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Package: HTTP客户端.zip [view]
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- /*
- * @(#) 0.3-3 18/06/1999
- *
- * This file is part of the HTTPClient package
- * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Ronald Tschal鋜
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA
- *
- * For questions, suggestions, bug-reports, enhancement-requests etc.
- * I may be contacted at:
- *
- *
- *
- * The HTTPClient's home page is located at:
- *
- *
- *
- */
- package HTTPClient;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- /**
- * This class is a wrapper around HTTPConnection providing the interface
- * defined by and
- *
- * <P>This class is a hacked version of the HttpURLConnection class for use
- * with HotJava 1.1.x. It extends
- * instead of, because the HotJava uses the
- * setInstanceFollowRedirect() method which is defined in the
- * sun.*.HttpURLConnection class, but only if this is an instance of the
- * sun.*.HttpURLConnection class (or a subclass).
- *
- * <P>One difference between Sun's HttpClient and this one is that this
- * one will provide you with a real output stream if possible. This leads
- * to two changes: you should set the request property "Content-Length",
- * if possible, before invoking getOutputStream(); and in many cases
- * getOutputStream() implies connect(). This should be transparent, though,
- * apart from the fact that you can't change any headers or other settings
- * anymore once you've gotten the output stream.
- * So, for large data do:
- * <PRE>
- * HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
- *
- * con.setDoOutput(true);
- * con.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", ...);
- * OutputStream out = con.getOutputStream();
- *
- * out.write(...);
- * out.close();
- *
- * if (con.getResponseCode() != 200)
- * ...
- * </PRE>
- *
- * <P>The HTTPClient will send the request data using the chunked transfer
- * encoding when no Content-Length is specified and the server is HTTP/1.1
- * compatible. Because cgi-scripts can't usually handle this, you may
- * experience problems trying to POST data. For this reason, whenever
- * the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded getOutputStream()
- * will buffer the data before sending it so as prevent chunking. If you
- * are sending requests with a different Content-Type and are experiencing
- * problems then you may want to try setting the system property
- * <var>HTTPClient.dontChunkRequests</var> to <var>true</var> (this needs
- * to be done either on the command line or somewhere in the code before
- * the first URLConnection.openConnection() is invoked).
- *
- * <P>A second potential incompatibility is that the HTTPClient aggresively
- * resuses connections, and can do so more often that Sun's client. This
- * can cause problems if you send multiple requests, and the first one has
- * a long response. In this case (assuming the server allows the connection
- * to be used for multiple requests) the responses to second, third, etc
- * request won't be received until the first response has been completely
- * read. With Sun's client on the other hand you may not experience this,
- * as it may not be able to keep the connection open and there may create
- * multiple connections for the requests. This allows the responses to the
- * second, third, etc requests to be read before the first response has
- * completed. <strong>Note:</strong> whether this will happen depends on
- * details of the resource being requested and the server. In many cases
- * the HTTPClient and Sun's client will exhibit the same behaviour. Also,
- * applications which depend on being able to read the second response
- * before the first one has completed must be considered broken, because
- * A) this behaviour cannot be relied upon even in Sun's current client,
- * and B) Sun's implementation will exhibit the same problem if they ever
- * switch to HTTP/1.1.
- *
- * @version 0.3-3 18/06/1999
- * @author Ronald Tschal鋜
- * @since V0.3
- */
- public class HttpURLConnection
- extends
- implements GlobalConstants
- {
- /** a list of HTTPConnections */
- private static Hashtable connections = new Hashtable();
- /** the current connection */
- private HTTPConnection con;
- /** the cached url.toString() */
- private String urlString;
- /** the resource */
- private String resource;
- /** the current method */
- private String method;
- /** has the current method been set via setRequestMethod()? */
- private boolean method_set;
- /** the default request headers */
- private static NVPair[] default_headers = new NVPair[0];
- /** the request headers */
- private NVPair[] headers;
- /** the response */
- private HTTPResponse resp;
- /** is the redirection module activated for this instance? */
- private boolean do_redir;
- /** the RedirectionModule class */
- private static Class redir_mod;
- /** the output stream used for POST and PUT */
- private OutputStream output_stream;
- /** HotJava hacks */
- private static boolean in_hotjava = false;
- static
- {
- try
- {
- String browser = System.getProperty("browser");
- if (browser != null && browser.equals("HotJava"))
- in_hotjava = true;
- }
- catch (SecurityException se)
- { }
- // The default allowUserAction in is
- // false.
