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Upload User: king477883
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Game Engine
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C++ Builder
- /**
- * @file llagentwearables.cpp
- * @brief LLAgentWearables class implementation
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
- #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
- #include "llagent.h"
- #include "llagentwearables.h"
- #include "llcallbacklist.h"
- #include "llfloatercustomize.h"
- #include "llinventorybridge.h"
- #include "llinventoryobserver.h"
- #include "llinventorypanel.h"
- #include "llnotificationsutil.h"
- #include "llviewerregion.h"
- #include "llvoavatarself.h"
- #include "llwearable.h"
- #include "llwearablelist.h"
- #include "llgesturemgr.h"
- #include "llappearancemgr.h"
- #include "lltexlayer.h"
- #include "llsidetray.h"
- #include "llpaneloutfitsinventory.h"
- #include "llfolderview.h"
- #include "llaccordionctrltab.h"
- #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Classes for fetching initial wearables data
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Outfit folder fetching callback structure.
- class LLInitialWearablesFetch : public LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver
- {
- public:
- LLInitialWearablesFetch() {}
- ~LLInitialWearablesFetch();
- virtual void done();
- struct InitialWearableData
- {
- EWearableType mType;
- LLUUID mAssetID;
- InitialWearableData(EWearableType type, LLUUID& itemID, LLUUID& assetID) :
- mType(type),
- mItemID(itemID),
- mAssetID(assetID)
- {}
- };
- typedef std::vector<InitialWearableData> initial_wearable_data_vec_t;
- initial_wearable_data_vec_t mCOFInitialWearables; // Wearables from the Current Outfit Folder
- initial_wearable_data_vec_t mAgentInitialWearables; // Wearables from the old agent wearables msg
- protected:
- void processWearablesMessage();
- void processContents();
- };
- class LLLibraryOutfitsFetch : public LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver
- {
- public:
- enum ELibraryOutfitFetchStep {
- };
- LLLibraryOutfitsFetch() : mCurrFetchStep(LOFS_FOLDER), mOutfitsPopulated(false)
- {
- mMyOutfitsID = LLUUID::null;
- mClothingID = LLUUID::null;
- mLibraryClothingID = LLUUID::null;
- mImportedClothingID = LLUUID::null;
- mImportedClothingName = "Imported Library Clothing";
- }
- ~LLLibraryOutfitsFetch() {}
- virtual void done();
- void doneIdle();
- LLUUID mMyOutfitsID;
- void importedFolderFetch();
- protected:
- void folderDone(void);
- void outfitsDone(void);
- void libraryDone(void);
- void importedFolderDone(void);
- void contentsDone(void);
- enum ELibraryOutfitFetchStep mCurrFetchStep;
- typedef std::vector< std::pair< LLUUID, std::string > > cloth_folder_vec_t;
- cloth_folder_vec_t mLibraryClothingFolders;
- cloth_folder_vec_t mImportedClothingFolders;
- bool mOutfitsPopulated;
- LLUUID mClothingID;
- LLUUID mLibraryClothingID;
- LLUUID mImportedClothingID;
- std::string mImportedClothingName;
- };
- LLAgentWearables gAgentWearables;
- BOOL LLAgentWearables::mInitialWearablesUpdateReceived = FALSE;
- using namespace LLVOAvatarDefines;
- // HACK: For EXT-3923: Pants item shows in inventory with skin icon and messes with "current look"
- // Some db items are corrupted, have inventory flags = 0, implying wearable type = shape, even though
- // wearable type stored in asset is some other value.
- // Calling this function whenever a wearable is added to increase visibility if this problem
- // turns up in other inventories.
- void checkWearableAgainstInventory(LLWearable *wearable)
- {
- if (wearable->getItemID().isNull())
- return;
- // Check for wearable type consistent with inventory item wearable type.
- LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(wearable->getItemID());
- if (item)
- {
- if (!item->isWearableType())
- {
- llwarns << "wearable associated with non-wearable item" << llendl;
- }
- if (item->getWearableType() != wearable->getType())
- {
- llwarns << "type mismatch: wearable " << wearable->getName()
- << " has type " << wearable->getType()
- << " but inventory item " << item->getName()
- << " has type " << item->getWearableType() << llendl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- llwarns << "wearable inventory item not found" << wearable->getName()
- << " itemID " << wearable->getItemID().asString() << llendl;
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::dump()
- {
- llinfos << "LLAgentWearablesDump" << llendl;
- for (S32 i = 0; i < WT_COUNT; i++)
- {
- U32 count = getWearableCount((EWearableType)i);
- llinfos << "Type: " << i << " count " << count << llendl;
- for (U32 j=0; j<count; j++)
- {
- LLWearable* wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)i,j);
- if (wearable == NULL)
- {
- llinfos << " " << j << " NULL wearable" << llendl;
- }
- llinfos << " " << j << " Name " << wearable->getName()
- << " description " << wearable->getDescription() << llendl;
- }
- }
- llinfos << "Total items awaiting wearable update " << mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.size() << llendl;
- for (std::set<LLUUID>::iterator it = mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.begin();
- it != mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.end();
- ++it)
- {
- llinfos << (*it).asString() << llendl;
- }
- }
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: debugging
- struct LLAgentDumper
- {
- LLAgentDumper(std::string name):
- mName(name)
- {
- llinfos << llendl;
- llinfos << "LLAgentDumper " << mName << llendl;
- gAgentWearables.dump();
- }
- ~LLAgentDumper()
- {
- llinfos << llendl;
- llinfos << "~LLAgentDumper " << mName << llendl;
- gAgentWearables.dump();
- }
- std::string mName;
- };
- LLAgentWearables::LLAgentWearables() :
- mWearablesLoaded(FALSE),
- mAvatarObject(NULL)
- {
- }
- LLAgentWearables::~LLAgentWearables()
- {
- cleanup();
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::cleanup()
- {
- mAvatarObject = NULL;
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::setAvatarObject(LLVOAvatarSelf *avatar)
- {
- mAvatarObject = avatar;
- if (avatar)
- {
- sendAgentWearablesRequest();
- }
- }
- // wearables
- LLAgentWearables::createStandardWearablesAllDoneCallback::~createStandardWearablesAllDoneCallback()
- {
- gAgentWearables.createStandardWearablesAllDone();
- }
- LLAgentWearables::sendAgentWearablesUpdateCallback::~sendAgentWearablesUpdateCallback()
- {
- gAgentWearables.sendAgentWearablesUpdate();
- }
- /**
- * @brief Construct a callback for dealing with the wearables.
- *
- * Would like to pass the agent in here, but we can't safely
- * count on it being around later. Just use gAgent directly.
- * @param cb callback to execute on completion (??? unused ???)
- * @param type Type for the wearable in the agent
- * @param wearable The wearable data.
- * @param todo Bitmask of actions to take on completion.
- */
- LLAgentWearables::addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback(
- LLPointer<LLRefCount> cb, S32 type, U32 index, LLWearable* wearable, U32 todo) :
- mType(type),
- mIndex(index),
- mWearable(wearable),
- mTodo(todo),
- mCB(cb)
- {
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::fire(const LLUUID& inv_item)
- {
- if (inv_item.isNull())
- return;
- gAgentWearables.addWearabletoAgentInventoryDone(mType, mIndex, inv_item, mWearable);
- if (mTodo & CALL_UPDATE)
- {
- gAgentWearables.sendAgentWearablesUpdate();
- }
- {
- gAgentWearables.recoverMissingWearableDone();
- }
- /*
- * Do this for every one in the loop
- */
- {
- gAgentWearables.createStandardWearablesDone(mType, mIndex);
- }
- {
- gAgentWearables.makeNewOutfitDone(mType, mIndex);
- }
- if (mTodo & CALL_WEARITEM)
- {
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().addCOFItemLink(inv_item, true);
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::addWearabletoAgentInventoryDone(const S32 type,
- const U32 index,
- const LLUUID& item_id,
- LLWearable* wearable)
- {
- if (item_id.isNull())
- return;
- LLUUID old_item_id = getWearableItemID((EWearableType)type,index);
- if (wearable)
- {
- wearable->setItemID(item_id);
- if (old_item_id.notNull())
- {
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, old_item_id);
- setWearable((EWearableType)type,index,wearable);
- }
- else
- {
- pushWearable((EWearableType)type,wearable);
- }
- }
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id);
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (item && wearable)
- {
- // We're changing the asset id, so we both need to set it
- // locally via setAssetUUID() and via setTransactionID() which
- // will be decoded on the server. JC
- item->setAssetUUID(wearable->getAssetID());
- item->setTransactionID(wearable->getTransactionID());
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::INTERNAL, item_id);
- item->updateServer(FALSE);
- }
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::sendAgentWearablesUpdate()
- {
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: call i "type" or something.
