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Package: [view]
Upload User: itx_2006
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 493k
Code Size: 9k
Compiler program
Development Platform:
- /* ANTLRTokenBuffer.C
- *
- *
- * We reserve no LEGAL rights to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool
- * Set (PCCTS) -- PCCTS is in the public domain. An individual or
- * company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with
- * PCCTS or the code generated by PCCTS, including the incorporation of
- * PCCTS, or its output, into commerical software.
- *
- * We encourage users to develop software with PCCTS. However, we do ask
- * that credit is given to us for developing PCCTS. By "credit",
- * we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
- * programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
- * acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
- * etc... If you like PCCTS and have developed a nice tool with the
- * output, please mention that you developed it using PCCTS. In
- * addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
- * As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
- * this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
- * completed.
- *
- * ANTLR 1.33
- * Terence Parr
- * Parr Research Corporation
- * with Purdue University and AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
- * 1989-1998
- */
- typedef int ANTLRTokenType; // fool AToken.h into compiling
- class ANTLRParser; /* MR1 */
- #include "pcctscfg.h"
- typedef ANTLRAbstractToken *_ANTLRTokenPtr;
- #if defined(DBG_TBUF)||defined(DBG_TBUF_MARK_REW)
- static unsigned char test[1000];
- #endif
- int ANTLRCommonToken::ctor = 0;
- int ANTLRCommonToken::dtor = 0;
- #endif
- ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- ANTLRTokenBuffer(ANTLRTokenStream *_input, int _k, int _chunk_size_formal) /* MR14 */
- {
- this->input = _input;
- this->k = _k;
- buffer_size = chunk_size = _chunk_size_formal;
- buffer = (_ANTLRTokenPtr *)
- calloc(chunk_size+1,sizeof(_ANTLRTokenPtr ));
- if ( buffer == NULL ) {
- panic("cannot alloc token buffer");
- }
- buffer++; // leave the first elem empty so tp-1 is valid ptr
- tp = &buffer[0];
- last = tp-1;
- next = &buffer[0];
- num_markers = 0;
- end_of_buffer = &buffer[buffer_size-1];
- threshold = &buffer[(int)(buffer_size*(1.0/2.0))];
- _deleteTokens = 1; // assume we delete tokens
- parser=NULL; // MR5 - uninitialized reference
- }
- static void f() {;}
- ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- ~ANTLRTokenBuffer()
- {
- f();
- // Delete all remaining tokens (from 0..last inclusive)
- if ( _deleteTokens )
- {
- _ANTLRTokenPtr *z;
- for (z=buffer; z<=last; z++)
- {
- (*z)->deref();
- // z->deref();
- fprintf(stderr, "##########dtor: deleting token '%s' (ref %d)n",
- ((ANTLRCommonToken *)*z)->getText(), (*z)->nref());
- #endif
- if ( (*z)->nref()==0 )
- {
- delete (*z);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( buffer!=NULL ) free((char *)(buffer-1));
- }
- #if defined(DBG_TBUF)||defined(DBG_TBUF_MARK_REW)
- #include PCCTS_STDIO_H
- #endif
- _ANTLRTokenPtr ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- getToken()
- {
- if ( tp <= last ) // is there any buffered lookahead still to be read?
- {
- return *tp++; // read buffered lookahead
- }
- // out of buffered lookahead, get some more "real"
- // input from getANTLRToken()
- if ( num_markers==0 )
- {
- if( next > threshold )
- {
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr,"getToken: next > threshold (high water is %d)n", threshold-buffer);
- #endif
- makeRoom();
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( next > end_of_buffer )
- {
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr,"getToken: next > end_of_buffer (size is %d)n", buffer_size);
- #endif
- extendBuffer();
- }
- }
- *next = getANTLRToken();
- (*next)->ref(); // say we have a copy of this pointer in buffer
- last = next;
- next++;
- tp = last;
- return *tp++;
- }
- void ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- rewind(int pos)
- {
- #if defined(DBG_TBUF)||defined(DBG_TBUF_MARK_REW)
- fprintf(stderr, "rewind(%d)[nm=%d,from=%d,%d.n=%d]n", pos, num_markers, tp-buffer,pos,test[pos]);
- test[pos]--;
- #endif
- tp = &buffer[pos];
- num_markers--;
- }
- /*
- * This function is used to specify that the token pointers read
- * by the ANTLRTokenBuffer should be buffered up (to be reused later).
- */
- int ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- mark()
- {
- #if defined(DBG_TBUF)||defined(DBG_TBUF_MARK_REW)
- test[tp-buffer]++;
- fprintf(stderr,"mark(%d)[nm=%d,%d.n=%d]n",tp-buffer,num_markers+1,tp-buffer,test[tp-buffer]);
- #endif
- num_markers++;
- return tp - buffer;
- }
- /*
- * returns the token pointer n positions ahead.
- * This implies that bufferedToken(1) gets the NEXT symbol of lookahead.
- * This is used in conjunction with the ANTLRParser lookahead buffer.
- *
- * No markers are set or anything. A bunch of input is buffered--that's all.
- * The tp pointer is left alone as the lookahead has not been advanced
- * with getToken(). The next call to getToken() will find a token
- * in the buffer and won't have to call getANTLRToken().
