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Package: DSP-C6000-DM642DEMO.rar [view]
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DSP program
Development Platform:
- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 11-04-03 (ddk-b13)" */
- /*
- * ======== pip_audio.c ========
- *
- * This example demonstrates the use of IOM drivers with PIPs using
- * the PIO adapter with a user defined device mini-driver called
- * "udevCodec". The application performs a loopback. That is, audio data is
- * read from one PIP connected to an input IOM channel, and the data is
- * written back out on a PIP connected to an output IOM channel.
- *
- * The following objects need to be created in the DSP/BIOS
- * configuration for this application:
- *
- * * A UDEV object, which links in a user device driver. In this case
- * the UDEV is a codec based IOM device driver.
- *
- * * A SWI object named swiEcho. Configure the function as _echo,
- * and the mailbox value as 3.
- *
- * * 2 PIP objects, one named pipTx, the other pipRx. The length of the
- * buffers should be the same and can be any size. See the comments
- * by the declarations below of pipTx and pipRx for the writer and
- * reader notify function settings.
- *
- * * A LOG object named trace, used for status and debug output. Can be
- * any size and can be circular or fixed.
- */
- #include <std.h>
- #include <log.h>
- #include <pip.h>
- #include <swi.h>
- #include <sys.h>
- #include <iom.h>
- #include <pio.h>
- #ifdef _6x_
- extern far LOG_Obj trace;
- extern far PIP_Obj pipRx;
- extern far PIP_Obj pipTx;
- extern far SWI_Obj swiEcho;
- #else
- extern LOG_Obj trace;
- extern PIP_Obj pipRx;
- extern PIP_Obj pipTx;
- extern SWI_Obj swiEcho;
- #endif
- /*
- * 'pioRx' and 'pioTx' objects will be initialized by PIO_new().
- */
- PIO_Obj pioRx, pioTx;
- /*
- * ======== main ========
- *
- * Application startup funtion called by DSP/BIOS. Initialize the
- * PIO adapter then return back into DSP/BIOS.
- */
- main()
- {
- /*
- * Initialize PIO module
- */
- PIO_init();
- /* Bind the PIPs to the channels using the PIO class drivers */
- PIO_new(&pioRx, &pipRx, "/udevCodec", IOM_INPUT, NULL);
- PIO_new(&pioTx, &pipTx, "/udevCodec", IOM_OUTPUT, NULL);
- /*
- * Prime the transmit side with buffers of silence.
- * The transmitter should be started before the receiver.
- * This results in input-to-output latency being one full
- * buffer period if the pipes is configured for 2 frames.
- */
- PIO_txStart(&pioTx, PIP_getWriterNumFrames(&pipTx), 0);
- /* Prime the receive side with empty buffers to be filled. */
- PIO_rxStart(&pioRx, PIP_getWriterNumFrames(&pipRx));
- LOG_printf(&trace, "pip_audio started");
- }
- /*
- * ======== echo ========
- *
- * This function is called by the swiEcho DSP/BIOS SWI thread created
- * statically with the DSP/BIOS configuration tool. The PIO adapter
- * posts the swi when an the input PIP has a buffer of data and the
- * output PIP has an empty buffer to put new data into. This function
- * copies from the input PIP to the output PIP. You could easily
- * replace the copy function with a signal processing algorithm.
- */
- Void echo(Void)
- {
- Int i, size;
- unsigned short *src, *dst;
- /*
- * Check that the precondions are met, that is pipRx has a buffer of
- * data and pipTx has a free buffer.
- */
- if (PIP_getReaderNumFrames(&pipRx) <= 0) {
- LOG_error("echo: No reader frame!", 0);
- return;
- }
- if (PIP_getWriterNumFrames(&pipTx) <= 0) {
- LOG_error("echo: No writer frame!", 0);
- return;
- }
- /* get the full buffer from the receive PIP */
- PIP_get(&pipRx);
- src = PIP_getReaderAddr(&pipRx);
- size = PIP_getReaderSize(&pipRx) * sizeof(short);
- /* get the empty buffer from the transmit PIP */
- PIP_alloc(&pipTx);
- dst = PIP_getWriterAddr(&pipTx);
- /* Do the data move. */
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- *dst++ = *src++;
- }
- /* Record the amount of actual data being sent */
- PIP_setWriterSize(&pipTx, PIP_getReaderSize(&pipRx));
- /* Free the receive buffer, put the transmit buffer */
- PIP_put(&pipTx);
- PIP_free(&pipRx);
- }