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- #########################################################################
- # OpenKore - Task framework
- # Copyright (c) 2006 OpenKore Team
- #
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- ##
- # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Task manager.
- #
- # Please read
- # <a href="">
- # the AI subsystem and task framework overview
- # </a>
- # for an overview.
- package TaskManager;
- use strict;
- use Carp::Assert;
- use Modules 'register';
- use Task;
- use Utils::Set;
- use Utils::CallbackList;
- ##
- # TaskManager->new()
- #
- # Create a new TaskManager.
- sub new {
- my ($class) = @_;
- my %self = (
- # Set<Task>
- # Indexed set of currently active tasks.
- # Invariant:
- # for all $task in activeTasks:
- # $task->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING or Task::STOPPED
- # !$inactiveTasks->has($task)
- # if $task is not in $grayTasks:
- # $task owns all its mutexes.
- activeTasks => new Set(),
- # Set<Task>
- # Indexed set of currently inactive tasks.
- # Invariant:
- # for all $task in inactiveTasks:
- # $task->getStatus() == Task::INTERRUPTED, Task::INACTIVE, or Task::STOPPED
- # !$activeTasks->has($task)
- # $task owns none of its mutexes.
- inactiveTasks => new Set(),
- # Hash<String, Task>
- #
- # Currently active mutexes. The keys are the mutex names, and the
- # values are the tasks that have a lock on the mutex (the mutex owner).
- #
- # Invariant: all tasks in $activeMutexes appear in $activeTasks.
- activeMutexes => {},
- # Set<Task>
- # Indexed set of tasks for which the mutex list has changed. These tasks
- # must be re-scheduled.
- # Invariant:
- # for all $task in grayTasks:
- # $task->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING
- # $activeTasks->has($task)
- # !$inactiveTasks->has($task)
- grayTasks => new Set(),
- # Hash<String, int>
- # This variable remembers the number of instances for each task name.
- #
- # Invariant:
- # All task names in $activeTasks and $inactiveTasks are in $tasksByName.
- # for all $value in $tasksByName:
- # defined($value) && $value > 0
- tasksByName => {},
- # Maps a Task to an array of callback IDs. Used to unregister callbacks.
- # Invariant: Every task in $activeTasks and $inactiveTasks is in $events.
- events => {},
- # Whether tasks should be rescheduled on the
- # next iteration.
- shouldReschedule => 0,
- onTaskFinished => new CallbackList()
- );
- return bless %self, $class;
- }
- ##
- # void $TaskManager->add(Task task)
- # Requires: $task->getStatus() == Task::INACTIVE
- #
- # Add a new task to this task manager.
- sub add {
- my ($self, $task) = @_;
- assert(defined $task) if DEBUG;
- assert($task->getStatus() == Task::INACTIVE) if DEBUG;
- $self->{inactiveTasks}->add($task);
- $self->{tasksByName}{$task->getName()}++;
- $self->{shouldReschedule} = 1;
- my $ID1 = $task->onMutexesChanged->add($self, &onMutexesChanged);
- my $ID2 = $task->onStop->add($self, &onStop);
- $self->{events}{$task} = [$ID1, $ID2];
- }
- # Reschedule tasks. Do not call this method directly!
- sub reschedule {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $activeTasks = $self->{activeTasks};
- my $inactiveTasks = $self->{inactiveTasks};
- my $grayTasks = $self->{grayTasks};
- my $activeMutexes = $self->{activeMutexes};
- my $oldActiveTasks = $activeTasks->deepCopy();
- my $oldInactiveTasks = $inactiveTasks->deepCopy();
- # The algorithm produces the following result:
- # All active tasks do not conflict with each other, such tasks with higher
- # priority will be active compared to conflicting tasks with lower priority.
- #
- # This algorithm does not produce the optimal result as that would take
- # far too much time, but the result should be good enough in most cases.
- # Deactivate gray tasks that conflict with active mutexes.
- while (@{$grayTasks} > 0) {
- my $task = $grayTasks->get(0);
- my $hasConflict = 0;
- foreach my $mutex (@{$task->getMutexes()}) {
- if (exists $activeMutexes->{$mutex}) {
- $hasConflict = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($hasConflict) {
- # There is a conflict, so make this task inactive.
- $self->deactivateTask($activeTasks, $inactiveTasks,
- $grayTasks, $activeMutexes, $self->{tasksByName},
- $task);
- } else {
- # No conflict, so assign mutex locks to this task
- # and remove its "gray" mark.
- foreach my $mutex (@{$task->getMutexes()}) {
- $activeMutexes->{$mutex} = $task;
- }
- shift @{$grayTasks};
- }
- }
- # Activate inactive tasks such that active tasks don't conflict with each other.
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$inactiveTasks}; $i++) {
- my $task = $inactiveTasks->get($i);
- my @conflictingMutexes;
- # If this task is stopped then we just throw it away.
- if ($task->getStatus() == Task::STOPPED) {
- $inactiveTasks->remove($task);
- $i--;
- # Check whether this task conflicts with the currently locked mutexes.
