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Package: www.myworld.net.cn.rar [view]
Upload User: saigedz
Upload Date: 2019-10-14
Package Size: 997k
Code Size: 8k
Development Platform:
- /*
- * Media Plugin for FCKeditor 2.5 SVN
- * Copyright (C) 2007 Riceball LEE (riceballl@hotmail.com)
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * Plugin to insert "Media" in the editor.
- */
- // Register the related command.
- FCKCommands.RegisterCommand( 'Media', new FCKDialogCommand( 'Media', FCKLang.DlgMediaTitle, FCKPlugins.Items['Media'].Path + 'fck_media.html', 450, 428 ) ) ;
- // Create the "Media" toolbar button.
- var oMediaItem = new FCKToolbarButton( 'Media', FCKLang.MediaBtn, FCKLang.MediaBtnTooltip) ;
- oMediaItem.IconPath = FCKPlugins.Items['Media'].Path + 'images/media.png' ;
- FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem( 'Media', oMediaItem ) ;
- //--------------------------------------------------
- function _Import(aSrc) {
- //document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + aSrc + '"></sc' + 'ript>');
- var vElement = document.createElement("script");
- vElement.type= "text/javascript";
- vElement.src= aSrc;
- var head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- head.appendChild(vElement);
- };
- function _ImportCSS(aSrc) {
- var vElement = document.createElement("link");
- vElement.rel = "stylesheet";
- vElement.type = "text/css";
- vElement.href = aSrc;
- //vElement.title= 'ddd';
- //vElement.disabled=false;
- var head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- head.appendChild(vElement);
- };
- _Import(FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'media/js/fck_media_inc.js');
- var FCKMediaProcessor = FCKDocumentProcessor.AppendNew() ;
- //hack to add the media css to FCKEditingArea.
- FCKMediaProcessor.EditingArea_StartBefore = function ( html, secondCall )
- {
- var sHeadExtra = '<link href="' + FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'media/css/fck_media.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" _fcktemp="true" />' ;
- html = html.replace( FCKRegexLib.HeadCloser, sHeadExtra + '$&' ) ;
- return arguments;
- }
- FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start = Inject(FCKEditingArea.prototype.Start, FCKMediaProcessor.EditingArea_StartBefore);
- //hack and rewrite FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Protect, for i do not wanna walk through twice.
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Protect = function( html )
- {
- var codeTag = this._CodeTag ;
- function _Replace( protectedSource )
- {
- //check if it is the media object:
- if (protectedSource.match(/<object[sS]+?</object>/gi) && (protectedSource.indexOf(cMediaTypeAttrName+'=') >=0)) {
- var regexEmbed = new RegExp('<embed\s+(.+?)></embed>', 'i');
- return '<'+cFckMediaElementName + ' '+ protectedSource.match(regexEmbed)[1] + '></'+cFckMediaElementName+'>';
- }
- var index = FCKTempBin.AddElement( protectedSource ) ;
- return '<!--{' + codeTag + index + '}-->' ;
- }
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.RegexEntries.length ; i++ )
- {
- html = html.replace( this.RegexEntries[i], _Replace ) ;
- }
- return html ;
- }
- //hacked FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Revert
- FCKMediaProcessor.ProtectedSource_RevertBefore = function ( html, clearBin )
- {
- html = WrapObjectToMedia(html, cFckMediaElementName);
- return arguments;
- }
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Revert = Inject(FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Revert, FCKMediaProcessor.ProtectedSource_RevertBefore)
- FCKMediaProcessor.ProcessDocument = function( aDocument )
- {
- /* convert the source to WSWG design
- Sample code:
- This is some <embed src="/UserFiles/Flash/Yellow_Runners.swf" mediatype="0"></embed><strong>sample text</strong>. You are <a name="fred"></a> using <a href="http://www.fckeditor.net/">FCKeditor</a>.
