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Package: melpfix.rar [view]
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Voice Compress
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- 2.4 kbps MELP Proposed Federal Standard speech coder
- Fixed-point C code, version 1.0
- Copyright (c) 1998, Texas Instruments, Inc.
- Texas Instruments has intellectual property rights on the MELP
- algorithm. The Texas Instruments contact for licensing issues for
- commercial and non-government use is William Gordon, Director,
- Government Contracts, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Semiconductor
- Group (phone 972 480 7442).
- The fixed-point version of the voice codec Mixed Excitation Linear
- Prediction (MELP) is based on specifications on the C-language software
- simulation contained in GSM 06.06 which is protected by copyright and
- is the property of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute
- (ETSI). This standard is available from the ETSI publication office
- tel. +33 (0)4 92 94 42 58. ETSI has granted a license to United States
- Department of Defense to use the C-language software simulation contained
- in GSM 06.06 for the purposes of the development of a fixed-point
- version of the voice codec Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP).
- Requests for authorization to make other use of the GSM 06.06 or
- otherwise distribute or modify them need to be addressed to the ETSI
- Secretariat fax: +33 493 65 47 16.
- */
- /*
- Name: melp_ana.c
- Description: MELP analysis
- Inputs:
- speech[] - input speech signal
- Outputs:
- *par - MELP parameter structure
- Returns: void
- */
- /* compiler include files */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "mathhalf.h"
- #include "melp.h"
- #include "spbstd.h"
- #include "lpc.h"
- #include "mat.h"
- #include "vq.h"
- #include "fs.h"
- #include "pit.h"
- #include "math_lib.h"
- #include "constant.h"
- #include "wmops.h"
- /* compiler constants */
- #define BEGIN 0
- #define END 1
- #define HF_CORR_Q15 4 /* 0.0001220703125 in Q15 */
- #define LAG_WIN 0.005 /* not used */
- #define PDECAY_Q15 31129 /* (0.95*(1<<15)) */
- #define PDECAY_PITCH_Q7 320 /* ((0.05*DEFAULT_PITCH)*(1<<7)) */
- #define PEAK_THRESH_Q12 5488 /* (1.34*(1<<12)) */
- #define PEAK_THR2_Q12 6553 /* (1.6*(1<<12)) */
- #define SILENCE_DB_Q8 7680 /* (30.0*(1<<8)) */
- #define MAX_ORD LPF_ORD
- #define PITCH_FR ((2*PITCHMAX)+1)
- /* external memory references */
- extern Shortword win_cof[];
- extern Shortword lpf_num[];
- extern Shortword lpf_den[];
- extern Shortword msvq_cb[];
- extern Shortword msvq_cb_mean[];
- extern Shortword fsvq_cb[];
- extern Shortword fsvq_weighted;
- extern FILE *fp_indat,*fp_outdat;
- /* memory definitions */
- static Shortword sigbuf[SIG_LENGTH];
- static Shortword speech[IN_BEG+FRAME];
- static Shortword dcdelin[DC_ORD];
- static Shortword dcdelout_hi[DC_ORD];
- static Shortword dcdelout_lo[DC_ORD];
- static Shortword lpfsp_delin[LPF_ORD];
- static Shortword lpfsp_delout[LPF_ORD];
- static Shortword pitch_avg;
- static Shortword fpitch[2];
- static struct msvq_param vq_par; /* MSVQ parameters */
- static struct msvq_param fs_vq_par; /* Fourier series VQ parameters */
- static Shortword w_fs[NUM_HARM];
- Shortword frames=0;
- void melp_ana(Shortword sp_in[],struct melp_param *par)
- {
- Shortword i;
- Shortword begin;
- Shortword sub_pitch;
- Shortword temp,pcorr,bpthresh;
- Shortword r[LPC_ORD+1],refc[LPC_ORD+1],lpc[LPC_ORD+1];
- Shortword weights[LPC_ORD];
- Shortword section;
- Shortword temp_delin[LPF_ORD];
- Shortword temp_delout[LPF_ORD];
- /* char in_num[20];*/
- /* Remove DC from input speech */
- dc_rmv(sp_in,&speech[IN_BEG],dcdelin,dcdelout_hi,dcdelout_lo,FRAME);
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Copy input speech to pitch window and lowpass filter */
- v_equ(&sigbuf[LPF_ORD],&speech[PITCH_BEG],PITCH_FR);
- for (section=0; section<LPF_ORD/2; section++) {
- iir_2nd_s(&sigbuf[LPF_ORD],&lpf_den[section*3],&lpf_num[section*3],
- &sigbuf[LPF_ORD],&lpfsp_delin[section*2],