- try
- {
- if (Boolean.getBoolean("HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection.AllowUI") ||
- in_hotjava)
- setDefaultAllowUserInteraction(true);
- }
- catch (SecurityException se)
- { }
- // get the RedirectionModule class
- try
- { redir_mod = Class.forName("HTTPClient.RedirectionModule"); }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
- { throw new NoClassDefFoundError(cnfe.getMessage()); }
- // Set the User-Agent if the http.agent property is set
- try
- {
- String agent = System.getProperty("http.agent");
- if (agent != null)
- setDefaultRequestProperty("User-Agent", agent);
- }
- catch (SecurityException se)
- { }
- }
- // Constructors
- private static String non_proxy_hosts = "";
- private static String proxy_host = "";
- private static int proxy_port = -1;
- /**
- * Construct a connection to the specified url. A cache of
- * HTTPConnections is used to maximize the reuse of these across
- * multiple HttpURLConnections.
- *
- * <BR>The default method is "GET".
- *
- * @param url the url of the request
- * @exception ProtocolNotSuppException if the protocol is not supported
- */
- public HttpURLConnection(URL url)
- throws ProtocolNotSuppException, IOException
- {
- super(url, null);
- // first read proxy properties and set
- try
- {
- String hosts = System.getProperty("http.nonProxyHosts", "");
- if (!hosts.equalsIgnoreCase(non_proxy_hosts))
- {
- connections.clear();
- non_proxy_hosts = hosts;
- String[] list = Util.splitProperty(hosts);
- for (int idx=0; idx<list.length; idx++)
- HTTPConnection.dontProxyFor(list[idx]);
- }
- }
- catch (ParseException pe)
- { throw new IOException(pe.toString()); }
- catch (SecurityException se)
- { }
- try
- {
- String host = System.getProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
- int port = Integer.getInteger("http.proxyPort", -1).intValue();
- if (!host.equalsIgnoreCase(proxy_host) || port != proxy_port)
- {
- connections.clear();
- proxy_host = host;
- proxy_port = port;
- HTTPConnection.setProxyServer(host, port);
- }
- }
- catch (SecurityException se)
- { }
- // now setup stuff
- con = getConnection(url);
- method = "GET";
- method_set = false;
- resource = url.getFile();
- headers = default_headers;
- do_redir = getFollowRedirects();
- output_stream = null;
- urlString = url.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Returns an HTTPConnection. A cache of connections is kept and first
- * consulted; only when the cache lookup fails is a new one created
- * and added to the cache.
- *
- * @param url the url
- * @return an HTTPConnection
- * @exception ProtocolNotSuppException if the protocol is not supported
- */
- private HTTPConnection getConnection(URL url)
- throws ProtocolNotSuppException
- {
- // try the cache, using the host name
- String php = url.getProtocol() + ":" + url.getHost() + ":" +
- ((url.getPort() != -1) ? url.getPort() :
- URI.defaultPort(url.getProtocol()));
- php = php.toLowerCase();
- HTTPConnection con = (HTTPConnection) connections.get(php);
- if (con != null) return con;
- // Not in cache, so create new one and cache it
- con = new HTTPConnection(url);
- connections.put(php, con);
- return con;
- }
- // Methods
- /**
- * Sets the request method (e.g. "PUT" or "HEAD"). Can only be set
- * before connect() is called.
- *
- * @param method the http method.
- * @exception ProtocolException if already connected.
