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Package: rootfs-7-9.tar.gz [view]
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- /****************************************************************************
- **
- ** Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- ** Contact: Qt Software Information (
- **
- ** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
- **
- ** Commercial Usage
- ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
- ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
- ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
- ** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
- **
- **
- ** GNU General Public License Usage
- ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
- ** General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
- ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
- ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information
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- ** and
- ** In addition, as a special
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- ** are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.3, included in
- ** the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
- **
- ** Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
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- ****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef QFONT_H
- #define QFONT_H
- #include <QtGui/qwindowdefs.h>
- #include <QtCore/qstring.h>
- #if defined(Q_WS_X11) || defined(Q_WS_QWS)
- typedef struct FT_FaceRec_* FT_Face;
- #endif
- class QFontPrivate; /* don't touch */
- class QStringList;
- class QVariant;
- class Q3TextFormatCollection;
- class Q_GUI_EXPORT QFont
- {
- Q_ENUMS(StyleStrategy)
- public:
- enum StyleHint {
- Helvetica, SansSerif = Helvetica,
- Times, Serif = Times,
- Courier, TypeWriter = Courier,
- OldEnglish, Decorative = OldEnglish,
- System,
- AnyStyle
- };
- enum StyleStrategy {
- PreferDefault = 0x0001,
- PreferBitmap = 0x0002,
- PreferDevice = 0x0004,
- PreferOutline = 0x0008,
- ForceOutline = 0x0010,
- PreferMatch = 0x0020,
- PreferQuality = 0x0040,
- PreferAntialias = 0x0080,
- NoAntialias = 0x0100,
- OpenGLCompatible = 0x0200,
- NoFontMerging = 0x8000
- };
- enum Weight {
- Light = 25,
- Normal = 50,
- DemiBold = 63,
- Bold = 75,
- Black = 87
- };
- enum Style {
- StyleNormal,
- StyleItalic,
- StyleOblique
- };
- enum Stretch {
- UltraCondensed = 50,
- ExtraCondensed = 62,
- Condensed = 75,
- SemiCondensed = 87,
- Unstretched = 100,
- SemiExpanded = 112,
- Expanded = 125,
- ExtraExpanded = 150,
- UltraExpanded = 200
- };
- enum Capitalization {
- MixedCase,
- AllUppercase,
- AllLowercase,
- SmallCaps,
- Capitalize
- };
- enum SpacingType {
- PercentageSpacing,
- AbsoluteSpacing
- };
- enum ResolveProperties {
- FamilyResolved = 0x0001,
- SizeResolved = 0x0002,
- StyleHintResolved = 0x0004,
- StyleStrategyResolved = 0x0008,
- WeightResolved = 0x0010,
- StyleResolved = 0x0020,
- UnderlineResolved = 0x0040,
- OverlineResolved = 0x0080,
- StrikeOutResolved = 0x0100,
- FixedPitchResolved = 0x0200,
- StretchResolved = 0x0400,
- KerningResolved = 0x0800,
- CapitalizationResolved = 0x1000,
- LetterSpacingResolved = 0x2000,
- WordSpacingResolved = 0x4000,
- AllPropertiesResolved = 0x7fff
- };
- QFont();
- QFont(const QString &family, int pointSize = -1, int weight = -1, bool italic = false);
- QFont(const QFont &, QPaintDevice *pd);
- QFont(const QFont &);
- ~QFont();
- QString family() const;
- void setFamily(const QString &);
- int pointSize() const;
- void setPointSize(int);
- qreal pointSizeF() const;
- void setPointSizeF(qreal);
- int pixelSize() const;
- void setPixelSize(int);
- int weight() const;
- void setWeight(int);
- inline bool bold() const;
- inline void setBold(bool);
- void setStyle(Style style);
- Style style() const;
- inline bool italic() const;
- inline void setItalic(bool b);
- bool underline() const;
- void setUnderline(bool);
- bool overline() const;
- void setOverline(bool);
- bool strikeOut() const;
- void setStrikeOut(bool);
- bool fixedPitch() const;
- void setFixedPitch(bool);
- bool kerning() const;
- void setKerning(bool);
- StyleHint styleHint() const;
- StyleStrategy styleStrategy() const;
- void setStyleHint(StyleHint, StyleStrategy = PreferDefault);
- void setStyleStrategy(StyleStrategy s);
- int stretch() const;
- void setStretch(int);
- qreal letterSpacing() const;
- SpacingType letterSpacingType() const;
- void setLetterSpacing(SpacingType type, qreal spacing);
- qreal wordSpacing() const;
- void setWordSpacing(qreal spacing);
- void setCapitalization(Capitalization);
- Capitalization capitalization() const;
- // is raw mode still needed?