- // First make sure that we have inventory items for each wearable
- for (S32 type=0; type < WT_COUNT; ++type)
- {
- for (U32 j=0; j < getWearableCount((EWearableType)type); ++j)
- {
- LLWearable* wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)type,j);
- if (wearable)
- {
- if (wearable->getItemID().isNull())
- {
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb =
- new addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback(
- LLPointer<LLRefCount>(NULL),
- type,
- j,
- wearable,
- addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_NONE);
- addWearableToAgentInventory(cb, wearable);
- }
- else
- {
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL,
- wearable->getItemID());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Then make sure the inventory is in sync with the avatar.
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- // Send the AgentIsNowWearing
- gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AgentIsNowWearing);
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
- lldebugs << "sendAgentWearablesUpdate()" << llendl;
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: update for multi-wearables after server-side support is in.
- for (S32 type=0; type < WT_COUNT; ++type)
- {
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_WearableData);
- U8 type_u8 = (U8)type;
- gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_WearableType, type_u8);
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: TODO: hacked index to 0, needs to loop over all once messages support this.
- LLWearable* wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)type, 0);
- if (wearable)
- {
- //llinfos << "Sending wearable " << wearable->getName() << llendl;
- LLUUID item_id = wearable->getItemID();
- const LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (item && item->getIsLinkType())
- {
- // Get the itemID that this item points to. i.e. make sure
- // we are storing baseitems, not their links, in the database.
- item_id = item->getLinkedUUID();
- }
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ItemID, item_id);
- }
- else
- {
- //llinfos << "Not wearing wearable type " << LLWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getWearable((EWearableType)i) << llendl;
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ItemID, LLUUID::null);
- }
- lldebugs << " " << LLWearableDictionary::getTypeLabel((EWearableType)type) << ": " << (wearable ? wearable->getAssetID() : LLUUID::null) << llendl;
- }
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::saveWearable(const EWearableType type, const U32 index, BOOL send_update)
- {
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable(type, index);
- if (old_wearable && (old_wearable->isDirty() || old_wearable->isOldVersion()))
- {
- LLUUID old_item_id = old_wearable->getItemID();
- LLWearable* new_wearable = LLWearableList::instance().createCopy(old_wearable);
- new_wearable->setItemID(old_item_id); // should this be in LLWearable::copyDataFrom()?
- setWearable(type,index,new_wearable);
- LLInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(old_item_id);
- if (item)
- {
- // Update existing inventory item
- LLPointer<LLViewerInventoryItem> template_item =
- new LLViewerInventoryItem(item->getUUID(),
- item->getParentUUID(),
- item->getPermissions(),
- new_wearable->getAssetID(),
- new_wearable->getAssetType(),
- item->getInventoryType(),
- item->getName(),
- item->getDescription(),
- item->getSaleInfo(),
- item->getFlags(),
- item->getCreationDate());
- template_item->setTransactionID(new_wearable->getTransactionID());
- template_item->updateServer(FALSE);
- gInventory.updateItem(template_item);
- }
- else
- {
- // Add a new inventory item (shouldn't ever happen here)
- U32 todo = addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_NONE;
- if (send_update)
- {
- todo |= addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_UPDATE;
- }
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb =
- new addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback(
- LLPointer<LLRefCount>(NULL),
- (S32)type,
- index,
- new_wearable,
- todo);
- addWearableToAgentInventory(cb, new_wearable);
- return;
- }
- gAgent.getAvatarObject()->wearableUpdated( type, TRUE );
- if (send_update)
- {
- sendAgentWearablesUpdate();
- }
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::saveWearableAs(const EWearableType type,
- const U32 index,
- const std::string& new_name,
- BOOL save_in_lost_and_found)
- {
- if (!isWearableCopyable(type, index))
- {
- llwarns << "LLAgent::saveWearableAs() not copyable." << llendl;
- return;
- }
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable(type, index);
- if (!old_wearable)
- {
- llwarns << "LLAgent::saveWearableAs() no old wearable." << llendl;
- return;
- }
- LLInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(getWearableItemID(type,index));
- if (!item)
- {
- llwarns << "LLAgent::saveWearableAs() no inventory item." << llendl;
- return;
- }
- std::string trunc_name(new_name);
- LLStringUtil::truncate(trunc_name, DB_INV_ITEM_NAME_STR_LEN);
- LLWearable* new_wearable = LLWearableList::instance().createCopy(
- old_wearable,
- trunc_name);
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb =
- new addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback(
- LLPointer<LLRefCount>(NULL),
- type,
- index,
- new_wearable,
- addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_WEARITEM);
- LLUUID category_id;
- if (save_in_lost_and_found)
- {
- category_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(
- }
- else
- {
- // put in same folder as original
- category_id = item->getParentUUID();
- }
- copy_inventory_item(
- gAgent.getID(),
- item->getPermissions().getOwner(),
- item->getUUID(),
- category_id,
- new_name,
- cb);
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::revertWearable(const EWearableType type, const U32 index)
- {
- LLWearable* wearable = getWearable(type, index);
- wearable->revertValues();
- gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance();
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::saveAllWearables()
- {
- //if (!gInventory.isLoaded())
- //{
- // return;
- //}
- for (S32 i=0; i < WT_COUNT; i++)
- {
- for (U32 j=0; j < getWearableCount((EWearableType)i); j++)
- saveWearable((EWearableType)i, j, FALSE);
- }
- sendAgentWearablesUpdate();
- }
- // Called when the user changes the name of a wearable inventory item that is currently being worn.
- void LLAgentWearables::setWearableName(const LLUUID& item_id, const std::string& new_name)
- {
- for (S32 i=0; i < WT_COUNT; i++)
- {
- for (U32 j=0; j < getWearableCount((EWearableType)i); j++)
- {
- LLUUID curr_item_id = getWearableItemID((EWearableType)i,j);
- if (curr_item_id == item_id)
- {
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)i,j);
- llassert(old_wearable);
- std::string old_name = old_wearable->getName();
- old_wearable->setName(new_name);
- LLWearable* new_wearable = LLWearableList::instance().createCopy(old_wearable);
- new_wearable->setItemID(item_id);
- LLInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (item)
- {
- new_wearable->setPermissions(item->getPermissions());
- }
- old_wearable->setName(old_name);
- setWearable((EWearableType)i,j,new_wearable);
- sendAgentWearablesUpdate();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL LLAgentWearables::isWearableModifiable(EWearableType type, U32 index) const
- {
- LLUUID item_id = getWearableItemID(type, index);
- if (!item_id.isNull())
- {
- LLInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (item && item->getPermissions().allowModifyBy(gAgent.getID(),
- gAgent.getGroupID()))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL LLAgentWearables::isWearableCopyable(EWearableType type, U32 index) const
- {
- LLUUID item_id = getWearableItemID(type, index);
- if (!item_id.isNull())
- {
- LLInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (item && item->getPermissions().allowCopyBy(gAgent.getID(),
- gAgent.getGroupID()))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- U32 LLAgentWearables::getWearablePermMask(EWearableType type)
- {
- LLUUID item_id = getWearableItemID(type);
- if (!item_id.isNull())
- {
- LLInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if (item)
- {
- return item->getPermissions().getMaskOwner();
- }
- }
- return PERM_NONE;
- }
- */
- LLInventoryItem* LLAgentWearables::getWearableInventoryItem(EWearableType type, U32 index)
- {
- LLUUID item_id = getWearableItemID(type,index);
- LLInventoryItem* item = NULL;
- if (item_id.notNull())
- {
- item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- }
- return item;
- }
- const LLWearable* LLAgentWearables::getWearableFromItemID(const LLUUID& item_id) const
- {
- for (S32 i=0; i < WT_COUNT; i++)
- {
- for (U32 j=0; j < getWearableCount((EWearableType)i); j++)
- {
- const LLWearable * curr_wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)i, j);
- if (curr_wearable && (curr_wearable->getItemID() == item_id))
- {
- return curr_wearable;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- const LLWearable* LLAgentWearables::getWearableFromAssetID(const LLUUID& asset_id) const
- {
- for (S32 i=0; i < WT_COUNT; i++)
- {
- for (U32 j=0; j < getWearableCount((EWearableType)i); j++)
- {
- const LLWearable * curr_wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)i, j);
- if (curr_wearable && (curr_wearable->getAssetID() == asset_id))
- {
- return curr_wearable;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::sendAgentWearablesRequest()
- {
- gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AgentWearablesRequest);
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- }
- // static
- BOOL LLAgentWearables::selfHasWearable(EWearableType type)
- {
- return (gAgentWearables.getWearableCount(type) > 0);
- }
- LLWearable* LLAgentWearables::getWearable(const EWearableType type, U32 index)
- {
- wearableentry_map_t::iterator wearable_iter = mWearableDatas.find(type);
- if (wearable_iter == mWearableDatas.end())
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- wearableentry_vec_t& wearable_vec = wearable_iter->second;
- if (index>=wearable_vec.size())
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- return wearable_vec[index];
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::setWearable(const EWearableType type, U32 index, LLWearable *wearable)
- {
- LLWearable *old_wearable = getWearable(type,index);
- if (!old_wearable)
- {
- pushWearable(type,wearable);
- return;
- }
- wearableentry_map_t::iterator wearable_iter = mWearableDatas.find(type);
- if (wearable_iter == mWearableDatas.end())
- {
- llwarns << "invalid type, type " << type << " index " << index << llendl;
- return;
- }
- wearableentry_vec_t& wearable_vec = wearable_iter->second;
- if (index>=wearable_vec.size())
- {
- llwarns << "invalid index, type " << type << " index " << index << llendl;
- }
- else
- {
- wearable_vec[index] = wearable;
- old_wearable->setLabelUpdated();
- wearableUpdated(wearable);
- checkWearableAgainstInventory(wearable);
- }
- }
- U32 LLAgentWearables::pushWearable(const EWearableType type, LLWearable *wearable)
- {
- if (wearable == NULL)
- {
- // no null wearables please!
