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mpeg mp3
Development Platform:
- /* bitstream.c */
- #include "types.h"
- extern int *scalefac_band_long;
- static void encodeSideInfo( L3_side_info_t *si );
- static int encodeMainData(int l3_enc[2][2][samp_per_frame2],
- L3_side_info_t *si );
- static void Huffmancodebits( int *ix, gr_info *gi );
- static int HuffmanCode(int table_select, int x, int y, unsigned long *code,
- unsigned long *extword, int *codebits, int *extbits);
- static int L3_huffman_coder_count1( struct huffcodetab *h,
- int v, int w, int x, int y );
- /* bitstream buffers.
- * At a 24K samplerate and 8k bitrate in stereo, sideinfo can be up to 86 frames
- * ahead of its main data ( very silly combination ) */
- #define FIFO_SIZE 128
- static struct
- {
- int si_len; /* number of bytes in side info */
- int fr_len; /* number of data bytes in frame */
- unsigned char side[40]; /* side info max len = (288 bits / 8) + 1 which gets cleared */
- } fifo[FIFO_SIZE];
- static unsigned char main_[4096]; /* main data buffer (length always less than this) */
- static int wr, rd; /* read and write index for side fifo */
- static int by, bi; /* byte and bit counts within main or side stores */
- static int count; /* byte counter within current frame */
- static int bits; /* bit counter used when encoding side and main data */
- static struct
- {
- FILE *f; /* bitstream output file handle */
- unsigned int i; /* file buffer index */
- unsigned char *b; /* buffer pointer */
- } bs;
- static unsigned char header[4];
- #define BUFFER_SIZE 0x8000 /* output buffer size in bytes */
- /*
- * putbytes
- * --------
- * put n bytes in the output buffer. Empty the buffer when full.
- */
- void putbytes(unsigned char *data, int n)
- {
- unsigned int free = BUFFER_SIZE - bs.i;
- if(n >= free)
- {
- // memcpy(&bs.b[bs.i],data,(short)free);
- memcpy(&bs.b[bs.i],data,free);
- n -= free;
- fwrite(bs.b,sizeof(unsigned char),BUFFER_SIZE,bs.f);
- // memcpy(bs.b,&data[free],(short)n);
- memcpy(bs.b,&data[free],n);
- bs.i = n;
- }
- else
- {
- // memcpy(&bs.b[bs.i],data,(short)n);
- memcpy(&bs.b[bs.i],data,n);
- bs.i += n;
- }
- }
- /*
- * setbytes
- * --------
- * set n bytes in the output buffer. Empty the buffer when full.
- */
- void setbytes(unsigned char data, int n)
- {
- unsigned int free = BUFFER_SIZE - bs.i;
- if(n >= free)
- {
- // memset(&bs.b[bs.i],data,(short)free);
- memset(&bs.b[bs.i],data,free);
- n -= free;
- fwrite(bs.b,sizeof(unsigned char),BUFFER_SIZE,bs.f);
- // memset(bs.b,data,(short)n);
- memset(bs.b,data,n);
- bs.i = n;
- }
- else
- {
- // memset(&bs.b[bs.i],data,(short)n);
- memset(&bs.b[bs.i],data,n);
- bs.i += n;
- }
- }
- /*
- * open_bit_stream
- * ---------------
- * open the device to write the bit stream into it
- */
- void open_bit_stream(char *filename)
- {
- static unsigned char buff[BUFFER_SIZE];
- if ((bs.f = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL)
- error("Unable to open output file");
- bs.b = buff;
- bs.i = 0;
- /* setup header (the only change between frames is the padding bit) */
- header[0] = 0xff;
- header[1] = 0xe0 |
- (config.mpeg.type << 3) |
- (config.mpeg.layr << 1) |
- !config.mpeg.crc;
- header[2] = (config.mpeg.bitrate_index << 4) |
- (config.mpeg.samplerate_index << 2) |
- /* config,mpeg.padding inserted later */
- config.mpeg.ext;
- header[3] = (config.mpeg.mode << 6) |
- (config.mpeg.mode_ext << 4) |
- (config.mpeg.copyright << 3) |
- (config.mpeg.original << 2) |
- config.mpeg.emph;
- }
- /*
- * close_bit_stream
- * ----------------
- * close the device containing the bit stream
- */
- void close_bit_stream(void)
- {
- /* first we must complete the current frame then output more empty frames
- * until all sideinfo from the side fifo have been output.
