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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _ab_tree.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/ab_tree.h>
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Michael Wenzel:
- // function insert_at_item added
- //
- // double links between leaf and inner node with same key
- //
- // delete overwrites copies of keys in inner nodes
- //
- // leafs are nodes of degree 1, linked by son[1], son[2]
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // constructors
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- ab_tree_node::ab_tree_node(int p_,int height_,int index_,ab_tree_node* father_,int b)
- {
- son = (ab_tree_node**) allocate_words(b+2); /* array[1..b+1] */
- k = (GenPtr*) allocate_words(b+1); /* array[1..b] */
- same = (ab_tree_node**) allocate_words(b+1); /* array[1..b] */
- // position 0 contains the size of the array:
- son[0] = (ab_tree_node*)(Convert(b+2));
- k[0] = (GenPtr)(Convert(b+1));
- same[0] = (ab_tree_node*)(Convert(b+1));
- p=p_;
- height=height_;
- index=index_;
- father=father_;
- int i;
- for(i=1;i<=(b+1);son[i++]=0);
- for(i=1;i<=b;k[i++]=0);
- for(i=1;i<=b;same[i++]=0);
- }
- ab_tree_node::~ab_tree_node()
- { deallocate_words(son,*(int*)son); // first element gives size
- deallocate_words(same,*(int*)same);
- deallocate_words(k,*(int*)k);
- }
- ab_tree::ab_tree(int a_,int b_)
- {
- root=maximum=minimum=0;
- count=0;
- height=-1;
- if((a_>=2)&&(b_>=2*a_-1))
- { a=a_;
- b=b_;
- }
- else error_handler(1,"ab_tree: illegal arguments (a,b) in tree constructor");
- }
- ab_tree::ab_tree(const ab_tree& T)
- {
- if (T.root==0) {root=maximum=minimum=0;height=-1;count=0;}
- else { abnode help=0;
- root = T.copy_ab_tree(T.root,help,T.b);
- maximum=help;
- help=root;
- while (help->p) help=help->son[1];
- minimum=help;
- height=T.height;
- count=T.count;
- };
- a=T.a;
- b=T.b;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- // operators
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ab_tree& ab_tree::operator=(const ab_tree& T)
- { if (this == &T) return *this;
- clear();
- if (T.root!=0)
- { abnode help=0;
- root=copy_ab_tree(T.root,help,T.b);
- maximum=help;
- help=root;
- while (help->p) help=help->son[1];
- minimum=help;
- height=T.height;
- count=T.count;
- };
- a=T.a;
- b=T.b;
- return *this;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- // member functions
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- void ab_tree::exchange_leaves(ab_tree_node* v, ab_tree_node* w)
- { // exchange leaves v and w
- GenPtr k1 = v->k[1];
- int p1 = v->index;
- ab_tree_node* u1 = v->same[1];
- ab_tree_node* f1 = v->father;
- GenPtr k2 = w->k[1];
- int p2 = w->index;
- ab_tree_node* u2 = w->same[1];
- ab_tree_node* f2 = w->father;
- f1->son[p1] = w;
- w->index = p1;
- w->same[1] = u1;
- w->father = f1;
- f2->son[p2] = v;
- v->index = p2;
- v->same[1] = u2;
- v->father = f2;
- ab_tree_node* pred1 = v->son[1];
- ab_tree_node* succ1 = v->son[2];
- ab_tree_node* pred2 = w->son[1];
- ab_tree_node* succ2 = w->son[2];
- w->son[1] = pred1;
- if (pred1) pred1->son[2] = w;
- if (succ1!=w)
- { w->son[2] = succ1;
- succ1->son[1] = w;
- }
- if (pred2==v) pred2 = w;
- v->son[1] = pred2;
- v->son[2] = succ2;
- pred2->son[2] = v;
- if (succ2) succ2->son[1] = v;
- // minimum & maximum:
- if (v==minimum) minimum = w;
- if (w==maximum) maximum = v;
- // overwrite inner copies:
- int pos1=1;
- while(u1->same[pos1]!=v) pos1++;
- int pos2=1;
- if (u2) while(u2->same[pos2]!=w) pos2++;
- u1->k[pos1] = k2;
- u1->same[pos1] = w;
- if (u2)
- { u2->k[pos2] = k1;
- u2->same[pos2] = v;
- }
- }
- void ab_tree::reverse_items(ab_tree_node* v, ab_tree_node* w)
- { // reverse sequence of leaves: v, ..., w
- if (v==w) return;
- /*
- if (cmp(v->k[1],w->k[1])<0)
- { newline;
- cout << "a = "; print_key(v->k[1]); newline;
- cout << "b = "; print_key(w->k[1]); newline;
- error_handler(1,"ab_tree: illegal reverse_items(a,b)n");
- }
- */
- ab_tree_node* u;
- for(;;)
- { exchange_leaves(v,w);
- u = pred(v);
- if (u == w) break;
- v = succ(w);
- if (v==u) break;
- w = u;
- }
- }
- void ab_tree::clear()
- { if (root!=0) del_tree(root);
- maximum=minimum=root=0;
- count = 0;
- height=-1;
- }
- void ab_tree::del(GenPtr key)
- { if (!root) return; // s.n.