- *
- * If this is called before a consume() is done, how_many_more_i_need is
- * set to 'n'.
- */
- _ANTLRTokenPtr ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- bufferedToken(int n)
- {
- // int how_many_more_i_need = (last-tp < 0) ? n : n-(last-tp)-1;
- int how_many_more_i_need = (tp > last) ? n : n-(last-tp)-1;
- // Make sure that at least n tokens are available in the buffer
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr, "bufferedToken(%d)n", n);
- #endif
- for (int i=1; i<=how_many_more_i_need; i++)
- {
- if ( next > end_of_buffer ) // buffer overflow?
- {
- extendBuffer();
- }
- *next = getANTLRToken();
- (*next)->ref(); // say we have a copy of this pointer in buffer
- last = next;
- next++;
- }
- return tp[n - 1];
- }
- /* If no markers are set, the none of the input needs to be saved (except
- * for the lookahead Token pointers). We save only k-1 token pointers as
- * we are guaranteed to do a getANTLRToken() right after this because otherwise
- * we wouldn't have needed to extend the buffer.
- *
- * If there are markers in the buffer, we need to save things and so
- * extendBuffer() is called.
- */
- void ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- makeRoom()
- {
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr, "in makeRoom.................n");
- fprintf(stderr, "num_markers==%dn", num_markers);
- #endif
- /*
- if ( num_markers == 0 )
- {
- */
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr, "moving lookahead and resetting nextn");
- _ANTLRTokenPtr *r;
- fprintf(stderr, "tbuf = [");
- for (r=buffer; r<=last; r++)
- {
- if ( *r==NULL ) fprintf(stderr, " xxx");
- else fprintf(stderr, " '%s'", ((ANTLRCommonToken *)*r)->getText());
- }
- fprintf(stderr, " ]n");
- fprintf(stderr,
- "before: tp=%d, last=%d, next=%d, threshold=%dn",tp-buffer,last-buffer,next-buffer,threshold-buffer);
- #endif
- // Delete all tokens from 0..last-(k-1) inclusive
- if ( _deleteTokens )
- {
- _ANTLRTokenPtr *z;
- for (z=buffer; z<=last-(k-1); z++)
- {
- (*z)->deref();
- // z->deref();
- fprintf(stderr, "##########makeRoom: deleting token '%s' (ref %d)n",
- ((ANTLRCommonToken *)*z)->getText(), (*z)->nref());
- #endif
- if ( (*z)->nref()==0 )
- {
- delete (*z);
- }
- }
- }
- // reset the buffer to initial conditions, but move k-1 symbols
- // to the beginning of buffer and put new input symbol at k
- _ANTLRTokenPtr *p = buffer, *q = last-(k-1)+1;
- // ANTLRAbstractToken **p = buffer, **q = end_of_buffer-(k-1)+1;
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr, "lookahead buffer = [");
- #endif
- for (int i=1; i<=(k-1); i++)
- {
- *p++ = *q++;
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr,
- " '%s'", ((ANTLRCommonToken *)buffer[i-1])->getText());
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr, " ]n");
- #endif
- next = &buffer[k-1];
- tp = &buffer[k-1]; // tp points to what will be filled in next
- last = tp-1;
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr,
- "after: tp=%d, last=%d, next=%dn",
- tp-buffer, last-buffer, next-buffer);
- #endif
- /*
- }
- else {
- extendBuffer();
- }
- */
- }
- /* This function extends 'buffer' by chunk_size and returns with all
- * pointers at the same relative positions in the buffer (the buffer base
- * address could have changed in realloc()) except that 'next' comes
- * back set to where the next token should be stored. All other pointers
- * are untouched.
- */
- void
- ANTLRTokenBuffer::
- extendBuffer()
- {
- int save_last = last-buffer, save_tp = tp-buffer, save_next = next-buffer;
- #ifdef DBG_TBUF
- fprintf(stderr, "extending physical buffern");
- #endif
- buffer_size += chunk_size;
- buffer = (_ANTLRTokenPtr *)
- realloc((char *)(buffer-1),
- (buffer_size+1)*sizeof(_ANTLRTokenPtr ));
- if ( buffer == NULL ) {
- panic("cannot alloc token buffer");
- }
- buffer++; // leave the first elem empty so tp-1 is valid ptr
- tp = buffer + save_tp; // put the pointers back to same relative position
- last = buffer + save_last;
- next = buffer + save_next;
- end_of_buffer = &buffer[buffer_size-1];
- threshold = &buffer[(int)(buffer_size*(1.0/2.0))];
- /*
- // zero out new token ptrs so we'll know if something to delete in buffer
- ANTLRAbstractToken **p = end_of_buffer-chunk_size+1;
- for (; p<=end_of_buffer; p++) *p = NULL;
- */
- }
- ANTLRParser * ANTLRTokenBuffer:: // MR1
- setParser(ANTLRParser *p) { // MR1
- ANTLRParser *old=parser; // MR1
- parser=p; // MR1
- input->setParser(p); // MR1
- return old; // MR1
- } // MR1
- // MR1
- ANTLRParser * ANTLRTokenBuffer:: // MR1
- getParser() { // MR1
- return parser; // MR1
- } // MR1
- /* to avoid having to link in another file just for the smart token ptr
- * stuff, we include it here. Ugh.
- */
- #include ATOKPTR_C