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Package: [view]
Upload User: market2
Upload Date: 2018-11-18
Package Size: 18786k
Code Size: 41k
Game Hook Crack
Development Platform:
- #########################################################################
- # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
- # License, version 2.
- # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
- # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
- # also distribute the source code.
- # See for the full license.
- #########################################################################
- package main;
- use strict;
- use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep);
- use IO::Socket;
- use Text::ParseWords;
- use Carp::Assert;
- use Data::YAML::Writer;
- use Config;
- use encoding 'utf8';
- use Globals;
- use Modules;
- use Settings qw(%sys);
- use Log qw(message warning error debug);
- use Interface;
- use Network::Receive;
- use Network::Send ();
- use Network::PaddedPackets;
- use Network::MessageTokenizer;
- use Commands;
- use Misc;
- use Plugins;
- use Utils;
- use ChatQueue;
- use I18N;
- use Utils::Benchmark;
- use Utils::HttpReader;
- #######################################
- #######################################
- use constant {
- };
- our $state;
- sub mainLoop {
- Benchmark::begin('mainLoop') if DEBUG;
- $state = STATE_LOAD_PLUGINS if (!defined $state);
- # Parse command input
- my $input;
- if (defined($input = $interface->getInput(0))) {
- Misc::checkValidity("parseInput (pre)");
- parseInput($input);
- Misc::checkValidity("parseInput");
- }
- if ($state == STATE_INITIALIZED) {
- Plugins::callHook('mainLoop_pre');
- mainLoop_initialized();
- Plugins::callHook('mainLoop_post');
- } elsif ($state == STATE_LOAD_PLUGINS) {
- Log::message("$Settings::versionTextn");
- loadPlugins();
- Log::message("n");
- Plugins::callHook('start');
- } elsif ($state == STATE_LOAD_DATA_FILES) {
- loadDataFiles();
- } elsif ($state == STATE_INIT_NETWORKING) {
- initNetworking();
- } elsif ($state == STATE_INIT_PORTALS_DATABASE) {
- initPortalsDatabase();
- $state = STATE_PROMPT;
- } elsif ($state == STATE_PROMPT) {
- promptFirstTimeInformation();
- $state = STATE_FINAL_INIT;
- } elsif ($state == STATE_FINAL_INIT) {
- finalInitialization();
- } else {
- die "Unknown state $state.";
- }
- Benchmark::end('mainLoop') if DEBUG;
- # Reload any modules that requested to be reloaded
- Modules::reloadAllInQueue();
- }
- sub loadPlugins {
- eval {
- Plugins::loadAll();
- };
- if (my $e = caught('Plugin::LoadException')) {
- $interface->errorDialog(TF("This plugin cannot be loaded because of a problem in the plugin. " .
- "Please notify the plugin's author about this problem, " .
- "or remove the plugin so %s can start.nn" .
- "The error message is:n" .
- "%s",
- $Settings::NAME, $e->message));
- exit 1;
- } elsif (my $e = caught('Plugin::DeniedException')) {
- $interface->errorDialog($e->message);
- exit 1;
- } elsif ($@) {
- die $@;
- }
- }
- sub loadDataFiles {
- # These pragmas are necessary in order to support non-ASCII filenames.
- # If we use UTF-8 strings then Perl will think the file doesn't exist,
- # if $Settings::control_folder or $Settings::tables_folder contains
- # non-ASCII characters.
- no encoding 'utf8';
- Settings::addControlFile(Settings::getConfigFilename(),
- loader => [&parseConfigFile, %config],
- autoSearch => 0);
- Settings::addControlFile(Settings::getMonControlFilename(),
- loader => [&parseMonControl, %mon_control],
- autoSearch => 0);
- Settings::addControlFile(Settings::getItemsControlFilename(),
- loader => [&parseItemsControl, %items_control],
- autoSearch => 0);
- Settings::addControlFile(Settings::getShopFilename(),
- loader => [&parseShopControl, %shop],
- autoSearch => 0);
- Settings::addControlFile('overallAuth.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile, %overallAuth]);
- Settings::addControlFile('pickupitems.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile_lc, %pickupitems]);
- Settings::addControlFile('responses.txt', loader => [&parseResponses, %responses]);
- Settings::addControlFile('timeouts.txt', loader => [&parseTimeouts, %timeout]);
- Settings::addControlFile('chat_resp.txt', loader => [&parseChatResp, @chatResponses]);
- Settings::addControlFile('avoid.txt', loader => [&parseAvoidControl, %avoid]);
- Settings::addControlFile('priority.txt', loader => [&parsePriority, %priority]);
- Settings::addControlFile('consolecolors.txt', loader => [&parseSectionedFile, %consoleColors]);
- Settings::addControlFile('routeweights.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile, %routeWeights]);
- Settings::addControlFile('arrowcraft.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile_lc, %arrowcraft_items]);
- Settings::addTableFile(Settings::getRecvPacketsFilename(),
- loader => [&parseDataFile2, %rpackets],
- autoSearch => 0);
- Settings::addTableFile('cities.txt', loader => [&parseROLUT, %cities_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('commanddescriptions.txt', loader => [&parseCommandsDescription, %descriptions]);
- Settings::addTableFile('directions.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %directions_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('elements.txt', loader => [&parseROLUT, %elements_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('emotions.txt', loader => [&parseEmotionsFile, %emotions_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('equiptypes.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %equipTypes_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('haircolors.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %haircolors]);
