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Upload User: market2
Upload Date: 2018-11-18
Package Size: 18786k
Code Size: 4k
Game Hook Crack
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- /**
- * The Whirlpool hashing function.
- *
- * Do not #include this header in your application, this is an internal header.
- * You're probably looking for whirlpool-algorithm.h
- *
- * The Whirlpool algorithm was developed by
- * Paulo S. L. M. Barreto and Vincent Rijmen.
- *
- * See
- * P.S.L.M. Barreto, V. Rijmen,
- * ``The Whirlpool hashing function,''
- * NESSIE submission, 2000 (tweaked version, 2001),
- * <>
- *
- * @version 3.0 (2003.03.12)
- *
- * Modified for use in this software package.
- */
- /* Definition of minimum-width integer types
- *
- * u8 -> unsigned integer type, at least 8 bits, equivalent to unsigned char
- * u16 -> unsigned integer type, at least 16 bits
- * u32 -> unsigned integer type, at least 32 bits
- *
- * s8, s16, s32 -> signed counterparts of u8, u16, u32
- *
- * Always use macro's T8(), T16() or T32() to obtain exact-width results,
- * i.e., to specify the size of the result of each expression.
- */
- typedef signed char s8;
- typedef unsigned char u8;
- #if UINT_MAX >= 4294967295UL
- typedef signed short s16;
- typedef signed int s32;
- typedef unsigned short u16;
- typedef unsigned int u32;
- #define ONE32 0xffffffffU
- #else
- typedef signed int s16;
- typedef signed long s32;
- typedef unsigned int u16;
- typedef unsigned long u32;
- #define ONE32 0xffffffffUL
- #endif
- #define ONE8 0xffU
- #define ONE16 0xffffU
- #define T8(x) ((x) & ONE8)
- #define T16(x) ((x) & ONE16)
- #define T32(x) ((x) & ONE32)
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- typedef unsigned __int64 u64;
- typedef signed __int64 s64;
- #define LL(v) (v##i64)
- #define ONE64 LL(0xffffffffffffffff)
- #else /* !_MSC_VER */
- typedef unsigned long long u64;
- typedef signed long long s64;
- #define LL(v) (v##ULL)
- #define ONE64 LL(0xffffffffffffffff)
- #endif /* ?_MSC_VER */
- #define T64(x) ((x) & ONE64)
- #define ROTR64(v, n) (((v) >> (n)) | T64((v) << (64 - (n))))
- /*
- * Note: the test is used to detect native 64-bit architectures;
- * if the unsigned long is strictly greater than 32-bit, it is
- * assumed to be at least 64-bit. This will not work correctly
- * on (old) 36-bit architectures (PDP-11 for instance).
- *
- * On non-64-bit architectures, "long long" is used.
- */
- /*
- * U8TO32_BIG(c) returns the 32-bit value stored in big-endian convention
- * in the unsigned char array pointed to by c.
- */
- #define U8TO32_BIG(c) (((u32)T8(*(c)) << 24) | ((u32)T8(*((c) + 1)) << 16) | ((u32)T8(*((c) + 2)) << 8) | ((u32)T8(*((c) + 3))))
- /*
- * U8TO32_LITTLE(c) returns the 32-bit value stored in little-endian convention
- * in the unsigned char array pointed to by c.
- */
- #define U8TO32_LITTLE(c) (((u32)T8(*(c))) | ((u32)T8(*((c) + 1)) << 8) | (u32)T8(*((c) + 2)) << 16) | ((u32)T8(*((c) + 3)) << 24))
- /*
- * U8TO32_BIG(c, v) stores the 32-bit-value v in big-endian convention
- * into the unsigned char array pointed to by c.
- */
- #define U32TO8_BIG(c, v) do { u32 x = (v); u8 *d = (c); d[0] = T8(x >> 24); d[1] = T8(x >> 16); d[2] = T8(x >> 8); d[3] = T8(x); } while (0)
- /*
- * U8TO32_LITTLE(c, v) stores the 32-bit-value v in little-endian convention
- * into the unsigned char array pointed to by c.
- */
- #define U32TO8_LITTLE(c, v) do { u32 x = (v); u8 *d = (c); d[0] = T8(x); d[1] = T8(x >> 8); d[2] = T8(x >> 16); d[3] = T8(x >> 24); } while (0)
- /*
- * ROTL32(v, n) returns the value of the 32-bit unsigned value v after
- * a rotation of n bits to the left. It might be replaced by the appropriate
- * architecture-specific macro.
- *
- * It evaluates v and n twice.
- *
- * The compiler might emit a warning if n is the constant 0. The result
- * is undefined if n is greater than 31.
- */
- #define ROTL32(v, n) (T32((v) << (n)) | ((v) >> (32 - (n))))
- /*
- * Whirlpool-specific definitions.
- */
- #define DIGESTBITS (8*DIGESTBYTES) /* 512 */
- #define WBLOCKBYTES 64
- #define WBLOCKBITS (8*WBLOCKBYTES) /* 512 */
- #define LENGTHBYTES 32
- #define LENGTHBITS (8*LENGTHBYTES) /* 256 */
- struct WP_Struct {
- u8 bitLength[LENGTHBYTES]; /* global number of hashed bits (256-bit counter) */
- u8 buffer[WBLOCKBYTES]; /* buffer of data to hash */
- int bufferBits; /* current number of bits on the buffer */
- int bufferPos; /* current (possibly incomplete) byte slot on the buffer */
- u64 hash[DIGESTBYTES/8]; /* the hashing state */
- };
- #endif