- } elsif ((@conflictingMutexes = intersect($activeMutexes, $task->getMutexes())) == 0) {
- # No conflicts, we can activate this task.
- $activeTasks->add($task);
- $inactiveTasks->remove($task);
- $i--;
- foreach my $mutex (@{$task->getMutexes()}) {
- $activeMutexes->{$mutex} = $task;
- }
- } elsif (higherPriority($task, $activeMutexes, @conflictingMutexes)) {
- # There are conflicts. Does this task have a higher priority
- # than all tasks specified by the conflicting mutexes?
- # If yes, let it steal the mutex, activate it and deactivate
- # the previous mutex owner.
- $activeTasks->add($task);
- $inactiveTasks->remove($task);
- $i--;
- foreach my $mutex (@{$task->getMutexes()}) {
- my $oldTask = $activeMutexes->{$mutex};
- if ($oldTask) {
- # Mutex was locked by lower priority task.
- # Deactivate old task.
- $self->deactivateTask($activeTasks, $inactiveTasks,
- $grayTasks, $activeMutexes, $self->{tasksByName},
- $oldTask);
- }
- $activeMutexes->{$mutex} = $task;
- }
- }
- }
- # Resume/activate newly activated tasks.
- foreach my $task (@{$activeTasks}) {
- if (!$oldActiveTasks->has($task)) {
- my $status = $task->getStatus();
- if ($status == Task::INACTIVE) {
- $task->activate();
- } elsif ($status == Task::INTERRUPTED) {
- $task->resume();
- }
- }
- }
- # Interrupt newly deactivated tasks.
- foreach my $task (@{$inactiveTasks}) {
- if (!$oldInactiveTasks->has($task)) {
- $task->interrupt();
- }
- }
- $self->{shouldReschedule} = 0;
- }
- ##
- # void $TaskManager->checkValidity()
- #
- # Check whether the internal invariants are correct. Dies if that is not the case.
- sub checkValidity {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $activeTasks = $self->{activeTasks};
- my $inactiveTasks = $self->{inactiveTasks};
- my $grayTasks = $self->{grayTasks};
- my $activeMutexes = $self->{activeMutexes};
- foreach my $task (@{$activeTasks}) {
- assert($task->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING || $task->getStatus() == Task::STOPPED);
- assert(!$inactiveTasks->has($task));
- if (!$grayTasks->has($task)) {
- foreach my $mutex (@{$task->getMutexes()}) {
- assert($activeMutexes->{$mutex} == $task);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $task (@{$inactiveTasks}) {
- my $status = $task->getStatus();
- assert($status = Task::INTERRUPTED || $status == Task::INACTIVE || $status == Task::STOPPED);
- assert(!$activeTasks->has($task));
- foreach my $mutex (@{$task->getMutexes()}) {
- assert($activeMutexes->{$mutex} != $task);
- }
- }
- foreach my $task (@{$grayTasks}) {
- assert($activeTasks->has($task));
- assert(!$inactiveTasks->has($task));
- }
- my $activeMutexes = $self->{activeMutexes};
- foreach my $mutex (keys %{$activeMutexes}) {
- my $owner = $activeMutexes->{$mutex};
- assert($self->{activeTasks}->has($owner));
- }
- my $tasksByName = $self->{tasksByName};
- foreach my $value (values %{$tasksByName}) {
- assert(defined $value);
- assert($value > 0);
- }
- }
- ##
- # void $TaskManager->iterate()
- #
- # Reschedule tasks if necessary, and run one iteration of every active task.
- sub iterate {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->checkValidity() if DEBUG;
- $self->reschedule() if ($self->{shouldReschedule});
- $self->checkValidity() if DEBUG;
- my $activeTasks = $self->{activeTasks};
- my $activeMutexes = $self->{activeMutexes};
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$activeTasks}; $i++) {
- my $task = $activeTasks->get($i);
- my $status = $task->getStatus();
- if ($status != Task::STOPPED) {
- $task->iterate();
- $status = $task->getStatus();
- }
- # Remove tasks that are stopped or done.
- my $status = $task->getStatus();
- if ($status == Task::DONE || $status == Task::STOPPED) {
- $self->deactivateTask($activeTasks, $self->{inactiveTasks},
- $self->{grayTasks}, $activeMutexes, $self->{tasksByName},
- $task);
- # Remove the callbacks that we registered in this task.
- my $IDs = $self->{events}{$task};
- $task->onMutexesChanged->remove($IDs->[0]);
- $task->onStop->remove($IDs->[1]);
- $i--;
- $self->{shouldReschedule} = 1;
- }
- }
- $self->checkValidity() if DEBUG;
- }
- ##
- # void $Taskmanager->stopAll()
- #
- # Tell all tasks (whether active or inactive) to stop.
- sub stopAll {
- my ($self) = @_;
- foreach my $task (@{$self->{activeTasks}}, @{$self->{inactiveTasks}}) {
- $task->stop();
- if ($task->getStatus() == Task::STOPPED) {
- $self->{shouldReschedule} = 1;
- }
- # If the task does not stop immediately, then we'll
- # be notified by the onStop event once it's stopped.