- ab_tree_node* w=locate(key);
- if(w && cmp(w->k[1],key) == 0) del_item(w);
- else /* error_handler(1,"ab_tree: del(key):key is not in tree") */;
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::expand(ab_tree_node* v,int i)
- // expand v by returning an additional son to the right of w
- // --> w is the i-th son of v
- // s.n.: if i==0 then new leftmost son
- // expand does not test a<=number of sons(v)<=b
- // m.w. expand does not set same links for new leaves
- {
- // move the nodes right to w to give an additional son to
- // the right of w
- int l=(v->p);
- if (i < l)
- {
- v->son[l+1]=v->son[l];
- v->son[l+1]->index=l+1;
- l--;
- }
- while(i < l)
- {
- v->k[l+1] = v->k[l];
- v->same[l+1] = v->same[l];
- v->son[l+1]=v->son[l];
- v->son[l+1]->index=l+1;
- l--;
- };
- if (v->height>1)
- v->son[i+1] = new ab_tree_node(0,v->height-1,i+1,v,b);
- else
- v->son[i+1] = new ab_tree_node(0,v->height-1,i+1,v,1);
- (v->p)++;
- return v->son[i+1];
- }
- void ab_tree::split_node(ab_tree_node* v)
- {
- /* adding a child increases the degree of v by 1. If v->p<=b after
- adding the new leave, then we are done . Otherwise we have to
- split v. Splitting can propagate ==> Loop
- m.w. changes same links between nodes */
- ab_tree_node* y;
- while (v->p==b+1)
- {
- if (v!=root) y = v->father;
- else
- { y=new ab_tree_node(1,v->height+1,0,0,b);
- root=y;height++;
- y->son[1]=v;
- v->index=1;
- v->father=y;
- };
- register ab_tree_node* u;
- u = expand(y,v->index); // u <-- new right brother of v
- int down =(int)((b+1)/2) ;
- int up = (b+1)- down;
- if (u->index <= b)
- { y->k[u->index] = y->k[v->index];
- y->same[u->index] = y->same[v->index];
- }
- y->k[v->index] = v->k[down];
- y->same[v->index] = v->same[down];
- y->same[v->index]->same[1] = y;
- // split v, i.e. take the rightmost (b+1)/2 children and keys
- // away from v and incorporate them into u and store key v->k[(b+1)/2]
- // in y ( = father(v)) between the pointers to v and u i.e. at position
- // v->index
- // m.w. change same links of v to y and u
- register int j;
- for (j=1;j<up;j++)
- {
- u->son[j] = v->son[down+j];
- u->son[j]->index=j;
- u->son[j]->father=u;
- u->k[j] = v->k[down+j];
- u->same[j] = v->same[down+j];
- u->same[j]->same[1] = u;
- v->son[down+j] = 0; // muss das sein ?
- v->same[down+j] = 0;
- v->k[down+j] = 0;
- };
- u->son[up]=v->son[b+1];
- u->son[up]->index=up;
- u->son[up]->father=u;
- v->son[b+1] = 0; // und das?