- */
- public void setRequestMethod(String method) throws ProtocolException
- {
- if (connected)
- throw new ProtocolException("Already connected!");
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: (" + urlString + ") Setting request method: " +
- method);
- this.method = method.trim().toUpperCase();
- method_set = true;
- }
- /**
- * Return the request method used.
- *
- * @return the http method.
- */
- public String getRequestMethod()
- {
- return method;
- }
- /**
- * Get the response code. Calls connect() if not connected.
- *
- * @return the http response code returned.
- */
- public int getResponseCode() throws IOException
- {
- if (!connected) connect();
- try
- {
- if (in_hotjava && resp.getStatusCode() >= 300)
- {
- try
- { resp.getData(); } // force response stream to be read
- catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
- { disconnect(); }
- }
- return resp.getStatusCode();
- }
- catch (ModuleException me)
- { throw new IOException(me.toString()); }
- }
- /**
- * Get the response message describing the response code. Calls connect()
- * if not connected.
- *
- * @return the http response message returned with the response code.
- */
- public String getResponseMessage() throws IOException
- {
- if (!connected) connect();
- try
- { return resp.getReasonLine(); }
- catch (ModuleException me)
- { throw new IOException(me.toString()); }
- }
- /**
- * Get the value part of a header. Calls connect() if not connected.
- *
- * @param name the of the header.
- * @return the value of the header, or null if no such header was returned.
- */
- public String getHeaderField(String name)
- {
- try
- {
- if (!connected) connect();
- return resp.getHeader(name);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- { return null; }
- }
- /**
- * Get the value part of a header and converts it to an int. If the
- * header does not exist or if its value could not be converted to an
- * int then the default is returned. Calls connect() if not connected.
- *
- * @param name the of the header.
- * @param def the default value to return in case of an error.
- * @return the value of the header, or null if no such header was returned.
- */
- public int getHeaderFieldInt(String name, int def)
- {
- try
- {
- if (!connected) connect();
- return resp.getHeaderAsInt(name);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- { return def; }
- }
- /**
- * Get the value part of a header, interprets it as a date and converts
- * it to a long representing the number of milliseconds since 1970. If
- * the header does not exist or if its value could not be converted to a
- * date then the default is returned. Calls connect() if not connected.
- *
- * @param name the of the header.
- * @param def the default value to return in case of an error.
- * @return the value of the header, or def in case of an error.
- */
- public long getHeaderFieldDate(String name, long def)
- {
- try
- {
- if (!connected) connect();
- return resp.getHeaderAsDate(name).getTime();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- { return def; }
- }
- private String[] hdr_keys, hdr_values;
- /**
- * Gets header name of the n-th header. Calls connect() if not connected.
- * The name of the 0-th header is <var>null</var>, even though it the
- * 0-th header has a value.
- *
- * @param n which header to return.
- * @return the header name, or null if not that many headers.
- */
- public String getHeaderFieldKey(int n)
- {
- if (hdr_keys == null)
- fill_hdr_arrays();
- if (n >= 0 && n < hdr_keys.length)
- return hdr_keys[n];
- else
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Gets header value of the n-th header. Calls connect() if not connected.
- * The value of 0-th header is the Status-Line (e.g. "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok").
- *
- * @param n which header to return.
- * @return the header value, or null if not that many headers.
- */
- public String getHeaderField(int n)
- {
- if (hdr_values == null)
- fill_hdr_arrays();
- if (n >= 0 && n < hdr_values.length)
- return hdr_values[n];
- else
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Cache the list of headers.