- Settings::addTableFile('headgears.txt', loader => [&parseArrayFile, @headgears_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('items.txt', loader => [&parseROLUT, %items_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('itemsdescriptions.txt', loader => [&parseRODescLUT, %itemsDesc_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('itemslots.txt', loader => [&parseROSlotsLUT, %itemSlots_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('itemslotcounttable.txt', loader => [&parseROLUT, %itemSlotCount_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('itemtypes.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %itemTypes_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('maps.txt', loader => [&parseROLUT, %maps_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('monsters.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %monsters_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('npcs.txt', loader => [&parseNPCs, %npcs_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('packetdescriptions.txt', loader => [&parseSectionedFile, %packetDescriptions]);
- Settings::addTableFile('portals.txt', loader => [&parsePortals, %portals_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('portalsLOS.txt', loader => [&parsePortalsLOS, %portals_los]);
- Settings::addTableFile('servers.txt', loader => [&parseSectionedFile, %masterServers]);
- Settings::addTableFile('sex.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %sex_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skills.txt', loader => &Skill::StaticInfo::parseSkillsDatabase);
- Settings::addTableFile('spells.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %spells_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillsdescriptions.txt', loader => [&parseRODescLUT, %skillsDesc_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillssp.txt', loader => [&parseSkillsSPLUT, %skillsSP_lut]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillssp.txt', loader => &Skill::StaticInfo::parseSPDatabase);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillsstatus.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %skillsStatus]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillsailments.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %skillsAilments]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillsstate.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %skillsState]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillslooks.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %skillsLooks]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillsarea.txt', loader => [&parseDataFile2, %skillsArea]);
- Settings::addTableFile('skillsencore.txt', loader => [&parseList, %skillsEncore]);
- use encoding 'utf8';
- Plugins::callHook('start2');
- eval {
- my $progressHandler = sub {
- my ($filename) = @_;
- message TF("Loading %s...n", $filename);
- };
- Settings::loadAll($progressHandler);
- };
- if (my $e = caught('UTF8MalformedException')) {
- $interface->errorDialog(TF(
- "The file %s must be valid UTF-8 encoded, which it is n" .
- "currently not. To solve this prolem, please use Notepadn" .
- "to save that file as valid UTF-8.",
- $e->textfile));
- exit 1;
- } elsif (my $e = caught('FileNotFoundException')) {
- $interface->errorDialog(TF("Unable to load the file %s.", $e->filename));
- exit 1;
- } elsif ($@) {
- die $@;
- }
- Plugins::callHook('start3');
- if ($config{'adminPassword'} eq 'x' x 10) {
- Log::message(T("nAuto-generating Admin Password due to default...n"));
- configModify("adminPassword", vocalString(8));
- #} elsif ($config{'adminPassword'} eq '') {
- # # This is where we protect the stupid from having a blank admin password
- # Log::message(T("nAuto-generating Admin Password due to blank...n"));
- # configModify("adminPassword", vocalString(8));
- } elsif ($config{'secureAdminPassword'} eq '1') {
- # This is where we induldge the paranoid and let them have session generated admin passwords
- Log::message(T("nGenerating session Admin Password...n"));
- configModify("adminPassword", vocalString(8));
- }
- Log::message("n");
- }
- sub initNetworking {
- our $XKore_dontRedirect = 0;
- my $XKore_version = $config{XKore} ? $config{XKore} : $sys{XKore};
- eval {
- if ($XKore_version eq "1" || $XKore_version eq "inject") {
- # Inject DLL to running Ragnarok process
- require Network::XKore;
- $net = new Network::XKore;
- } elsif ($XKore_version eq "2") {
- # Run as a proxy bot, allowing Ragnarok to connect while botting
- require Network::DirectConnection;
- require Network::XKore2;
- $net = new Network::DirectConnection;
- Network::XKore2::start();
- } elsif ($XKore_version eq "3" || $XKore_version eq "proxy") {
- # Proxy Ragnarok client connection
- require Network::XKoreProxy;
- $net = new Network::XKoreProxy;
- } else {
- # Run as a standalone bot, with no interface to the official RO client
- require Network::DirectConnection;
- $net = new Network::DirectConnection;
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- # Problem with networking.
- $interface->errorDialog($@);
- exit 1;
- }
- if ($sys{bus}) {
- require Bus::Client;
- require Bus::Handlers;
- my $host = $sys{bus_server_host};
- my $port = $sys{bus_server_port};
- $host = undef if ($host eq '');
- $port = undef if ($port eq '');
- $bus = new Bus::Client(host => $host, port => $port);
- our $busMessageHandler = new Bus::Handlers($bus);
- }
- Network::PaddedPackets::init();
- }
- sub initPortalsDatabase {
- Log::message(T("Checking for new portals... "));
- if (compilePortals_check()) {
- Log::message(T("found new portals!n"));
- my $choice = $interface->showMenu(
- T("New portals have been added to the portals database. " .
- "The portals database must be compiled before the new portals can be used. " .
