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Package: MMOPRG_server_dev.rar [view]
Upload User: ghyvgy
Upload Date: 2009-05-26
Package Size: 547k
Code Size: 9k
Other Games
Development Platform:
- #
- #
- # Implements a high level request dispatcher that
- # validates user input and maps recognized command
- # strings to functions that invoke game behavior.
- #
- # Author: Matthew Walker
- #
- #
- import objmgr
- import gameobs
- import string
- import re
- import os
- import deferred
- import gameserver
- # special object id for request handler
- ID_REQUEST = -200
- class Request:
- """
- Responsible for handling requests from clients and
- invoking the appropriate action in response. Treat
- this as a singleton: create only one.
- """
- sepRE = re.compile(r"s+")
- global commands
- commands = {}
- global argusage
- argusage = {}
- def __init__(self):
- global __singleton__
- __singleton__ = self
- = ID_REQUEST # enables addressing by deferred calls
- objmgr.AddObject(self,
- def Handle(self, clientid, request):
- """
- Decipher a request into a command and arguments.
- clientid - id of the client making the request
- request - request string to be parsed
- """
- # remove leading and trailing whitespace
- request = string.strip(request)
- # first token is command; remainder is argument string
- try:
- actionlist = self.sepRE.split(request, 1)
- except ValueError:
- print 'Invalid request: %s' % (request,)
- return
- # parse argstring into arg list
- try:
- action, argstr = actionlist
- except ValueError:
- action = actionlist[0]
- argstr = ''
- args = self.sepRE.split(argstr)
- # convert to tuple
- if args == ['']:
- args = () # no args
- else:
- args = tuple(args)
- retval = _ExecuteCommand(action, clientid, args)
- # notify client of response via deferred call to server
- deferred.Call(gameserver.ID_SERVER, 'respond', (retval,))
- def _ExecuteCommand(action, clientid, args):
- """ Dispatch command to appropriate action method. """
- action = string.upper(action)
- try:
- retval = apply(commands[action], (clientid,) + args)
- except KeyError:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- retval = Response(clientid, 'Invalid command: ' + repr(action) + os.linesep +
- 'Type 'help' for more information.')
- except TypeError:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- retval = Response(clientid, 'Usage: %s %s' % (action, argusage[action]))
- return retval
- #
- # Global command functions, entered into a dictionary
- # for easy dispatching without the use of a large
- # if .. elif .. else block. The commands dictionary
- # maps the command keyword to the function reference,
- # and the argusage dictionary maps the command keyword
- # to a string that describes the required argument for
- # the command (if any).
- #
- # The docstrings (first comment after function declaration)
- # are written for display purposes - type 'help' in a
- # client to see them in action.
- #
- def ListCommands(clientid):
- """ Show the list of available commands. """
- commandstr = ''
- commandNames = commands.keys()
- commandNames.sort() # alpha sort
- for command in commandNames:
- if command[0] == '_': # private command; not for players
- continue
- func = commands[command]
- args = argusage[command]
- commandstr += '%#-20s- %s%s' % (command + ' ' + args, func.__doc__, os.linesep)
- return Response(clientid, 'Command List: ' + os.linesep + commandstr)
- commands['HELP'] = ListCommands
- argusage['HELP'] = ''
- def Logout(clientid):
- """ Remove the Player from the game. """
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- objmgr.UnregisterPlayer(clientid,
- objmgr.RemoveObject(player)
- deferred.Call(gameserver.ID_SERVER, 'pre_close_client', (clientid,))
- return Response(clientid, 'Goodbye, %s. Hope you had fun!' % (,))
- commands['LOGOUT'] = Logout
- argusage['LOGOUT'] = ''
- def EnterRoom(clientid, roomname):
- """ Enter the room identified by name. """
- try:
- room = objmgr.GetRoomByName(roomname)
- except KeyError:
- return Response(clientid, 'Invalid room name: %s' % (roomname,))
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- room.EnterRoom(player)
- return Response(clientid, 'You are now in %s' % (,))
- commands['ENTER'] = EnterRoom
- argusage['ENTER'] = '<roomname>'
- def ExitRoom(clientid):
- """ Leave the current room. """
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- room = objmgr.GetObject(player.currentRoom)
- if room:
- room.ExitRoom(player)
- return Response(clientid, 'You have left %s' % (,))
- else:
- return Response(clientid, 'You are not in a room.')
