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Package: cku197.tar.Z [view]
Upload User: dufan58
Upload Date: 2007-01-05
Package Size: 3407k
Code Size: 6k
Development Platform:
- ; File CKERMOD.INI, Sample C-Kermit 7.0 customization file.
- ;
- ; This file, which is ONLY A SAMPLE, should be called:
- ;
- ; .mykermrc (UNIX, OS-9, Aegis, BeBox, Plan 9)
- ; CKERMOD.INI (VMS, OpenVMS, AOS/VS, OS/2, Amiga, Atari ST)
- ; ckermod.ini (Stratus VOS)
- ;
- ; MODify it to suit your needs and preferences, and install it in the same
- ; directory as your C-Kermit initialization file. The design of this file
- ; lets you fill in a section for each different operating system where you run
- ; C-Kermit. This file is executed automatically by the standard C-Kermit
- ; initialization file, CKERMIT.INI (or .kermrc). See the manual, "Using
- ; C-Kermit", for further information.
- ;
- ; Authors: Christine Gianone, Frank da Cruz, Jeffrey Altman,
- ; The Kermit Project, Columbia University.
- ; Creation: 23 November 1992 for C-Kermit 5A(188).
- ; Modified: 30 June 1993 for edit 189.
- ; 04 October 1994 for edit 190.
- ; 17 April 1995 for edit 191.
- ; 6 September 1996 for version 6.0, edit 192.
- ; 1 January 2000 for version 7.0, edit 196.
- ECHO Executing SAMPLE C-Kermit customization file v(cmdfile) for v(system)...
- ECHO { Please edit this file to reflect your needs and preferences.}
- ;
- ; ... and then remove the ECHO commands above.
- COMMENT - Settings that apply to all the systems I use:
- ;
- set delay 1 ; I escape back quickly
- set dial display on ; I like to watch C-Kermit dial
- ; Dialing locale and method
- ;
- ; SET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE 1 ; Uncomment and replace with yours
- ; SET DIAL AREA-CODE 000 ; Uncomment and replace with yours
- ; SET DIAL LD-PREFIX 1 ; Uncomment and replace with yours
- ; SET DIAL INTL-PREFIX 011 ; Uncomment and replace with yours
- ; SET DIAL METHOD TONE ; Uncomment and replace with PULSE if necessary
- ; SET DIAL DIRECTORY ... ... ; List dialing directory files here
- ; File transfer preferences
- ;
- ; FAST ; Uncomment to enable fast file transfer
- ; SET FILE TYPE BINARY ; Uncomment to force binary-mode file transfer
- ; SET FILE NAMES LITERAL ; Uncomment to defeat filename conversion
- ; SET SEND PATHNAMES ON ; Uncomment to defeat send pathname stripping
- ; SET RECEIVE PATHNAMES ON ; Uncomment to defeat receive pathname stripping
- ; SET EXIT WARNING OFF ; Uncomment this to remove connection warnings
- ; SET TERMINAL APC ON ; Uncomment to allow APC commands
- ; SET TERM AUTODOWNLOAD ON ; Uncomment to allow autodownload
- if < v(version) 600192 -
- stop 1 v(cmdfile): C-Kermit 6.0.192 or later required.
- set take error on ; Make errors fatal temporarily
- check if ; Do we have an IF command?
- set take error off ; Yes we do, back to normal
- ; The ON_EXIT macro is executed automatically when C-Kermit exits.
- ; Define as desired.
- ;
- define ON_EXIT echo Returning you to v(system) now.
- ; System-independent quick dialing macro. Depends on having the
- ; macros MYMODEM, MYPORT, and (optionally) MYSPEED defined in the
- ; system-dependent sections below.
- ;
- define MYDIAL {
- if not defined MYMODEM end 1 {%0: Modem type not defined.}
- set modem type m(MYMODEM)
- if fail end 1 {%0: m(MYMODEM): Unsupported modem type.}
- if not defined MYPORT end 1 {%0: Communication port not defined.}
- set port m(MYPORT)
- if fail end 1 {%0: SET PORT m(MYPORT) failed.}
- if defined MYFLOW set flow m(MYFLOW)
- if fail end 1 {%0: SET FLOW m(MYFLOW) failed.}
- if defined MYSPEED set speed m(MYSPEED)
- if fail end 1 {%0: SET SPEED m(MYSPEED) failed.}
- dial %1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9
- end v(status)
- }
- forward v(system) ; Go execute system-dependent commands
- :UNIX ; UNIX, all versions...
- define MYPORT /dev/cua ; My dialing environment
- define MYMODEM usr ; Replace these by what you actually have
- define MYSPEED 57600
- ;
- ; If you want all your downloads to go to the same directory, no matter
- ; what your current directory is, uncomment and edit the following command:
- ;
- ; set file download-directory ~/download ; Download directory for UNIX
- ; Put other UNIX-specific commands here...
- end ; End of UNIX section
- :VMS ; VMS and OpenVMS
- define MYPORT TXA0: ; My dialing environment
- define MYMODEM usr ; Replace these by what you actually have
- define MYSPEED 57600
- ; set file download-directory [$(USER).DOWNLOAD] ; Download directory for VMS
- ; Put other VMS-specific commands here...
- end ; End of VMS section
- :WIN32 ; Windows and OS/2 customizations...
- :OS/2
- define MYPORT COM1 ; My dialing environment
- define MYMODEM usr ; Replace these by what you actually have
- define MYSPEED 57600
- set command byte 8 ; Use 8 bits between Kermit and console
- set xfer char latin1 ; Use Latin-1 for text file transfer
- set term char latin1 ; And use Latin-1 during CONNECT mode
- ; set file download-directory C:DOWNLOADS
- end
- :OS9/68K ; OS-9/68000
- define MYPORT /t3 ; My dialing environment
- define MYMODEM usr ; Replace these by what you actually have
- define MYSPEED 9600
- ; set file download-directory ~/downloads
- end ; End of OS-9 section
- :AOS/VS ; Data General AOS/VS
- define MYPORT @con3 ; My dialing environment
- define MYMODEM usr ; Replace these by what you actually have
- define MYSPEED 9600
- ; set file download-directory v(home)DOWNLOADS
- end
- ; And so on, you get the idea...
- ; Fill in the sections that apply to you.
- :Stratus_VOS ; Stratus VOS
- :Amiga ; Commodore Amiga
- :Atari_ST ; Atari ST
- :Macintosh ; Apple Macintosh
- :unknown ; Others
- ; (End of CKERMOD.INI)