- }
- }
- ##
- # int $TaskManager->countTasksByName(String name)
- # Ensures: result >= 0
- #
- # Count the number of tasks that have the specified name.
- sub countTasksByName {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- my $result = $self->{tasksByName}{$name};
- $result = 0 if (!defined $result);
- return $result;
- }
- ##
- # String $TaskManager->activeTasksString()
- #
- # Returns a string which describes the current active tasks.
- sub activeTasksString {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return getTaskSetString($self->{activeTasks});
- }
- ##
- # String $TaskManager->activeTasksString()
- #
- # Returns a string which describes the currently inactive tasks.
- sub inactiveTasksString {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return getTaskSetString($self->{inactiveTasks});
- }
- ##
- # String $TaskManager->activeMutexesString()
- #
- # Returns a string which describes the currently active mutexes.
- sub activeMutexesString {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $activeMutexes = $self->{activeMutexes};
- my @entries;
- foreach my $mutex (keys %{$activeMutexes}) {
- push @entries, "$mutex (<- " . $activeMutexes->{$mutex}->getName . ")";
- }
- return join(', ', sort @entries);
- }
- sub getTaskSetString {
- my ($set) = @_;
- if (@{$set}) {
- my @names;
- foreach my $task (@{$set}) {
- push @names, $task->getName();
- }
- return join(', ', @names);
- } else {
- return '-';
- }
- }
- ##
- # CallbackList $TaskManager->onTaskFinished()
- #
- # This event is triggered when a task is finished, either successfully
- # or with an error.
- #
- # The event argument is a hash containing this item:<br>
- # <tt>task</tt> - The task that was finished.
- sub onTaskFinished {
- return $_[0]->{onTaskFinished};
- }
- ########## Private functions and callback handlers ##########
- sub onMutexesChanged {
- my ($self, $task) = @_;
- if ($task->getStatus() == Task::RUNNING) {
- $self->{grayTasks}->add($task);
- # Release its mutex locks.
- my $activeMutexes = $self->{activeMutexes};
- foreach my $mutex (keys %{$activeMutexes}) {
- if ($activeMutexes->{$mutex} == $task) {
- delete $activeMutexes->{$mutex};
- }
- }
- }
- $self->{shouldReschedule} = 1;
- }
- sub onStop {
- my ($self, $task) = @_;
- if ($self->{inactiveTasks}->has($task)) {
- $self->{shouldReschedule} = 1;
- }
- }
- # Return the intersection of the given sets.
- #
- # set1: A reference to a hash whose keys are the set elements.
- # set2: A reference to an array which contains the elements in the set.
- # Returns: An array containing the intersect elements.
- sub intersect {
- my ($set1, $set2) = @_;
- my @result;
- foreach my $element (@{$set2}) {
- if (exists $set1->{$element}) {
- push @result, $element;
- }
- }
- return @result;
- }
- # Check whether $task has a higher priority than all tasks specified
- # by the given mutexes.
- #
- # task: The task to check.
- # mutexTaskMapper: A hash which maps a mutex name to a task that owns that mutex.
- # mutexes: A list of mutexes to check.
- # Requires: All elements in $mutexes can be successfully mapped by $mutexTaskMapper.
- sub higherPriority {
- my ($task, $mutexTaskMapper, $mutexes) = @_;
- my $priority = $task->getPriority();
- my $result = 1;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$mutexes} && $result; $i++) {
- my $task2 = $mutexTaskMapper->{$mutexes->[$i]};
- $result = $result && $priority > $task2->getPriority();
- }
- return $result;
- }
- # Deactivate an active task by removing it from the active task list
- # and the gray list, and removing its mutex locks. If the task isn't
- # completed or stopped, then it will be added to the inactive task list.
- sub deactivateTask {
- my ($self, $activeTasks, $inactiveTasks, $grayTasks, $activeMutexes, $tasksByName, $task) = @_;
- my $status = $task->getStatus();
- if ($status != Task::DONE && $status != Task::STOPPED) {
- $inactiveTasks->add($task);
- } else {
- my $name = $task->getName();
- $tasksByName->{$name}--;
- assert($tasksByName->{$name} >= 0) if DEBUG;
- if ($tasksByName->{$name} == 0) {
- delete $tasksByName->{$name};
- }
- $self->{onTaskFinished}->call($self, { task => $task });
- }
- $activeTasks->remove($task);
- $grayTasks->remove($task);
- foreach my $mutex (@{$task->getMutexes()}) {
- if ($activeMutexes->{$mutex} == $task) {
- delete $activeMutexes->{$mutex};
- }
- }
- }
- # sub printTaskSet {
- # my ($set, $name) = @_;
- # my @names;
- # foreach my $task (@{$set}) {
- # push @names, $task->getName();
- # }
- # print "$name = " . join(',', @names) . "n";
- # }
- #
- # sub printActiveMutexes {
- # my ($activeMutexes) = @_;
- # my @entries;
- # foreach my $mutex (keys %{$activeMutexes}) {
- # push @entries, "$mutex (owned by " . $activeMutexes->{$mutex}->getName . ")";
- # }
- # print "Active mutexes: " . join(', ', @entries) . "n";
- # }
- 1;