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Package: [view]
Upload User: enenge
Upload Date: 2007-01-08
Package Size: 96k
Code Size: 15k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * This code is developed by Adam Li. This software is an *
- * implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools as *
- * specified in ISO/IEC 14496-2 standard. Those intending to use this *
- * software module in hardware or software products are advised that its *
- * use may infringe existing patents or copyrights, and any such use *
- * would be at such party's own risk. The original developer of this *
- * software module and his/her company, and subsequent editors and their *
- * companies (including Project Mayo), will have no liability for use of *
- * this software or modifications or derivatives thereof. *
- * *
- * Project Mayo gives users of the Codec a license to this software *
- * module or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software *
- * products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video Standard as *
- * described in the Open DivX license. *
- * *
- * The complete Open DivX license can be found at *
- * . *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * mom_util.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Project Mayo
- *
- * Adam Li
- *
- * DivX Advance Research Center <>
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- /* This file contains some utility functions to manipulate Image data */
- /* structures. */
- /* Some codes of this project come from MoMuSys MPEG-4 implementation. */
- /* Please see seperate acknowledgement file for a list of contributors. */
- #include "mom_util.h"
- /* private prototypes */
- Char *emalloc(Int n);
- Char *ecalloc(Int n, Int s);
- Char *erealloc(Char *p, Int n);
- Void CopyImageI(ImageI *image_in, ImageI *image_out);
- Void CopyImageF(ImageF *image_in, ImageF *image_out);
- Void SetConstantImageI(ImageI *image, SInt val);
- Void SetConstantImageF(ImageF *image, Float val);
- Void SubImageI(ImageI *image_in1, ImageI *image_in2, ImageI *image_out);
- Void SubImageF(ImageF *image_in1, ImageF *image_in2, ImageF *image_out);
- /* The following is the Image maintance functions. */
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- AllocImage -- Allocates memory for an Image structure
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Allocates memory for an Image structure, including memory
- * for the actual image pixels. The image pixels can be of type
- * UChar, SInt or Float depending on the parameter type.
- *
- * Return values :
- * A pointer to the allocated Image structure.
- *
- * Description :
- * Allocates memory for the Image if possible, otherwise a
- * memory allocation error is signalled and the program will
- * exit.
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Image *
- AllocImage(UInt size_x, UInt size_y, ImageType type)
- {
- Image *image;
- image = (Image *) emalloc(sizeof(Image));
- image->version = VERSION;
- image->x = size_x;
- image->y = size_y;
- image->upperodd = 0;
- image->grid = 's';
- image->type = type;
- image->data = (ImageData *) emalloc(sizeof(ImageData));
- switch(type)
- {
- case SHORT_TYPE:
- image->data->s = (SInt *) ecalloc(size_x*size_y,sizeof(SInt));
- break;
- case FLOAT_TYPE:
- image->data->f = (Float *) ecalloc(size_x*size_y,sizeof(Float));
- break;
- case UCHAR_TYPE:
- image->data->u = (UChar *) ecalloc(size_x*size_y,sizeof(UChar));
- break;
- }
- image->f = image->data->s; /* For compatibility with KHOROS */
- return(image);
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- FreeImage -- Frees up all the memory associated with an Image structure
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Frees up all the memory associated with an Image structure
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- FreeImage(Image *image)
- {
- SInt *ps;
- Float *pf;
- UChar *pu;
- if (image == NULL) return;
- switch(image->type)
- {
- case SHORT_TYPE:
- ps = (SInt *)GetImageData(image);
- if(ps != NULL) free((Char *)ps);
- free((Char *) image->data);
- free((Char *)image);
- break;
- case FLOAT_TYPE:
- pf = (Float *)GetImageData(image);
- if(pf != NULL) free((Char *)pf);
- free((Char *) image->data);
- free((Char *)image);
- break;
- case UCHAR_TYPE:
- pu = (UChar *)GetImageData(image);
- if(pu != NULL) free((Char *)pu);
- free((Char *) image->data);
- free((Char *)image);
- break;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- CopyImage -- Copies the pixel values of one image to another image
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Copies the pixel values of one image to another image.
- *
- * Description :
- * Currently, the function exits with an error if
- * the source and destination images are not of the same allocated
- * size and type.
- *
- * Also, the images of type UChar are not yet supported.
