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Package: Text2PDF.rar [view]
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- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 PDFlib GmbH and Thomas Merz. All rights reserved. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This software is NOT in the public domain. It can be used under two | | substantially different licensing terms: | | | | The commercial license is available for a fee, and allows you to | | - ship a commercial product based on PDFlib | | - implement commercial Web services with PDFlib | | - distribute (free or commercial) software when the source code is | | not made available | | Details can be found in the file PDFlib-license.pdf. | | | | The "Aladdin Free Public License" doesn't require any license fee, | | and allows you to | | - develop and distribute PDFlib-based software for which the complete | | source code is made available | | - redistribute PDFlib non-commercially under certain conditions | | - redistribute PDFlib on digital media for a fee if the complete | | contents of the media are freely redistributable | | Details can be found in the file aladdin-license.pdf. | | | | These conditions extend to ports to other programming languages. | | PDFlib is distributed with no warranty of any kind. Commercial users, | | however, will receive warranty and support statements in writing. | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // $Id: pdflib.cpp,v 2002/01/07 18:26:29 tm Exp $ // // Implementation of C++ wrapper for PDFlib // //
- #include "stdafx.h" #include "pdflib.hpp" #define CHAR(s) (s).c_str() #ifdef PDF_THROWS_CPP_EXCEPTIONS PDFlib::Exception::Exception(string msg, void *opaque) : m_msg(msg), m_opaque(opaque) { } string PDFlib::Exception::get_message() { return m_msg; } const void *PDFlib::Exception::get_opaque() { return m_opaque; } PDFlib::MemoryException::MemoryException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::IOException::IOException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::RuntimeException::RuntimeException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::IndexException::IndexException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::TypeException::TypeException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::DivisionByZeroException::DivisionByZeroException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::OverflowException::OverflowException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::SyntaxException::SyntaxException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::ValueException::ValueException(string msge, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msge, opaque) { } PDFlib::SystemException::SystemException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::NonfatalException::NonfatalException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } PDFlib::UnknownException::UnknownException(string msg, void *opaque) : PDFlib::Exception(msg, opaque) { } void PDFlib::throw_exception() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { switch (err_info.type) { case PDF_MemoryError: throw MemoryException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_IOError: throw IOException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_RuntimeError: throw RuntimeException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_IndexError: throw IndexException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_TypeError: throw TypeException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_DivisionByZero: throw DivisionByZeroException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_OverflowError: throw OverflowException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_SyntaxError: throw SyntaxException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_ValueError: throw ValueException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_SystemError: throw SystemException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); case PDF_NonfatalError: throw NonfatalException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); default: throw UnknownException(err_info.msg, err_info.opaque); } } #define PDF_TRY if (setjmp(err_info.jbuf) == 0) #define PDF_CATCH else throw_exception() #else #define PDF_TRY #define PDF_CATCH #endif // PDF_THROWS_CPP_EXCEPTIONS #ifdef PDF_THROWS_CPP_EXCEPTIONS PDFlib::PDFlib( allocproc_t allocproc, reallocproc_t reallocproc, freeproc_t freeproc, void *opaque) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_boot(); err_info.opaque = opaque; PDF_TRY { p = ::PDF_new2(pdf_cpp_errorhandler, allocproc, reallocproc, freeproc, (void *) &err_info); } PDF_CATCH; PDF_set_parameter(p, "binding", "C++"); } #else // PDF_THROWS_CPP_EXCEPTIONS PDFlib::PDFlib( errorproc_t errorproc, allocproc_t allocproc, reallocproc_t reallocproc, freeproc_t freeproc, void *opaque) { PDF_boot(); p = ::PDF_new2(errorproc, allocproc, reallocproc, freeproc, opaque); PDF_set_parameter(p, "binding", "C++"); } #endif // PDF_THROWS_CPP_EXCEPTIONS PDFlib::~PDFlib() PDF_THROWS_NOTHING { PDF_TRY ::PDF_delete(p); ::PDF_shutdown(); } void * PDFlib::get_opaque() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_get_opaque(p); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } int PDFlib::get_majorversion() PDF_THROWS_NOTHING { return ::PDF_get_majorversion(); } int PDFlib::get_minorversion() PDF_THROWS_NOTHING { return ::PDF_get_minorversion(); } int PDFlib::open(string filename) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_open_file(p, CHAR(filename)); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } int PDFlib::open(FILE *fp) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_open_fp(p, fp); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::open(writeproc_t writeproc) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_open_mem(p, writeproc); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::close() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_close(p); PDF_CATCH; } const char * PDFlib::get_buffer(long *size) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_get_buffer(p, size); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::begin_page(float width, float height) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_begin_page(p, width, height); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::end_page() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_end_page(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::set_parameter(string key, string value) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_set_parameter(p, CHAR(key), CHAR(value)); PDF_CATCH; } string PDFlib::get_parameter(string key, float mod) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_get_parameter(p, CHAR(key), mod); PDF_CATCH; return ""; // compilers love it } float PDFlib::get_value(string key, float