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Package: HTTP客户端.zip [view]
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Code Size: 31k
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- /*
- * @(#) 0.3-3 06/05/2001
- *
- * This file is part of the HTTPClient package
- * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Ronald Tschal鋜
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA
- *
- * For questions, suggestions, bug-reports, enhancement-requests etc.
- * I may be contacted at:
- *
- *
- *
- * The HTTPClient's home page is located at:
- *
- *
- *
- */
- package HTTPClient;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- import java.awt.Frame;
- import java.awt.Panel;
- import java.awt.Label;
- import java.awt.Color;
- import java.awt.Button;
- import java.awt.Graphics;
- import java.awt.Dimension;
- import java.awt.TextArea;
- import java.awt.TextField;
- import java.awt.GridLayout;
- import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
- import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
- import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
- import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
- import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
- import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
- /**
- * This module handles Netscape cookies (also called Version 0 cookies)
- * and Version 1 cookies. Specifically is reads the <var>Set-Cookie</var>
- * and <var>Set-Cookie2</var> response headers and sets the <var>Cookie</var>
- * and <var>Cookie2</var> headers as neccessary.
- *
- * <P>The accepting and sending of cookies is controlled by a
- * <var>CookiePolicyHandler</var>. This allows you to fine tune your privacy
- * preferences. A cookie is only added to the cookie list if the handler
- * allows it, and a cookie from the cookie list is only sent if the handler
- * allows it.
- *
- * <P>This module expects to be the only one handling cookies. Specifically, it
- * will remove any <var>Cookie</var> and <var>Cookie2</var> header fields found
- * in the request, and it will remove the <var>Set-Cookie</var> and
- * <var>Set-Cookie2</var> header fields in the response (after processing them).
- * In order to add cookies to a request or to prevent cookies from being sent,
- * you can use the {@link #addCookie(HTTPClient.Cookie) addCookie} and {@link
- * #removeCookie(HTTPClient.Cookie) removeCookie} methods to manipulate the
- * module's list of cookies.
- *
- * <P>A cookie jar can be used to store cookies between sessions. This file is
- * read when this class is loaded and is written when the application exits;
- * only cookies from the default context are saved. The name of the file is
- * controlled by the system property <var>HTTPClient.cookies.jar</var> and
- * defaults to a system dependent name. The reading and saving of cookies is
- * enabled by setting the system property <var></var>
- * to <var>true</var>.
- *
- * @see <a href="">Netscape's cookie spec</a>
- * @see <a href="">HTTP State Management Mechanism spec</a>
- * @version 0.3-3 06/05/2001
- * @author Ronald Tschal鋜
- * @since V0.3
- */
- public class CookieModule implements HTTPClientModule
- {
- /** the list of known cookies */
- private static Hashtable cookie_cntxt_list = new Hashtable();
- /** the file to use for persistent cookie storage */
- private static File cookie_jar = null;
- /** an object, whose finalizer will save the cookies to the jar */
- private static Object cookieSaver = null;
- /** the cookie policy handler */
- private static CookiePolicyHandler cookie_handler =
- new DefaultCookiePolicyHandler();
- // read in cookies from disk at startup
- static
- {
- boolean persist;
- try
- { persist = Boolean.getBoolean(""); }
- catch (Exception e)
- { persist = false; }
- if (persist)
- {
- loadCookies();
- // the nearest thing to atexit() I know of...