- llwarns << "Null wearable sent for type " << type << llendl;
- }
- if (type < WT_COUNT || mWearableDatas[type].size() < MAX_WEARABLES_PER_TYPE)
- {
- mWearableDatas[type].push_back(wearable);
- wearableUpdated(wearable);
- checkWearableAgainstInventory(wearable);
- return mWearableDatas[type].size()-1;
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::wearableUpdated(LLWearable *wearable)
- {
- mAvatarObject->wearableUpdated(wearable->getType(), TRUE);
- wearable->refreshName();
- wearable->setLabelUpdated();
- wearable->pullCrossWearableValues();
- // Hack pt 2. If the wearable we just loaded has definition version 24,
- // then force a re-save of this wearable after slamming the version number to 22.
- // This number was incorrectly incremented for internal builds before release, and
- // this fix will ensure that the affected wearables are re-saved with the right version number.
- // the versions themselves are compatible. This code can be removed before release.
- if( wearable->getDefinitionVersion() == 24 )
- {
- wearable->setDefinitionVersion(22);
- U32 index = getWearableIndex(wearable);
- llinfos << "forcing werable type " << wearable->getType() << " to version 22 from 24" << llendl;
- saveWearable(wearable->getType(),index,TRUE);
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::popWearable(LLWearable *wearable)
- {
- if (wearable == NULL)
- {
- // nothing to do here. move along.
- return;
- }
- U32 index = getWearableIndex(wearable);
- EWearableType type = wearable->getType();
- if (index < MAX_WEARABLES_PER_TYPE && index < getWearableCount(type))
- {
- popWearable(type, index);
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::popWearable(const EWearableType type, U32 index)
- {
- LLWearable *wearable = getWearable(type, index);
- if (wearable)
- {
- mWearableDatas[type].erase(mWearableDatas[type].begin() + index);
- mAvatarObject->wearableUpdated(wearable->getType(), TRUE);
- wearable->setLabelUpdated();
- }
- }
- U32 LLAgentWearables::getWearableIndex(LLWearable *wearable)
- {
- if (wearable == NULL)
- {
- }
- const EWearableType type = wearable->getType();
- wearableentry_map_t::const_iterator wearable_iter = mWearableDatas.find(type);
- if (wearable_iter == mWearableDatas.end())
- {
- llwarns << "tried to get wearable index with an invalid type!" << llendl;
- }
- const wearableentry_vec_t& wearable_vec = wearable_iter->second;
- for(U32 index = 0; index < wearable_vec.size(); index++)
- {
- if (wearable_vec[index] == wearable)
- {
- return index;
- }
- }
- }
- const LLWearable* LLAgentWearables::getWearable(const EWearableType type, U32 index) const
- {
- wearableentry_map_t::const_iterator wearable_iter = mWearableDatas.find(type);
- if (wearable_iter == mWearableDatas.end())
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- const wearableentry_vec_t& wearable_vec = wearable_iter->second;
- if (index>=wearable_vec.size())
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- return wearable_vec[index];
- }
- }
- LLWearable* LLAgentWearables::getTopWearable(const EWearableType type)
- {
- U32 count = getWearableCount(type);
- if ( count == 0)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- return getWearable(type, count-1);
- }
- U32 LLAgentWearables::getWearableCount(const EWearableType type) const
- {
- wearableentry_map_t::const_iterator wearable_iter = mWearableDatas.find(type);
- if (wearable_iter == mWearableDatas.end())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- const wearableentry_vec_t& wearable_vec = wearable_iter->second;
- return wearable_vec.size();
- }
- U32 LLAgentWearables::getWearableCount(const U32 tex_index) const
- {
- const EWearableType wearable_type = LLVOAvatarDictionary::getTEWearableType((LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex)tex_index);
- return getWearableCount(wearable_type);
- }
- BOOL LLAgentWearables::itemUpdatePending(const LLUUID& item_id) const
- {
- return mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.find(item_id) != mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.end();
- }
- U32 LLAgentWearables::itemUpdatePendingCount() const
- {
- return mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.size();
- }
- const LLUUID LLAgentWearables::getWearableItemID(EWearableType type, U32 index) const
- {
- const LLWearable *wearable = getWearable(type,index);
- if (wearable)
- return wearable->getItemID();
- else
- return LLUUID();
- }
- const LLUUID LLAgentWearables::getWearableAssetID(EWearableType type, U32 index) const
- {
- const LLWearable *wearable = getWearable(type,index);
- if (wearable)
- return wearable->getAssetID();
- else
- return LLUUID();
- }
- BOOL LLAgentWearables::isWearingItem(const LLUUID& item_id) const
- {
- const LLUUID& base_item_id = gInventory.getLinkedItemID(item_id);
- if (getWearableFromItemID(base_item_id) != NULL)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: update for multiple
- // static
- // ! BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY ! When we stop supporting viewer1.23, we can assume
- // that viewers have a Current Outfit Folder and won't need this message, and thus
- // we can remove/ignore this whole function.
- void LLAgentWearables::processAgentInitialWearablesUpdate(LLMessageSystem* mesgsys, void** user_data)
- {
- // We should only receive this message a single time. Ignore subsequent AgentWearablesUpdates
- // that may result from AgentWearablesRequest having been sent more than once.
- if (mInitialWearablesUpdateReceived)
- return;
- mInitialWearablesUpdateReceived = true;
- LLUUID agent_id;
- gMessageSystem->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id);
- LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
- if (avatar && (agent_id == avatar->getID()))
- {
- gMessageSystem->getU32Fast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_SerialNum, gAgentQueryManager.mUpdateSerialNum);
- const S32 NUM_BODY_PARTS = 4;
- S32 num_wearables = gMessageSystem->getNumberOfBlocksFast(_PREHASH_WearableData);
- if (num_wearables < NUM_BODY_PARTS)
- {
- // Transitional state. Avatars should always have at least their body parts (hair, eyes, shape and skin).
- // The fact that they don't have any here (only a dummy is sent) implies that either:
- // 1. This account existed before we had wearables
- // 2. The database has gotten messed up
- // 3. This is the account's first login (i.e. the wearables haven't been generated yet).
- return;
- }
- // Get the UUID of the current outfit folder (will be created if it doesn't exist)
- const LLUUID current_outfit_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CURRENT_OUTFIT);
- LLInitialWearablesFetch* outfit = new LLInitialWearablesFetch();
- //lldebugs << "processAgentInitialWearablesUpdate()" << llendl;
- // Add wearables
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: TODO: update once messages change. Currently use results to populate the zeroth element.
- gAgentWearables.mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.clear();
- for (S32 i=0; i < num_wearables; i++)
- {
- // Parse initial wearables data from message system
- U8 type_u8 = 0;
- gMessageSystem->getU8Fast(_PREHASH_WearableData, _PREHASH_WearableType, type_u8, i);
- if (type_u8 >= WT_COUNT)
- {
- continue;
- }
- const EWearableType type = (EWearableType) type_u8;
- LLUUID item_id;
- gMessageSystem->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_WearableData, _PREHASH_ItemID, item_id, i);
- LLUUID asset_id;
- gMessageSystem->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_WearableData, _PREHASH_AssetID, asset_id, i);
- if (asset_id.isNull())
- {
- LLWearable::removeFromAvatar(type, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- LLAssetType::EType asset_type = LLWearableDictionary::getAssetType(type);
- if (asset_type == LLAssetType::AT_NONE)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: TODO: update once messages change. Currently use results to populate the zeroth element.
- // Store initial wearables data until we know whether we have the current outfit folder or need to use the data.
- LLInitialWearablesFetch::InitialWearableData wearable_data(type, item_id, asset_id); // MULTI-WEARABLE: update
- outfit->mAgentInitialWearables.push_back(wearable_data);
- }
- lldebugs << " " << LLWearableDictionary::getTypeLabel(type) << llendl;
- }
- // Get the complete information on the items in the inventory and set up an observer
- // that will trigger when the complete information is fetched.
- LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver::folder_ref_t folders;
- folders.push_back(current_outfit_id);
- outfit->fetchDescendents(folders);
- if(outfit->isEverythingComplete())
- {
- // everything is already here - call done.