mod) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_get_value(p, CHAR(key), mod); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::set_value(string key, float value) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_set_value(p, CHAR(key), value); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::show(string text) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_show2(p, text.c_str(), (int) text.size()); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::show_xy(string text, float x, float y) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_show_xy2(p, text.c_str(), (int) text.size(), x, y); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::continue_text(string text) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_continue_text2(p, text.c_str(), (int) text.size()); PDF_CATCH; } int PDFlib::show_boxed(string text, float left, float top, float width, float height, string hmode, string reserved) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY { return ::PDF_show_boxed(p, CHAR(text), left, top, width, height, CHAR(hmode), CHAR(reserved)); } PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::set_text_pos(float x, float y) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_set_text_pos(p, x, y); PDF_CATCH; } float PDFlib::stringwidth(string text, int font, float size) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY { return ::PDF_stringwidth2(p, text.c_str(), (int) text.size(), font, size); } PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } int PDFlib::findfont(string fontname, string encoding, int embed) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_findfont(p, CHAR(fontname), CHAR(encoding), embed); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::setfont(int font, float fontsize) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setfont(p, font, fontsize); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::save() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_save(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::restore() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_restore(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::translate(float tx, float ty) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_translate(p, tx, ty); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::scale(float sx, float sy) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_scale(p, sx, sy); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::rotate(float phi) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_rotate(p, phi); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::skew(float alpha, float beta) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_skew(p, alpha, beta); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::concat(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_concat(p, a, b, c, d, e, f); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setdash(float b, float w) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setdash(p, b, w); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setpolydash(float *darray, int length) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setpolydash(p, darray, length); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setflat(float flat) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setflat(p, flat); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setlinejoin(int join) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setlinejoin(p, join); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setlinecap(int cap) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setlinecap(p, cap); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setmiterlimit(float miter) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setmiterlimit(p, miter); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setlinewidth(float width) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setlinewidth(p, width); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::moveto(float x, float y) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_moveto(p, x, y); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::lineto(float x, float y) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_lineto(p, x, y); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::curveto(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_curveto(p, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::circle(float x, float y, float r) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_circle(p, x, y, r); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::arc(float x, float y, float r, float alpha1, float alpha2) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_arc(p, x, y, r, alpha1, alpha2); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::arcn(float x, float y, float r, float alpha1, float alpha2) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_arcn(p, x, y, r, alpha1, alpha2); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::rect(float x, float y, float width, float height) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_rect(p, x, y, width, height); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::closepath() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_closepath(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::stroke() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_stroke(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::closepath_stroke() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_closepath_stroke(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::fill() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_fill(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::fill_stroke() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_fill_stroke(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::closepath_fill_stroke() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_closepath_fill_stroke(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::clip() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_clip(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::endpath() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_endpath(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setgray_fill(float g) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setcolor(p, "fill", "gray", g, 0, 0, 0); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setgray_stroke(float g) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setcolor(p, "stroke", "gray", g, 0, 0, 0); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setgray(float g) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setcolor(p, "both", "gray", g, 0, 0, 0); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setrgbcolor_fill(float red, float green, float blue) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setcolor(p, "fill", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setrgbcolor_stroke(float red, float green, float