- &lpfsp_delout[section*2],FRAME);
- /* save delay buffers for the next overlapping frame */
- for (i = section*2; i < section*2+2; i++) {
- temp_delin[i] = lpfsp_delin[i]; data_move();
- temp_delout[i] = lpfsp_delout[i]; data_move();
- }
- iir_2nd_s(&sigbuf[LPF_ORD+FRAME],&lpf_den[section*3],
- &lpf_num[section*3],&sigbuf[LPF_ORD+FRAME],
- &lpfsp_delin[section*2],&lpfsp_delout[section*2],
- /* restore delay buffers for the next overlapping frame */
- for (i = section*2; i < section*2+2; i++) {
- lpfsp_delin[i] = temp_delin[i]; data_move();
- lpfsp_delout[i] = temp_delout[i]; data_move();
- }
- }
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Perform global pitch search at frame end on lowpass speech signal */
- /* Note: avoid short pitches due to formant tracking */
- f_pitch_scale(&sigbuf[LPF_ORD],&sigbuf[LPF_ORD],PITCH_FR);
- fpitch[END] = find_pitch(&sigbuf[LPF_ORD+(PITCH_FR/2)],&temp,
- fpitch[END] = shl(fpitch[END],7); /* fpitch in Q7 */
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Perform bandpass voicing analysis for end of frame */
- bpvc_ana(&speech[FRAME_END], fpitch, &par->bpvc[0], &sub_pitch);
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Force jitter if lowest band voicing strength is weak */
- if (par->bpvc[0] < VJIT_Q14) /* par->bpvc in Q14 */
- par->jitter = (Shortword)MAX_JITTER_Q15; /* par->jitter in Q15 */
- else
- par->jitter = (Shortword)0;
- /* Calculate LPC for end of frame */
- lpc_autocorr(&speech[(FRAME_END-(LPC_FRAME/2))],win_cof,r,
- lpc[0] = ONE_Q12; /* 1 in Q12 */
- lpc_schur(r,lpc,refc,LPC_ORD); /* lpc in Q12, refc in Q15 */
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Calculate LPC residual */
- zerflt(&speech[PITCH_BEG],lpc,&sigbuf[LPF_ORD],LPC_ORD,PITCH_FR);
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Check peakiness of residual signal */
- begin = (LPF_ORD+(PITCHMAX/2));
- temp = peakiness(&sigbuf[begin],PITCHMAX); /* temp in Q12 */
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Peakiness: force lowest band to be voiced */
- if (temp > PEAK_THRESH_Q12) {
- par->bpvc[0] = 1<<14;
- }
- /* Extreme peakiness: force second and third bands to be voiced */
- if (temp > PEAK_THR2_Q12) {
- par->bpvc[1] = 1<<14;
- par->bpvc[2] = 1<<14;
- }
- /* Calculate overall frame pitch using lowpass filtered residual */
- par->pitch = pitch_ana(&speech[FRAME_END], &sigbuf[LPF_ORD+PITCHMAX],
- sub_pitch,pitch_avg,&pcorr);
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- bpthresh = (Shortword)BPTHRESH_Q14;
- /* Calculate gain of input speech for each gain subframe */
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_GAINFR; i++) {
- if (par->bpvc[0] > bpthresh) {
- /* voiced mode: pitch synchronous window length */
- temp = sub_pitch;
- par->gain[i] = gain_ana(&speech[FRAME_BEG+(i+1)*GAINFR],
- }
- else {
- temp = (Shortword)GAIN_PITCH_Q7;
- par->gain[i] = gain_ana(&speech[FRAME_BEG+(i+1)*GAINFR],
- temp,0,PITCHMAX_X2);
- }
- }
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Update average pitch value */
- if (par->gain[NUM_GAINFR-1] > SILENCE_DB_Q8) /* par->gain in Q8 */
- temp = pcorr;
- else
- temp = 0;
- /* pcorr in Q14 */
- pitch_avg = p_avg_update(par->pitch,temp,(Shortword)VMIN_Q14);
- /* Calculate Line Spectral Frequencies */
- lpc_pred2lsp(lpc,par->lsf,LPC_ORD);
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Force minimum LSF bandwidth (separation) */
- lpc_clamp(par->lsf,BWMIN_Q15,LPC_ORD);
- /* Quantize MELP parameters to 2400 bps and generate bitstream */
- /* Quantize LSF's with MSVQ */
- vq_lspw(weights, &par->lsf[1], lpc, LPC_ORD);
- msvq_enc(&par->lsf[1], weights, &par->lsf[1], vq_par);
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- frames++;
- par->msvq_index = vq_par.indices;
- /* Force minimum LSF bandwidth (separation) */
- lpc_clamp(par->lsf,BWMIN_Q15,LPC_ORD);
- /* Quantize logarithmic pitch period */
- /* Reserve all zero code for completely unvoiced */
- par->pitch = log10_fxp(par->pitch,7); /* par->pitch in Q12 */
- quant_u(&par->pitch,&par->pitch_index,(Shortword)PIT_QLO_Q12,
