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Package: postgresql-6.5.2.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: blenddy
Upload Date: 2007-01-07
Package Size: 6495k
Code Size: 4k
Database system
Development Platform:
- Here are general trigger functions provided as workable examples
- of using SPI and triggers. "General" means that functions may be
- used for defining triggers for any tables but you have to specify
- table/field names (as described below) while creating a trigger.
- 1. refint.c - functions for implementing referential integrity.
- check_primary_key () is to used for foreign keys of a table.
- You are to create trigger (BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE) using this
- function on a table referencing another table. You are to specify
- as function arguments: triggered table column names which correspond
- to foreign key, referenced table name and column names in referenced
- table which correspond to primary/unique key.
- You may create as many triggers as you need - one trigger for
- one reference.
- check_foreign_key () is to used for primary/unique keys of a table.
- You are to create trigger (BEFORE DELETE OR UPDATE) using this
- function on a table referenced by another table(s). You are to specify
- as function arguments: number of references for which function has to
- performe checking, action if referencing key found ('cascade' - to delete
- corresponding foreign key, 'restrict' - to abort transaction if foreign keys
- exist, 'setnull' - to set foreign key referencing primary/unique key
- being deleted to null), triggered table column names which correspond
- to primary/unique key, referencing table name and column names corresponding
- to foreign key (, ... - as many referencing tables/keys as specified
- by first argument).
- Note, that NOT NULL constraint and unique index have to be defined by
- youself.
- There are examples in refint.example and regression tests
- (sql/triggers.sql).
- To CREATE FUNCTIONs use refint.sql (will be made by gmake from
- refint.source).
- 2. timetravel.c - functions for implementing time travel feature.
- Old internally supported time-travel (TT) used insert/delete
- transaction commit times. To get the same feature using triggers
- you are to add to a table two columns of abstime type to store
- date when a tuple was inserted (start_date) and changed/deleted
- (stop_date):
- ... ...
- date_on abstime default currabstime(),
- date_off abstime default 'infinity'
- ... ...
- );
- - so, tuples being inserted with NULLs in date_on/date_off will get
- _current_date_ in date_on (name of start_date column in XXX) and INFINITY in
- date_off (name of stop_date column in XXX).
- Tuples with stop_date equal INFINITY are "valid now": when trigger will
- be fired for UPDATE/DELETE of a tuple with stop_date NOT equal INFINITY then
- this tuple will not be changed/deleted!
- If stop_date equal INFINITY then on
- UPDATE: only stop_date in tuple being updated will be changed to current
- date and new tuple with new data (coming from SET ... in UPDATE) will be
- inserted. Start_date in this new tuple will be setted to current date and
- stop_date - to INFINITY.
- DELETE: new tuple will be inserted with stop_date setted to current date
- (and with the same data in other columns as in tuple being deleted).
- 1. To get tuples "valid now" you are to add _stop_date_ = 'infinity'
- to WHERE. Internally supported TT allowed to avoid this...
- Fixed rewriting RULEs could help here...
- As work arround you may use VIEWs...
- 2. You can't change start/stop date columns with UPDATE!
- Use set_timetravel (below) if you need in this.
- timetravel() is general trigger function.
- You are to create trigger BEFORE (!!!) UPDATE OR DELETE using this
- function on a time-traveled table. You are to specify two arguments: name of
- start_date column and name of stop_date column in triggered table.
- currabstime() may be used in DEFAULT for start_date column to get
- current date.
- set_timetravel() allows you turn time-travel ON/OFF for a table:
- set_timetravel('XXX', 1) will turn TT ON for table XXX (and report
- old status).
- set_timetravel('XXX', 0) will turn TT OFF for table XXX (-"-).
- Turning TT OFF allows you do with a table ALL what you want.
- There is example in timetravel.example.
- To CREATE FUNCTIONs use timetravel.sql (will be made by gmake from
- timetravel.source).