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- CopyImage(Image *image_in, Image *image_out)
- {
- switch(image_out->type)
- {
- case SHORT_TYPE:
- CopyImageI(image_in,image_out);
- break;
- case FLOAT_TYPE:
- CopyImageF(image_in,image_out);
- break;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- CopyImageI --
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- CopyImageI(ImageI *image_in, ImageI *image_out)
- {
- SInt *p_in = image_in->data->s,
- *p_out = image_out->data->s,
- *p_end;
- UInt sx_in = image_in->x,
- sx_out = image_out->x,
- sy_in = image_in->y,
- sy_out = image_out->y,
- sxy_in = sx_in * sy_in;
- p_end = p_in + sxy_in;
- while (p_in != p_end)
- {
- *p_out = *p_in;
- p_in++;
- p_out++;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- CopyImageF -- Copies image_in to image_out
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- CopyImageF(ImageF *image_in, ImageF *image_out)
- {
- Float *p_in = image_in->data->f,
- *p_out = image_out->data->f,
- *p_end;
- UInt sx_in = image_in->x,
- sx_out = image_out->x,
- sy_in = image_in->y,
- sy_out = image_out->y,
- sxy_in = sx_in * sy_in;
- p_end = p_in + sxy_in;
- while (p_in != p_end)
- {
- *p_out = *p_in;
- p_in++;
- p_out++;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- SetConstantImage -- Sets each pixel in the Image to val
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Sets each pixel in the Image to val.
- *
- * Side effects :
- * Note val is a Float. If image is not a Float image then
- * val is cast to the appropriate type i.e. SInt, unsigned
- * Char.
- *
- * Description :
- * Images of type UChar are not yet supported.
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- SetConstantImage(Image *image, Float val)
- {
- switch(image->type)
- {
- case SHORT_TYPE:
- SetConstantImageI(image,(SInt)val);
- break;
- case FLOAT_TYPE:
- SetConstantImageF(image,val);
- break;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- SetConstantImageI --
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- SetConstantImageI(ImageI *image, SInt val)
- {
- SInt *p = image->data->s,
- *p_end;
- UInt sxy = image->x * image->y;
- if (val == 0)
- memset (p, 0, sxy * 2);
- else
- {
- p_end = p + sxy;
- while (p != p_end)
- {
- *p = val;
- p++;
- }
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- SetConstantImageF --
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- SetConstantImageF(ImageF *image, Float val)
- {
- Float *p = image->data->f,
- *p_end;
- UInt sxy = image->x * image->y;
- p_end = p + sxy;
- while (p != p_end)
- {
- *p = val;
- p++;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- SubImage -- Subtracts two images
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Subtracts two images and stores the result in the third
- * i.e. image_out = image_in1 - image_in2
- *
- * Description :
- * Currently, the function exits with an error if
- * the source and destination images are not of the same allocated
- * size and type.
- *
- * Also, the images of type UChar are not yet supported.
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- SubImage(Image *image_in1, Image *image_in2, Image *image_out)
- {
- switch(image_in1->type)
- {
- case SHORT_TYPE:
- SubImageI(image_in1,image_in2,image_out);
- break;
- case FLOAT_TYPE:
- SubImageF(image_in1,image_in2,image_out);
- break;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- SubImageI --
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- SubImageI(ImageI *image_in1, ImageI *image_in2, ImageI *image_out)
- {
- SInt *p = image_out->data->s,
- *p1 = image_in1->data->s,
- *p2 = image_in2->data->s,
- *p_end;
- UInt sx_in1 = image_in1->x,
- sx_in2 = image_in2->x,
- sx_out = image_out->x,
- sy_in1 = image_in1->y,
- sy_in2 = image_in2->y,
- sy_out = image_out->y,
- sxy = sx_out * sy_out;
- p_end = p + sxy;
- while (p != p_end)
- {
- *p = *p1 - *p2;
- p++;
- p1++;
- p2++;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- SubImageF --
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Void
- SubImageF(ImageF *image_in1, ImageF *image_in2, ImageF *image_out)