- outfit->done();
- }
- else
- {
- // it's all on it's way - add an observer, and the inventory
- // will call done for us when everything is here.
- gInventory.addObserver(outfit);
- }
- }
- }
- // A single wearable that the avatar was wearing on start-up has arrived from the database.
- // static
- void LLAgentWearables::onInitialWearableAssetArrived(LLWearable* wearable, void* userdata)
- {
- boost::scoped_ptr<LLInitialWearablesFetch::InitialWearableData> wear_data((LLInitialWearablesFetch::InitialWearableData*)userdata);
- const EWearableType type = wear_data->mType;
- U32 index = 0;
- LLVOAvatarSelf* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
- if (!avatar)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (wearable)
- {
- llassert(type == wearable->getType());
- wearable->setItemID(wear_data->mItemID);
- index = gAgentWearables.pushWearable(type, wearable);
- gAgentWearables.mItemsAwaitingWearableUpdate.erase(wear_data->mItemID);
- // disable composites if initial textures are baked
- avatar->setupComposites();
- avatar->setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(TRUE);
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, wearable->getItemID());
- }
- else
- {
- // Somehow the asset doesn't exist in the database.
- gAgentWearables.recoverMissingWearable(type,index);
- }
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- // Have all the wearables that the avatar was wearing at log-in arrived?
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: update when multiple wearables can arrive per type.
- gAgentWearables.updateWearablesLoaded();
- if (gAgentWearables.areWearablesLoaded())
- {
- // Can't query cache until all wearables have arrived, so calling this earlier is a no-op.
- gAgentWearables.queryWearableCache();
- // Make sure that the server's idea of the avatar's wearables actually match the wearables.
- gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance();
- // Check to see if there are any baked textures that we hadn't uploaded before we logged off last time.
- // If there are any, schedule them to be uploaded as soon as the layer textures they depend on arrive.
- if (gAgent.cameraCustomizeAvatar())
- {
- avatar->requestLayerSetUploads();
- }
- }
- }
- // Normally, all wearables referred to "AgentWearablesUpdate" will correspond to actual assets in the
- // database. If for some reason, we can't load one of those assets, we can try to reconstruct it so that
- // the user isn't left without a shape, for example. (We can do that only after the inventory has loaded.)
- void LLAgentWearables::recoverMissingWearable(const EWearableType type, U32 index)
- {
- // Try to recover by replacing missing wearable with a new one.
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("ReplacedMissingWearable");
- lldebugs << "Wearable " << LLWearableDictionary::getTypeLabel(type) << " could not be downloaded. Replaced inventory item with default wearable." << llendl;
- LLWearable* new_wearable = LLWearableList::instance().createNewWearable(type);
- S32 type_s32 = (S32) type;
- setWearable(type,index,new_wearable);
- //new_wearable->writeToAvatar(TRUE);
- // Add a new one in the lost and found folder.
- // (We used to overwrite the "not found" one, but that could potentially
- // destory content.) JC
- const LLUUID lost_and_found_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_LOST_AND_FOUND);
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb =
- new addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback(
- LLPointer<LLRefCount>(NULL),
- type_s32,
- index,
- new_wearable,
- addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_RECOVERDONE);
- addWearableToAgentInventory(cb, new_wearable, lost_and_found_id, TRUE);
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::recoverMissingWearableDone()
- {
- // Have all the wearables that the avatar was wearing at log-in arrived or been fabricated?
- updateWearablesLoaded();
- if (areWearablesLoaded())
- {
- // Make sure that the server's idea of the avatar's wearables actually match the wearables.
- gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance();
- }
- else
- {
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, LLUUID::null);
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::addLocalTextureObject(const EWearableType wearable_type, const LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex texture_type, U32 wearable_index)
- {
- LLWearable* wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)wearable_type, wearable_index);
- if (!wearable)
- {
- llerrs << "Tried to add local texture object to invalid wearable with type " << wearable_type << " and index " << wearable_index << llendl;
- return;
- }
- LLLocalTextureObject lto;
- wearable->setLocalTextureObject(texture_type, lto);
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::createStandardWearables(BOOL female)
- {
- llwarns << "Creating Standard " << (female ? "female" : "male")
- << " Wearables" << llendl;
- if (mAvatarObject.isNull())
- {
- return;
- }
- mAvatarObject->setSex(female ? SEX_FEMALE : SEX_MALE);
- const BOOL create[WT_COUNT] =
- {
- };
- for (S32 i=0; i < WT_COUNT; i++)
- {
- bool once = false;
- LLPointer<LLRefCount> donecb = NULL;
- if (create[i])
- {
- if (!once)
- {
- once = true;
- donecb = new createStandardWearablesAllDoneCallback;
- }
- llassert(getWearableCount((EWearableType)i) == 0);
- LLWearable* wearable = LLWearableList::instance().createNewWearable((EWearableType)i);
- U32 index = pushWearable((EWearableType)i,wearable);
- // no need to update here...
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb =
- new addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback(
- donecb,
- i,
- index,
- wearable,
- addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_CREATESTANDARDDONE);
- addWearableToAgentInventory(cb, wearable, LLUUID::null, FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::createStandardWearablesDone(S32 type, U32 index)
- {
- if (mAvatarObject)
- {
- mAvatarObject->updateVisualParams();
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::createStandardWearablesAllDone()
- {
- // ... because sendAgentWearablesUpdate will notify inventory
- // observers.
- mWearablesLoaded = TRUE;
- checkWearablesLoaded();
- updateServer();
- // Treat this as the first texture entry message, if none received yet
- mAvatarObject->onFirstTEMessageReceived();
- }
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: Properly handle multiwearables later.
- void LLAgentWearables::getAllWearablesArray(LLDynamicArray<S32>& wearables)
- {
- for( S32 i = 0; i < WT_COUNT; ++i )
- {
- if (getWearableCount((EWearableType) i) != 0)
- {
- wearables.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- }
- // Note: wearables_to_include should be a list of EWearableType types
- // attachments_to_include should be a list of attachment points
- void LLAgentWearables::makeNewOutfit(const std::string& new_folder_name,
- const LLDynamicArray<S32>& wearables_to_include,
- const LLDynamicArray<S32>& attachments_to_include,
- BOOL rename_clothing)
- {
- if (mAvatarObject.isNull())
- {
- return;
- }
- // First, make a folder in the Clothes directory.
- LLUUID folder_id = gInventory.createNewCategory(
- gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CLOTHING),
- LLFolderType::FT_NONE,
- new_folder_name);
- bool found_first_item = false;
- ///////////////////
- // Wearables
- if (wearables_to_include.count())
- {
- // Then, iterate though each of the wearables and save copies of them in the folder.