- cookieSaver = new Object()
- {
- public void finalize() { saveCookies(); }
- };
- try
- { System.runFinalizersOnExit(true); }
- catch (Throwable t)
- { }
- }
- }
- private static void loadCookies()
- {
- // The isFile() etc need to be protected by the catch as signed
- // applets may be allowed to read properties but not do IO
- try
- {
- cookie_jar = new File(getCookieJarName());
- if (cookie_jar.isFile() && cookie_jar.canRead())
- {
- ObjectInputStream ois =
- new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(cookie_jar));
- cookie_cntxt_list.put(HTTPConnection.getDefaultContext(),
- (Hashtable) ois.readObject());
- ois.close();
- }
- }
- catch (Throwable t)
- { cookie_jar = null; }
- }
- private static void saveCookies()
- {
- if (cookie_jar != null && (!cookie_jar.exists() ||
- cookie_jar.isFile() && cookie_jar.canWrite()))
- {
- Hashtable cookie_list = new Hashtable();
- Enumeration enum = Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list,
- HTTPConnection.getDefaultContext())
- .elements();
- // discard cookies which are not to be kept across sessions
- while (enum.hasMoreElements())
- {
- Cookie cookie = (Cookie) enum.nextElement();
- if (!cookie.discard())
- cookie_list.put(cookie, cookie);
- }
- // save any remaining cookies in jar
- if (cookie_list.size() > 0)
- {
- try
- {
- ObjectOutputStream oos =
- new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(cookie_jar));
- oos.writeObject(cookie_list);
- oos.close();
- }
- catch (Throwable t)
- { }
- }
- }
- }
- private static String getCookieJarName()
- {
- String file = null;
- try
- { file = System.getProperty("HTTPClient.cookies.jar"); }
- catch (Exception e)
- { }
- if (file == null)
- {
- // default to something reasonable
- String os = System.getProperty("");
- if (os.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows 95") ||
- os.equalsIgnoreCase("16-bit Windows") ||
- os.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows"))
- {
- file = System.getProperty("java.home") +
- File.separator + ".httpclient_cookies";
- }
- else if (os.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows NT"))
- {
- file = System.getProperty("user.home") +
- File.separator + ".httpclient_cookies";
- }
- else if (os.equalsIgnoreCase("OS/2"))
- {
- file = System.getProperty("user.home") +
- File.separator + ".httpclient_cookies";
- }
- else if (os.equalsIgnoreCase("Mac OS") ||
- os.equalsIgnoreCase("MacOS"))
- {
- file = "System Folder" + File.separator +
- "Preferences" + File.separator +
- "HTTPClientCookies";
- }
- else // it's probably U*IX or VMS
- {
- file = System.getProperty("user.home") +
- File.separator + ".httpclient_cookies";
- }
- }
- return file;
- }
- // Constructors
- CookieModule()
- {
- }
- // Methods
- /**
- * Invoked by the HTTPClient.
- */
- public int requestHandler(Request req, Response[] resp)
- {
- // First remove any Cookie headers we might have set for a previous
- // request
- NVPair[] hdrs = req.getHeaders();
- int length = hdrs.length;
- for (int idx=0; idx<hdrs.length; idx++)
- {
- int beg = idx;
- while (idx < hdrs.length &&
- hdrs[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Cookie"))
- idx++;
- if (idx-beg > 0)
- {
- length -= idx-beg;
- System.arraycopy(hdrs, idx, hdrs, beg, length-beg);
- }
- }
- if (length < hdrs.length)
- {
- hdrs = Util.resizeArray(hdrs, length);
- req.setHeaders(hdrs);
- }
- // Now set any new cookie headers
- Hashtable cookie_list =
- Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, req.getConnection().getContext());
- if (cookie_list.size() == 0)
- return REQ_CONTINUE; // no need to create a lot of objects
- Vector names = new Vector();
- Vector lens = new Vector();
- int version = 0;
- synchronized (cookie_list)
- {
- Enumeration list = cookie_list.elements();
- Vector remove_list = null;
- while (list.hasMoreElements())
- {
- Cookie cookie = (Cookie) list.nextElement();
- if (cookie.hasExpired())
- {
- Log.write(Log.COOKI, "CookM: cookie has expired and is " +
- "being removed: " + cookie);
- if (remove_list == null) remove_list = new Vector();
- remove_list.addElement(cookie);
- continue;
- }
- if (cookie.sendWith(req) && (cookie_handler == null ||
- cookie_handler.sendCookie(cookie, req)))
- {
- int len = cookie.getPath().length();
- int idx;
- // insert in correct position
- for (idx=0; idx<lens.size(); idx++)
- if (((Integer) lens.elementAt(idx)).intValue() < len)
- break;
- names.insertElementAt(cookie.toExternalForm(), idx);
- lens.insertElementAt(new Integer(len), idx);
- if (cookie instanceof Cookie2)
- version = Math.max(version, ((Cookie2) cookie).getVersion());
- }
- }
- // remove any marked cookies
- // Note: we can't do this during the enumeration!
