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- /****************************************************************************
- **
- ** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- ** Contact: Qt Software Information (
- **
- ** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
- **
- ** Commercial Usage
- ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
- ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
- ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
- ** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
- **
- **
- ** GNU General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
- ** General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
- ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
- ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information
- ** to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
- ** and
- ** In addition, as a special
- ** exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
- ** are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.3, included in
- ** the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
- **
- ** Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
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- **
- ****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef QLINE_H
- #define QLINE_H
- #include <QtCore/qpoint.h>
- /*******************************************************************************
- * class QLine
- *******************************************************************************/
- class Q_CORE_EXPORT QLine
- {
- public:
- inline QLine();
- inline QLine(const QPoint &pt1, const QPoint &pt2);
- inline QLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
- inline bool isNull() const;
- inline QPoint p1() const;
- inline QPoint p2() const;
- inline int x1() const;
- inline int y1() const;
- inline int x2() const;
- inline int y2() const;
- inline int dx() const;
- inline int dy() const;
- inline void translate(const QPoint &p);
- inline void translate(int dx, int dy);
- inline QLine translated(const QPoint &p) const;
- inline QLine translated(int dx, int dy) const;
- inline void setP1(const QPoint &p1);
- inline void setP2(const QPoint &p2);
- inline void setPoints(const QPoint &p1, const QPoint &p2);
- inline void setLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
- inline bool operator==(const QLine &d) const;
- inline bool operator!=(const QLine &d) const { return !(*this == d); }
- private:
- QPoint pt1, pt2;
- };
- /*******************************************************************************
- * class QLine inline members
- *******************************************************************************/
- inline QLine::QLine() { }
- inline QLine::QLine(const QPoint &pt1_, const QPoint &pt2_) : pt1(pt1_), pt2(pt2_) { }
- inline QLine::QLine(int x1pos, int y1pos, int x2pos, int y2pos) : pt1(QPoint(x1pos, y1pos)), pt2(QPoint(x2pos, y2pos)) { }
- inline bool QLine::isNull() const
- {
- return pt1 == pt2;
- }
- inline int QLine::x1() const
- {
- return pt1.x();
- }
- inline int QLine::y1() const
- {
- return pt1.y();
- }
- inline int QLine::x2() const
- {
- return pt2.x();
- }
- inline int QLine::y2() const
- {
- return pt2.y();
- }
- inline QPoint QLine::p1() const
- {
- return pt1;
- }
- inline QPoint QLine::p2() const
- {
- return pt2;
- }
- inline int QLine::dx() const
- {
- return pt2.x() - pt1.x();
- }
- inline int QLine::dy() const
- {
- return pt2.y() - pt1.y();
- }
- inline void QLine::translate(const QPoint &point)
- {
- pt1 += point;
- pt2 += point;
- }
- inline void QLine::translate(int adx, int ady)
- {
- this->translate(QPoint(adx, ady));
- }
- inline QLine QLine::translated(const QPoint &p) const
- {
- return QLine(pt1 + p, pt2 + p);
- }
- inline QLine QLine::translated(int adx, int ady) const
- {
- return translated(QPoint(adx, ady));
- }
- inline void QLine::setP1(const QPoint &aP1)
- {
- pt1 = aP1;
- }
- inline void QLine::setP2(const QPoint &aP2)
- {
- pt2 = aP2;
- }
- inline void QLine::setPoints(const QPoint &aP1, const QPoint &aP2)
- {
- pt1 = aP1;
- pt2 = aP2;
- }
- inline void QLine::setLine(int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
- {
- pt1 = QPoint(aX1, aY1);
- pt2 = QPoint(aX2, aY2);
- }
- inline bool QLine::operator==(const QLine &d) const
- {
- return pt1 == d.pt1 && pt2 == d.pt2;
- }
- Q_CORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QLine &p);
- #endif
- Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QLine &);
- Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QLine &);