- S32 i;
- S32 count = wearables_to_include.count();
- LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> delete_items;
- LLPointer<LLRefCount> cbdone = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- const S32 type = wearables_to_include[i];
- for (U32 j=0; j<getWearableCount((EWearableType)i); j++)
- {
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)type, j);
- if (old_wearable)
- {
- std::string new_name;
- LLWearable* new_wearable;
- new_wearable = LLWearableList::instance().createCopy(old_wearable);
- if (rename_clothing)
- {
- new_name = new_folder_name;
- new_name.append(" ");
- new_name.append(old_wearable->getTypeLabel());
- LLStringUtil::truncate(new_name, DB_INV_ITEM_NAME_STR_LEN);
- new_wearable->setName(new_name);
- }
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(getWearableItemID((EWearableType)type,j));
- S32 todo = addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_NONE;
- if (!found_first_item)
- {
- found_first_item = true;
- /* set the focus to the first item */
- todo |= addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback::CALL_MAKENEWOUTFITDONE;
- /* send the agent wearables update when done */
- cbdone = new sendAgentWearablesUpdateCallback;
- }
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb =
- new addWearableToAgentInventoryCallback(
- cbdone,
- type,
- j,
- new_wearable,
- todo);
- llassert(item);
- if (item)
- {
- if (isWearableCopyable((EWearableType)type, j))
- {
- copy_inventory_item(
- gAgent.getID(),
- item->getPermissions().getOwner(),
- item->getUUID(),
- folder_id,
- new_name,
- cb);
- }
- else
- {
- move_inventory_item(
- gAgent.getID(),
- gAgent.getSessionID(),
- item->getUUID(),
- folder_id,
- new_name,
- cb);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- }
- ///////////////////
- // Attachments
- if (attachments_to_include.count())
- {
- BOOL msg_started = FALSE;
- LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
- for (S32 i = 0; i < attachments_to_include.count(); i++)
- {
- S32 attachment_pt = attachments_to_include[i];
- LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = get_if_there(mAvatarObject->mAttachmentPoints, attachment_pt, (LLViewerJointAttachment*)NULL);
- if (!attachment) continue;
- for (LLViewerJointAttachment::attachedobjs_vec_t::iterator attachment_iter = attachment->mAttachedObjects.begin();
- attachment_iter != attachment->mAttachedObjects.end();
- ++attachment_iter)
- {
- LLViewerObject *attached_object = (*attachment_iter);
- if(!attached_object) continue;
- const LLUUID& item_id = (*attachment_iter)->getItemID();
- if(item_id.isNull()) continue;
- LLInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
- if(!item) continue;
- if(!msg_started)
- {
- msg_started = TRUE;
- msg->newMessage("CreateNewOutfitAttachments");
- msg->nextBlock("AgentData");
- msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID());
- msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID());
- msg->nextBlock("HeaderData");
- msg->addUUID("NewFolderID", folder_id);
- }
- msg->nextBlock("ObjectData");
- msg->addUUID("OldItemID", item_id);
- msg->addUUID("OldFolderID", item->getParentUUID());
- }
- }
- if (msg_started)
- {
- gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
- }
- }
- }
- class LLShowCreatedOutfit: public LLInventoryCallback
- {
- public:
- LLShowCreatedOutfit(LLUUID& folder_id):
- mFolderID(folder_id)
- {
- }
- virtual ~LLShowCreatedOutfit()
- {
- LLSD key;
- LLSideTray::getInstance()->showPanel("panel_outfits_inventory", key);
- LLPanelOutfitsInventory *outfit_panel =
- dynamic_cast<LLPanelOutfitsInventory*>(LLSideTray::getInstance()->getPanel("panel_outfits_inventory"));
- if (outfit_panel)
- {
- outfit_panel->getRootFolder()->clearSelection();
- outfit_panel->getRootFolder()->setSelectionByID(mFolderID, TRUE);
- }
- LLAccordionCtrlTab* tab_outfits = outfit_panel ? outfit_panel->findChild<LLAccordionCtrlTab>("tab_outfits") : 0;
- if (tab_outfits && !tab_outfits->getDisplayChildren())
- {
- tab_outfits->changeOpenClose(tab_outfits->getDisplayChildren());
- }
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().updateIsDirty();
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().updatePanelOutfitName("");
- }
- virtual void fire(const LLUUID&)
- {
- }
- private:
- LLUUID mFolderID;
- };
- LLUUID LLAgentWearables::makeNewOutfitLinks(const std::string& new_folder_name)
- {
- if (mAvatarObject.isNull())
- {
- return LLUUID::null;
- }
- // First, make a folder in the My Outfits directory.
- const LLUUID parent_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_MY_OUTFITS);
- LLUUID folder_id = gInventory.createNewCategory(
- parent_id,
- LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT,
- new_folder_name);
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb = new LLShowCreatedOutfit(folder_id);
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().shallowCopyCategoryContents(LLAppearanceManager::instance().getCOF(),folder_id, cb);
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().createBaseOutfitLink(folder_id, cb);
- return folder_id;
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::makeNewOutfitDone(S32 type, U32 index)
- {
- LLUUID first_item_id = getWearableItemID((EWearableType)type, index);
- // Open the inventory and select the first item we added.
- if (first_item_id.notNull())
- {
- LLInventoryPanel *active_panel = LLInventoryPanel::getActiveInventoryPanel();
- if (active_panel)
- {
- active_panel->setSelection(first_item_id, TAKE_FOCUS_NO);
- }
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::addWearableToAgentInventory(LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb,
- LLWearable* wearable,
- const LLUUID& category_id,
- BOOL notify)
- {
- create_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(),
- gAgent.getSessionID(),
- category_id,
- wearable->getTransactionID(),
- wearable->getName(),
- wearable->getDescription(),
- wearable->getAssetType(),
- LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE,
- wearable->getType(),
- wearable->getPermissions().getMaskNextOwner(),
- cb);
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::removeWearable(const EWearableType type, bool do_remove_all, U32 index)
- {
- if (gAgent.isTeen() &&
- (type == WT_UNDERSHIRT || type == WT_UNDERPANTS))
- {
- // Can't take off underclothing in simple UI mode or on PG accounts
- // TODO: enable the removing of a single undershirt/underpants if multiple are worn. - Nyx
- return;
- }
- if (getWearableCount(type) == 0)
- {
- // no wearables to remove
- return;
- }
- if (do_remove_all)
- {
- removeWearableFinal(type, do_remove_all, index);
- }
- else
- {
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable(type,index);
- if (old_wearable)
- {
- if (old_wearable->isDirty())
- {
- LLSD payload;
- payload["wearable_type"] = (S32)type;
- // Bring up view-modal dialog: Save changes? Yes, No, Cancel
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("WearableSave", LLSD(), payload, &LLAgentWearables::onRemoveWearableDialog);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- removeWearableFinal(type, do_remove_all, index);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: assuming one wearable per type.
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: hardwiring 0th elt for now - notification needs to change.
- // static
- bool LLAgentWearables::onRemoveWearableDialog(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
- {
- S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
- EWearableType type = (EWearableType)notification["payload"]["wearable_type"].asInteger();
- switch(option)
- {
- case 0: // "Save"
- gAgentWearables.saveWearable(type, 0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearableFinal(type, false, 0);
- break;
- case 1: // "Don't Save"
- gAgentWearables.removeWearableFinal(type, false, 0);
- break;
- case 2: // "Cancel"
- break;
- default:
- llassert(0);
- break;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Called by removeWearable() and onRemoveWearableDialog() to actually do the removal.
- void LLAgentWearables::removeWearableFinal(const EWearableType type, bool do_remove_all, U32 index)
- {
- //LLAgentDumper dumper("removeWearable");
- if (do_remove_all)
- {
- S32 max_entry = mWearableDatas[type].size()-1;
- for (S32 i=max_entry; i>=0; i--)
- {
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable(type,i);
- //queryWearableCache(); // moved below
- if (old_wearable)
- {
- popWearable(old_wearable);
- old_wearable->removeFromAvatar(TRUE);
- }
- }
- mWearableDatas[type].clear();
- }
- else
- {
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable(type, index);
- //queryWearableCache(); // moved below
- if (old_wearable)
- {
- popWearable(old_wearable);
- old_wearable->removeFromAvatar(TRUE);
- }
- }
- queryWearableCache();
- // Update the server
- updateServer();
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- }
- // Assumes existing wearables are not dirty.
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: assumes one wearable per type.
- void LLAgentWearables::setWearableOutfit(const LLInventoryItem::item_array_t& items,
- const LLDynamicArray< LLWearable* >& wearables,
- BOOL remove)
- {
- lldebugs << "setWearableOutfit() start" << llendl;
- BOOL wearables_to_remove[WT_COUNT];
- wearables_to_remove[WT_SHAPE] = FALSE;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_SKIN] = FALSE;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_HAIR] = FALSE;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_EYES] = FALSE;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_SHIRT] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_PANTS] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_SHOES] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_SOCKS] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_JACKET] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_GLOVES] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_UNDERSHIRT] = (!gAgent.isTeen()) & remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_UNDERPANTS] = (!gAgent.isTeen()) & remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_SKIRT] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_ALPHA] = remove;
- wearables_to_remove[WT_TATTOO] = remove;
- S32 count = wearables.count();
- llassert(items.count() == count);
- S32 i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- LLWearable* new_wearable = wearables[i];
- LLPointer<LLInventoryItem> new_item = items[i];
- llassert(new_wearable);
- if (new_wearable)
- {
- const EWearableType type = new_wearable->getType();
- wearables_to_remove[type] = FALSE;
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: using 0th
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable(type, 0);
- if (old_wearable)
- {
- const LLUUID& old_item_id = getWearableItemID(type, 0);
- if ((old_wearable->getAssetID() == new_wearable->getAssetID()) &&
- (old_item_id == new_item->getUUID()))
- {
- lldebugs << "No change to wearable asset and item: " << LLWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getWearableEntry(type) << llendl;
- continue;
- }
- // Assumes existing wearables are not dirty.
- if (old_wearable->isDirty())
- {
- llassert(0);
- continue;
- }
- }
- new_wearable->setItemID(new_item->getUUID());
- setWearable(type,0,new_wearable);
- }
- }
- std::vector<LLWearable*> wearables_being_removed;
- for (i = 0; i < WT_COUNT; i++)
- {
- if (wearables_to_remove[i])
- {
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: assuming 0th
- LLWearable* wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)i, 0);
- const LLUUID &item_id = getWearableItemID((EWearableType)i,0);
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id);
- if (wearable)
- {
- wearables_being_removed.push_back(wearable);
- }
- removeWearable((EWearableType)i,true,0);
- }
- }
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- std::vector<LLWearable*>::iterator wearable_iter;
- for (wearable_iter = wearables_being_removed.begin();
- wearable_iter != wearables_being_removed.end();
- ++wearable_iter)
- {
- LLWearable* wearablep = *wearable_iter;
- if (wearablep)
- {
- wearablep->removeFromAvatar(TRUE);
- }
- }
- if (mAvatarObject)
- {
- mAvatarObject->updateVisualParams();
- mAvatarObject->invalidateAll();
- }
- // Start rendering & update the server
- mWearablesLoaded = TRUE;
- checkWearablesLoaded();
- queryWearableCache();
- updateServer();
- lldebugs << "setWearableOutfit() end" << llendl;
- }
- // User has picked "wear on avatar" from a menu.
