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Package: [view]
Upload User: itx_2006
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 493k
Code Size: 6k
Compiler program
Development Platform:
- /* Abstract syntax tree manipulation functions
- *
- *
- * We reserve no LEGAL rights to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool
- * Set (PCCTS) -- PCCTS is in the public domain. An individual or
- * company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with
- * PCCTS or the code generated by PCCTS, including the incorporation of
- * PCCTS, or its output, into commerical software.
- *
- * We encourage users to develop software with PCCTS. However, we do ask
- * that credit is given to us for developing PCCTS. By "credit",
- * we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
- * programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
- * acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
- * etc... If you like PCCTS and have developed a nice tool with the
- * output, please mention that you developed it using PCCTS. In
- * addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
- * As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
- * this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
- * completed.
- *
- * ANTLR 1.33
- * Terence Parr
- * Parr Research Corporation
- * with Purdue University and AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
- * 1989-1998
- */
- #include "pcctscfg.h"
- #include PCCTS_STDIO_H
- #include PCCTS_STDARG_H
- #include "ASTBase.h"
- /* ensure that tree manipulation variables are current after a rule
- * reference
- */
- void
- ASTBase::link(ASTBase **_root, ASTBase **_sibling, ASTBase **_tail)
- {
- if ( *_sibling == NULL ) return;
- if ( *_root == NULL ) *_root = *_sibling;
- else if ( *_root != *_sibling ) (*_root)->_down = *_sibling;
- if ( *_tail==NULL ) *_tail = *_sibling;
- while ( (*_tail)->_right != NULL ) *_tail = (*_tail)->_right;
- }
- /* add a child node to the current sibling list */
- void
- ASTBase::subchild(ASTBase **_root, ASTBase **_sibling, ASTBase **_tail)
- {
- if ( *_tail != NULL ) (*_tail)->_right = this;
- else {
- *_sibling = this;
- if ( *_root != NULL ) (*_root)->_down = *_sibling;
- }
- *_tail = this;
- if ( *_root == NULL ) *_root = *_sibling;
- }
- /* make a new AST node. Make the newly-created
- * node the root for the current sibling list. If a root node already
- * exists, make the newly-created node the root of the current root.
- */
- void
- ASTBase::subroot(ASTBase **_root, ASTBase **_sibling, ASTBase **_tail)
- {
- if ( *_root != NULL )
- if ( (*_root)->_down == *_sibling ) *_sibling = *_tail = *_root;
- *_root = this;
- (*_root)->_down = *_sibling;
- }
- /* Apply preorder_action(), etc.. to root then each sibling */
- //
- // 7-Apr-97 133MR1
- // Fix suggested by Ron House (
- //
- void
- ASTBase::preorder()
- {
- ASTBase *tree = this;
- while ( tree!= NULL )
- {
- if ( tree->_down != NULL ) {
- tree->preorder_before_action(); // MR1
- };
- tree->preorder_action();
- if ( tree->_down!=NULL )
- {
- tree->_down->preorder();
- tree->preorder_after_action(); // MR1
- }
- tree = tree->_right;
- }
- }
- /* free all AST nodes in tree; apply func to each before freeing */
- void
- ASTBase::destroy()
- {
- ASTBase* tree = this;
- while (tree) {
- if (tree->_down) tree->_down->destroy();
- ASTBase* cur = tree;
- tree = tree->_right;
- delete cur;
- }
- }
- /* build a tree (root child1 child2 ... NULL)
- * If root is NULL, simply make the children siblings and return ptr
- * to 1st sibling (child1). If root is not single node, return NULL.
- *
- * Siblings that are actually siblins lists themselves are handled
- * correctly. For example #( NULL, #( NULL, A, B, C), D) results
- * in the tree ( NULL A B C D ).
- *
- * Requires at least two parameters with the last one being NULL. If
- * both are NULL, return NULL.
- */
- ASTBase *
- ASTBase::tmake(ASTBase *root, ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- register ASTBase *child, *sibling=NULL, *tail, *w;
- va_start(ap, root);
- if ( root != NULL )
- if ( root->_down != NULL ) return NULL;
- child = va_arg(ap, ASTBase *);
- while ( child != NULL )
- {
- for (w=child; w->_right!=NULL; w=w->_right) {;} /* find end of child */
- if ( sibling == NULL ) {sibling = child; tail = w;}
- else {tail->_right = child; tail = w;}
- child = va_arg(ap, ASTBase *);
- }
- if ( root==NULL ) root = sibling;
- else root->_down = sibling;
- va_end(ap);
- return root;
- }
- /* tree duplicate */
- // forgot to check for NULL this (TJP July 23,1995)
- ASTBase *
- ASTBase::dup()
- {
- ASTBase *u, *t=this;
- if ( t == NULL ) return NULL;
- /*
- u = new ASTBase;
- *u = *t;
- */
- u = (ASTBase *)this->shallowCopy();
- if ( t->_right!=NULL ) u->_right = t->_right->dup();
- else u->_right = NULL;
- if ( t->_down!=NULL ) u->_down = t->_down->dup();
- else u->_down = NULL;
- return u;
- }
- #endif
- //
- // 7-Apr-97 133MR1
- // Fix suggested by Asgeir Olafsson (
- //
- /* tree duplicate */
- ASTBase *
- ASTDoublyLinkedBase::dup()
- {
- ASTDoublyLinkedBase *u, *t=this;
- if ( t == NULL ) return NULL;
- u = (ASTDoublyLinkedBase *)this->shallowCopy();
- u->_up = NULL; /* set by calling invocation */
- u->_left = NULL;
- if (t->_right!=NULL) { // MR1
- u->_right=t->_right->dup(); // MR1
- ((ASTDoublyLinkedBase *)u->_right)->_left = u; // MR1
- } else { // MR1
- u->_right = NULL; // MR1
- }; // MR1
- if (t->_down!=NULL) { // MR1
- u->_down = t->_down->dup(); // MR1
- ((ASTDoublyLinkedBase *)u->_down)->_up = u; // MR1
- } else { // MR1
- u->_down = NULL; // MR1
- }; // MR1
- return u;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Set the 'up', and 'left' pointers of all nodes in 't'.
- * Initial call is double_link(your_tree, NULL, NULL).
- */
- void
- ASTDoublyLinkedBase::double_link(ASTBase *left, ASTBase *up)
- {
- ASTDoublyLinkedBase *t = this;
- t->_left = (ASTDoublyLinkedBase *) left;
- t->_up = (ASTDoublyLinkedBase *) up;
- if (t->_down != NULL)
- ((ASTDoublyLinkedBase *)t->_down)->double_link(NULL, t);
- if (t->_right != NULL)
- ((ASTDoublyLinkedBase *)t->_right)->double_link(t, up);
- }