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- Email Server
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- Crypt_Decrypt algrithms
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Package: EMailMasterbysuperroyor.rar [view]
Upload User: yjb1804
Upload Date: 2021-01-30
Package Size: 3105k
Code Size: 13k
Email Server
Development Platform:
- [FileVersion]
- Version=7.0
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- [Exception Log]
- EurekaLog Version=513
- Activate=1
- Activate Handle=1
- Save Log File=1
- Foreground Tab=0
- Freeze Activate=0
- Freeze Timeout=0
- Freeze Message=The application seems to be frozen.
- SMTP From=eurekalog@email.com
- SMTP Host=
- SMTP Port=25
- SMTP UserID=
- SMTP Password=
- Append to Log=0
- Show TerminateBtn=1
- TerminateBtn Operation=1
- Errors Number=32
- Errors Terminate=3
- Email Address=
- Email Object=
- Email Send Options=0
- Output Path=
- Encrypt Password=
- AutoCloseDialogSecs=0
- WebSendMode=0
- SupportULR=
- HTMLLayout Count=15
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- HTMLLine1=" %3Chead%3E"
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- HTMLLine14="%3C/html%3E"
- AutoCrashOperation=1
- AutoCrashNumber=10
- AutoCrashMinutes=1
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- Count=0
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- csoShowWindowsThreads=1
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- boDoNotPauseMainThread=0
- boPauseWindowsThreads=0
- boUseMainModuleOptions=1
- boCopyLogInCaseOfError=1
- boSaveCompressedCopyInCaseOfError=0
- Count mtInformationMsgCaption=1
- mtInformationMsgCaption0="Information."
- Count mtQuestionMsgCaption=1
- mtQuestionMsgCaption0="Question."
- Count mtDialog_Caption=1
- mtDialog_Caption0="Error."
- Count mtDialog_ErrorMsgCaption=2
- mtDialog_ErrorMsgCaption0="An error has occurred during program execution."
- mtDialog_ErrorMsgCaption1="Please read the following information for further details."
- Count mtDialog_GeneralCaption=1
- mtDialog_GeneralCaption0="General"
- Count mtDialog_GeneralHeader=1
- mtDialog_GeneralHeader0="General Information"
- Count mtDialog_CallStackCaption=1
- mtDialog_CallStackCaption0="Call Stack"
- Count mtDialog_CallStackHeader=1
- mtDialog_CallStackHeader0="Call Stack Information"
- Count mtDialog_ModulesCaption=1
- mtDialog_ModulesCaption0="Modules"
- Count mtDialog_ModulesHeader=1
- mtDialog_ModulesHeader0="Modules Information"
- Count mtDialog_CPUCaption=1
- mtDialog_CPUCaption0="CPU"
- Count mtDialog_CPUHeader=1
- mtDialog_CPUHeader0="CPU Information"
- Count mtDialog_CustomDataCaption=1
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- Count mtDialog_CustomDataHeader=1
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- Count mtDialog_TerminateButtonCaption=1
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- Count mtDialog_RestartButtonCaption=1
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- Count mtDialog_DetailsButtonCaption=1
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- Count mtDialog_SendMessage=1
- mtDialog_SendMessage0="%26Send this error via Internet"
- Count mtDialog_ScreenshotMessage=1
- mtDialog_ScreenshotMessage0="%26Attach a Screenshot image"
- Count mtDialog_CopyMessage=1
- mtDialog_CopyMessage0="%26Copy to Clipboard"
- Count mtDialog_SupportMessage=1
- mtDialog_SupportMessage0="Go to the Support Page"
- Count mtLog_AppHeader=1
- mtLog_AppHeader0="Application"
- Count mtLog_AppStartDate=1
- mtLog_AppStartDate0="Start Date"
- Count mtLog_AppName=1
- mtLog_AppName0="Name/Description"
- Count mtLog_AppVersionNumber=1
- mtLog_AppVersionNumber0="Version Number"
- Count mtLog_AppParameters=1
- mtLog_AppParameters0="Parameters"
- Count mtLog_AppCompilationDate=1
- mtLog_AppCompilationDate0="Compilation Date"
- Count mtLog_ExcHeader=1
- mtLog_ExcHeader0="Exception"
- Count mtLog_ExcDate=1
- mtLog_ExcDate0="Date"
- Count mtLog_ExcAddress=1
- mtLog_ExcAddress0="Address"
- Count mtLog_ExcModule=1
- mtLog_ExcModule0="Module"
- Count mtLog_ExcType=1
- mtLog_ExcType0="Type"
- Count mtLog_ExcMessage=1