- void LLAgentWearables::setWearableItem(LLInventoryItem* new_item, LLWearable* new_wearable, bool do_append)
- {
- //LLAgentDumper dumper("setWearableItem");
- if (isWearingItem(new_item->getUUID()))
- {
- llwarns << "wearable " << new_item->getUUID() << " is already worn" << llendl;
- return;
- }
- const EWearableType type = new_wearable->getType();
- if (!do_append)
- {
- // Remove old wearable, if any
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: hardwired to 0
- LLWearable* old_wearable = getWearable(type,0);
- if (old_wearable)
- {
- const LLUUID& old_item_id = old_wearable->getItemID();
- if ((old_wearable->getAssetID() == new_wearable->getAssetID()) &&
- (old_item_id == new_item->getUUID()))
- {
- lldebugs << "No change to wearable asset and item: " << LLWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getWearableEntry(type) << llendl;
- return;
- }
- if (old_wearable->isDirty())
- {
- // Bring up modal dialog: Save changes? Yes, No, Cancel
- LLSD payload;
- payload["item_id"] = new_item->getUUID();
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("WearableSave", LLSD(), payload, boost::bind(onSetWearableDialog, _1, _2, new_wearable));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- setWearableFinal(new_item, new_wearable, do_append);
- }
- // static
- bool LLAgentWearables::onSetWearableDialog(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response, LLWearable* wearable)
- {
- S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
- LLInventoryItem* new_item = gInventory.getItem(notification["payload"]["item_id"].asUUID());
- if (!new_item)
- {
- delete wearable;
- return false;
- }
- switch(option)
- {
- case 0: // "Save"
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: assuming 0th
- gAgentWearables.saveWearable(wearable->getType(),0);
- gAgentWearables.setWearableFinal(new_item, wearable);
- break;
- case 1: // "Don't Save"
- gAgentWearables.setWearableFinal(new_item, wearable);
- break;
- case 2: // "Cancel"
- break;
- default:
- llassert(0);
- break;
- }
- delete wearable;
- return false;
- }
- // Called from setWearableItem() and onSetWearableDialog() to actually set the wearable.
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: unify code after null objects are gone.
- void LLAgentWearables::setWearableFinal(LLInventoryItem* new_item, LLWearable* new_wearable, bool do_append)
- {
- const EWearableType type = new_wearable->getType();
- if (do_append && getWearableItemID(type,0).notNull())
- {
- new_wearable->setItemID(new_item->getUUID());
- mWearableDatas[type].push_back(new_wearable);
- llinfos << "Added additional wearable for type " << type
- << " size is now " << mWearableDatas[type].size() << llendl;
- checkWearableAgainstInventory(new_wearable);
- }
- else
- {
- // Replace the old wearable with a new one.
- llassert(new_item->getAssetUUID() == new_wearable->getAssetID());
- LLWearable *old_wearable = getWearable(type,0);
- LLUUID old_item_id;
- if (old_wearable)
- {
- old_item_id = old_wearable->getItemID();
- }
- new_wearable->setItemID(new_item->getUUID());
- setWearable(type,0,new_wearable);
- if (old_item_id.notNull())
- {
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, old_item_id);
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
- }
- llinfos << "Replaced current element 0 for type " << type
- << " size is now " << mWearableDatas[type].size() << llendl;
- }
- //llinfos << "LLVOAvatar::setWearableItem()" << llendl;
- queryWearableCache();
- //new_wearable->writeToAvatar(TRUE);
- updateServer();
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::queryWearableCache()
- {
- if (!areWearablesLoaded())
- {
- return;
- }
- // Look up affected baked textures.
- // If they exist:
- // disallow updates for affected layersets (until dataserver responds with cache request.)
- // If cache miss, turn updates back on and invalidate composite.
- // If cache hit, modify baked texture entries.
- //
- // Cache requests contain list of hashes for each baked texture entry.
- // Response is list of valid baked texture assets. (same message)
- gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AgentCachedTexture);
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
- gMessageSystem->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_SerialNum, gAgentQueryManager.mWearablesCacheQueryID);
- S32 num_queries = 0;
- for (U8 baked_index = 0; baked_index < BAKED_NUM_INDICES; baked_index++)
- {
- const LLVOAvatarDictionary::BakedEntry *baked_dict = LLVOAvatarDictionary::getInstance()->getBakedTexture((EBakedTextureIndex)baked_index);
- LLUUID hash;
- for (U8 i=0; i < baked_dict->mWearables.size(); i++)
- {
- const EWearableType baked_type = baked_dict->mWearables[i];
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: not order-dependent
- const U32 num_wearables = getWearableCount(baked_type);
- for (U32 index = 0; index < num_wearables; ++index)
- {
- const LLWearable* wearable = getWearable(baked_type,index);
- if (wearable)
- {
- hash ^= wearable->getAssetID();
- }
- }
- }
- if (hash.notNull())
- {
- hash ^= baked_dict->mWearablesHashID;
- num_queries++;
- // *NOTE: make sure at least one request gets packed
- //llinfos << "Requesting texture for hash " << hash << " in baked texture slot " << baked_index << llendl;
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_WearableData);
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ID, hash);
- gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_TextureIndex, (U8)baked_index);
- }
- gAgentQueryManager.mActiveCacheQueries[baked_index] = gAgentQueryManager.mWearablesCacheQueryID;
- }
- llinfos << "Requesting texture cache entry for " << num_queries << " baked textures" << llendl;
- gMessageSystem->sendReliable(gAgent.getRegion()->getHost());
- gAgentQueryManager.mNumPendingQueries++;
- gAgentQueryManager.mWearablesCacheQueryID++;
- }
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: need a way to specify by wearable rather than by type.
- // User has picked "remove from avatar" from a menu.
- // static
- void LLAgentWearables::userRemoveWearable(EWearableType& type)
- {
- if (!(type==WT_SHAPE || type==WT_SKIN || type==WT_HAIR)) //&&
- //!((!gAgent.isTeen()) && (type==WT_UNDERPANTS || type==WT_UNDERSHIRT)))
- {
- // MULTI_WEARABLE: fixed to 0th for now.
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(type,false,0);
- }
- }
- // static
- void LLAgentWearables::userRemoveAllClothes()
- {
- // We have to do this up front to avoid having to deal with the case of multiple wearables being dirty.
- if (gFloaterCustomize)
- {
- gFloaterCustomize->askToSaveIfDirty(userRemoveAllClothesStep2);
- }
- else
- {
- userRemoveAllClothesStep2(TRUE);
- }
- }
- // static
- void LLAgentWearables::userRemoveAllClothesStep2(BOOL proceed)
- {
- if (proceed)
- {
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_SHIRT,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_PANTS,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_SHOES,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_SOCKS,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_JACKET,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_GLOVES,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_UNDERSHIRT,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_UNDERPANTS,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_SKIRT,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_ALPHA,true,0);
- gAgentWearables.removeWearable(WT_TATTOO,true,0);
- }
- }
- // Combines userRemoveAllAttachments() and userAttachMultipleAttachments() logic to
- // get attachments into desired state with minimal number of adds/removes.
- void LLAgentWearables::userUpdateAttachments(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& obj_item_array)
- {
- // Possible cases:
- // already wearing but not in request set -> take off.
- // already wearing and in request set -> leave alone.
- // not wearing and in request set -> put on.
- LLVOAvatar* avatarp = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
- if (!avatarp)
- {
- llwarns << "No avatar found." << llendl;
- return;
- }
- std::set<LLUUID> requested_item_ids;
- std::set<LLUUID> current_item_ids;
- for (S32 i=0; i<obj_item_array.count(); i++)
- requested_item_ids.insert(obj_item_array[i].get()->getLinkedUUID());
- // Build up list of objects to be removed and items currently attached.
- llvo_vec_t objects_to_remove;
- for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator iter = avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.begin();
- iter != avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.end();)
- {
- LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = curiter->second;
- for (LLViewerJointAttachment::attachedobjs_vec_t::iterator attachment_iter = attachment->mAttachedObjects.begin();
- attachment_iter != attachment->mAttachedObjects.end();
- ++attachment_iter)
- {
- LLViewerObject *objectp = (*attachment_iter);
- if (objectp)
- {
- LLUUID object_item_id = objectp->getItemID();
- if (requested_item_ids.find(object_item_id) != requested_item_ids.end())
- {
- // Object currently worn, was requested.
- // Flag as currently worn so we won't have to add it again.
- current_item_ids.insert(object_item_id);
- }
- else
- {
- // object currently worn, not requested.