- v->same[down] = 0;
- v->k[down] = 0;
- v->p = down; // change number of children
- u->p = up;
- v = y;
- }
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::insert(GenPtr key, GenPtr inf)
- {
- if (root==0) { root=new ab_tree_node(0,0,0,0,1);
- copy_key(key);
- copy_inf(inf);
- root->inf = inf;
- root->k[1]= key;
- height=0;
- maximum=minimum=root;
- count++;
- return root;
- }
- // insert_at_item calls copy_key & copy_inf
- ab_tree_node* p = locate(key);
- if (p==nil) p = maximum;
- return insert_at_item(p,key,inf);
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::insert_at_item(ab_tree_node* w, GenPtr key, GenPtr inf)
- {
- // insert a new item (key,inf) left or right of leaf w (according to key(w))
- copy_inf(inf);
- ab_tree_node* v;
- if (cmp(w->k[1],key)!=0)
- {
- copy_key(key);
- if ( w!=minimum && cmp(w->son[1]->k[1],key) > 0)
- cout << "insert: key = "; print_key(key); cout << "n";
- if (w!=maximum)
- cout << "succ-pos: key = "; print_key(w->son[2]->k[1]); cout << "n";
- cout << "position: key = "; print_key(w->k[1]); cout << "n";
- cout << "pred-pos: key = "; print_key(w->son[1]->k[1]); cout << "n";
- error_handler(1,"ab_tree::insert_at : wrong position ");
- }
- if ( w!=maximum && cmp(w->son[2]->k[1],key) < 0)
- cout << "insert: key = "; print_key(key); cout << "n";
- cout << "succ-pos: key = "; print_key(w->son[2]->k[1]); cout << "n";
- cout << "position: key = "; print_key(w->k[1]); cout << "n";
- if (w!=minimum)
- cout << "pred-pos: key = "; print_key(w->son[1]->k[1]); cout << "n";
- error_handler(1,"ab_tree::insert_at : wrong position ");
- }
- count++;
- if (root==w) { v=new ab_tree_node(2,1,0,0,b);
- root=v;height=1;
- ab_tree_node* u;
- if (cmp(key,w->k[1])<0)
- {
- u=new ab_tree_node(0,0,1,v,1);
- v->son[1]=u;u->k[1]=key; u->inf=inf;
- v->son[2]=w ;
- v->p=2;v->k[1]=u->k[1];
- u->same[1] = v;
- v->same[1] = u;
- w->index=2;
- minimum=u;
- u->son[2] = w;
- w->son[1] = u;
- }
- else {
- u=new ab_tree_node(0,0,2,v,1);
- v->son[1]=w;
- w->same[1] = v;
- v->same[1] = w;
- v->son[2]=u;u->k[1]=key; u->inf=inf;
- v->p=2;v->k[1]=w->k[1];
- w->index=1;
- maximum=u;
- w->son[2] = u;
- u->son[1] = w;
- }
- w->father=v;
- return u;
- };
- if ((w!=maximum) && (cmp(key,w->k[1])>0)) w=w->son[2];
- ab_tree_node* u;
- int index1 = w->index;
- v = w->father;
- if (cmp(key,w->k[1])<0)
- { u = expand(v,index1-1); // new son u left of w
- /*
- v
- / |
- (u) w
- */
- u->k[1] = key;
- u->inf = inf;
- u->son[2] = w;
- u->son[1] = w->son[1];
- w->son[1] = u;
- u->same[1] = v;
- v->k[index1] = key;
- v->same[index1] = u ;
- if (minimum == w)
- minimum=u;
- else
- u->son[1]->son[2] = u;
- }
- else
- { u = expand(v,index1); // new son u right of w
- /*
- v
- / |
- w (u)
- */
- u->k[1] = key;
- u->inf = inf;
- u->son[1] = w;
- u->son[2] = w->son[2];
- w->son[2] = u;
- if (maximum == w)
- {
- maximum=u;
- v->k[index1] = w->k[1];
- w->same[1] = v;
- v->same[index1] = w ;
- }
- else
- {
- v->k[index1+1] = key;
- u->same[1] = v;
- v->same[index1+1] = u ;
- u->son[2]->son[1] = u;
- }
- }
- if (v->p > b) split_node(v);
- return u;
- }
- else { clear_inf(w->inf);
- w->inf = inf;
- return w;
- }