- mtLog_ExcMessage0="Message"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsHeader=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsHeader0="Active Controls"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsFormClass=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsFormClass0="Form Class"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsFormText=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsFormText0="Form Text"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsControlClass=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsControlClass0="Control Class"
- Count mtLog_ActCtrlsControlText=1
- mtLog_ActCtrlsControlText0="Control Text"
- Count mtLog_CmpHeader=1
- mtLog_CmpHeader0="Computer"
- Count mtLog_CmpName=1
- mtLog_CmpName0="Name"
- Count mtLog_CmpUser=1
- mtLog_CmpUser0="User"
- Count mtLog_CmpTotalMemory=1
- mtLog_CmpTotalMemory0="Total Memory"
- Count mtLog_CmpFreeMemory=1
- mtLog_CmpFreeMemory0="Free Memory"
- Count mtLog_CmpTotalDisk=1
- mtLog_CmpTotalDisk0="Total Disk"
- Count mtLog_CmpFreeDisk=1
- mtLog_CmpFreeDisk0="Free Disk"
- Count mtLog_CmpSystemUpTime=1
- mtLog_CmpSystemUpTime0="System Up Time"
- Count mtLog_CmpProcessor=1
- mtLog_CmpProcessor0="Processor"
- Count mtLog_CmpDisplayMode=1
- mtLog_CmpDisplayMode0="Display Mode"
- Count mtLog_OSHeader=1
- mtLog_OSHeader0="Operating System"
- Count mtLog_OSType=1
- mtLog_OSType0="Type"
- Count mtLog_OSBuildN=1
- mtLog_OSBuildN0="Build #"
- Count mtLog_OSUpdate=1
- mtLog_OSUpdate0="Update"
- Count mtLog_OSLanguage=1
- mtLog_OSLanguage0="Language"
- Count mtLog_NetHeader=1
- mtLog_NetHeader0="Network"
- Count mtLog_NetIP=1
- mtLog_NetIP0="IP Address"
- Count mtLog_NetSubmask=1
- mtLog_NetSubmask0="Submask"
- Count mtLog_NetGateway=1
- mtLog_NetGateway0="Gateway"
- Count mtLog_NetDNS1=1
- mtLog_NetDNS10="DNS 1"
- Count mtLog_NetDNS2=1
- mtLog_NetDNS20="DNS 2"
- Count mtLog_NetDHCP=1
- mtLog_NetDHCP0="DHCP"
- Count mtLog_CustInfoHeader=1
- mtLog_CustInfoHeader0="Custom Information"
- Count mtCallStack_Address=1
- mtCallStack_Address0="Address"
- Count mtCallStack_Name=1
- mtCallStack_Name0="Module"
- Count mtCallStack_Unit=1
- mtCallStack_Unit0="Unit"
- Count mtCallStack_Class=1
- mtCallStack_Class0="Class"
- Count mtCallStack_Procedure=1
- mtCallStack_Procedure0="Procedure/Method"
- Count mtCallStack_Line=1
- mtCallStack_Line0="Line"
- Count mtCallStack_MainThread=1
- mtCallStack_MainThread0="Main"
- Count mtCallStack_ExceptionThread=1
- mtCallStack_ExceptionThread0="Exception Thread"
- Count mtCallStack_RunningThread=1
- mtCallStack_RunningThread0="Running Thread"
- Count mtCallStack_CallingThread=1
- mtCallStack_CallingThread0="Calling Thread"
- Count mtCallStack_ThreadID=1
- mtCallStack_ThreadID0="ID"
- Count mtCallStack_ThreadPriority=1
- mtCallStack_ThreadPriority0="Priority"
- Count mtCallStack_ThreadClass=1
- mtCallStack_ThreadClass0="Class"
- Count mtSendDialog_Caption=1
- mtSendDialog_Caption0="Send."
- Count mtSendDialog_Message=1
- mtSendDialog_Message0="Message"
- Count mtSendDialog_Resolving=1
- mtSendDialog_Resolving0="Resolving DNS..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Connecting=1
- mtSendDialog_Connecting0="Connecting with server..."
- Count mtSendDialog_Connected=1
- mtSendDialog_Connected0="Connected with server."
- Count mtSendDialog_Sending=1
- mtSendDialog_Sending0="Sending message..."
- Count mtReproduceDialog_Caption=1
- mtReproduceDialog_Caption0="Request"
- Count mtReproduceDialog_Request=1
- mtReproduceDialog_Request0="Please describe the steps to reproduce the error:"
- Count mtReproduceDialog_OKButtonCaption=1
- mtReproduceDialog_OKButtonCaption0="%26OK"
- Count mtModules_Handle=1
- mtModules_Handle0="Handle"
- Count mtModules_Name=1
- mtModules_Name0="Name"
- Count mtModules_Description=1
- mtModules_Description0="Description"
- Count mtModules_Version=1
- mtModules_Version0="Version"
- Count mtModules_Size=1
- mtModules_Size0="Size"
- Count mtModules_LastModified=1
- mtModules_LastModified0="Modified"
- Count mtModules_Path=1
- mtModules_Path0="Path"
- Count mtCPU_Registers=1
- mtCPU_Registers0="Registers"
- Count mtCPU_Stack=1
- mtCPU_Stack0="Stack"
- Count mtCPU_MemoryDump=1
- mtCPU_MemoryDump0="Memory Dump"
- Count mtSend_SuccessMsg=1
- mtSend_SuccessMsg0="The message was sent successfully."
- Count mtSend_FailureMsg=1
- mtSend_FailureMsg0="Sorry, sending the message didn't work."