- objects_to_remove.push_back(objectp);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items_to_add;
- for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::iterator it = obj_item_array.begin();
- it != obj_item_array.end();
- ++it)
- {
- LLUUID linked_id = (*it).get()->getLinkedUUID();
- if (current_item_ids.find(linked_id) != current_item_ids.end())
- {
- // Requested attachment is already worn.
- }
- else
- {
- // Requested attachment is not worn yet.
- items_to_add.push_back(*it);
- }
- }
- // S32 remove_count = objects_to_remove.size();
- // S32 add_count = items_to_add.size();
- // llinfos << "remove " << remove_count << " add " << add_count << llendl;
- // Remove everything in objects_to_remove
- userRemoveMultipleAttachments(objects_to_remove);
- // Add everything in items_to_add
- userAttachMultipleAttachments(items_to_add);
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::userRemoveMultipleAttachments(llvo_vec_t& objects_to_remove)
- {
- LLVOAvatar* avatarp = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
- if (!avatarp)
- {
- llwarns << "No avatar found." << llendl;
- return;
- }
- if (objects_to_remove.empty())
- return;
- gMessageSystem->newMessage("ObjectDetach");
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
- for (llvo_vec_t::iterator it = objects_to_remove.begin();
- it != objects_to_remove.end();
- ++it)
- {
- LLViewerObject *objectp = *it;
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData);
- gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ObjectLocalID, objectp->getLocalID());
- }
- gMessageSystem->sendReliable(gAgent.getRegionHost());
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::userRemoveAllAttachments()
- {
- LLVOAvatar* avatarp = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
- if (!avatarp)
- {
- llwarns << "No avatar found." << llendl;
- return;
- }
- llvo_vec_t objects_to_remove;
- for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator iter = avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.begin();
- iter != avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.end();)
- {
- LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = curiter->second;
- for (LLViewerJointAttachment::attachedobjs_vec_t::iterator attachment_iter = attachment->mAttachedObjects.begin();
- attachment_iter != attachment->mAttachedObjects.end();
- ++attachment_iter)
- {
- LLViewerObject *attached_object = (*attachment_iter);
- if (attached_object)
- {
- objects_to_remove.push_back(attached_object);
- }
- }
- }
- userRemoveMultipleAttachments(objects_to_remove);
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::userAttachMultipleAttachments(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& obj_item_array)
- {
- // Build a compound message to send all the objects that need to be rezzed.
- S32 obj_count = obj_item_array.count();
- // Limit number of packets to send
- const S32 MAX_PACKETS_TO_SEND = 10;
- const S32 OBJECTS_PER_PACKET = 4;
- if( obj_count > MAX_OBJECTS_TO_SEND )
- {
- obj_count = MAX_OBJECTS_TO_SEND;
- }
- // Create an id to keep the parts of the compound message together
- LLUUID compound_msg_id;
- compound_msg_id.generate();
- LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
- for(S32 i = 0; i < obj_count; ++i)
- {
- if( 0 == (i % OBJECTS_PER_PACKET) )
- {
- // Start a new message chunk
- msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv);
- msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
- msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
- msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
- msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_HeaderData);
- msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_CompoundMsgID, compound_msg_id );
- msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_TotalObjects, obj_count );
- msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_FirstDetachAll, false );
- }
- const LLInventoryItem* item = obj_item_array.get(i).get();
- msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData );
- msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ItemID, item->getLinkedUUID());
- msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_OwnerID, item->getPermissions().getOwner());
- msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_AttachmentPt, 0 ); // Wear at the previous or default attachment point
- pack_permissions_slam(msg, item->getFlags(), item->getPermissions());
- msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Name, item->getName());
- msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Description, item->getDescription());
- if( (i+1 == obj_count) || ((OBJECTS_PER_PACKET-1) == (i % OBJECTS_PER_PACKET)) )
- {
- // End of message chunk
- msg->sendReliable( gAgent.getRegion()->getHost() );
- }
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::checkWearablesLoaded() const
- {
- #ifdef SHOW_ASSERT
- U32 item_pend_count = itemUpdatePendingCount();
- if (mWearablesLoaded)
- {
- llassert(item_pend_count==0);
- }
- #endif
- }
- BOOL LLAgentWearables::areWearablesLoaded() const
- {
- checkWearablesLoaded();
- return mWearablesLoaded;
- }
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: update for multiple indices.
- void LLAgentWearables::updateWearablesLoaded()
- {
- mWearablesLoaded = (itemUpdatePendingCount()==0);
- }
- bool LLAgentWearables::canWearableBeRemoved(const LLWearable* wearable) const
- {
- if (!wearable) return false;
- EWearableType type = wearable->getType();
- // Make sure the user always has at least one shape, skin, eyes, and hair type currently worn.
- return !(((type == WT_SHAPE) || (type == WT_SKIN) || (type == WT_HAIR) || (type == WT_EYES))
- && (getWearableCount(type) <= 1) );
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::animateAllWearableParams(F32 delta, BOOL upload_bake)
- {
- for( S32 type = 0; type < WT_COUNT; ++type )
- {
- for (S32 count = 0; count < (S32)getWearableCount((EWearableType)type); ++count)
- {
- LLWearable *wearable = getWearable((EWearableType)type,count);
- wearable->animateParams(delta, upload_bake);
- }
- }
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::updateServer()
- {
- sendAgentWearablesUpdate();
- gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance();
- }
- void LLAgentWearables::populateMyOutfitsFolder(void)
- {
- llinfos << "starting outfit populate" << llendl;
- LLLibraryOutfitsFetch* outfits = new LLLibraryOutfitsFetch();
- // Get the complete information on the items in the inventory and
- // setup an observer that will wait for that to happen.
- LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver::folder_ref_t folders;
- outfits->mMyOutfitsID = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_MY_OUTFITS);
- folders.push_back(outfits->mMyOutfitsID);
- gInventory.addObserver(outfits);
- outfits->fetchDescendents(folders);
- if (outfits->isEverythingComplete())
- {
- outfits->done();
- }
- }
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::done()
- {
- // Delay this until idle() routine, since it's a heavy operation and
- // we also can't have it run within notifyObservers.
- doOnIdle(boost::bind(&LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::doneIdle,this));
- gInventory.removeObserver(this); // Prevent doOnIdle from being added twice.
- }
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::doneIdle()
- {
- gInventory.addObserver(this); // Add this back in since it was taken out during ::done()
- switch (mCurrFetchStep)
- {
- folderDone();
- mCurrFetchStep = LOFS_OUTFITS;
- break;
- outfitsDone();
- mCurrFetchStep = LOFS_LIBRARY;
- break;
- libraryDone();
- mCurrFetchStep = LOFS_IMPORTED;
- break;
- importedFolderDone();
- mCurrFetchStep = LOFS_CONTENTS;
- break;
- contentsDone();
- break;
- default:
- llwarns << "Got invalid state for outfit fetch: " << mCurrFetchStep << llendl;
- mOutfitsPopulated = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- // We're completely done. Cleanup.
- if (mOutfitsPopulated)
- {
- gInventory.removeObserver(this);
- delete this;
- return;
- }
- }
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::folderDone(void)
- {
- LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array;
- LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wearable_array;
- gInventory.collectDescendents(mMyOutfitsID, cat_array, wearable_array,
- LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH);
- // Early out if we already have items in My Outfits.
- if (cat_array.count() > 0 || wearable_array.count() > 0)
- {
- mOutfitsPopulated = true;
- return;
- }
- mClothingID = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CLOTHING);
- mLibraryClothingID = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CLOTHING, false, true);
- mCompleteFolders.clear();
- // Get the complete information on the items in the inventory.
- LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver::folder_ref_t folders;
- folders.push_back(mClothingID);
- folders.push_back(mLibraryClothingID);
- fetchDescendents(folders);
- if (isEverythingComplete())
- {
- done();
- }
- }
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::outfitsDone(void)
- {
- LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array;
- LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wearable_array;
- LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver::folder_ref_t folders;
- // Collect the contents of the Library's Clothing folder
- gInventory.collectDescendents(mLibraryClothingID, cat_array, wearable_array,
- LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH);
- llassert(cat_array.count() > 0);
- for (LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t::const_iterator iter = cat_array.begin();
- iter != cat_array.end();
- ++iter)
- {
- const LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = iter->get();
- // Get the names and id's of every outfit in the library, except for ruth and other "misc" outfits.