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::locate(GenPtr key) const
- {
- /* searching for an element key in a (a,b)-tree ;
- we search down the tree starting at the root r until we reache
- a leave. In each node v we use the sequence k[1](v),..k[v->p-1](v)
- in order to guide the search to the proper subtree.In the the
- function we assume that k[0](v)<key<k[v->p](v) for every
- element key in U
- locate returns a pointer to a leave*/
- if (root == nil) return nil;
- ab_tree_node* v = root;
- GenPtr* K = v->k;
- int child_num = v->p;
- if (int_type())
- while (child_num) // while v is not a leave
- { int i;
- for(i=1; i < child_num && long(key) > long(K[i]); i++);
- v=v->son[i];
- K=v->k;
- child_num = v->p;
- }
- else
- while (child_num)
- { int i = 1;
- while(i < child_num && cmp(key,K[i]) > 0) i++;
- v=v->son[i];
- K=v->k;
- child_num = v->p;
- }
- return (cmp(key,v->k[1]) <= 0) ? v : nil;
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::locate_succ(GenPtr key) const
- { ab_tree_node* v = locate(key);
- if (v==0) return maximum;
- if (cmp(key,v->k[1])==0) return v;
- return v->son[1];
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::locate_pred(GenPtr key) const
- { ab_tree_node* v = locate(key);
- if (v==0) return maximum;
- if (cmp(key,v->k[1])==0) return v;
- return v->son[1];
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::lookup(GenPtr k) const
- { ab_tree_node* p = locate(k);
- if (p && cmp(k,key(p))!=0 ) p = 0;
- return p;
- }
- void ab_tree::fuse(ab_tree_node* v,ab_tree_node* y)
- {
- /* fuse v and y, i.e. make all sons of y to sons of v and move all
- keys from y to v and delete node y; also move one key (the key
- between the pointers to y and v) from z to v; (note that this will
- shrink z, i.e. decrease the arity of z by one)
- */
- ab_tree_node* z=v->father;
- GenPtr hilf=z->k[v->index] ; /* before k[v->p] was not used {=0}*/
- /*
- we only must copy the pointer of son and the node-keys
- from y to v
- */
- /* change same-pointer of y and z */
- v->k[v->p]=hilf;
- v->same[v->p]=z->same[v->index];
- v->same[v->p]->same[1] = v;
- int i;
- for(i=1;i<y->p;i++) { v->k[v->p+i]=y->k[i];
- v->same[v->p+i]=y->same[i];
- v->same[v->p+i]->same[1]=v;
- v->son[v->p+i]=y->son[i];
- v->son[v->p+i]->index=v->p+i;
- v->son[v->p+i]->father=v;
- };
- v->son[v->p+y->p]=y->son[y->p]; /* copy of the last son from y*/
- v->son[v->p+y->p]->index=v->p+y->p;
- v->son[v->p+y->p]->father=v;
- v->p=v->p+y->p;
- for(i=v->index;i<z->p;i++) { z->k[i]=z->k[i+1];
- z->same[i] = z->same[i+1];
- z->son[i+1]=z->son[i+2];
- if (z->son[i+1]!=0){z->son[i+1]->index=i+1;
- z->son[i+1]->father=z;};
- };
- z->p--;
- z->k[z->p]=0;
- z->same[z->p]=0;
- delete y;
- }
- void ab_tree::share(ab_tree_node* v,ab_tree_node* y,int direct)
- {
- /* we assume that y is the right brother of v;
- take the leftmost son away from y and make it an additional(right-
- most) son of v; also move one key( the key between the pointers
- to v and y) from z down to v and replace it by the leftmost
- key of y;
- the other case is equivalent
- let z be the father of v
- */
- ab_tree_node* z=v->father;
- if (direct==1) {