blue) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setcolor(p, "stroke", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setrgbcolor(float red, float green, float blue) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setcolor(p, "both", "rgb", red, green, blue, 0); PDF_CATCH; } int PDFlib::begin_template(float width, float height) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_begin_template(p, width, height); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::end_template() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_end_template(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::place_image(int image, float x, float y, float scale) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_place_image(p, image, x, y, scale); PDF_CATCH; } int PDFlib::open_image(string type, string source, const char *data, long len, int width, int height, int components, int bpc, string params) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY { return ::PDF_open_image(p, CHAR(type), CHAR(source), data, len, width, height, components, bpc, CHAR(params)); } PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::close_image(int image) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_close_image(p, image); PDF_CATCH; } int PDFlib::open_image_file(string type, string filename, string stringparam, int intparam) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY { return ::PDF_open_image_file(p, CHAR(type), CHAR(filename), CHAR(stringparam), intparam); } PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } int PDFlib::open_CCITT(string filename, int width, int height, bool BitReverse, int K, bool BlackIs1) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY { return ::PDF_open_CCITT(p, CHAR(filename), width, height, BitReverse, K, BlackIs1); } PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } int PDFlib::add_bookmark(string text, int parent, bool open) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_add_bookmark(p, CHAR(text), parent, open); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::set_info(string key, string value) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_set_info(p, CHAR(key), CHAR(value)); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::attach_file(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, string description, string author, string mimetype, string icon) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY { ::PDF_attach_file(p, llx, lly, urx, ury, CHAR(filename), CHAR(description), CHAR(author), CHAR(mimetype), CHAR(icon)); } PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::add_note(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string contents, string title, string icon, bool open) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_add_note(p, llx, lly, urx, ury, CHAR(contents), CHAR(title), CHAR(icon), open); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::add_pdflink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, int page, string dest) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY { ::PDF_add_pdflink(p, llx, lly, urx, ury, CHAR(filename), page, CHAR(dest)); } PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::add_launchlink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_add_launchlink(p, llx, lly, urx, ury, CHAR(filename)); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::add_locallink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, int page, string dest) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_add_locallink(p, llx, lly, urx, ury, page, CHAR(dest)); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::add_weblink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string url) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_add_weblink(p, llx, lly, urx, ury, CHAR(url)); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::set_border_style(string style, float width) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_set_border_style(p, CHAR(style), width); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::set_border_color(float red, float green, float blue) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_set_border_color(p, red, green, blue); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::set_border_dash(float d1, float d2) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_set_border_dash(p, d1, d2); PDF_CATCH; } int PDFlib::open_pdi(string filename, string stringparam, int intparam) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_open_pdi(p, CHAR(filename), CHAR(stringparam), intparam); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::close_pdi(int doc) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_close_pdi(p, doc); PDF_CATCH; } int PDFlib::open_pdi_page(int doc, int page, string label) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_open_pdi_page(p, doc, page, CHAR(label)); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::place_pdi_page(int page, float x, float y, float sx, float sy) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_place_pdi_page(p, page, x, y, sx, sy); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::close_pdi_page(int page) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_close_pdi_page(p, page); PDF_CATCH; } string PDFlib::get_pdi_parameter(string key, int doc, int page, int index, int *len) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_get_pdi_parameter(p, CHAR(key), doc, page, index, len); PDF_CATCH; return ""; // compilers love it } float PDFlib::get_pdi_value(string key, int doc, int page, int index) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_get_pdi_value(p, CHAR(key), doc, page, index); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } int PDFlib::begin_pattern(float width, float height, float xstep, float ystep, int painttype) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_begin_pattern(p, width, height, xstep, ystep, painttype); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::end_pattern() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_end_pattern(p); PDF_CATCH; } int PDFlib::makespotcolor(string spotname, int len) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY return ::PDF_makespotcolor(p, CHAR(spotname), len); PDF_CATCH; return 0; // compilers love it } void PDFlib::setcolor(string type, string colorspace, float c1, float c2, float c3, float c4) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setcolor(p, CHAR(type), CHAR(colorspace), c1, c2, c3, c4); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::add_thumbnail(int image) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_add_thumbnail(p, image); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::initgraphics() PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_initgraphics(p); PDF_CATCH; } void PDFlib::setmatrix( float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) PDF_THROWS(PDFlib::Exception) { PDF_TRY ::PDF_setmatrix(p, a, b, c, d, e, f); PDF_CATCH; }