- #endif
- /*******************************************************************************
- * class QLineF
- *******************************************************************************/
- class Q_CORE_EXPORT QLineF {
- public:
- enum IntersectType { NoIntersection, BoundedIntersection, UnboundedIntersection };
- inline QLineF();
- inline QLineF(const QPointF &pt1, const QPointF &pt2);
- inline QLineF(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2);
- inline QLineF(const QLine &line) : pt1(line.p1()), pt2(line.p2()) { }
- static QLineF fromPolar(qreal length, qreal angle);
- bool isNull() const;
- inline QPointF p1() const;
- inline QPointF p2() const;
- inline qreal x1() const;
- inline qreal y1() const;
- inline qreal x2() const;
- inline qreal y2() const;
- inline qreal dx() const;
- inline qreal dy() const;
- qreal length() const;
- void setLength(qreal len);
- qreal angle() const;
- void setAngle(qreal angle);
- qreal angleTo(const QLineF &l) const;
- QLineF unitVector() const;
- QLineF normalVector() const;
- // ### Qt 5: rename intersects() or intersection() and rename IntersectType IntersectionType
- IntersectType intersect(const QLineF &l, QPointF *intersectionPoint) const;
- qreal angle(const QLineF &l) const;
- QPointF pointAt(qreal t) const;
- inline void translate(const QPointF &p);
- inline void translate(qreal dx, qreal dy);
- inline QLineF translated(const QPointF &p) const;
- inline QLineF translated(qreal dx, qreal dy) const;
- inline void setP1(const QPointF &p1);
- inline void setP2(const QPointF &p2);
- inline void setPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2);
- inline void setLine(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2);
- inline bool operator==(const QLineF &d) const;
- inline bool operator!=(const QLineF &d) const { return !(*this == d); }
- QLine toLine() const;
- private:
- QPointF pt1, pt2;
- };
- /*******************************************************************************
- * class QLineF inline members
- *******************************************************************************/
- inline QLineF::QLineF()
- {
- }
- inline QLineF::QLineF(const QPointF &apt1, const QPointF &apt2)
- : pt1(apt1), pt2(apt2)
- {
- }
- inline QLineF::QLineF(qreal x1pos, qreal y1pos, qreal x2pos, qreal y2pos)
- : pt1(x1pos, y1pos), pt2(x2pos, y2pos)
- {
- }
- inline qreal QLineF::x1() const
- {
- return pt1.x();
- }
- inline qreal QLineF::y1() const
- {
- return pt1.y();
- }
- inline qreal QLineF::x2() const
- {
- return pt2.x();
- }
- inline qreal QLineF::y2() const
- {
- return pt2.y();
- }
- inline QPointF QLineF::p1() const
- {
- return pt1;
- }
- inline QPointF QLineF::p2() const
- {
- return pt2;
- }
- inline qreal QLineF::dx() const
- {
- return pt2.x() - pt1.x();
- }
- inline qreal QLineF::dy() const
- {
- return pt2.y() - pt1.y();
- }
- inline QLineF QLineF::normalVector() const
- {
- return QLineF(p1(), p1() + QPointF(dy(), -dx()));
- }
- inline void QLineF::translate(const QPointF &point)
- {
- pt1 += point;
- pt2 += point;
- }
- inline void QLineF::translate(qreal adx, qreal ady)
- {
- this->translate(QPointF(adx, ady));
- }
- inline QLineF QLineF::translated(const QPointF &p) const
- {
- return QLineF(pt1 + p, pt2 + p);
- }
- inline QLineF QLineF::translated(qreal adx, qreal ady) const
- {
- return translated(QPointF(adx, ady));
- }
- inline void QLineF::setLength(qreal len)
- {
- if (isNull())
- return;
- QLineF v = unitVector();
- pt2 = QPointF(pt1.x() + v.dx() * len, pt1.y() + v.dy() * len);
- }
- inline QPointF QLineF::pointAt(qreal t) const
- {
- qreal vx = pt2.x() - pt1.x();
- qreal vy = pt2.y() - pt1.y();
- return QPointF(pt1.x() + vx * t, pt1.y() + vy * t);
- }
- inline QLine QLineF::toLine() const
- {
- return QLine(pt1.toPoint(), pt2.toPoint());
- }
- inline void QLineF::setP1(const QPointF &aP1)
- {
- pt1 = aP1;
- }
- inline void QLineF::setP2(const QPointF &aP2)
- {
- pt2 = aP2;
- }
- inline void QLineF::setPoints(const QPointF &aP1, const QPointF &aP2)
- {
- pt1 = aP1;
- pt2 = aP2;
- }
- inline void QLineF::setLine(qreal aX1, qreal aY1, qreal aX2, qreal aY2)
- {
- pt1 = QPointF(aX1, aY1);
- pt2 = QPointF(aX2, aY2);
- }
- inline bool QLineF::operator==(const QLineF &d) const
- {
- return pt1 == d.pt1 && pt2 == d.pt2;
- }
- Q_CORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QLineF &p);
- #endif
- Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QLineF &);
- Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QLineF &);
- #endif
- #endif // QLINE_H