- v->son[v->p+1]=y->son[1];
- v->son[v->p+1]->index=v->p+1;
- v->son[v->p+1]->father=v;
- v->k[v->p]=z->k[v->index];
- v->same[v->p]=z->same[v->index];
- v->same[v->p]->same[1] = v;
- z->k[v->index]=y->k[1];
- z->same[v->index]=y->same[1];
- z->same[v->index]->same[1]=z;
- v->p++;
- for(int i=1;i<(y->p)-1;i++)
- { y->son[i]=y->son[i+1];
- y->son[i]->index=i;
- y->k[i]=y->k[i+1];
- y->same[i]=y->same[i+1];
- };
- y->p--; // decrease number of children
- y->son[y->p]=y->son[y->p+1];
- y->son[y->p]->index=y->p;
- y->son[y->p+1]=0;
- y->k[y->p]=0;
- y->same[y->p] = 0;
- }
- else { // y is at the left side of v
- for(int i=v->p;i>=1;i--)
- { v->son[i+1]=v->son[i];
- v->son[i+1]->index=i+1;
- v->k[i+1]=v->k[i];
- v->same[i+1]=v->same[i];
- };
- v->son[1]=y->son[y->p];
- v->son[1]->index=1;
- v->son[1]->father=v;
- y->son[y->p]=0;
- v->p++;
- y->p--;
- v->k[1]=z->k[y->index];
- v->same[1]=z->same[y->index];
- v->same[1]->same[1] = v;
- z->k[y->index]=y->k[y->p];
- z->same[y->index]=y->same[y->p];
- z->same[y->index]->same[1] = z;
- y->k[y->p]=0;
- y->same[y->p]=0;
- };
- }
- void ab_tree::del_item(ab_tree_node* w)
- {
- /*
- we must delete leave w with father v
- we shrink v by deleting leave w and one of the keys in the
- adjacent to the pointer to w
- (if w is the i-th son of v then we delete k[i](v) if i<v->p
- k[i-1](v) if i=v->p ).
- m.w. if i=v->p we overwrite the inner node
- in which key w->k[1] is stored with k[i-1](v)
- and then delete k[i-1](v)
- */
- if (w==nil) error_handler(1,"ab_tree: nil item in del_item");
- count--;
- if (maximum==minimum)
- { maximum=minimum=root=0;
- height=-1;
- clear_key(w->k[1]);
- clear_inf(w->inf);
- delete w;
- return;
- }
- /* here w==root==> last leave will be deleted*/
- ab_tree_node* succ = w->son[2];
- ab_tree_node* pred = w->son[1];
- if (pred) pred->son[2] = succ;
- else minimum = succ;
- if (succ) succ->son[1] = pred;
- else maximum = pred;
- ab_tree_node* v = w->father;
- v->son[w->index]=0;
- if (w->index==v->p) {
- if (succ)
- { //overwrite copies in inner node u
- ab_tree_node* u = w->same[1];
- int pos=1;
- while(u->same[pos]!=w) pos++;
- u->k[pos]=pred->k[1];
- u->same[pos]=pred;
- pred->same[1] = u;
- }
- else
- v->same[v->p-1]->same[1]=0;
- v->k[v->p-1]=0;
- v->same[v->p-1]=0;
- }
- else { v->k[w->index]=0 ;
- v->same[w->index]=0;
- for(int i=w->index;i<(v->p)-1;i++)
- { v->k[i]=v->k[i+1];
- v->same[i]=v->same[i+1];
- v->son[i]=v->son[i+1];
- v->son[i]->father=v;
- v->son[i]->index=i;
- };
- v->son[v->p-1]=v->son[v->p];
- v->son[v->p]=0;
- v->k[v->p-1]=0;
- v->same[v->p-1]=0;
- v->son[v->p-1]->father=v;
- v->son[v->p-1]->index=v->p-1;
- };
- clear_key(w->k[1]);
- clear_inf(w->inf);
- delete w;
- (v->p)--;
- if ((v==root) && (v->p==1)) {
- if (v->son[1]==0)
- {v->son[1]=v->son[2];
- v->son[2]=0; };
- root=v->son[1];
- delete v;
- root->index=0;
- root->father=0;
- root->p=0;
- root->height=0;
- height=0;
- minimum=maximum=root;
- return;
- };
- if (v->p >= a) return;
- /* otherwise v needs to be rebalanced by either fusing or sharing
- let y be any brother of v*/
- ab_tree_node* z;
- ab_tree_node* y;
- int dir;
- if (v->index==1) {
- z=v->father;
- y=z->son[v->index+1] ;