- bool rawMode() const;
- void setRawMode(bool);
- // dupicated from QFontInfo
- bool exactMatch() const;
- QFont &operator=(const QFont &);
- bool operator==(const QFont &) const;
- bool operator!=(const QFont &) const;
- bool operator<(const QFont &) const;
- operator QVariant() const;
- bool isCopyOf(const QFont &) const;
- #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
- HFONT handle() const;
- #else // !Q_WS_WIN
- Qt::HANDLE handle() const;
- #endif // Q_WS_WIN
- #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
- quint32 macFontID() const;
- #endif
- #if defined(Q_WS_X11) || defined(Q_WS_QWS)
- FT_Face freetypeFace() const;
- #endif
- // needed for X11
- void setRawName(const QString &);
- QString rawName() const;
- QString key() const;
- QString toString() const;
- bool fromString(const QString &);
- static QString substitute(const QString &);
- static QStringList substitutes(const QString &);
- static QStringList substitutions();
- static void insertSubstitution(const QString&, const QString &);
- static void insertSubstitutions(const QString&, const QStringList &);
- static void removeSubstitution(const QString &);
- static void initialize();
- static void cleanup();
- #ifndef Q_WS_QWS
- static void cacheStatistics();
- #endif
- QString defaultFamily() const;
- QString lastResortFamily() const;
- QString lastResortFont() const;
- QFont resolve(const QFont &) const;
- inline uint resolve() const { return resolve_mask; }
- inline void resolve(uint mask) { resolve_mask = mask; }
- #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
- static QT3_SUPPORT QFont defaultFont();
- static QT3_SUPPORT void setDefaultFont(const QFont &);
- QT3_SUPPORT void setPixelSizeFloat(qreal);
- QT3_SUPPORT qreal pointSizeFloat() const { return pointSizeF(); }
- QT3_SUPPORT void setPointSizeFloat(qreal size) { setPointSizeF(size); }
- #endif
- private:
- QFont(QFontPrivate *);
- void detach();
- #if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
- void macSetFont(QPaintDevice *);
- #elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
- void x11SetScreen(int screen = -1);
- int x11Screen() const;
- #endif
- friend class QFontPrivate;
- friend class QFontMetrics;
- friend class QFontMetricsF;
- friend class QFontInfo;
- friend class QPainter;
- friend class QPSPrintEngineFont;
- friend class QApplication;
- friend class QWidget;
- friend class QWidgetPrivate;
- friend class Q3TextFormatCollection;
- friend class QTextLayout;
- friend class QTextEngine;
- friend class QStackTextEngine;
- friend class QTextLine;
- friend struct QScriptLine;
- friend class QGLContext;
- friend class QWin32PaintEngine;
- friend class QAlphaPaintEngine;
- friend class QPainterPath;
- friend class QTextItemInt;
- friend class QPicturePaintEngine;
- friend Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QFont &);
- friend Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QFont &);
- #endif
- QFontPrivate *d;
- uint resolve_mask;
- };
- inline bool QFont::bold() const
- { return weight() > Normal; }
- inline void QFont::setBold(bool enable)
- { setWeight(enable ? Bold : Normal); }
- inline bool QFont::italic() const
- {
- return (style() != StyleNormal);
- }
- inline void QFont::setItalic(bool b) {
- setStyle(b ? StyleItalic : StyleNormal);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- QFont stream functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QFont &);
- Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QFont &);
- #endif
- Q_GUI_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QFont &);
- #endif
- #endif // QFONT_H