- */
- if(count)
- setbytes(0,count); /* fill current frame */
- while(rd != wr)
- {
- /* output next header/sideinfo */
- putbytes(fifo[rd].side, fifo[rd].si_len);
- setbytes(0, fifo[rd].fr_len); /* fill frame */
- if(++rd == FIFO_SIZE) rd = 0; /* point to next header/sideinfo */
- }
- /* completely empty the buffer before closing the file */
- if(bs.i)
- // fwrite(bs.b,sizeof(unsigned char),(short)bs.i,bs.f);
- fwrite(bs.b,sizeof(unsigned char),bs.i,bs.f);
- fclose(bs.f);
- }
- /*
- * L3_format_bitstream
- * -------------------
- * This is called after a frame of audio has been quantized and coded.
- * It will write the encoded audio to the bitstream. Note that
- * from a layer3 encoder's perspective the bit stream is primarily
- * a series of main_data() blocks, with header and side information
- * inserted at the proper locations to maintain framing. (See Figure A.7
- * in the IS).
- *
- * note. both header/sideinfo and main data are multiples of 8 bits.
- * this means that the encoded data can be manipulated as bytes
- * which is easier and quicker than bits.
- */
- void L3_format_bitstream( int l3_enc[2][2][samp_per_frame2], L3_side_info_t *l3_side)
- {
- int main_bytes;
- encodeSideInfo( l3_side ); /* store in fifo */
- main_bytes = encodeMainData( l3_enc, l3_side );
- /* send data */
- by = 0;
- while(main_bytes)
- {
- if (!count)
- { /* end of frame so output next header/sideinfo */
- putbytes(fifo[rd].side, fifo[rd].si_len);
- count = fifo[rd].fr_len;
- if(++rd == FIFO_SIZE) rd = 0; /* point to next header/sideinfo */
- }
- if(main_bytes <= count)
- { /* enough room in frame to output rest of main data, this will exit the while loop */
- putbytes(&main_[by],main_bytes);
- count -= main_bytes;
- main_bytes = 0;
- }
- else
- { /* fill current frame up, start new frame next time around the while loop */
- putbytes(&main_[by],count);
- main_bytes -= count;
- by += count;
- count = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * putbits:
- * --------
- * write N bits into the encoded data buffer.
- * buf = encoded data buffer
- * val = value to write into the buffer
- * n = number of bits of val
- *
- * Bits in value are assumed to be right-justified.
- */
- static void putbits (unsigned char *buf, unsigned long val, unsigned int n)
- {
- static int mask[9]={0x0, 0x1, 0x3, 0x7, 0xf, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff};
- int k, tmp;
- if (n > 32)
- error("Cannot write more than 32 bits at a time");
- bits += n;
- while (n)
- {
- k = (n < bi) ? n : bi;
- tmp = val >> (n - k);
- buf[by] |= (tmp & mask[k]) << (bi - k);
- bi -= k;
- n -= k;
- if (!bi)
- {
- bi = 8;
- by++;
- buf[by]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * encodeMainData
- * --------------
- * Encodes the spectrum and places the coded
- * main data in the buffer main.
- * Returns the number of bytes stored.
- */
- static int encodeMainData(int l3_enc[2][2][samp_per_frame2],
- L3_side_info_t *si)
- {
- int gr, ch;
- bits = 0;
- by = 0;
- bi = 8;
- main_[0]=0;
- /* huffmancodes plus reservoir stuffing */
- for(gr = 0; gr < config.mpeg.granules; gr++)
- for (ch = 0; ch < config.mpeg.channels; ch++)
- Huffmancodebits( l3_enc[gr][ch], &si->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt ); /* encode the spectrum */
- /* ancillary data, used for reservoir stuffing overflow */
- if(si->resv_drain)
- {
- int words = si->resv_drain >> 5;
- int remainder = si->resv_drain & 31;
- /* pad with zeros */
- while(words--)
- putbits(main_, 0, 32 );
- if(remainder)
- putbits(main_, 0, remainder );
- }
- return bits >> 3;
- }
- /*
- * encodeSideInfo
- * --------------
- * Encodes the header and sideinfo and stores the coded data
- * in the side fifo for transmission at the appropriate place
- * in the bitstream.