- "Would you like to compile portals now?n"),
- [T("Yes, compile now."), T("No, don't compile it.")],
- title => T("Compile portals?"));
- if ($choice == 0) {
- Log::message(T("compiling portals") . "nn");
- compilePortals();
- } else {
- Log::message(T("skipping compile") . "nn");
- }
- } else {
- Log::message(T("none foundnn"));
- }
- }
- sub promptFirstTimeInformation {
- if ($net->version != 1) {
- my $msg;
- if (!$config{username}) {
- $msg = $interface->query(T("Please enter your Ragnarok Online username."));
- if (!defined($msg)) {
- exit;
- }
- configModify('username', $msg, 1);
- }
- if (!$config{password}) {
- $msg = $interface->query(T("Please enter your Ragnarok Online password."), isPassword => 1);
- if (!defined($msg)) {
- exit;
- }
- configModify('password', $msg, 1);
- }
- }
- if ($config{master} eq "" || $config{master} =~ /^d+$/ || !exists $masterServers{$config{master}}) {
- my @servers = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys(%masterServers);
- my $choice = $interface->showMenu(
- T("Please choose a master server to connect to."),
- @servers,
- title => T("Master servers"));
- if ($choice == -1) {
- exit;
- } else {
- configModify('master', $servers[$choice], 1);
- }
- }
- }
- sub finalInitialization {
- $incomingMessages = new Network::MessageTokenizer(%rpackets);
- $outgoingClientMessages = new Network::MessageTokenizer(%rpackets);
- $KoreStartTime = time;
- $conState = 1;
- our $nextConfChangeTime;
- $bExpSwitch = 2;
- $jExpSwitch = 2;
- $totalBaseExp = 0;
- $totalJobExp = 0;
- $startTime_EXP = time;
- $taskManager = new TaskManager();
- $itemsList = new ActorList('Actor::Item');
- $monstersList = new ActorList('Actor::Monster');
- $playersList = new ActorList('Actor::Player');
- $petsList = new ActorList('Actor::Pet');
- $npcsList = new ActorList('Actor::NPC');
- $portalsList = new ActorList('Actor::Portal');
- $slavesList = new ActorList('Actor::Slave');
- foreach my $list ($itemsList, $monstersList, $playersList, $petsList, $npcsList, $portalsList, $slavesList) {
- $list->onAdd()->add(undef, &actorAdded);
- $list->onRemove()->add(undef, &actorRemoved);
- $list->onClearBegin()->add(undef, &actorListClearing);
- }
- StdHttpReader::init();
- initStatVars();
- initRandomRestart();
- initUserSeed();
- initConfChange();
- Log::initLogFiles();
- $timeout{'injectSync'}{'time'} = time;
- Log::message("n");
- Plugins::callHook('initialized');
- XSTools::initVersion();
- }
- #######################################
- #######################################
- # Calculate next random restart time.
- # The restart time will be autoRestartMin + rand(autoRestartSeed)
- sub initRandomRestart {
- if ($config{'autoRestart'}) {
- my $autoRestart = $config{'autoRestartMin'} + int(rand $config{'autoRestartSeed'});
- message TF("Next restart in %sn", timeConvert($autoRestart)), "system";
- configModify("autoRestart", $autoRestart, 1);
- }
- }
- # Initialize random configuration switching time
- sub initConfChange {
- my $i = 0;
- while (exists $ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"}) {
- delete $ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"};
- $i++;
- }
- $i = 0;
- while (exists $config{"autoConfChange_$i"}) {
- $ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"} = $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_minTime"} +
- int(rand($config{"autoConfChange_${i}_varTime"}));
- $i++;
- }
- $lastConfChangeTime = time;
- }
- # Initialize variables when you start a connection to a map server
- sub initConnectVars {
- # we must use $chars[$config{char}] here because $char may not be set
- initMapChangeVars();
- if ($char) {
- $char->{skills} = {};
- delete $char->{mute_period};
- delete $char->{muted};
- }
- undef @skillsID;
- $useArrowCraft = 1;
- }
- # Initialize variables when you change map (after a teleport or after you walked into a portal)
- sub initMapChangeVars {
- # we must use $chars[$config{char}] here because $char may not be set
- @portalsID_old = @portalsID;
- %portals_old = %portals;
- foreach (@portalsID_old) {
- next if (!$_ || !$portals_old{$_});
- $portals_old{$_}{gone_time} = time if (!$portals_old{$_}{gone_time});
- }
- # this is just used for portalRecord (add opposite portal by guessing method)
- if ($char) {
- $char->{old_pos_to} = {%{$char->{pos_to}}} if ($char->{pos_to});
- delete $char->{sitting};
- delete $char->{dead};
- delete $char->{warp};
- delete $char->{casting};
- delete $char->{homunculus}{appear_time};
- $char->inventory->clear();
- }
- $timeout{play}{time} = time;
- $timeout{ai_sync}{time} = time;
- $timeout{ai_sit_idle}{time} = time;
- $timeout{ai_teleport}{time} = time;
- $timeout{ai_teleport_idle}{time} = time;
- $timeout{ai_teleport_safe_force}{time} = time;
- delete $timeout{ai_teleport_retry}{time};
- delete $timeout{ai_teleport_delay}{time};
- undef %incomingDeal;
- undef %outgoingDeal;
- undef %currentDeal;
- undef $currentChatRoom;
- undef @currentChatRoomUsers;