- dir=1; // y is the right son of v
- }
- else {
- z=v->father;
- y=z->son[v->index-1] ;
- dir =0; // y is the left son of v
- };
- while ((v->p==a-1) && (y->p==a))
- {
- if (dir==1) fuse(v,y);
- else fuse(y,v);
- if (z==root) {
- if (z->p==1) {
- if (dir==1){
- root=v;
- v->father=0;
- v->index=0; }
- else {
- root=y;
- y->father=0;
- y->index=0; };
- height--;
- delete z;
- };
- return;
- };
- v=z; // continue recursion
- if (v->index==1) {z=v->father;
- y=z->son[v->index+1] ;
- dir=1; // y is the right son of v
- }
- else { z=v->father;
- y=z->son[v->index-1];
- dir=0;
- };
- };
- /* we have either v->p>=a and rebalancing is completed or
- v->p = a-1 and y->p > a and rebalancing is completed by sharing;*/
- if (v->p==a-1)
- { /*
- it is important to which side y is in order to v
- ==> dir is an information about in the function share
- */
- share(v,y,dir);
- };
- return;
- }
- ab_tree& ab_tree::conc(ab_tree& s2)
- {
- if ((a!=s2.a)||(b!=s2.b))
- error_handler(1,"ab_tree: incompatible trees in concatenate operation");
- if (s2.root==0) return *this;
- if (root==0)
- { root=s2.root;
- maximum=s2.maximum;
- minimum=s2.minimum;
- height=s2.height;
- count =s2.count;
- }
- else
- { if (cmp(maximum->k[1],s2.minimum->k[1])>=0)
- error_handler(1,"ab_tree: join(S,T) : max(S)>=min(T)");
- concat(*this,s2,maximum,maximum->k[1]);
- // link leaves
- maximum->son[2]=s2.minimum;
- s2.minimum->son[1]=maximum;
- maximum=s2.maximum;
- }
- s2.root=0;
- s2.maximum=0;
- s2.minimum=0;
- s2.height=-1;
- return *this;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- global functions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void concat(ab_tree& s1,ab_tree& s2,ab_tree_node* current,GenPtr cur_key)
- {
- // Result in s1
- ab_tree_node* v=s1.root;
- ab_tree_node* w=s2.root;
- int h1=v->height;
- int h2=w->height;
- int i;
- if(h1==h2)
- { ab_tree_node* z=new ab_tree_node(2,h1+1,0,0,s1.b);
- z->son[1]=v;z->son[2]=w; z->k[1]=cur_key;
- z->son[1]->father=z; z->son[2]->father=z;
- z->son[1]->index=1;z->son[2]->index=2;
- z->same[1]=current;
- current->same[1]=z;
- s1.height++;
- s1.root=z;
- }
- else { if (h1>h2)
- {
- for(i=1;i<h1-h2;i++,v=v->son[v->p]);
- v->son[v->p+1]=w;
- v->son[v->p+1]->father=v;
- v->son[v->p+1]->index=v->p+1;
- v->k[v->p]=cur_key;
- v->same[v->p]=current;
- current->same[1]=v;
- v->p++;
- if (v->p==s1.b+1) {s1.split_node(v); };
- }
- else /* h1<h2 */
- {
- for(i=1;i<=h2-h1-1;i++,w=w->son[1]);
- for(i=w->p;i>1;i--)
- { w->son[i+1]=w->son[i];
- w->son[i+1]->father=w;
- w->son[i+1]->index=i+1;
- w->k[i]=w->k[i-1];
- w->same[i]=w->same[i-1];
- };
- w->p++;
- w->son[2]=w->son[1];
- w->son[2]->father=w;
- w->son[2]->index=2;
- w->son[1]=v;
- w->son[1]->father=w;
- w->son[1]->index=1;
- w->k[1]=cur_key;
- w->same[1]=current;
- current->same[1]=w;
- if (w->p==s2.b+1) {s2.split_node(w);};
- s1.root = s2.root;
- s1.height = s2.height;
- }
- }
- /* maximum/minimum are now undefined */
- }
- /*
- void ab_tree::split_at_key(GenPtr y,ab_tree& L,ab_tree& R)
- { ab_tree_node* w = locate(y);
- if (!w) error_handler(1,"ab_tree: split: no item ");
- split_at_item(w,L,R);
- }
- */