- if (cat->getName() != "More Outfits" && cat->getName() != "Ruth")
- {
- // Get the name of every outfit in the library
- folders.push_back(cat->getUUID());
- mLibraryClothingFolders.push_back(std::make_pair(cat->getUUID(), cat->getName()));
- }
- }
- // Collect the contents of your Inventory Clothing folder
- cat_array.clear();
- wearable_array.clear();
- gInventory.collectDescendents(mClothingID, cat_array, wearable_array,
- LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH);
- // Check if you already have an "Imported Library Clothing" folder
- for (LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t::const_iterator iter = cat_array.begin();
- iter != cat_array.end();
- ++iter)
- {
- const LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = iter->get();
- if (cat->getName() == mImportedClothingName)
- {
- mImportedClothingID = cat->getUUID();
- }
- }
- mCompleteFolders.clear();
- fetchDescendents(folders);
- if (isEverythingComplete())
- {
- done();
- }
- }
- class LLLibraryOutfitsCopyDone: public LLInventoryCallback
- {
- public:
- LLLibraryOutfitsCopyDone(LLLibraryOutfitsFetch * fetcher):
- mFireCount(0), mLibraryOutfitsFetcher(fetcher)
- {
- }
- virtual ~LLLibraryOutfitsCopyDone()
- {
- if (!LLApp::isExiting() && mLibraryOutfitsFetcher)
- {
- gInventory.addObserver(mLibraryOutfitsFetcher);
- mLibraryOutfitsFetcher->done();
- }
- }
- /* virtual */ void fire(const LLUUID& inv_item)
- {
- mFireCount++;
- }
- private:
- U32 mFireCount;
- LLLibraryOutfitsFetch * mLibraryOutfitsFetcher;
- };
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::libraryDone(void)
- {
- // Copy the clothing folders from the library into the imported clothing folder if necessary.
- if (mImportedClothingID == LLUUID::null)
- {
- gInventory.removeObserver(this);
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> copy_waiter = new LLLibraryOutfitsCopyDone(this);
- mImportedClothingID = gInventory.createNewCategory(mClothingID,
- LLFolderType::FT_NONE,
- mImportedClothingName);
- for (cloth_folder_vec_t::const_iterator iter = mLibraryClothingFolders.begin();
- iter != mLibraryClothingFolders.end();
- ++iter)
- {
- LLUUID folder_id = gInventory.createNewCategory(mImportedClothingID,
- LLFolderType::FT_NONE,
- iter->second);
- LLAppearanceManager::getInstance()->shallowCopyCategoryContents(iter->first, folder_id, copy_waiter);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Skip straight to fetching the contents of the imported folder
- importedFolderFetch();
- }
- }
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::importedFolderFetch(void)
- {
- // Fetch the contents of the Imported Clothing Folder
- LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver::folder_ref_t folders;
- folders.push_back(mImportedClothingID);
- mCompleteFolders.clear();
- fetchDescendents(folders);
- if (isEverythingComplete())
- {
- done();
- }
- }
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::importedFolderDone(void)
- {
- LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array;
- LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wearable_array;
- LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver::folder_ref_t folders;
- // Collect the contents of the Imported Clothing folder
- gInventory.collectDescendents(mImportedClothingID, cat_array, wearable_array,
- LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH);
- for (LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t::const_iterator iter = cat_array.begin();
- iter != cat_array.end();
- ++iter)
- {
- const LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = iter->get();
- // Get the name of every imported outfit
- folders.push_back(cat->getUUID());
- mImportedClothingFolders.push_back(std::make_pair(cat->getUUID(), cat->getName()));
- }
- mCompleteFolders.clear();
- fetchDescendents(folders);
- if (isEverythingComplete())
- {
- done();
- }
- }
- void LLLibraryOutfitsFetch::contentsDone(void)
- {
- LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array;
- LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wearable_array;
- for (cloth_folder_vec_t::const_iterator folder_iter = mImportedClothingFolders.begin();
- folder_iter != mImportedClothingFolders.end();
- ++folder_iter)
- {
- // First, make a folder in the My Outfits directory.
- LLUUID new_outfit_folder_id = gInventory.createNewCategory(mMyOutfitsID, LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT, folder_iter->second);
- cat_array.clear();
- wearable_array.clear();
- // Collect the contents of each imported clothing folder, so we can create new outfit links for it
- gInventory.collectDescendents(folder_iter->first, cat_array, wearable_array,
- LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH);
- for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator wearable_iter = wearable_array.begin();
- wearable_iter != wearable_array.end();
- ++wearable_iter)
- {
- const LLViewerInventoryItem *item = wearable_iter->get();
- link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(),
- item->getLinkedUUID(),
- new_outfit_folder_id,
- item->getName(),
- LLAssetType::AT_LINK,
- NULL);
- }
- }
- mOutfitsPopulated = true;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // InitialWearablesFetch
- //
- // This grabs contents from the COF and processes them.
- // The processing is handled in idle(), i.e. outside of done(),
- // to avoid gInventory.notifyObservers recursion.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLInitialWearablesFetch::~LLInitialWearablesFetch()
- {
- }
- // virtual
- void LLInitialWearablesFetch::done()
- {
- // Delay processing the actual results of this so it's not handled within
- // gInventory.notifyObservers. The results will be handled in the next
- // idle tick instead.
- gInventory.removeObserver(this);
- doOnIdle(boost::bind(&LLInitialWearablesFetch::processContents,this));
- }
- void LLInitialWearablesFetch::processContents()
- {
- // Fetch the wearable items from the Current Outfit Folder
- LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array;
- LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wearable_array;
- LLFindWearables is_wearable;
- gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(mCompleteFolders.front(), cat_array, wearable_array,
- LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_wearable);
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().setAttachmentInvLinkEnable(true);
- if (wearable_array.count() > 0)
- {
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().updateAppearanceFromCOF();
- }
- else
- {
- // if we're constructing the COF from the wearables message, we don't have a proper outfit link
- LLAppearanceManager::instance().setOutfitDirty(true);
- processWearablesMessage();
- }
- delete this;
- }
- class LLFetchAndLinkObserver: public LLInventoryFetchObserver
- {
- public:
- LLFetchAndLinkObserver(LLInventoryFetchObserver::item_ref_t& ids):
- m_ids(ids),
- LLInventoryFetchObserver(true)
- {
- }
- ~LLFetchAndLinkObserver()
- {
- }
- virtual void done()
- {
- gInventory.removeObserver(this);
- // Link to all fetched items in COF.
- for (LLInventoryFetchObserver::item_ref_t::iterator it = m_ids.begin();
- it != m_ids.end();
- ++it)
- {
- LLUUID id = *it;
- LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(*it);
- if (!item)
- {
- llwarns << "fetch failed!" << llendl;
- continue;
- }
- link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), item->getLinkedUUID(), LLAppearanceManager::instance().getCOF(), item->getName(),
- LLAssetType::AT_LINK, LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback>(NULL));
- }
- }
- private:
- LLInventoryFetchObserver::item_ref_t m_ids;
- };
- void LLInitialWearablesFetch::processWearablesMessage()
- {
- if (!mAgentInitialWearables.empty()) // We have an empty current outfit folder, use the message data instead.
- {
- const LLUUID current_outfit_id = LLAppearanceManager::instance().getCOF();
- LLInventoryFetchObserver::item_ref_t ids;
- for (U8 i = 0; i < mAgentInitialWearables.size(); ++i)
- {
- // Populate the current outfit folder with links to the wearables passed in the message
- InitialWearableData *wearable_data = new InitialWearableData(mAgentInitialWearables[i]); // This will be deleted in the callback.
- if (wearable_data->mAssetID.notNull())
- {
- ids.push_back(wearable_data->mItemID);
- #endif
- // Fetch the wearables
- LLWearableList::instance().getAsset(wearable_data->mAssetID,
- LLStringUtil::null,
- LLWearableDictionary::getAssetType(wearable_data->mType),
- LLAgentWearables::onInitialWearableAssetArrived, (void*)(wearable_data));
- }
- else
- {
- llinfos << "Invalid wearable, type " << wearable_data->mType << " itemID "
- << wearable_data->mItemID << " assetID " << wearable_data->mAssetID << llendl;
- delete wearable_data;
- }
- }
- // Add all current attachments to the requested items as well.
- LLVOAvatarSelf* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
- if( avatar )
- {
- for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::const_iterator iter = avatar->mAttachmentPoints.begin();
- iter != avatar->mAttachmentPoints.end(); ++iter)
- {
- LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = iter->second;
- if (!attachment) continue;
- for (LLViewerJointAttachment::attachedobjs_vec_t::iterator attachment_iter = attachment->mAttachedObjects.begin();
- attachment_iter != attachment->mAttachedObjects.end();
- ++attachment_iter)
- {
- LLViewerObject* attached_object = (*attachment_iter);
- if (!attached_object) continue;
- const LLUUID& item_id = attached_object->getItemID();
- if (item_id.isNull()) continue;
- ids.push_back(item_id);
- }
- }
- }
- // Need to fetch the inventory items for ids, then create links to them after they arrive.
- LLFetchAndLinkObserver *fetcher = new LLFetchAndLinkObserver(ids);
- fetcher->fetchItems(ids);
- // If no items to be fetched, done will never be triggered.
- // TODO: Change LLInventoryFetchObserver::fetchItems to trigger done() on this condition.
- if (fetcher->isEverythingComplete())
- {
- fetcher->done();
- }
- else
- {
- gInventory.addObserver(fetcher);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("Wearables") << "No current outfit folder items found and no initial wearables fallback message received." << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }