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Upload User: jiandou
Upload Date: 2018-11-26
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- -- **************************************************************
- --
- -- Owner: Xilinx Inc.
- -- File: samsung_flash_tb.vhd
- --
- -- Purpose: Test bench for Samsung Flash Interface and Denali
- -- Samsung Flash model.
- --
- -- **************************************************************
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
- use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
- use WORK.pkg_convert.all;
- entity NAND_FLASH_TB is
- generic (BUF_SIZE : INTEGER := 8);
- architecture BEHAVIOR of NAND_FLASH_TB is
- -- ******************** CONSTANT DECLARATIONS ***********************
- -- CPLD Port Addresses
- constant PORT0_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0000"; -- Read Data, IO, Status
- -- Write Address and Data
- constant PORT1_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0001"; -- Write Command
- constant PORT2_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0010"; -- Set ale
- constant PORT3_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0011"; -- clear ale
- constant PORT4_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0100"; -- Set sen
- constant PORT5_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0101"; -- Clear sen
- constant PORT6_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0110"; -- Set wpn
- constant PORT7_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "0111"; -- Clear wpn
- constant PORT8_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1000"; -- Set ce0n
- constant PORT9_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1001"; -- Clear ce0n
- constant PORTA_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1010"; -- Set ce1n
- constant PORTB_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1011"; -- Clear ce1n
- constant PORTC_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1100"; -- Set ce2n
- constant PORTD_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1101"; -- Clear ce2n
- constant PORTE_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1110"; -- N/A
- constant PORTF_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) := "1111"; -- Read ry_byn status
- constant FRAME_SIZE : INTEGER := 32;
- -- ******************* SIGNAL DECLARATIONS **************************
- type BIG_BUF is array (0 to BUF_SIZE - 1) of INTEGER; -- Define frame array
- signal frame_buffer : BIG_BUF;
- signal data_bus : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
- signal cle : STD_LOGIC;
- signal ale : STD_LOGIC;
- signal ren : STD_LOGIC;
- signal wen : STD_LOGIC;
- signal wpn : STD_LOGIC;
- signal sen : STD_LOGIC;
- signal ry_byn : STD_LOGIC;
- signal cpld_ce : STD_LOGIC; -- CPLD chip enable (active high)
- signal port_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); -- Specifies CPLD port address
- signal outce0 : STD_LOGIC; -- Output signals
- signal write, read : STD_LOGIC; -- Port read/write signals (active low)
- signal reset : STD_LOGIC; -- Reset is high when Vcc is ramping up or drops down
- -- Active high reset
- signal ready : STD_LOGIC; -- Asserted to read status of RY/BY signal
- signal source_tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); -- Temp signal for source_cnt
- signal fail_flag : STD_LOGIC; -- Asserted when programming fails
- signal com_latn : STD_LOGIC; -- Command latch signal
- -- ******************** COMPONENT DECLARATIONS **********************
- -- Samsung NAND Flash Memory Device K9F4008W0A
- component k9f4008w0a
- port (
- io : inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
- cle : in STD_LOGIC;
- ale : in STD_LOGIC;
- cen : in STD_LOGIC;
- ren : in STD_LOGIC;
- wen : in STD_LOGIC;
- wpn : in STD_LOGIC;
- sen : in STD_LOGIC;
- rdybyn : out STD_LOGIC
- );
- end component;
- -- CPLD NAND Interface => VHDL component
- component NAND_INTERFACE
- port(
- -- Input Signals to CPLD
- write_n : in STD_LOGIC; -- System Write Enable
- read_n : in STD_LOGIC; -- System Read Enable
- port_addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); -- Address input to select port
- ce_n : in STD_LOGIC; -- Chip Enable for the interface and UltraNAND
- ry_byn : in STD_LOGIC; -- RY/BY# input from UltraNAND
- reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- RESET - high for reset and power transitions
- com_lat_n : in STD_LOGIC; -- COM_LAT from test bench to negate CLE
- -- during command write cycle
- -- Output signals from CPLD
- ready : out STD_LOGIC; -- Allows system to read RY/BY# pin state
- cle : out STD_LOGIC; -- Command Latch Enable to UltraNAND
- ale : out STD_LOGIC; -- Address Latch Enable to UltraNAND
- se_n : out STD_LOGIC; -- Spare Area Enable to UltraNAND
- wp_n : out STD_LOGIC; -- Write Protect to UltraNAND
- outce_n : out STD_LOGIC; -- Chip Enable to UltraNAND
- we_n : out STD_LOGIC; -- Write Enable to UltraNAND
- re_n : out STD_LOGIC -- Read Enable to UltraNAND
- );
- end component;
- begin
- -- ******************** COMPONENT DECLARATION *********************
- -- DEN_MODEL: Denali Samsung Flash Model Component
- DEN_MODEL : k9f4008w0a
- port map(
- io => data_bus,
- cle => cle,
- ale => ale,
- cen => outce0,
- ren => ren,
- wen => wen,
- wpn => wpn,
- sen => sen,
- rdybyn => ry_byn );
- -- Xilinx Timing Model Component
- port map(
- -- Inputs
- write_n => write,
- read_n => read,
- port_addr => port_addr,
- ce_n => cpld_ce,
- ry_byn => ry_byn,
- reset => reset,
- com_lat_n => com_latn,
- -- Outputs
- ready => ready,
- cle => cle,
- ale => ale,
- se_n => sen,
- wp_n => wpn,
- outce_n => outce0,
- we_n => wen,
- re_n => ren );
- -- *************************** SIGNAL DEFINITIONS **************************
- -- ***************************** Process: FLOW *****************************
- -- Main test flow for AMD UltraNAND Interface
- FLOW: process
- variable temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- variable byte_sel : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0) := "00";
- variable source_cnt : INTEGER := 0;
- begin
- fail_flag <= '0';
- com_latn <= '1';
- reset <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- data_bus <= (others => 'Z');
- port_addr <= (others => 'Z'); -- Default address
- write <= '1';
- read <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Activate NAND Interface
- reset <= '1';
- wait for 200 us;
- reset <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- ------------------- INIT ---------------------
- ------------------ START ---------------------
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 8)
- -- Set OUTCE0# (low) to enable Flash. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT8_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 3)
- -- Clear ALE (low) prior to issuing command. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT3_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 4)
- -- Set SE# (low) to allow Spare Area access. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT4_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 7)
- -- Clear WP# (high) to allow Flash program. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT7_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write 80h to (PORTADDR + 1)
- -- Send an "Sequential Data Input" command to the Flash
- port_addr <= PORT1_ADDR;
- data_bus <= "10000000";
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 100 ns;
- com_latn <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- com_latn <= '1';
- wait for 50 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 2)
- -- Set ALE (high) prior to issuing addresses. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT2_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write DEST[A7-A0] to (PORTADDR + 0)
- -- Load the first address byte into the Flash
- port_addr <= PORT0_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write DEST[A16-A9] to (PORTADDR + 0)
- -- Load the second address byte into the Flash
- port_addr <= PORT0_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write DEST[A24-A17] to (PORTADDR + 0)
- -- Load the third address byte into the Flash
- port_addr <= PORT0_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 3)
- -- Clear ALE (low) prior to writing data. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT3_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => '0');
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- com_latn <= '1';
- wait for 200 us;
- com_latn <= '0';
- wait for 50 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Clear SOURCE buffer counter
- source_cnt := 0;
- -- Does SOURCE = 7, has the last data byte been written?
- while (source_cnt <= (BUF_SIZE - 1) ) loop
- frame_buffer (source_cnt) <= source_cnt;
- source_cnt := source_cnt + 1;
- wait for 25 us;
- end loop;
- ------------------ LOOP1 ---------------------
- -- This is where we fill the Flash frame register
- -- Clear SOURCE buffer counter
- source_cnt := 0;
- -- Does SOURCE = 7, has the last data byte been written?
- -- FRAME_SIZE = number of bytes in frame register
- while (source_cnt <= (FRAME_SIZE - 1) ) loop
- -- Write [SOURCE] to (PORTADDR + 0)
- -- Write the data contents at the SOURCE location to the data port
- source_tmp <= int2vec (source_cnt);
- wait for 25 us;
- byte_sel := source_tmp(1 downto 0);
- temp := int2vec (frame_buffer ( vec2int (source_tmp (9 downto 2) ) ) );
- case byte_sel is
- when "00" => data_bus(7 downto 0) <= temp(7 downto 0);
- when "01" => data_bus(7 downto 0) <= temp(15 downto 8);
- when "10" => data_bus(7 downto 0) <= temp(23 downto 16);
- when "11" => data_bus(7 downto 0) <= temp(31 downto 24);
- when others => NULL;
- end case;
- port_addr <= PORT0_ADDR;
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Increment source pointer to write to next address location
- source_cnt := source_cnt + 1;
- end loop;
- ------------------ PROG ----------------------
- -- All 32 bytes are loaded from Frame Register to program the Flash
- -- Write 10h to (PORTADDR + 1)
- -- Send a "Program command" to the Flash
- port_addr <= PORT1_ADDR;
- data_bus <= "00010000";
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 100 ns;
- com_latn <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- com_latn <= '1';
- wait for 50 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Write 70h to (PORTADDR + 1)
- -- Send a Read Status command to the Flash
- port_addr <= PORT1_ADDR;
- data_bus <= "01110000";
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 100 ns;
- com_latn <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- com_latn <= '1';
- wait for 50 us;
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- write <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- ----------------- CHKSTAT --------------------
- -- Read from (PORTADDR + 0)
- -- Read the device status to see if the program is done
- port_addr <= PORT0_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => 'Z');
- read <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- -- Check status of a ready condition
- -- If not continue to check the status for a ready condition
- read <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- ------------------ DONE ----------------------
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 6)
- -- Set WP# (low) to re-protect the Flash. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT6_ADDR;
- data_bus <= "00000000";
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Read from (PORTADDR + 0)
- -- Read the device status again to see if the program passed
- port_addr <= PORT0_ADDR;
- data_bus <= (others => 'Z');
- read <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- read <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- if (data_bus(0) = '1') then
- ------------------- FAIL ---------------------
- -- A '1' in the D0 location indicates a failure condition
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 9)
- -- Clear OUTCE0# (high) to disable UltraNAND. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT9_ADDR;
- data_bus <= "00000000";
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Return (program failed)
- -- The program operation failed so return and report
- fail_flag <= '1';
- else
- -- Write 00h to (PORTADDR + 9)
- -- Clear OUTCE0# (high) to disable UltraNAND. Data is a don抰 care
- port_addr <= PORT9_ADDR;
- data_bus <= "00000000";
- write <= '0';
- cpld_ce <= '0';
- wait for 200 us;
- write <= '1';
- cpld_ce <= '1';
- wait for 100 us;
- -- Return (program successful) ;The program operation passed so return and report
- fail_flag <= '0';
- end if;
- wait;
- end process FLOW;