- if (remove_list != null)
- {
- for (int idx=0; idx<remove_list.size(); idx++)
- cookie_list.remove(remove_list.elementAt(idx));
- }
- }
- if (!names.isEmpty())
- {
- StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer();
- if (version > 0)
- value.append("$Version="" + version + ""; ");
- value.append((String) names.elementAt(0));
- for (int idx=1; idx<names.size(); idx++)
- {
- value.append("; ");
- value.append((String) names.elementAt(idx));
- }
- hdrs = Util.resizeArray(hdrs, hdrs.length+1);
- hdrs[hdrs.length-1] = new NVPair("Cookie", value.toString());
- // add Cookie2 header if necessary
- if (version != 1) // we currently know about version 1 only
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx<hdrs.length; idx++)
- if (hdrs[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Cookie2"))
- break;
- if (idx == hdrs.length)
- {
- hdrs = Util.resizeArray(hdrs, hdrs.length+1);
- hdrs[hdrs.length-1] =
- new NVPair("Cookie2", "$Version="1"");
- }
- }
- req.setHeaders(hdrs);
- Log.write(Log.COOKI, "CookM: Sending cookies '" + value + "'");
- }
- return REQ_CONTINUE;
- }
- /**
- * Invoked by the HTTPClient.
- */
- public void responsePhase1Handler(Response resp, RoRequest req)
- throws IOException
- {
- String set_cookie = resp.getHeader("Set-Cookie");
- String set_cookie2 = resp.getHeader("Set-Cookie2");
- if (set_cookie == null && set_cookie2 == null)
- return;
- resp.deleteHeader("Set-Cookie");
- resp.deleteHeader("Set-Cookie2");
- if (set_cookie != null)
- handleCookie(set_cookie, false, req, resp);
- if (set_cookie2 != null)
- handleCookie(set_cookie2, true, req, resp);
- }
- /**
- * Invoked by the HTTPClient.
- */
- public int responsePhase2Handler(Response resp, Request req)
- {
- return RSP_CONTINUE;
- }
- /**
- * Invoked by the HTTPClient.
- */
- public void responsePhase3Handler(Response resp, RoRequest req)
- {
- }
- /**
- * Invoked by the HTTPClient.
- */
- public void trailerHandler(Response resp, RoRequest req) throws IOException
- {
- String set_cookie = resp.getTrailer("Set-Cookie");
- String set_cookie2 = resp.getTrailer("Set-Cookie2");
- if (set_cookie == null && set_cookie2 == null)
- return;
- resp.deleteTrailer("Set-Cookie");
- resp.deleteTrailer("Set-Cookie2");
- if (set_cookie != null)
- handleCookie(set_cookie, false, req, resp);
- if (set_cookie2 != null)
- handleCookie(set_cookie2, true, req, resp);
- }
- private void handleCookie(String set_cookie, boolean cookie2, RoRequest req,
- Response resp)
- throws ProtocolException
- {
- Cookie[] cookies;
- if (cookie2)
- cookies = Cookie2.parse(set_cookie, req);
- else
- cookies = Cookie.parse(set_cookie, req);
- if (Log.isEnabled(Log.COOKI))
- {
- Log.write(Log.COOKI, "CookM: Received and parsed " + cookies.length +
- " cookies:");
- for (int idx=0; idx<cookies.length; idx++)
- Log.write(Log.COOKI, "CookM: Cookie " + idx + ": " + cookies[idx]);
- }
- Hashtable cookie_list =
- Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, req.getConnection().getContext());
- synchronized (cookie_list)
- {
- for (int idx=0; idx<cookies.length; idx++)
- {
- Cookie cookie = (Cookie) cookie_list.get(cookies[idx]);
- if (cookie != null && cookies[idx].hasExpired())
- {
- Log.write(Log.COOKI, "CookM: cookie has expired and is " +
- "being removed: " + cookie);
- cookie_list.remove(cookie); // expired, so remove
- }
- else if (!cookies[idx].hasExpired()) // new or replaced
- {
- if (cookie_handler == null ||
- cookie_handler.acceptCookie(cookies[idx], req, resp))
- cookie_list.put(cookies[idx], cookies[idx]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Discard all cookies for all contexts. Cookies stored in persistent
- * storage are not affected.
- */
- public static void discardAllCookies()
- {
- cookie_cntxt_list.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Discard all cookies for the given context. Cookies stored in persistent
- * storage are not affected.
- *
- * @param context the context Object
- */
- public static void discardAllCookies(Object context)
- {
- if (context != null)
- cookie_cntxt_list.remove(context);
- }
- /**
- * List all stored cookies for all contexts.