- (Shortword)PIT_QUP_Q12,PIT_QLEV_M1,PIT_QLEV_M1_Q8,1,7);
- /* convert pitch back to linear in Q7 */
- par->pitch = pow10_fxp(par->pitch,7);
- /* Quantize gain terms with uniform log quantizer */
- q_gain(par->gain, par->gain_index,(Shortword)GN_QLO_Q8,
- (Shortword)GN_QUP_Q8,GN_QLEV_M1,GN_QLEV_M1_Q10,0,5);
- /* Quantize jitter */
- /* quant_u(&par->jitter,&par->jit_index,0,MAX_JITTER_Q15,2); */
- if (par->jitter < shr((Shortword)MAX_JITTER_Q15,1)) {
- par->jitter = 0;
- par->jit_index = 0;
- }
- else {
- par->jitter = (Shortword)MAX_JITTER_Q15;
- par->jit_index = 1;
- }
- /* Quantize bandpass voicing */
- par->uv_flag = q_bpvc(&par->bpvc[0],&par->bpvc_index,bpthresh,
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Calculate Fourier coefficients of residual signal from quantized LPC */
- fill(par->fs_mag,ONE_Q13,NUM_HARM);
- if (par->bpvc[0] > bpthresh) {
- lpc_lsp2pred(par->lsf,lpc,LPC_ORD);
- zerflt(&speech[(FRAME_END-(LPC_FRAME/2))],lpc,sigbuf,
- window(sigbuf,win_cof,sigbuf,LPC_FRAME);
- find_harm(sigbuf, par->fs_mag, par->pitch, NUM_HARM, LPC_FRAME);
- }
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* quantize Fourier coefficients */
- /* pre-weight vector, then use Euclidean distance */
- window_Q(&par->fs_mag[0],w_fs,&par->fs_mag[0],NUM_HARM,14);
- fsvq_enc(&par->fs_mag[0], &par->fs_mag[0], fs_vq_par);
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- /* Set MELP indeces to point to same array */
- par->fsvq_index = fs_vq_par.indices;
- /* Update MSVQ information */
- par->msvq_stages = vq_par.num_stages;
- par->msvq_bits = vq_par.num_bits;
- /* Write channel bitstream */
- melp_chn_write(par);
- /* Update delay buffers for next frame */
- v_equ(&speech[0],&speech[FRAME],IN_BEG);
- fpitch[BEGIN] = fpitch[END];
- complexity_count();
- #endif
- } /* melp_ana */
- /*
- * melp_ana_init: perform initialization
- */
- void melp_ana_init()
- {
- Shortword j;
- p_avg_init((Shortword)PDECAY_Q15,DEFAULT_PITCH_Q7,
- (Shortword)PDECAY_PITCH_Q7,3);
- v_zap(speech,IN_BEG+FRAME);
- pitch_avg=DEFAULT_PITCH_Q7;
- fill(fpitch,DEFAULT_PITCH_Q7,2);
- v_zap(lpfsp_delin,LPF_ORD);
- v_zap(lpfsp_delout,LPF_ORD);
- /* Initialize multi-stage vector quantization (read codebook) */
- vq_par.num_best = MSVQ_M;
- vq_par.num_stages = 4;
- vq_par.dimension = 10;
- /*
- * Allocate memory for number of levels per stage and indices
- * and for number of bits per stage
- */
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,vq_par.num_levels,vq_par.num_stages,Shortword);
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,vq_par.indices,vq_par.num_stages,Shortword);
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,vq_par.num_bits,vq_par.num_stages,Shortword);
- vq_par.num_levels[0] = 128;
- vq_par.num_levels[1] = 64;
- vq_par.num_levels[2] = 64;
- vq_par.num_levels[3] = 64;
- vq_par.num_bits[0] = 7;
- vq_par.num_bits[1] = 6;
- vq_par.num_bits[2] = 6;
- vq_par.num_bits[3] = 6;
- vq_par.cb = msvq_cb;
- vq_par.cb_mean = msvq_cb_mean;
- /* Initialize Fourier magnitude vector quantization (read codebook) */
- fs_vq_par.num_best = 1;
- fs_vq_par.num_stages = 1;
- fs_vq_par.dimension = NUM_HARM;
- /*
- * Allocate memory for number of levels per stage and indices
- * and for number of bits per stage
- */
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,fs_vq_par.num_levels,fs_vq_par.num_stages,Shortword);
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,fs_vq_par.indices,fs_vq_par.num_stages,Shortword);
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,fs_vq_par.num_bits,fs_vq_par.num_stages,Shortword);
- fs_vq_par.num_levels[0] = FS_LEVELS;
- fs_vq_par.num_bits[0] = FS_BITS;
- fs_vq_par.cb = fsvq_cb;
- /* Initialize fixed MSE weighting and inverse of weighting */
- vq_fsw(w_fs, NUM_HARM, X60_Q9);
- /* Pre-weight codebook (assume single stage only) */
- if (fsvq_weighted == 0)
- {
- fsvq_weighted = 1;
- for (j = 0; j < fs_vq_par.num_levels[0]; j++)
- window_Q(&fs_vq_par.cb[j*NUM_HARM],w_fs,
- &fs_vq_par.cb[j*NUM_HARM],NUM_HARM,14);
- }
- /* Initialize wr_array and wi_array */
- fs_init();
- } /* melp_ana_init */