- */
- private void fill_hdr_arrays()
- {
- try
- {
- if (!connected) connect();
- // count number of headers
- int num = 1;
- Enumeration enum = resp.listHeaders();
- while (enum.hasMoreElements())
- {
- num++;
- enum.nextElement();
- }
- // allocate arrays
- hdr_keys = new String[num];
- hdr_values = new String[num];
- // fill arrays
- enum = resp.listHeaders();
- for (int idx=1; idx<num; idx++)
- {
- hdr_keys[idx] = (String) enum.nextElement();
- hdr_values[idx] = resp.getHeader(hdr_keys[idx]);
- }
- // the 0'th field is special
- hdr_values[0] = resp.getVersion() + " " + resp.getStatusCode() +
- " " + resp.getReasonLine();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- { hdr_keys = hdr_values = new String[0]; }
- }
- /**
- * Gets an input stream from which the data in the response may be read.
- * Calls connect() if not connected.
- *
- * @return an InputStream
- * @exception ProtocolException if input not enabled.
- * @see
- */
- public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
- {
- if (!doInput)
- throw new ProtocolException("Input not enabled! (use setDoInput(true))");
- if (!connected) connect();
- InputStream stream;
- try
- {
- stream = resp.getInputStream();
- if ( != null && resp.getHeader("Content-length") != null)
- {
- try
- { stream = new,; }
- catch (Throwable t)
- {
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: (" + urlString +
- ") error trying to create metered stream: ", t);
- }
- }
- else
- // some things expect this stream to support mark/reset
- stream = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
- }
- catch (ModuleException e)
- { throw new IOException(e.toString()); }
- return stream;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the error stream if the connection failed
- * but the server sent useful data nonetheless.
- *
- * <P>This method will not cause a connection to be initiated.
- *
- * @return an InputStream, or null if either the connection hasn't
- * been established yet or no error occured
- * @see
- * @since V0.3-1
- */
- public InputStream getErrorStream()
- {
- try
- {
- if (!doInput || !connected || resp.getStatusCode() < 300 ||
- resp.getHeaderAsInt("Content-length") <= 0)
- return null;
- return resp.getInputStream();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- { return null; }
- }
- /**
- * Gets an output stream which can be used send an entity with the
- * request. Can be called multiple times, in which case always the
- * same stream is returned.
- *
- * <P>The default request method changes to "POST" when this method is
- * called. Cannot be called after connect().
- *
- * <P>If no Content-type has been set it defaults to
- * <var>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</var>. Furthermore, if the
- * Content-type is <var>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</var> then all
- * output will be collected in a buffer before sending it to the server;
- * otherwise an HttpOutputStream is used.
- *
- * @return an OutputStream
- * @exception ProtocolException if already connect()'ed, if output is not
- * enabled or if the request method does not
- * support output.
- * @see
- * @see HTTPClient.HttpOutputStream
- */
- public synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
- {
- if (connected)
- throw new ProtocolException("Already connected!");
- if (!doOutput)
- throw new ProtocolException("Output not enabled! (use setDoOutput(true))");
- if (!method_set)
- method = "POST";
- else if (method.equals("HEAD") || method.equals("GET") ||
- method.equals("TRACE"))
- throw new ProtocolException("Method "+method+" does not support output!");
- if (getRequestProperty("Content-type") == null)
- setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- if (output_stream == null)
- {
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: (" + urlString + ") creating output stream");
- String cl = getRequestProperty("Content-Length");
- if (cl != null)
- output_stream = new HttpOutputStream(Integer.parseInt(cl.trim()));
- else
- {
- // Hack: because of restrictions when using true output streams
- // and because form-data is usually quite limited in size, we
- // first collect all data before sending it if this is
- // form-data.
- if (getRequestProperty("Content-type").equals(
- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
- output_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(300);
- else
- output_stream = new HttpOutputStream();
- }
- if (output_stream instanceof HttpOutputStream)
- connect();
- }
- return output_stream;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the url for this connection. If we're connect()'d and the request
- * was redirected then the url returned is that of the final request.
- *
- * @return the final url, or null if any exception occured.
- */
- public URL getURL()
- {
- if (connected)
- {
- try
- {
- if (resp.getEffectiveURL() != null)
- return resp.getEffectiveURL();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- { return null; }
- }
- return url;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <var>If-Modified-Since</var> header.
- *
- * @param time the number of milliseconds since 1970.