- void ab_tree::split_at_item(ab_tree_node* w,ab_tree& L,ab_tree& R)
- {
- if(((a!=L.a)||(a!=R.a))||((b!=L.b)||(b!=R.b)))
- error_handler(1,"ab_tree: incompatible trees in split operation");
- /* initialisation */
- L.root=L.minimum=L.maximum=0;L.height=-1;
- R.root=R.minimum=R.maximum=0;R.height=-1;
- if(root==0) return;
- if (w==0)
- { R.root = root;
- R.height = height;
- R.maximum = maximum;
- R.minimum = minimum;
- R.count = count;
- root = 0;
- height = -1;
- maximum = 0;
- minimum = 0;
- count = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (w==maximum)
- { L.root = root;
- L.height = height;
- L.maximum = maximum;
- L.minimum = minimum;
- L.count = count;
- root = 0;
- height = -1;
- maximum = 0;
- minimum = 0;
- count = 0;
- return;
- }
- ab_tree_node* l;
- ab_tree_node* r; // pointers to the roots of the left and right subtree
- /* parameters for concat */
- ab_tree_node* current_l=0 ;
- GenPtr current_l_key=0;
- ab_tree_node* current_r=0;
- GenPtr current_r_key=0;
- int i;
- /* w is a pointer to the leave y */
- ab_tree_node* v;
- /* store leaf to split at */
- ab_tree_node* leaf=w;
- l = w;
- r = 0;
- do{
- v=w->father;
- int index_of_w = w->index;
- /* now we have construct the left and right subtrees and the pointers
- to the roots --> we must construct two trees with these roots*/
- if ((L.root==0)&&(l!=0)) { L.root=l;
- L.height=l->height;
- L.root->father=0;
- L.root->index=0;
- }
- else { if ((L.root!=0)&&(l!=0))
- { ab_tree L1(L.a,L.b);
- L1.root=l;
- L1.height=l->height;
- L1.root->father=0;
- L1.root->index=0;
- concat(L1,L,current_l,current_l_key);
- L.root = L1.root;
- L.height= L1.height;
- L.count = L1.count;
- L1.root=0;
- }
- }
- if ((R.root==0)&&(r!=0)) {R.root=r;
- R.height=r->height;
- R.root->father=0;
- R.root->index=0;
- R.root->p=r->p;
- }
- else { if ((R.root!=0)&&(r!=0))
- { ab_tree R1(R.a,R.b);
- R1.root=r;
- R1.height=r->height;
- R1.root->father=0;
- R1.root->index=0;
- R1.root->p=r->p;
- concat(R,R1,current_r,current_r_key);
- R1.root=0;
- }
- }
- if (v!=0)
- {
- if (index_of_w==1) /* w is leftmost son of v */
- { l=0;
- r=v;
- current_r=v->same[1];
- current_r_key=v->k[1];
- r->same[1]->same[1]=0;
- for(i=2;i<r->p;i++)
- { r->son[i-1]=r->son[i];
- r->son[i-1]->index=i-1;
- r->k[i-1]=r->k[i];
- r->same[i-1]=r->same[i];
- }
- r->son[r->p-1]=r->son[r->p]; /* last son */
- r->son[r->p-1]->index=r->p-1;
- r->son[r->p]=0;
- r->p--;
- r->k[r->p]=0;
- r->same[r->p]=0;
- if (r->p==1) r=r->son[1];
- }
- else {if ( index_of_w==v->p )
- { r=0;
- l=v;
- l->son[l->p]=0; /* last son */
- l->p--;
- current_l=l->same[index_of_w-1];
- current_l_key=current_l->k[1];
- l->k[l->p]=0;
- l->same[l->p]->same[1]=0;
- l->same[l->p]=0;
- if (l->p==1) l=l->son[1];
- }
- else /* if w is not the leftmost or rightmost son of v*/
- {
- r=v;
- l=new ab_tree_node(index_of_w-1,v->height,0,0,R.b);
- current_l=v->same[index_of_w-1];
- current_l_key=current_l->k[1];
- current_r=v->same[index_of_w];
- current_r_key=current_r->k[1];
- // current_r=(v->k[index_of_w])-1; ERROR: liefert neuen Schluessel ;
- for(i=1;i<index_of_w-1;i++)
- {
- l->son[i]=v->son[i];
- l->son[i]->index=i;
- l->son[i]->father=l;
- l->k[i]=v->k[i];