- undef @itemsID;
- undef @identifyID;
- undef %repairList;
- undef @spellsID;
- undef @arrowCraftID;
- undef %items;
- undef %spells;
- undef %incomingParty;
- undef %talk;
- $ai_v{cart_time} = time + 60;
- $ai_v{inventory_time} = time + 60;
- $ai_v{temp} = {};
- $cart{inventory} = [];
- undef @venderItemList;
- undef $venderID;
- undef @venderListsID;
- undef %venderLists;
- undef %incomingGuild;
- undef @chatRoomsID;
- undef %chatRooms;
- undef %createdChatRoom;
- undef @lastpm;
- undef %incomingFriend;
- $itemsList->clear();
- $monstersList->clear();
- $playersList->clear();
- $petsList->clear();
- $portalsList->clear();
- $npcsList->clear();
- $slavesList->clear();
- @unknownPlayers = ();
- @unknownNPCs = ();
- @sellList = ();
- $shopstarted = 0;
- $timeout{ai_shop}{time} = time;
- $timeout{ai_storageAuto}{time} = time + 5;
- $timeout{ai_buyAuto}{time} = time + 5;
- $timeout{ai_shop}{time} = time;
- AI::clear("attack", "move");
- AI::SlaveManager::clear("attack", "route", "move");
- ChatQueue::clear;
- Plugins::callHook('packet_mapChange');
- $logAppend = ($config{logAppendUsername}) ? "_$config{username}_$config{char}" : '';
- if ($config{logAppendUsername} && index($Settings::storage_log_file, $logAppend) == -1) {
- $Settings::chat_log_file = substr($Settings::chat_log_file, 0, length($Settings::chat_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
- $Settings::storage_log_file = substr($Settings::storage_log_file, 0, length($Settings::storage_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
- $Settings::shop_log_file = substr($Settings::shop_log_file, 0, length($Settings::shop_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
- $Settings::monster_log_file = substr($Settings::monster_log_file, 0, length($Settings::monster_log_log) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
- $Settings::item_log_file = substr($Settings::item_log_file, 0, length($Settings::item_log_file) - 4) . "$logAppend.txt";
- }
- }
- # Initialize variables when your character logs in
- sub initStatVars {
- $totaldmg = 0;
- $dmgpsec = 0;
- $startedattack = 0;
- $monstarttime = 0;
- $monkilltime = 0;
- $elasped = 0;
- $totalelasped = 0;
- $statChanged = 0;
- $skillChanged = 0;
- }
- #####################################################
- #####################################################
- # This function is called every time in the main loop, when OpenKore has been
- # fully initialized.
- sub mainLoop_initialized {
- Benchmark::begin("mainLoop_part1") if DEBUG;
- # Handle connection states
- $net->checkConnection();
- # Receive and handle data from the RO server
- my $data = $net->serverRecv;
- if (defined($data) && length($data) > 0) {
- Benchmark::begin("parseMsg") if DEBUG;
- my $type;
- $incomingMessages->add($data);
- while ($data = $incomingMessages->readNext($type)) {
- if ($type == Network::MessageTokenizer::KNOWN_MESSAGE) {
- parseIncomingMessage($data);
- } else {
- if ($type == Network::MessageTokenizer::UNKNOWN_MESSAGE) {
- # Unknown message - ignore it
- my $messageID = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($data);
- if (!existsInList($config{debugPacket_exclude}, $messageID)) {
- warning TF("Unknown packet - %sn", $messageID), "connection";
- visualDump($data, "<< Received unknown packet") if ($config{debugPacket_unparsed});
- }
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_received}) {
- debug "Received account IDn", "parseMsg", 0 ;
- }
- # Pass it along to the client, whatever it is
- $net->clientSend($data);
- }
- }
- $net->clientFlush() if (UNIVERSAL::isa($net, 'Network::XKoreProxy'));
- Benchmark::end("parseMsg") if DEBUG;
- }
- # Receive and handle data from the RO client
- $data = $net->clientRecv;
- if (defined($data) && length($data) > 0) {
- my $type;
- $outgoingClientMessages->add($data);
- while ($data = $outgoingClientMessages->readNext($type)) {
- parseOutgoingClientMessage($data);
- }
- }
- # GameGuard support
- if ($config{gameGuard} && ($net->version != 1 || ($net->version == 1 && $config{gameGuard} eq '2'))) {
- my $result = Poseidon::Client::getInstance()->getResult();
- if (defined($result)) {
- debug "Received Poseidon result.n", "poseidon";
- $messageSender->encryptMessageID($result);
- $net->serverSend($result);
- }
- }
- Benchmark::end("mainLoop_part1") if DEBUG;
- Benchmark::begin("mainLoop_part2") if DEBUG;
- # Process AI
- if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && timeOut($timeout{ai}) && $net->serverAlive()) {
- Misc::checkValidity("AI (pre)");
- Benchmark::begin("ai") if DEBUG;
- AI::CoreLogic::iterate();
- Benchmark::end("ai") if DEBUG;
- Benchmark::begin("ai_homunculus") if DEBUG;
- AI::SlaveManager::iterate();
- Benchmark::end("ai_homunculus") if DEBUG;
- Misc::checkValidity("AI");
- return if $quit;
- }
- Misc::checkValidity("mainLoop_part2.1");
- $taskManager->iterate();
- Benchmark::end("mainLoop_part2") if DEBUG;
- Benchmark::begin("mainLoop_part3") if DEBUG;
- # Process bus events.
- $bus->iterate() if ($bus);
- Misc::checkValidity("mainLoop_part2.2");
- ###### Other stuff that's run in the main loop #####
- if ($config{'autoRestart'} && time - $KoreStartTime > $config{'autoRestart'}
- && $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && !AI::inQueue(qw/attack take items_take/)) {
- message T("nAuto-restarting!!n"), "system";
- if ($config{'autoRestartSleep'}) {
- my $sleeptime = $config{'autoSleepMin'} + int(rand $config{'autoSleepSeed'});
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $sleeptime;
- $sleeptime = $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'} if ($sleeptime < $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'});
- message TF("Sleeping for %sn", timeConvert($sleeptime)), "system";
- } else {
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $timeout{'reconnect'}{'timeout'};
- }
- $timeout_ex{'master'}{'time'} = time;
- $KoreStartTime = time + $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'};
- AI::clear();
- AI::SlaveManager::clear();
- undef %ai_v;
- $net->serverDisconnect;
- $net->setState(Network::NOT_CONNECTED);
- undef $conState_tries;
- initRandomRestart();
- }
- Misc::checkValidity("mainLoop_part2.3");
- # Automatically switch to a different config file
- # based on certain conditions
- if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && timeOut($AI::Timeouts::autoConfChangeTime, 0.5)
- && !AI::inQueue(qw/attack take items_take/)) {
- my $selected;
- my $i = 0;
- while (exists $config{"autoConfChange_$i"}) {
- if ($config{"autoConfChange_$i"}
- && ( !$config{"autoConfChange_${i}_minTime"} || timeOut($lastConfChangeTime, $ai_v{"autoConfChange_${i}_timeout"}) )
- && inRange($char->{lv}, $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_lvl"})
- && inRange($char->{lv_job}, $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_joblvl"})
- && ( !$config{"autoConfChange_${i}_isJob"} || $jobs_lut{$char->{jobID}} eq $config{"autoConfChange_${i}_isJob"} )
- ) {
- $selected = $config{"autoConfChange_$i"};
- last;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- if ($selected) {
- # Choose a random configuration file
- my @files = split(/,+/, $selected);
- my $file = $files[rand(@files)];
- message TF("Changing configuration file (from "%s" to "%s")...n", $Settings::config_file, $file), "system";
- # A relogin is necessary if the server host/port, username
- # or char is different.
- my $oldMaster = $masterServer;
- my $oldUsername = $config{'username'};
- my $oldChar = $config{'char'};
- switchConfigFile($file);
- my $master = $masterServer = $masterServers{$config{'master'}};
- if ($net->version != 1
- && $oldMaster->{ip} ne $master->{ip}
- || $oldMaster->{port} ne $master->{port}
- || $oldMaster->{master_version} ne $master->{master_version}
- || $oldMaster->{version} ne $master->{version}
- || $oldUsername ne $config{'username'}
- || $oldChar ne $config{'char'}) {
- AI::clear;
- AI::SlaveManager::clear();
- relog();
- } else {
- AI::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
- AI::SlaveManager::clear("move", "route", "mapRoute");
- }
- initConfChange();
- }
- $AI::Timeouts::autoConfChangeTime = time;
- }
- processStatisticsReporting() unless ($sys{sendAnonymousStatisticReport} eq "0");
- # Update state.yml
- if (timeOut($AI::Timeouts::stateUpdate, 0.5)) {
- my %state;
- my $f;
- $AI::Timeouts::stateUpdate = time;
- if ($field{name} && $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME) {
- my $pos = calcPosition($char);
- %state = (
- connectionState => 'in game',
- fieldName => $field{name},
- fieldBaseName => $field{baseName},
- charName => $char->{name},
- x => $pos->{x},
- y => $pos->{y}
- );
- $state{actors} = {};
- foreach my $actor (@{$npcsList->getItems()}, @{$playersList->getItems()}, @{$monstersList->getItems()}, @{$slavesList->getItems()}) {
- my $actorType = $actor->{actorType};
- $state{actors}{$actorType} ||= [];
- push @{$state{actors}{$actorType}}, {
- x => $actor->{pos_to}{x},
- y => $actor->{pos_to}{y}
- };
- }
- } else {
- %state = (
- connectionState => 'not logged in'
- );
- }
- if ($bus && $bus->getState() == Bus::Client::CONNECTED()) {
- $state{bus}{host} = $bus->serverHost();
- $state{bus}{port} = $bus->serverPort();
- $state{bus}{clientID} = $bus->ID();
- }
- if (open($f, ">:utf8", "$Settings::logs_folder/state_".$config{'username'}.".yml")) {
- my $writer = new Data::YAML::Writer();
- $writer->write(%state, $f);
- close $f;
- }
- }
- Misc::checkValidity("mainLoop_part2.4");
- # Set interface title
- my $charName;
- my $title;
- $charName = "$char->{name}: " if ($char);
- if ($net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME) {
- my ($basePercent, $jobPercent, $weight, $pos);
- assert(defined $char);
- $basePercent = sprintf("%.2f", $char->{exp} / $char->{exp_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_max});
- $jobPercent = sprintf("%.2f", $char->{exp_job} / $char->{exp_job_max} * 100) if ($char->{exp_job_max});
- $weight = int($char->{weight} / $char->{weight_max} * 100) . "%" if ($char->{weight_max});
- $pos = " : $char->{pos_to}{x},$char->{pos_to}{y} " . $field->name() if ($char->{pos_to} && $field);
- # Translation Comment: Interface Title with character status
- $title = TF("%s B%s (%s), J%s (%s) : w%s%s - %s",
- $charName, $char->{lv}, $basePercent . '%',
- $char->{lv_job}, $jobPercent . '%',
- $weight, $pos, $Settings::NAME);
- } elsif ($net->getState() == Network::NOT_CONNECTED) {
- # Translation Comment: Interface Title
- $title = TF("%sNot connected - %s", $charName, $Settings::NAME);
- } else {
- # Translation Comment: Interface Title
- $title = TF("%sConnecting - %s", $charName, $Settings::NAME);
- }
- my %args = (return => $title);
- Plugins::callHook('mainLoop::setTitle',%args);
- $interface->title($args{return});
- Misc::checkValidity("mainLoop_part3");
- Benchmark::end("mainLoop_part3") if DEBUG;
- }
- # Anonymous statistics reporting. This gives us insight about
- # servers that our users bot on.
- sub processStatisticsReporting {
- our %statisticsReporting;
- if (!$statisticsReporting{reported} && $config{master} && $config{username}) {
- if (!$statisticsReporting{http}) {
- use Utils qw(urlencode);
- import Utils::Whirlpool qw(whirlpool_hex);
- # user is sent. The username is filtered through an
- # irreversible hashing algorithm before it is sent to the
- # server. It is impossible to deduce the user's username
- # from the data sent to the server.
- #
- # If you're still not convinced about the security of this,
- # please read the following web pages for more details and explanation:
- #
- # -and-
- #
- my $url = "";
- my $post = "server=" . urlencode($config{master});
- $post .= "&product=" . urlencode($Settings::NAME);
- $post .= "&version=" . urlencode($Settings::VERSION);
- $post .= "&uid=" . urlencode(whirlpool_hex($config{master} . $config{username} . $userSeed));
- $statisticsReporting{http} = new StdHttpReader($url, $post);
- debug "Posting anonymous usage statistics to $urln", "statisticsReporting";
- }
- my $http = $statisticsReporting{http};
- if ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::DONE) {
- $statisticsReporting{reported} = 1;
- delete $statisticsReporting{http};
- debug "Statistics posting completed.n", "statisticsReporting";
- } elsif ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::ERROR) {
- $statisticsReporting{reported} = 1;
- delete $statisticsReporting{http};
- debug "Statistics posting failed: " . $http->getError() . "n", "statisticsReporting";
- }
- } elsif (!$statisticsReporting{infoPosted} && $masterServer && $masterServer->{ip}
- && $config{master} && $net && $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && $monstarttime) {
- if (!$statisticsReporting{http}) {
- my $url = "";
- my $serverData = "";
- foreach my $key (sort keys %{$masterServer}) {
- $serverData .= "$key $masterServer->{$key}n";
- }
- my $post = "server=" . urlencode($config{master}) . "&data=" . urlencode($serverData);
- $statisticsReporting{http} = new StdHttpReader($url, $post);
- debug "Posting server info to $urln", "statisticsReporting";
- }
- my $http = $statisticsReporting{http};
- if ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::DONE) {
- $statisticsReporting{infoPosted} = 1;
- delete $statisticsReporting{http};
- debug "Server info posting completed.n", "statisticsReporting";
- } elsif ($http->getStatus() == HttpReader::ERROR) {
- $statisticsReporting{infoPosted} = 1;
- delete $statisticsReporting{http};
- debug "Server info posting failed: " . $http->getError() . "n", "statisticsReporting";
- }
- }
- }
- sub parseInput {
- my $input = shift;
- my $printType;
- my ($hook, $msg);
- $printType = shift if ($net && $net->clientAlive);
- debug("Input: $inputn", "parseInput", 2);
- if ($printType) {
- my $hookOutput = sub {
- my ($type, $domain, $level, $globalVerbosity, $message, $user_data) = @_;
- $msg .= $message if ($type ne 'debug' && $level <= $globalVerbosity);
- };
- $hook = Log::addHook($hookOutput);
- $interface->writeOutput("console", "$inputn");
- }
- $XKore_dontRedirect = 1;
- Commands::run($input);
- if ($printType) {
- Log::delHook($hook);
- if (defined $msg && $net->getState() == Network::IN_GAME && $config{XKore_silent}) {
- $msg =~ s/n*$//s;
- $msg =~ s/n/\n/g;
- sendMessage($messageSender, "k", $msg);
- }
- }
- $XKore_dontRedirect = 0;
- }
- #######################################
- #######################################
- # Parse RO Client Send Message
- #######################################
- #######################################
- sub parseOutgoingClientMessage {
- use bytes;
- no encoding 'utf8';
- my ($msg) = @_;
- my $sendMsg = $msg;
- if (length($msg) >= 4 && $net->getState() >= 4 && length($msg) >= unpack("v1", substr($msg, 0, 2))) {
- Network::Receive->decrypt($msg, $msg);
- }
- my $switch = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($msg);
- if ($config{'debugPacket_ro_sent'} && !existsInList($config{'debugPacket_exclude'}, $switch)
- || $config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} && existsInList($config{'debugPacket_include'}, $switch)) {
- my $label = $packetDescriptions{Send}{$switch} ?
- " - $packetDescriptions{Send}{$switch}" : '';
- if ($config{debugPacket_ro_sent} == 1) {
- debug "Packet SENT_BY_CLIENT: $switch$labeln", "parseSendMsg", 0;
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_ro_sent} == 2) {
- visualDump($sendMsg, $switch . $label);
- }
- if ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 1) {
- debug "Packet: $switch$labeln", "parseMsg", 0;
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 2) {
- visualDump($sendMsg, $switch . $label);
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 3) {
- dumpData($msg,1);
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 4) {
- open DUMP, ">> DUMP_lines.txt";
- print DUMP sprintf(unpack('H*', $msg) . "n");
- close DUMP;
- }
- }
- Plugins::callHook('RO_sendMsg_pre', {switch => $switch, msg => $msg, realMsg => $sendMsg});
- my $serverType = $masterServer->{serverType};
- # If the player tries to manually do something in the RO client, disable AI for a small period
- # of time using ai_clientSuspend().