- */
- public void setIfModifiedSince(long time)
- {
- super.setIfModifiedSince(time);
- setRequestProperty("If-Modified-Since", Util.httpDate(new Date(time)));
- }
- /**
- * Sets an arbitrary request header.
- *
- * @param name the name of the header.
- * @param value the value for the header.
- */
- public void setRequestProperty(String name, String value)
- {
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: (" + urlString + ") Setting request property: " +
- name + " : " + value);
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx<headers.length; idx++)
- {
- if (headers[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
- break;
- }
- if (idx == headers.length)
- headers = Util.resizeArray(headers, idx+1);
- headers[idx] = new NVPair(name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of a given request header.
- *
- * @param name the name of the header.
- * @return the value part of the header, or null if no such header.
- */
- public String getRequestProperty(String name)
- {
- for (int idx=0; idx<headers.length; idx++)
- {
- if (headers[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
- return headers[idx].getValue();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Sets an arbitrary default request header. All headers set here are
- * automatically sent with each request.
- *
- * @param name the name of the header.
- * @param value the value for the header.
- */
- public static void setDefaultRequestProperty(String name, String value)
- {
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: Setting default request property: " +
- name + " : " + value);
- int idx;
- for (idx=0; idx<default_headers.length; idx++)
- {
- if (default_headers[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
- break;
- }
- if (idx == default_headers.length)
- default_headers = Util.resizeArray(default_headers, idx+1);
- default_headers[idx] = new NVPair(name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value for a given default request header.
- *
- * @param name the name of the header.
- * @return the value part of the header, or null if no such header.
- */
- public static String getDefaultRequestProperty(String name)
- {
- for (int idx=0; idx<default_headers.length; idx++)
- {
- if (default_headers[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
- return default_headers[idx].getValue();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Enables or disables the automatic handling of redirection responses
- * for this instance only. Cannot be called after <code>connect()</code>.
- *
- * @param set enables automatic redirection handling if true.
- */
- public void setInstanceFollowRedirects(boolean set)
- {
- if (connected)
- throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected!");
- do_redir = set;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if automatic redirection handling for this instance is
- * enabled.
- */
- public boolean getInstanceFollowRedirects()
- {
- return do_redir;
- }
- /**
- * Connects to the server (if connection not still kept alive) and
- * issues the request.
- */
- public synchronized void connect() throws IOException
- {
- if (connected) return;
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: (" + urlString + ") Connecting ...");
- // useCaches TBD!!!
- synchronized(con)
- {
- con.setAllowUserInteraction(allowUserInteraction);
- if (do_redir)
- con.addModule(redir_mod, 2);
- else
- con.removeModule(redir_mod);
- try
- {
- if (output_stream instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream)
- resp = con.ExtensionMethod(method, resource,
- ((ByteArrayOutputStream) output_stream).toByteArray(),
- headers);
- else
- resp = con.ExtensionMethod(method, resource,
- (HttpOutputStream) output_stream, headers);
- }
- catch (ModuleException e)
- { throw new IOException(e.toString()); }
- }
- connected = true;
- try
- { resp.setProgressEntry(new, null)); }
- catch (Throwable t)
- {
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: (" + urlString +
- ") error trying to create and set progress entry: ", t);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Closes all the connections to this server.
- */
- public void disconnect()
- {
- Log.write(Log.URLC, "URLC: (" + urlString + ") Disconnecting ...");
- con.stop();
- if (resp != null)
- resp.unsetProgressEntry();
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- if (resp != null)
- resp.unsetProgressEntry();
- super.finalize();
- }
- /**
- * Shows if request are being made through an http proxy or directly.
- *
- * @return true if an http proxy is being used.
- */
- public boolean usingProxy()
- {
- return (con.getProxyHost() != null);
- }
- /**
- * produces a string.
- * @return a string containing the HttpURLConnection
- */
- public String toString()
- {
- return getClass().getName() + "[" + url + "]";
- }
- }