- */
- static void encodeSideInfo( L3_side_info_t *si )
- {
- int gr, ch, region;
- unsigned char * sf = fifo[wr].side;
- /* header */
- *sf = header[0];
- *(sf+1) = header[1];
- *(sf+2) = header[2] | (config.mpeg.padding << 1);
- *(sf+3) = header[3];
- *(sf+4) = 0;
- bits = 32;
- by = 4;
- bi = 8;
- /* side info */
- if(config.mpeg.type == MPEG1)
- {
- putbits(sf, si->main_data_begin, 9 );
- putbits(sf, 0, ( config.mpeg.channels == 2 ) ? 3 : 5 ); /* private bits */
- for ( ch = 0; ch < config.mpeg.channels; ch++ )
- putbits(sf, 0, 4 ); /* scfsi */
- for ( gr = 0; gr < 2; gr++ )
- for ( ch = 0; ch < config.mpeg.channels ; ch++ )
- {
- gr_info *gi = &(si->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt);
- putbits(sf, gi->part2_3_length, 12 );
- putbits(sf, gi->big_values, 9 );
- putbits(sf, gi->global_gain, 8 );
- putbits(sf, 0, 5 ); /* scalefac_compress, window switching flag */
- for ( region = 0; region < 3; region++ )
- putbits(sf, gi->table_select[region], 5 );
- putbits(sf, gi->region0_count, 4 );
- putbits(sf, gi->region1_count, 3 );
- putbits(sf, 0, 2 ); /* preflag, scalefac_scale */
- putbits(sf, gi->count1table_select, 1 );
- }
- }
- else /* mpeg 2/2.5 */
- {
- putbits(sf, si->main_data_begin, 8 );
- putbits(sf, 0, ( config.mpeg.channels == 1 ) ? 1 : 2 ); /* private bits */
- for ( ch = 0; ch < config.mpeg.channels ; ch++ )
- {
- gr_info *gi = &(si->gr[0].ch[ch].tt);
- putbits(sf, gi->part2_3_length, 12 );
- putbits(sf, gi->big_values, 9 );
- putbits(sf, gi->global_gain, 8 );
- putbits(sf, 0, 10 ); /* scalefac_compress, window switching flag */
- for ( region = 0; region < 3; region++ )
- putbits(sf, gi->table_select[region], 5 );
- putbits(sf, gi->region0_count, 4 );
- putbits(sf, gi->region1_count, 3 );
- putbits(sf, 0, 1 ); /* scalefac_scale */
- putbits(sf, gi->count1table_select, 1 );
- }
- }
- fifo[wr].fr_len = (config.mpeg.bits_per_frame - bits) >> 3; /* data bytes in this frame */
- fifo[wr].si_len = bits >> 3; /* bytes in side info */
- if(++wr == FIFO_SIZE) wr = 0; /* point to next buffer */
- }
- /*
- * Huffmancodebits
- * ---------------
- * Note the discussion of huffmancodebits() on pages 28
- * and 29 of the IS, as well as the definitions of the side
- * information on pages 26 and 27.
- */
- static void Huffmancodebits( int *ix, gr_info *gi )
- {
- int region1Start;
- int region2Start;
- int i, bigvalues, count1End;
- int v, w, x, y, cx_bits, cbits, xbits, stuffingBits;
- unsigned long code, ext;
- struct huffcodetab *h;
- int bvbits, c1bits, tablezeros, r0, r1, r2, rt, *pr;
- int bitsWritten = 0;
- // int idx = 0;
- tablezeros = 0;
- r0 = r1 = r2 = 0;
- /* 1: Write the bigvalues */
- bigvalues = gi->big_values <<1;
- {
- unsigned scalefac_index = 100;
- scalefac_index = gi->region0_count + 1;
- region1Start = scalefac_band_long[ scalefac_index ];
- scalefac_index += gi->region1_count + 1;
- region2Start = scalefac_band_long[ scalefac_index ];
- for ( i = 0; i < bigvalues; i += 2 )
- {
- unsigned tableindex = 100;
- /* get table pointer */
- if ( i < region1Start )
- {
- tableindex = gi->table_select[0];
- pr = &r0;
- }
- else if ( i < region2Start )
- {
- tableindex = gi->table_select[1];
- pr = &r1;
- }
- else
- {
- tableindex = gi->table_select[2];
- pr = &r2;
- }
- h = &ht[ tableindex ];
- /* get huffman code */
- x = ix[i];
- y = ix[i + 1];