- *
- * @return an array of all Cookies
- * @since V0.3-1
- */
- public static Cookie[] listAllCookies()
- {
- synchronized (cookie_cntxt_list)
- {
- Cookie[] cookies = new Cookie[0];
- int idx = 0;
- Enumeration cntxt_list = cookie_cntxt_list.elements();
- while (cntxt_list.hasMoreElements())
- {
- Hashtable cntxt = (Hashtable) cntxt_list.nextElement();
- synchronized (cntxt)
- {
- cookies = Util.resizeArray(cookies, idx+cntxt.size());
- Enumeration cookie_list = cntxt.elements();
- while (cookie_list.hasMoreElements())
- cookies[idx++] = (Cookie) cookie_list.nextElement();
- }
- }
- return cookies;
- }
- }
- /**
- * List all stored cookies for a given context.
- *
- * @param context the context Object.
- * @return an array of Cookies
- * @since V0.3-1
- */
- public static Cookie[] listAllCookies(Object context)
- {
- Hashtable cookie_list = Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, context);
- synchronized (cookie_list)
- {
- Cookie[] cookies = new Cookie[cookie_list.size()];
- int idx = 0;
- Enumeration enum = cookie_list.elements();
- while (enum.hasMoreElements())
- cookies[idx++] = (Cookie) enum.nextElement();
- return cookies;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add the specified cookie to the list of cookies in the default context.
- * If a compatible cookie (as defined by <var>Cookie.equals()</var>)
- * already exists in the list then it is replaced with the new cookie.
- *
- * @param cookie the Cookie to add
- * @since V0.3-1
- */
- public static void addCookie(Cookie cookie)
- {
- Hashtable cookie_list =
- Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, HTTPConnection.getDefaultContext());
- cookie_list.put(cookie, cookie);
- }
- /**
- * Add the specified cookie to the list of cookies for the specified
- * context. If a compatible cookie (as defined by
- * <var>Cookie.equals()</var>) already exists in the list then it is
- * replaced with the new cookie.
- *
- * @param cookie the cookie to add
- * @param context the context Object.
- * @since V0.3-1
- */
- public static void addCookie(Cookie cookie, Object context)
- {
- Hashtable cookie_list = Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, context);
- cookie_list.put(cookie, cookie);
- }
- /**
- * Remove the specified cookie from the list of cookies in the default
- * context. If the cookie is not found in the list then this method does
- * nothing.
- *
- * @param cookie the Cookie to remove
- * @since V0.3-1
- */
- public static void removeCookie(Cookie cookie)
- {
- Hashtable cookie_list =
- Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, HTTPConnection.getDefaultContext());
- cookie_list.remove(cookie);
- }
- /**
- * Remove the specified cookie from the list of cookies for the specified
- * context. If the cookie is not found in the list then this method does
- * nothing.
- *
- * @param cookie the cookie to remove
- * @param context the context Object
- * @since V0.3-1
- */
- public static void removeCookie(Cookie cookie, Object context)
- {
- Hashtable cookie_list = Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, context);
- cookie_list.remove(cookie);
- }
- /**
- * Sets a new cookie policy handler. This handler will be called for each
- * cookie that a server wishes to set and for each cookie that this
- * module wishes to send with a request. In either case the handler may
- * allow or reject the operation. If you wish to blindly accept and send
- * all cookies then just disable the handler with
- * <code>CookieModule.setCookiePolicyHandler(null);</code>.
- *
- * <P>At initialization time a default handler is installed. This
- * handler allows all cookies to be sent. For any cookie that a server
- * wishes to be set two lists are consulted. If the server matches any
- * host or domain in the reject list then the cookie is rejected; if
- * the server matches any host or domain in the accept list then the
- * cookie is accepted (in that order). If no host or domain match is
- * found in either of these two lists and user interaction is allowed
- * then a dialog box is poped up to ask the user whether to accept or
- * reject the cookie; if user interaction is not allowed the cookie is
- * accepted.
- *
- * <P>The accept and reject lists in the default handler are initialized
- * at startup from the two properties
- * <var>HTTPClient.cookies.hosts.accept</var> and
- * <var>HTTPClient.cookies.hosts.reject</var>. These properties must
- * contain a "|" separated list of host and domain names. All names
- * beginning with a "." are treated as domain names, all others as host
- * names. An empty string will match all hosts. The two lists are
- * further expanded if the user chooses one of the "Accept All from
- * Domain" or "Reject All from Domain" buttons in the dialog box.