- l->same[i]=v->same[i];
- l->same[i]->same[1]=l;
- };
- l->son[index_of_w-1]=v->son[index_of_w-1];
- l->son[index_of_w-1]->index=index_of_w-1;
- l->son[index_of_w-1]->father=l;
- r->son[index_of_w] = 0; // changed
- for (i=1;i<r->p-index_of_w;i++)
- {
- r->son[i]=r->son[i+index_of_w];
- r->son[i+index_of_w]=0;
- r->son[i]->index=i;
- r->son[i]->father=r;
- r->k[i]=r->k[i+index_of_w];
- r->same[i]=r->same[i+index_of_w];
- r->k[i+index_of_w]=0;
- r->same[i+index_of_w]=0;
- };
- r->son[r->p-index_of_w]=r->son[r->p]; /* last son */
- r->son[r->p]=0;
- r->son[r->p-index_of_w]->index=i;
- r->son[r->p-index_of_w]->father=r;
- r->p=r->p-index_of_w;
- if (l->p==1) l=l->son[1];
- if (r->p==1) r=r->son[1];
- };
- };
- };
- /* initialisation for the next iteration */
- w=v;
- }
- while (w!=0);
- /* unlink leaves m.w. */
- leaf->same[1]=0;
- leaf->son[2]->son[1]=0;
- leaf->son[2]=0;
- /* redefine maximum and minimum */
- L.minimum=minimum;
- ab_tree_node* help=L.root;
- while (help->p) help=help->son[help->p];
- L.maximum=help;
- help=R.root;
- while (help->son[1]!=0) help=help->son[1];
- R.minimum=help;
- R.maximum=maximum;
- maximum=minimum=root=l=r=0;
- height=-1;
- count = 0;
- delete l;
- delete r;
- }
- void ab_tree::pr_ab_tree(ab_tree_node* localroot,int blancs) const
- {
- if (localroot==0)
- { for(int j=1;j<=blancs;j++) cout<<" ";
- cout << "NILn";
- return;
- }
- if (localroot->p == 0)
- { for(int j=1;j<=blancs;j++) cout<<" ";
- print_key(localroot->k[1]);
- /*
- ab_tree_node* s= localroot->same[1];
- cout << " same = ";
- if (s) print_key(s->k[1]);
- else cout << "NIL";
- */
- cout << "n";
- }
- else
- { for(int i=1;i<localroot->p;i++)
- { pr_ab_tree(localroot->son[i],blancs+10);
- for(int j=1;j<=blancs;j++) cout<<" ";
- print_key(localroot->k[i]);
- /*
- cout << " same = ";
- print_key(localroot->same[i]->k[1]);
- */
- cout << "n";
- };
- pr_ab_tree(localroot->son[localroot->p],blancs+10);
- }
- }
- ab_tree_node* ab_tree::copy_ab_tree(ab_tree_node* localroot,
- abnode& last_leaf,int b0) const
- {
- ab_tree_node* r;
- if (localroot->p == 0) //leaf
- { r=new ab_tree_node(localroot->p,localroot->height,localroot->index,0,1);
- r->k[1]= localroot->k[1];
- r->inf = localroot->inf;
- copy_key(r->k[1]);
- copy_inf(localroot->inf);
- r->son[1]=last_leaf;
- if (last_leaf) last_leaf->son[2] = r;
- last_leaf = r;
- }
- else
- { r=new ab_tree_node(localroot->p,localroot->height,localroot->index,0,b0);
- for(int i=1;i<localroot->p;i++)
- { r->son[i]=copy_ab_tree(localroot->son[i],last_leaf,b0);
- r->son[i]->father=r;
- r->k[i]=localroot->k[i];
- last_leaf->same[1]=r;
- r->same[i]=last_leaf;
- }
- r->son[localroot->p]=copy_ab_tree(localroot->son[localroot->p],last_leaf,b0);
- r->son[localroot->p]->father=r;
- }
- return r;
- }
- void ab_tree::del_tree(ab_tree_node* localroot)
- { // deletes subtree rooted at localroot
- int k = localroot->p;
- for(int i=1;i<=k;i++) del_tree(localroot->son[i]);
- if (k==0) //leaf
- { clear_key(localroot->k[1]);
- clear_inf(localroot->inf);
- }
- delete localroot;
- }
- void ab_tree::change_inf(ab_tree_node* p, GenPtr x)
- { clear_inf(p->inf);
- copy_inf(x);
- p->inf = x;
- }