- if ($masterServer->{syncID} && $switch eq sprintf('%04X', hex($masterServer->{syncID}))) {
- #syncSync support for XKore 1 mode
- $syncSync = substr($msg, $masterServer->{syncTickOffset}, 4);
- } elsif ($switch eq "0065") {
- # Login to character server
- $incomingMessages->nextMessageMightBeAccountID();
- } elsif ($switch eq "0066") {
- # Login character selected
- configModify("char", unpack("C*",substr($msg, 2, 1)));
- } elsif (
- ($switch eq "0072" && ($serverType == 0 || $serverType == 21 || $serverType == 22)) ||
- ($switch eq "00F3" && $serverType == 18)
- ) {
- # Map login
- $incomingMessages->nextMessageMightBeAccountID();
- if ($serverType == 0 && $config{sex} ne "") {
- $sendMsg = substr($sendMsg, 0, 18) . pack("C",$config{'sex'});
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq "00A7") {
- if($masterServer && $masterServer->{paddedPackets}) {
- $syncSync = substr($msg, 8, 4);
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq "007E") {
- if ($masterServer && $masterServer->{paddedPackets}) {
- $syncSync = substr($msg, 4, 4);
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq "007D") {
- # Map loaded
- $packetParser->changeToInGameState();
- AI::clear("clientSuspend");
- $timeout{ai}{time} = time;
- if ($firstLoginMap) {
- undef $sentWelcomeMessage;
- undef $firstLoginMap;
- }
- $timeout{'welcomeText'}{'time'} = time;
- $ai_v{portalTrace_mapChanged} = time;
- # syncSync support for XKore 1 mode
- if($masterServer->{serverType} == 11) {
- $syncSync = substr($msg, 8, 4);
- } else {
- # formula: MapLoaded_len + Sync_len - 4 - Sync_packet_last_junk
- $syncSync = substr($msg, $masterServer->{mapLoadedTickOffset}, 4);
- }
- message T("Map loadedn"), "connection";
- Plugins::callHook('map_loaded');
- } elsif ($switch eq "0085") {
- #if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 1 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 2) {
- # #Move
- # AI::clear("clientSuspend");
- # makeCoords(%coords, substr($msg, 2, 3));
- # ai_clientSuspend($switch, (distance($char->{'pos'}, %coords) * $char->{walk_speed}) + 4);
- #}
- } elsif ($switch eq "0089") {
- if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0) {
- # Attack
- if (!$config{'tankMode'} && !AI::inQueue("attack")) {
- AI::clear("clientSuspend");
- ai_clientSuspend($switch, 2, unpack("C*",substr($msg,6,1)), substr($msg,2,4));
- } else {
- undef $sendMsg;
- }
- }
- #undef $sendMsg;
- } elsif (($switch eq "008C" && ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 1 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 2 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 6 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 7 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 10 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 11 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 21 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 22)) ||
- ($switch eq "00F3" && ($masterServer->{serverType} == 3 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 5 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 8 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 9 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 15)) ||
- ($switch eq "009F" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 4) ||
- ($switch eq "007E" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 12) ||
- ($switch eq "0190" && ($masterServer->{serverType} == 13 || $masterServer->{serverType} == 18)) ||
- ($switch eq "0085" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 14) || # Public chat
- $switch eq "0108" || # Party chat
- $switch eq "017E") { # Guild chat
- my $length = unpack("v",substr($msg,2,2));
- my $message = substr($msg, 4, $length - 4);
- my ($chat) = $message =~ /^[sS]*? : ([sS]*)00?/;
- $chat =~ s/^s*//;
- stripLanguageCode($chat);
- my $prefix = quotemeta $config{'commandPrefix'};
- if ($chat =~ /^$prefix/) {
- $chat =~ s/^$prefix//;
- $chat =~ s/^s*//;
- $chat =~ s/s*$//;
- $chat =~ s/00*$//;
- parseInput($chat, 1);
- undef $sendMsg;
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq "0096") {
- # Private message
- my $length = unpack("v",substr($msg,2,2));
- my ($user) = substr($msg, 4, 24) =~ /([sS]*?)00/;
- my $chat = substr($msg, 28, $length - 29);
- $chat =~ s/^s*//;
- # Ensures: $user and $chat are String
- $user = I18N::bytesToString($user);
- $chat = I18N::bytesToString($chat);
- stripLanguageCode($chat);
- my $prefix = quotemeta $config{commandPrefix};
- if ($chat =~ /^$prefix/) {
- $chat =~ s/^$prefix//;
- $chat =~ s/^s*//;
- $chat =~ s/s*$//;
- parseInput($chat, 1);
- undef $sendMsg;
- } else {
- undef %lastpm;
- $lastpm{msg} = $chat;
- $lastpm{user} = $user;
- push @lastpm, {%lastpm};
- }
- } elsif (($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 0) ||
- ($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 1) ||
- ($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 2) ||
- ($switch eq "0085" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 3) ||
- ($switch eq "00F3" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 4) ||
- ($switch eq "0085" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 5) ||
- #($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 6) || serverType 6 uses what?
- ($switch eq "009B" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 7) ||
- ($switch eq "0072" && $masterServer->{serverType} == 13)) { # rRO
- # Look
- if ($char) {
- if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0) {
- $char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 2, 1));
- $char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 4, 1));
- } elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 1 ||
- $masterServer->{serverType} == 2 ||
- $masterServer->{serverType} == 4 ||
- $masterServer->{serverType} == 7) {
- $char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 6, 1));
- $char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 14, 1));
- } elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 3) {
- $char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 12, 1));
- $char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 22, 1));
- } elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 5) {
- $char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 8, 1));
- $char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 16, 1));
- } elsif ($masterServer->{serverType} == 13) { # rRO
- $char->{look}{head} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 2, 1));
- $char->{look}{body} = unpack("C", substr($msg, 4, 1));
- }
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq "009F") {
- if ($masterServer->{serverType} == 0) {
- # Take
- AI::clear("clientSuspend");
- ai_clientSuspend($switch, 2, substr($msg,2,4));
- }
- } elsif ($switch eq "00B2") {
- # Trying to exit (respawn)
- AI::clear("clientSuspend");
- ai_clientSuspend($switch, 10);
- } elsif ($switch eq "018A") {
- # Trying to exit
- AI::clear("clientSuspend");
- ai_clientSuspend($switch, 10);
- } elsif ($switch eq "0149") {
- # Chat/skill mute
- undef $sendMsg;
- } elsif ($switch eq "01B2") {
- # client started a shop manually
- $shopstarted = 1;
- } elsif ($switch eq "012E") {
- # client stopped shop manually
- $shopstarted = 0;
- }
- if ($sendMsg ne "") {
- $messageSender->encryptMessageID($sendMsg);
- $net->serverSend($sendMsg);
- }
- # This should be changed to packets that haven't been parsed yet, in a similar manner
- # as parseMsg
- return "";
- }
- #######################################
- #######################################
- #Parse Message
- #######################################
- #######################################
- ##
- # void parseIncomingMessage(Bytes msg)
- # msg: The data to parse, as received from the socket.
- #
- # Parse network data sent by the RO server.
- sub parseIncomingMessage {
- my ($msg) = @_;
- # Determine packet switch
- my $switch = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($msg);
- if (length($msg) >= 4 && substr($msg, 0, 4) ne $accountID && $net->getState() >= Network::CONNECTED_TO_CHAR_SERVER
- && $lastswitch ne $switch && length($msg) >= unpack("v1", substr($msg, 0, 2))) {
- # The decrypt below casued annoying unparsed errors (at least in serverType 2)
- if ($masterServer->{serverType} != 2) {
- Network::Receive->decrypt($msg, $msg);
- $switch = Network::MessageTokenizer::getMessageID($msg);
- }
- }
- # The user is running in X-Kore mode and wants to switch character or gameGuard type 2 after 0259 tag 02.
- # We're now expecting an accountID, unless the server has replicated packet 0259 (server-side bug).
- if ($net->getState() == 2.5 && (!$config{gameGuard} || ($switch ne '0259' && $config{gameGuard} eq "2"))) {
- if (length($msg) >= 4) {
- $net->setState(Network::CONNECTED_TO_MASTER_SERVER);
- $accountID = substr($msg, 0, 4);
- debug "Selecting character, new accountID: ".unpack("V", $accountID)."n", "connection";
- $net->clientSend($accountID);
- return substr($msg, 4);
- } else {
- return $msg;
- }
- }
- $lastswitch = $switch;
- if ($config{debugPacket_received} && !existsInList($config{'debugPacket_exclude'}, $switch)) {
- my $label = $packetDescriptions{Recv}{$switch} ?
- "[$packetDescriptions{Recv}{$switch}]" : '';
- if ($config{debugPacket_received} == 1) {
- debug sprintf("Received packet: %-4s [%2d bytes] %sn", $switch, length($msg), $label),
- "parseMsg", 0;
- } else {
- visualDump($msg, "<< Received packet: $switch $label");
- }
- }
- if ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} && existsInList($config{'debugPacket_include'}, $switch)) {
- my $label = $packetDescriptions{Recv}{$switch} ?
- " ($packetDescriptions{Recv}{$switch})" : '';
- if ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 1) {
- debug "Packet: $switch$labeln", "parseMsg", 0;
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 2) {
- visualDump($msg, "$switch$label");
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 3) {
- dumpData($msg,1);
- } elsif ($config{debugPacket_include_dumpMethod} == 4) {
- open DUMP, ">> DUMP_lines.txt";
- print DUMP sprintf(unpack('H*', $msg) . "n");
- close DUMP;
- }
- }
- Plugins::callHook('parseMsg/pre', {switch => $switch, msg => $msg, msg_size => length($msg)});
- if (!$packetParser->willMangle($switch)) {
- # If we're running in X-Kore mode, pass the message back to the RO client.
- $net->clientSend($msg);
- }
- $lastPacketTime = time;
- if ($packetParser &&
- (my $args = $packetParser->parse($msg))) {
- # Use the new object-oriented packet parser
- if ($config{debugPacket_received} > 2 &&
- !existsInList($config{'debugPacket_exclude'}, $switch)) {
- my $switch = $args->{switch};
- my $packet = $packetParser->{packet_list}{$switch};
- my ($name, $packString, $varNames) = @{$packet};
- my @vars = ();
- for my $varName (@{$varNames}) {
- message "$varName = $args->{$varName}n";
- }
- }
- if ($packetParser->willMangle($switch)) {
- my $ret = $packetParser->mangle($args);
- if (!$ret) {
- # Packet was not mangled
- $net->clientSend($args->{RAW_MSG});
- } elsif ($ret == 1) {
- # Packet was mangled
- $net->clientSend($packetParser->reconstruct($args));
- } else {
- # Packet was suppressed
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;