- *
- * <P>Note: the default handler does not implement the rules concerning
- * unverifiable transactions (section 3.3.6, <A
- * HREF="">RFC-2965</A>). The reason
- * for this is simple: the default handler knows nothing about the
- * application using this client, and it therefore does not have enough
- * information to determine when a request is verifiable and when not. You
- * are therefore encouraged to provide your own handler which implements
- * section 3.3.6 (use the <code>CookiePolicyHandler.sendCookie</code>
- * method for this).
- *
- * @param handler the new policy handler
- * @return the previous policy handler
- */
- public static synchronized CookiePolicyHandler
- setCookiePolicyHandler(CookiePolicyHandler handler)
- {
- CookiePolicyHandler old = cookie_handler;
- cookie_handler = handler;
- return old;
- }
- }
- /**
- * A simple cookie policy handler.
- */
- class DefaultCookiePolicyHandler implements CookiePolicyHandler
- {
- /** a list of all hosts and domains from which to silently accept cookies */
- private String[] accept_domains = new String[0];
- /** a list of all hosts and domains from which to silently reject cookies */
- private String[] reject_domains = new String[0];
- /** the query popup */
- private BasicCookieBox popup = null;
- DefaultCookiePolicyHandler()
- {
- // have all cookies been accepted or rejected?
- String list;
- try
- { list = System.getProperty("HTTPClient.cookies.hosts.accept"); }
- catch (Exception e)
- { list = null; }
- String[] domains = Util.splitProperty(list);
- for (int idx=0; idx<domains.length; idx++)
- addAcceptDomain(domains[idx].toLowerCase());
- try
- { list = System.getProperty("HTTPClient.cookies.hosts.reject"); }
- catch (Exception e)
- { list = null; }
- domains = Util.splitProperty(list);
- for (int idx=0; idx<domains.length; idx++)
- addRejectDomain(domains[idx].toLowerCase());
- }
- /**
- * returns whether this cookie should be accepted. First checks the
- * stored lists of accept and reject domains, and if it is neither
- * accepted nor rejected by these then query the user via a popup.
- *
- * @param cookie the cookie in question
- * @param req the request
- * @param resp the response
- * @return true if we accept this cookie.
- */
- public boolean acceptCookie(Cookie cookie, RoRequest req, RoResponse resp)
- {
- String server = req.getConnection().getHost();
- if (server.indexOf('.') == -1) server += ".local";
- // Check lists. Reject takes priority over accept
- for (int idx=0; idx<reject_domains.length; idx++)
- {
- if (reject_domains[idx].length() == 0 ||
- reject_domains[idx].charAt(0) == '.' &&
- server.endsWith(reject_domains[idx]) ||
- reject_domains[idx].charAt(0) != '.' &&
- server.equals(reject_domains[idx]))
- return false;
- }
- for (int idx=0; idx<accept_domains.length; idx++)
- {
- if (accept_domains[idx].length() == 0 ||
- accept_domains[idx].charAt(0) == '.' &&
- server.endsWith(accept_domains[idx]) ||
- accept_domains[idx].charAt(0) != '.' &&
- server.equals(accept_domains[idx]))
- return true;
- }
- // Ok, not in any list, so ask the user (if allowed).
- if (!req.allowUI()) return true;
- if (popup == null)
- popup = new BasicCookieBox();
- return popup.accept(cookie, this, server);
- }
- /**
- * This handler just allows all cookies to be sent which were accepted
- * (i.e. no further restrictions are placed on the sending of cookies).
- *
- * @return true
- */
- public boolean sendCookie(Cookie cookie, RoRequest req)
- {
- return true;
- }
- void addAcceptDomain(String domain)
- {
- if (domain.indexOf('.') == -1 && domain.length() > 0)
- domain += ".local";
- for (int idx=0; idx<accept_domains.length; idx++)
- {
- if (domain.endsWith(accept_domains[idx]))
- return;
- if (accept_domains[idx].endsWith(domain))
- {
- accept_domains[idx] = domain;
- return;
- }
- }
- accept_domains =
- Util.resizeArray(accept_domains, accept_domains.length+1);
- accept_domains[accept_domains.length-1] = domain;
- }
- void addRejectDomain(String domain)
- {
- if (domain.indexOf('.') == -1 && domain.length() > 0)
- domain += ".local";
- for (int idx=0; idx<reject_domains.length; idx++)
- {
- if (domain.endsWith(reject_domains[idx]))
- return;
- if (reject_domains[idx].endsWith(domain))
- {
- reject_domains[idx] = domain;
- return;
- }
- }
- reject_domains =
- Util.resizeArray(reject_domains, reject_domains.length+1);
- reject_domains[reject_domains.length-1] = domain;
- }
- }
- /**
- * A simple popup that asks whether the cookie should be accepted or rejected,
- * or if cookies from whole domains should be silently accepted or rejected.