- commands['EXIT'] = ExitRoom
- argusage['EXIT'] = ''
- def ListRooms(clientid):
- """ Return a list of available rooms. """
- roomids = objmgr.GetRoomIds()
- roomstr = ''
- for roomid in roomids:
- room = objmgr.GetObject(roomid)
- roomstr += '%-10s- %s%s' % (, room.sandbox.__doc__, os.linesep)
- return Response(clientid, 'Avaliable Rooms:' + os.linesep + roomstr)
- commands['ROOMS'] = ListRooms
- argusage['ROOMS'] = ''
- def Wave(clientid, targetname):
- """ Wave at a player."""
- target = objmgr.GetPlayerByName(targetname)
- if target is None:
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not in the game.%s' % (targetname, os.linesep))
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- player._Wave(
- return Response(clientid, 'You waved at %s.%s' % (targetname, os.linesep))
- commands['WAVE'] = Wave
- argusage['WAVE'] = '<targetname>'
- def Attack(clientid, targetname):
- """ Attack a player."""
- target = objmgr.GetPlayerByName(targetname)
- if target is None:
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not in the game.%s' % (targetname, os.linesep))
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- player._Attack(
- return Response(clientid, 'You attacked %s.%s' % (targetname, os.linesep))
- commands['ATTACK'] = Attack
- argusage['ATTACK'] = '<targetname>'
- def Take(clientid, itemname):
- """ Take an item identified by its name. """
- item = objmgr.GetObjectByName(itemname)
- if item is None:
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not in the game.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- if not player._AcquireItem(item):
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not in this room.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- return Response(clientid, 'You took %s.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- commands['TAKE'] = Take
- argusage['TAKE'] = '<itemname>'
- def Put(clientid, itemname):
- """ Put an item identified by its name. """
- item = objmgr.GetObjectByName(itemname)
- if item is None:
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not in the game.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- if not player._ReleaseItem(item):
- return Response(clientid, 'You do not have %s.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- return Response(clientid, 'You returned %s.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- commands['PUT'] = Put
- argusage['PUT'] = '<itemname>'
- def Equip(clientid, itemname):
- """ Arm yourself with the weapon identified by its name. """
- item = objmgr.GetObjectByName(itemname)
- if item is None:
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not in the game.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- if not isinstance(item, gameobs.Weapon):
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not a weapon.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- if not player._EquipWeapon(item):
- return Response(clientid, '%s is not in your inventory.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- return Response(clientid, 'You equipped a %s.%s' % (itemname, os.linesep))
- commands['EQUIP'] = Equip
- argusage['EQUIP'] = '<itemname>'
- def ShowInventory(clientid):
- """ Display your inventory. """
- player = objmgr.GetPlayerByClientId(clientid)
- itemstr = 'You have:' + os.linesep
- for itemid in player.inventory:
- item = objmgr.GetObject(itemid)
- itemstr += '%s%s' % (, os.linesep)
- return Response(clientid, itemstr)
- commands['INV'] = ShowInventory
- argusage['INV'] = ''
- #
- # Private commands
- #
- def Login(clientid, name):
- """ Create a new Player for the given name. """
- playerid = objmgr.NextId()
- player = gameobs.Player(name, playerid, clientid)
- objmgr.AddObject(player, playerid)
- objmgr.RegisterPlayer(clientid, playerid)
- return Response(clientid, 'Welcome to the Game, %s. Type 'help' for a list of commands.' % (name,))
- commands['_LOGIN'] = Login
- argusage['_LOGIN'] = '<playername>'
- #
- # Utility functions
- #
- def ClientMessage(playerid, msg):
- """
- Sends a message to the player associates with the
- clientid using a deferred call.
- """
- player = objmgr.GetObject(playerid)
- response = Response(player.clientid, msg)
- deferred.Call(gameserver.ID_SERVER, 'respond', (response,))
- #
- # Utility class
- #
- class Response:
- """
- Simple structure for returing information to
- a client.
- """
- def __init__(self, clientid, msg):
- self.clientid = clientid
- self.msg = msg
- def __str__(self):
- return os.linesep + self.msg + os.linesep
- def __ModuleInit__():
- """
- Create a single instance of the handler, automatically.
- """
- Request() # assigns self to __singleton__
- __ModuleInit__() # called at import time