Set Functions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern ITEMSET* is_create (void);
- extern void is_delete (ITEMSET *iset);
- extern TFSCAN* is_tfscan (ITEMSET *iset);
- extern void is_chars (ITEMSET *iset, const char *blanks,
- const char *fldseps,
- const char *recseps,
- const char *cominds);
- extern int is_cnt (ITEMSET *iset);
- extern int is_item (ITEMSET *iset, const char *name);
- extern const char* is_name (ITEMSET *iset, int item);
- extern int is_getfrq (ITEMSET *iset, int item);
- extern int is_setfrq (ITEMSET *iset, int item, int frq);
- extern int is_addfrq (ITEMSET *iset, int item, int frq);
- extern int is_getxfq (ITEMSET *iset, int item);
- extern int is_setxfq (ITEMSET *iset, int item, int frq);
- extern int is_getapp (ITEMSET *iset, int item);
- extern int is_setapp (ITEMSET *iset, int item, int app);
- extern int is_readapp (ITEMSET *iset, FILE *file);
- extern int is_read (ITEMSET *iset, FILE *file);
- extern int is_recode (ITEMSET *iset, int minfrq, int dir,
- int *map);
- extern void is_trunc (ITEMSET *iset, int cnt);
- extern int is_filter (ITEMSET *iset, const char *marks);
- extern int is_tsize (ITEMSET *iset);
- extern int* is_tract (ITEMSET *iset);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Transaction Functions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern void ta_sort (int *items, int n);
- extern int ta_unique (int *items, int n);
- extern int ta_filter (int *items, int n, const char *marks);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Transaction Set Functions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern TASET* tas_create (ITEMSET *itemset);
- extern void tas_delete (TASET *taset, int delis);
- extern ITEMSET* tas_itemset (TASET *taset);
- extern int tas_cnt (TASET *taset);
- extern int tas_add (TASET *taset, const int *items, int n);
- extern int* tas_tract (TASET *taset, int index);
- extern int tas_tsize (TASET *taset, int index);
- extern int tas_total (TASET *taset);
- extern void tas_recode (TASET *taset, int *map, int cnt);
- extern int tas_filter (TASET *taset, const char *marks);
- extern void tas_shuffle (TASET *taset, double randfn(void));
- extern void tas_sort (TASET *taset, int heap);
- extern int tas_occur (TASET *taset, const int *items, int n);
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- extern void tas_show (TASET *taset);
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Transaction Tree Functions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern TATREE* tat_create (TASET *taset, int heap);
- extern void tat_delete (TATREE *tat);
- extern int tat_cnt (TATREE *tat);
- extern int tat_max (TATREE *tat);
- extern int tat_size (TATREE *tat);
- extern int* tat_items (TATREE *tat);
- extern int tat_item (TATREE *tat, int index);
- extern TATREE* tat_child (TATREE *tat, int index);
- extern void tat_mark (TATREE *tat);
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- extern void tat_show (TATREE *tat);
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Preprocessor Definitions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define is_tfscan(s) ((s)->tfscan)
- #define is_cnt(s) nim_cnt((s)->nimap)
- #define is_name(s,i) nim_name(nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))
- #define is_getfrq(s,i) (((ITEM*)nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))->frq)
- #define is_setfrq(s,i,f) (((ITEM*)nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))->frq = (f))
- #define is_addfrq(s,i,f) (((ITEM*)nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))->frq += (f))
- #define is_getxfq(s,i) (((ITEM*)nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))->xfq)
- #define is_setxfq(s,i,f) (((ITEM*)nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))->xfq = (f))
- #define is_getapp(s,i) (((ITEM*)nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))->app)
- #define is_setapp(s,i,a) (((ITEM*)nim_byid((s)->nimap, i))->app = (a))
- #define is_trunc(s,n) nim_trunc((s)->nimap, n)
- #define is_tsize(s) ((s)->cnt)
- #define is_tract(s) ((s)->items)
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define ta_sort(v,n) v_intsort(v,n)
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define tas_itemset(s) ((s)->itemset)
- #define tas_cnt(s) ((s)->cnt)
- #define tas_max(s) ((s)->max)
- #define tas_tract(s,i) ((s)->tracts[i]->items)
- #define tas_tsize(s,i) ((s)->tracts[i]->cnt)
- #define tas_total(s) ((s)->total)
- #define tas_shuffle(s,f) v_shuffle((s)->tracts, (s)->cnt, f)
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define tat_cnt(t) ((t)->cnt)
- #define tat_max(t) ((t)->max)
- #define tat_size(t) ((t)->size)
- #define tat_item(t,i) ((t)->items[i])
- #define tat_items(t) ((t)->items)
- #ifndef ARCH64
- #define tat_child(t,i) (((TATREE**)((t)->items +(t)->size))[i])
- #endif
- #endif