- *
- * @version 0.3-3 06/05/2001
- * @author Ronald Tschal鋜
- */
- class BasicCookieBox extends Frame
- {
- private final static String title = "Set Cookie Request";
- private Dimension screen;
- private GridBagConstraints constr;
- private Label name_value_label;
- private Label domain_value;
- private Label ports_label;
- private Label ports_value;
- private Label path_value;
- private Label expires_value;
- private Label discard_note;
- private Label secure_note;
- private Label c_url_note;
- private Panel left_panel;
- private Panel right_panel;
- private Label comment_label;
- private TextArea comment_value;
- private TextField domain;
- private Button default_focus;
- private boolean accept;
- private boolean accept_domain;
- /**
- * Constructs the popup.
- */
- BasicCookieBox()
- {
- super(title);
- screen = getToolkit().getScreenSize();
- addNotify();
- addWindowListener(new Close());
- GridBagLayout layout;
- setLayout(layout = new GridBagLayout());
- constr = new GridBagConstraints();
- constr.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- constr.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
- add(new Label("The server would like to set the following cookie:"), constr);
- Panel p = new Panel();
- left_panel = new Panel();
- left_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1));
- left_panel.add(new Label("Name=Value:"));
- left_panel.add(new Label("Domain:"));
- left_panel.add(new Label("Path:"));
- left_panel.add(new Label("Expires:"));
- ports_label = new Label("Ports:");
- p.add(left_panel);
- right_panel = new Panel();
- right_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1));
- right_panel.add(name_value_label = new Label());
- right_panel.add(domain_value = new Label());
- right_panel.add(path_value = new Label());
- right_panel.add(expires_value = new Label());
- ports_value = new Label();
- p.add(right_panel);
- add(p, constr);
- secure_note = new Label("This cookie will only be sent over secure connections");
- discard_note = new Label("This cookie will be discarded at the end of the session");
- c_url_note = new Label("");
- comment_label = new Label("Comment:");
- comment_value =
- new TextArea("", 3, 45, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY);
- comment_value.setEditable(false);
- add(new Panel(), constr);
- constr.gridwidth = 1;
- constr.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
- constr.weightx = 1.0;
- add(default_focus = new Button("Accept"), constr);
- default_focus.addActionListener(new Accept());
- Button b;
- constr.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- add(b= new Button("Reject"), constr);
- b.addActionListener(new Reject());
- constr.weightx = 0.0;
- p = new Separator();
- constr.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
- add(p, constr);
- constr.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
- constr.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
- add(new Label("Accept/Reject all cookies from a host or domain:"), constr);
- p = new Panel();
- p.add(new Label("Host/Domain:"));
- p.add(domain = new TextField(30));
- add(p, constr);
- add(new Label("domains are characterized by a leading dot (`.');"), constr);
- add(new Label("an empty string matches all hosts"), constr);
- constr.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
- constr.gridwidth = 1;
- constr.weightx = 1.0;
- add(b = new Button("Accept All"), constr);
- b.addActionListener(new AcceptDomain());
- constr.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- add(b = new Button("Reject All"), constr);
- b.addActionListener(new RejectDomain());
- pack();
- constr.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
- constr.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- }
- public Dimension getMaximumSize()
- {
- return new Dimension(screen.width*3/4, screen.height*3/4);
- }
- /**
- * our event handlers
- */
- private class Accept implements ActionListener
- {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
- {
- accept = true;
- accept_domain = false;
- synchronized (BasicCookieBox.this)
- { BasicCookieBox.this.notifyAll(); }
- }
- }
- private class Reject implements ActionListener
- {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
- {
- accept = false;
- accept_domain = false;
- synchronized (BasicCookieBox.this)
- { BasicCookieBox.this.notifyAll(); }
- }
- }
- private class AcceptDomain implements ActionListener
- {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
- {
- accept = true;
- accept_domain = true;
- synchronized (BasicCookieBox.this)
- { BasicCookieBox.this.notifyAll(); }
- }
- }
- private class RejectDomain implements ActionListener
- {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
- {
- accept = false;
- accept_domain = true;
- synchronized (BasicCookieBox.this)
- { BasicCookieBox.this.notifyAll(); }
- }
- }
- private class Close extends WindowAdapter
- {
- public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
- {
- new Reject().actionPerformed(null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * the method called by the DefaultCookiePolicyHandler.