- if ( tableindex )
- {
- cx_bits = HuffmanCode( tableindex, x, y, &code, &ext, &cbits, &xbits );
- putbits(main_, code, cbits );
- putbits(main_, ext, xbits );
- bitsWritten += rt = cx_bits;
- *pr += rt;
- }
- else
- {
- tablezeros += 1;
- *pr = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- bvbits = bitsWritten;
- /* 2: Write count1 area */
- h = &ht[gi->count1table_select + 32];
- count1End = bigvalues + (gi->count1 <<2);
- for ( i = bigvalues; i < count1End; i += 4 )
- {
- v = ix[i];
- w = ix[i+1];
- x = ix[i+2];
- y = ix[i+3];
- bitsWritten += L3_huffman_coder_count1( h, v, w, x, y );
- }
- c1bits = bitsWritten - bvbits;
- if ((stuffingBits = gi->part2_3_length - bitsWritten) != 0)
- {
- int words = stuffingBits >> 5;
- int remainder = stuffingBits & 31;
- /*
- * Due to the nature of the Huffman code
- * tables, we will pad with ones
- */
- while(words--)
- putbits(main_, ~0, 32 );
- if(remainder)
- putbits(main_, ~0, remainder );
- }
- }
- /*
- * abs_and_sign
- * ------------
- */
- static int abs_and_sign( int *x )
- {
- if ( *x > 0 ) return 0;
- *x *= -1;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * L3_huffman_coder_count1
- * -----------------------
- */
- static int L3_huffman_coder_count1( struct huffcodetab *h, int v, int w, int x, int y )
- {
- HUFFBITS huffbits;
- unsigned int signv, signw, signx, signy, p;
- int len;
- int totalBits;
- signv = abs_and_sign( &v );
- signw = abs_and_sign( &w );
- signx = abs_and_sign( &x );
- signy = abs_and_sign( &y );
- p = v + (w << 1) + (x << 2) + (y << 3);
- huffbits = h->table[p];
- len = h->hlen[p];
- putbits(main_, huffbits, len );
- totalBits = len;
- if ( v )
- {
- putbits(main_, signv, 1 );
- totalBits++;
- }
- if ( w )
- {
- putbits(main_, signw, 1 );
- totalBits++;
- }
- if ( x )
- {
- putbits(main_, signx, 1 );
- totalBits++;
- }
- if ( y )
- {
- putbits(main_, signy, 1 );
- totalBits++;
- }
- return totalBits;
- }
- /*
- * HuffmanCode
- * -----------
- * Implements the pseudocode of page 98 of the IS
- */
- static int HuffmanCode(int table_select, int x, int y, unsigned long *code,
- unsigned long *ext, int *cbits, int *xbits )
- {
- unsigned signx, signy, linbitsx, linbitsy, linbits, xlen, ylen, idx;
- struct huffcodetab *h;
- *cbits = 0;
- *xbits = 0;
- *code = 0;
- *ext = 0;
- if(table_select==0) return 0;
- signx = abs_and_sign( &x );
- signy = abs_and_sign( &y );
- h = &(ht[table_select]);
- xlen = h->xlen;
- ylen = h->ylen;
- linbits = h->linbits;
- linbitsx = linbitsy = 0;
- if ( table_select > 15 )
- { /* ESC-table is used */
- if ( x > 14 )
- {
- linbitsx = x - 15;
- x = 15;
- }
- if ( y > 14 )
- {
- linbitsy = y - 15;
- y = 15;
- }
- idx = (x * ylen) + y;
- *code = h->table[idx];
- *cbits = h->hlen [idx];
- if ( x > 14 )
- {
- *ext |= linbitsx;
- *xbits += linbits;
- }
- if ( x != 0 )
- {
- *ext = ((*ext) << 1) | signx;
- *xbits += 1;
- }
- if ( y > 14 )
- {
- *ext = ((*ext) << linbits) | linbitsy;
- *xbits += linbits;
- }
- if ( y != 0 )
- {
- *ext = ((*ext) << 1) | signy;
- *xbits += 1;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* No ESC-words */
- idx = (x * ylen) + y;
- *code = h->table[idx];
- *cbits += h->hlen[ idx ];
- if ( x != 0 )
- {
- *code = ((*code) << 1) | signx;
- *cbits += 1;
- }
- if ( y != 0 )
- {
- *code = ((*code) << 1) | signy;
- *cbits += 1;
- }
- }
- return *cbits + *xbits;
- }