- {
- Float *p = image_out->data->f,
- *p1 = image_in1->data->f,
- *p2 = image_in2->data->f,
- *p_end;
- UInt sx_in1 = image_in1->x,
- sx_in2 = image_in2->x,
- sx_out = image_out->x,
- sy_in1 = image_in1->y,
- sy_in2 = image_in2->y,
- sy_out = image_out->y,
- sxy = sx_out * sy_out;
- p_end = p + sxy;
- while (p != p_end)
- {
- *p = *p1 - *p2;
- p++;
- p1++;
- p2++;
- }
- }
- /* The following is Vop maintance functions. */
- Vop *
- SallocVop()
- {
- Vop *vop;
- vop = (Vop *)ecalloc(1,sizeof(Vop));
- return(vop);
- }
- Vop *
- AllocVop(UInt x, UInt y)
- {
- Vop *vop;
- Image *y_chan,
- *u_chan,
- *v_chan;
- /* first allocate memory for the data structure */
- vop = SallocVop();
- vop->width = x;
- vop->height = y;
- /* Allocate image fields */
- y_chan = AllocImage(x,y,SHORT_TYPE);
- u_chan = AllocImage(x/2,y/2,SHORT_TYPE);
- v_chan = AllocImage(x/2,y/2,SHORT_TYPE);
- /* Include image fields in structure */
- FreeImage(vop->y_chan);
- vop->y_chan = y_chan;
- FreeImage(vop->u_chan);
- vop->u_chan = u_chan;
- FreeImage(vop->v_chan);
- vop->v_chan = v_chan;
- return(vop);
- }
- Void
- SfreeVop (Vop *vop)
- {
- free ((Char*)vop);
- /* vop = NULL; */
- return;
- }
- Void
- FreeVop(Vop *vop)
- {
- Image *data=NULL; /*SpSc: added the initialization */
- if(vop != NULL) {
- /* Deallocate memory for image fields */
- data = vop->y_chan;
- FreeImage(data);
- data = vop->u_chan;
- FreeImage(data);
- data = vop->v_chan;
- FreeImage(data);
- SfreeVop(vop);
- }
- return;
- }
- Void
- CopyVopNonImageField(Vop *in,Vop *out)
- {
- /* out->quant_precision = in->quant_precision;
- out->bits_per_pixel = in->bits_per_pixel;
- */
- // out->mod_time_base = in->mod_time_base;
- // out->time_inc = in->time_inc;
- out->prediction_type = in->prediction_type;
- /* out->rounding_type = in->rounding_type;
- out->width = in->width;
- out->height = in->height;
- out->hor_spat_ref = in->hor_spat_ref;
- out->ver_spat_ref = in->ver_spat_ref;
- out->quantizer = in->quantizer;
- out->intra_quantizer = in->intra_quantizer;
- out->time_increment_resolution = in->time_increment_resolution;
- out->intra_acdc_pred_disable = in->intra_acdc_pred_disable;
- out->fcode_for = in->fcode_for;
- out->sr_for = in->sr_for;
- out->intra_dc_vlc_thr = in->intra_dc_vlc_thr;
- */
- }
- /* The following is Memory allocation functions. */
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- emalloc -- Memory allocation with error handling
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Memory allocation with error handling.
- *
- * Description :
- * WARNING: There is a problem when you want to allocate more memory
- * than size can handle. Malloc gets as argument an unsigned. It poses
- * a problem when sizeof(unsigned) < sizeof(Char *)...
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Char *
- emalloc(Int n)
- {
- Char *p;
- p = (Char *) malloc((UInt)n);
- return p;
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- ecalloc -- Memory allocation with error handling
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Memory allocation with error handling.
- *
- * Description :
- * WARNING: There is a problem when you want to allocate more memory
- * than size can handle. Malloc gets as argument an unsigned. It poses
- * a problem when sizeof(unsigned) < sizeof(Char *)...
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Char *
- ecalloc(Int n, Int s)
- {
- Char *p;
- p = (Char *) calloc((UInt)n,(UInt)s);
- return p;
- }
- /***********************************************************CommentBegin******
- *
- * -- erealloc -- Memory re-allocation with error handling.
- *
- * Purpose :
- * Memory re-allocation with error handling
- *
- * Description :
- * WARNING: There is a problem when you want to allocate more memory
- * than size can handle. Malloc gets as argument an unsigned. It poses
- * a problem when sizeof(unsigned) < sizeof(Char *)...
- *
- ***********************************************************CommentEnd********/
- Char *
- erealloc(Char *p, Int n)
- {
- p = (Char *) realloc(p,(UInt)n);
- return p;
- }