- */
- var aEmbeds = aDocument.getElementsByTagName( cFckMediaElementName ) ;
- var oEmbed ;
- var i = aEmbeds.length - 1 ;
- while ( i >= 0 && ( oEmbed = aEmbeds[i--] ) )
- {
- if (typeof(oEmbed.attributes[ cMediaTypeAttrName ]) != 'undefined') {
- var vTypeId = oEmbed.attributes[ cMediaTypeAttrName ].value ;
- if (isInt(vTypeId))
- {
- var oCloned = oEmbed.cloneNode( true ) ;
- var oImg = FCKDocumentProcessor_CreateFakeImage( 'FCK__Media_'+vTypeId, oCloned ) ;
- oImg.setAttribute( '_fckmedia', 'true', 0 ) ;
- FCKMediaProcessor.RefreshView( oImg, oEmbed ) ;
- oEmbed.parentNode.replaceChild(oImg, oEmbed);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FCKMediaProcessor.RefreshView = function( placeHolderImage, originalEmbed )
- {
- if ( originalEmbed.getAttribute( 'width' ) > 0 )
- placeHolderImage.style.width = FCKTools.ConvertHtmlSizeToStyle( originalEmbed.getAttribute( 'width' ) ) ;
- if ( originalEmbed.getAttribute( 'height' ) > 0 )
- placeHolderImage.style.height = FCKTools.ConvertHtmlSizeToStyle( originalEmbed.getAttribute( 'height' ) ) ;
- }
- // Open the Media Properties dialog on double click.
- FCKMediaProcessor.OnDoubleClick = function( e )
- {
- if ( e.tagName == 'IMG' && e.getAttribute('_fckmedia') == 'true' )
- FCKCommands.GetCommand( 'Media' ).Execute() ;
- }
- FCK.RegisterDoubleClickHandler( FCKMediaProcessor.OnDoubleClick, 'IMG' ) ;
- FCK.ContextMenu.RegisterListener( {
- AddItems : function( menu, tag, tagName )
- {
- // under what circumstances do we display this option
- if ( tagName == 'IMG' && tag.getAttribute( '_fckmedia' ) )
- {
- // when the option is displayed, show a separator the command
- menu.AddSeparator() ;
- // the command needs the registered command name, the title for the context menu, and the icon path
- menu.AddItem( 'Media', FCKLang.DlgMediaTitle, oMediaItem.IconPath ) ;
- }
- }}
- );
- FCKMediaProcessor.GetRealElementAfter = function( fakeElement, Result )
- {
- if ( fakeElement.getAttribute('_fckmedia') )
- {
- if ( fakeElement.style.width.length > 0 )
- Result.width = FCKTools.ConvertStyleSizeToHtml( fakeElement.style.width ) ;
- if ( fakeElement.style.height.length > 0 )
- Result.height = FCKTools.ConvertStyleSizeToHtml( fakeElement.style.height ) ;
- }
- return Result ;
- }
- FCK.GetRealElement = Inject(FCK.GetRealElement, undefined, FCKMediaProcessor.GetRealElementAfter)
- /*
- @desc inject the function
- @param aOrgFunc the original function to be injected.
- @param aBeforeExec this is called before the execution of the aOrgFunc.
- you must return the arguments if you wanna modify the value of the aOrgFunc's arguments .
- @param aAtferExec this is called after the execution of the aOrgFunc.
- you must add a result argument at the last argument of the aAtferExec function if you wanna
- get the result value of the aOrgFunc.
- you must return the result if you wanna modify the result value of the aOrgFunc .
- @Usage Obj.prototype.aMethod = Inject(Obj.prototype.aMethod, aFunctionBeforeExec[, aFunctionAtferExec]);
- @author Aimingoo&Riceball
- eg:
- var doTest = function (a) {return a};
- function beforeTest(a) { alert('before exec: a='+a); a += 3; return arguments;};
- function afterTest(a, result) { alert('after exec: a='+a+'; result='+result); return result+5;};
- doTest = Inject(doTest, beforeTest, afterTest);
- alert (doTest(2));
- the result should be 10.
- */
- function Inject( aOrgFunc, aBeforeExec, aAtferExec ) {
- return function() {
- if (typeof(aBeforeExec) == 'function') arguments = aBeforeExec.apply(this, arguments) || arguments;
- //convert arguments object to array
- var Result, args = [].slice.call(arguments);
- args.push(aOrgFunc.apply(this, args));
- if (typeof(aAtferExec) == 'function') Result = aAtferExec.apply(this, args);
- return (typeof(Result) != 'undefined')?Result:args.pop();
- }
- }