- *
- * @return true if the cookie should be accepted
- */
- public synchronized boolean accept(Cookie cookie,
- DefaultCookiePolicyHandler h,
- String server)
- {
- // set the new values
- name_value_label.setText(cookie.getName() + "=" + cookie.getValue());
- domain_value.setText(cookie.getDomain());
- path_value.setText(cookie.getPath());
- if (cookie.expires() == null)
- expires_value.setText("never");
- else
- expires_value.setText(cookie.expires().toString());
- int pos = 2;
- if (cookie.isSecure())
- add(secure_note, constr, pos++);
- if (cookie.discard())
- add(discard_note, constr, pos++);
- if (cookie instanceof Cookie2)
- {
- Cookie2 cookie2 = (Cookie2) cookie;
- // set ports list
- if (cookie2.getPorts() != null)
- {
- ((GridLayout) left_panel.getLayout()).setRows(5);
- left_panel.add(ports_label, 2);
- ((GridLayout) right_panel.getLayout()).setRows(5);
- int[] ports = cookie2.getPorts();
- StringBuffer plist = new StringBuffer();
- plist.append(ports[0]);
- for (int idx=1; idx<ports.length; idx++)
- {
- plist.append(", ");
- plist.append(ports[idx]);
- }
- ports_value.setText(plist.toString());
- right_panel.add(ports_value, 2);
- }
- // set comment url
- if (cookie2.getCommentURL() != null)
- {
- c_url_note.setText("For more info on this cookie see: " +
- cookie2.getCommentURL());
- add(c_url_note, constr, pos++);
- }
- // set comment
- if (cookie2.getComment() != null)
- {
- comment_value.setText(cookie2.getComment());
- add(comment_label, constr, pos++);
- add(comment_value, constr, pos++);
- }
- }
- // invalidate all labels, so that new values are displayed correctly
- name_value_label.invalidate();
- domain_value.invalidate();
- ports_value.invalidate();
- path_value.invalidate();
- expires_value.invalidate();
- left_panel.invalidate();
- right_panel.invalidate();
- secure_note.invalidate();
- discard_note.invalidate();
- c_url_note.invalidate();
- comment_value.invalidate();
- invalidate();
- // set default domain test
- domain.setText(cookie.getDomain());
- // display
- setResizable(true);
- pack();
- setResizable(false);
- setLocation((screen.width-getPreferredSize().width)/2,
- (int) ((screen.height-getPreferredSize().height)/2*.7));
- setVisible(true);
- default_focus.requestFocus();
- // wait for user input
- try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
- setVisible(false);
- // reset popup
- remove(secure_note);
- remove(discard_note);
- left_panel.remove(ports_label);
- ((GridLayout) left_panel.getLayout()).setRows(4);
- right_panel.remove(ports_value);
- ((GridLayout) right_panel.getLayout()).setRows(4);
- remove(c_url_note);
- remove(comment_label);
- remove(comment_value);
- // handle accept/reject domain buttons
- if (accept_domain)
- {
- String dom = domain.getText().trim().toLowerCase();
- if (accept)
- h.addAcceptDomain(dom);
- else
- h.addRejectDomain(dom);
- }
- return accept;
- }
- }
- /**
- * A simple separator element.
- */
- class Separator extends Panel
- {
- public void paint(Graphics g)
- {
- int w = getSize().width,
- h = getSize().height/2;
- g.setColor(Color.darkGray);
- g.drawLine(2, h-1, w-2, h-1);
- g.setColor(Color.white);
- g.drawLine(2, h, w-2, h);
- }
- public Dimension getMinimumSize()
- {
- return new Dimension(4, 2);
- }
- }