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Package: ns-allinone-2.33.tar.gz [view]
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- # -*- tcl -*-
- # Functionality covered: operation of all IO commands, and all procedures
- # defined in generic/tclIO.c.
- #
- # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
- # built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
- # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- # Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- #
- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: io.test,v 2007/02/12 19:25:42 andreas_kupries Exp $
- if {[catch {package require tcltest 2}]} {
- puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2 required."
- return
- }
- namespace eval ::tcl::test::io {
- namespace import ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- namespace import ::tcltest::interpreter
- namespace import ::tcltest::makeFile
- namespace import ::tcltest::removeFile
- namespace import ::tcltest::test
- namespace import ::tcltest::testConstraint
- namespace import ::tcltest::viewFile
- testConstraint testchannel [llength [info commands testchannel]]
- testConstraint exec [llength [info commands exec]]
- testConstraint openpipe 1
- testConstraint fileevent [llength [info commands fileevent]]
- testConstraint fcopy [llength [info commands fcopy]]
- # You need a *very* special environment to do some tests. In
- # particular, many file systems do not support large-files...
- testConstraint largefileSupport 0
- # set up a long data file for some of the following tests
- set path(longfile) [makeFile {} longfile]
- set f [open $path(longfile) w]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar {} -translation lf
- for { set i 0 } { $i < 100 } { incr i} {
- puts $f "#123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
- #123456789abcdef01
- #"
- }
- close $f
- set path(cat) [makeFile {
- set f stdin
- if {$argv != ""} {
- set f [open [lindex $argv 0]]
- }
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -translation lf -blocking 0 -eofchar x1a
- fconfigure stdout -encoding binary -translation lf -buffering none
- fileevent $f readable "foo $f"
- proc foo {f} {
- set x [read $f]
- catch {puts -nonewline $x}
- if {[eof $f]} {
- close $f
- exit 0
- }
- }
- vwait forever
- } cat]
- set thisScript [file join [pwd] [info script]]
- proc contents {file} {
- set f [open $file]
- fconfigure $f -translation binary
- set a [read $f]
- close $f
- return $a
- }
- test io-1.5 {Tcl_WriteChars: CheckChannelErrors} {emptyTest} {
- # no test, need to cause an async error.
- } {}
- set path(test1) [makeFile {} test1]
- test io-1.6 {Tcl_WriteChars: WriteBytes} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary
- puts -nonewline $f "au4e4d"
- close $f
- contents $path(test1)
- } "ax4dx00"
- test io-1.7 {Tcl_WriteChars: WriteChars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis
- puts -nonewline $f "au4e4d"
- close $f
- contents $path(test1)
- } "ax93xe1x00"
- set path(test2) [makeFile {} test2]
- test io-1.8 {Tcl_WriteChars: WriteChars} {
- # This test written for SF bug #506297.
- #
- # Executing this test without the fix for the referenced bug
- # applied to tcl will cause tcl, more specifically WriteChars, to
- # go into an infinite loop.
- set f [open $path(test2) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp
- puts -nonewline $f [format %s%c [string repeat " " 4] 12399]
- close $f
- contents $path(test2)
- } " x1b$B$Ox1b(B"
- test io-1.9 {Tcl_WriteChars: WriteChars} {
- # When closing a channel with an encoding that appends
- # escape bytes, check for the case where the escape
- # bytes overflow the current IO buffer. The bytes
- # should be moved into a new buffer.
- set data "1234567890 [format %c 12399]"
- set sizes [list]
- # With default buffer size
- set f [open $path(test2) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp
- puts -nonewline $f $data
- close $f
- lappend sizes [file size $path(test2)]
- # With buffer size equal to the length
- # of the data, the escape bytes would
- # go into the next buffer.
- set f [open $path(test2) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f $data
- close $f
- lappend sizes [file size $path(test2)]
- # With buffer size that is large enough
- # to hold 1 byte of escaped data, but
- # not all 3. This should not write
- # the escape bytes to the first buffer
- # and then again to the second buffer.
- set f [open $path(test2) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp -buffersize 17
- puts -nonewline $f $data
- close $f
- lappend sizes [file size $path(test2)]
- # With buffer size that can hold 2 out of
- # 3 bytes of escaped data.
- set f [open $path(test2) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp -buffersize 18
- puts -nonewline $f $data
- close $f
- lappend sizes [file size $path(test2)]
- # With buffer size that can hold all the
- # data and escape bytes.
- set f [open $path(test2) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp -buffersize 19
- puts -nonewline $f $data
- close $f
- lappend sizes [file size $path(test2)]
- set sizes
- } {19 19 19 19 19}
- test io-2.1 {WriteBytes} {
- # loop until all bytes are written
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -buffersize 16 -translation crlf
- puts $f "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- close $f
- contents $path(test1)
- } "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzrn"
- test io-2.2 {WriteBytes: savedLF > 0} {
- # After flushing buffer, there was a n left over from the last
- # n -> rn expansion. It gets stuck at beginning of this buffer.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -buffersize 16 -translation crlf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345n12"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "123456789012345r" "123456789012345rn12"]
- test io-2.3 {WriteBytes: flush on line} {
- # Tcl "line" buffering has weird behavior: if current buffer contains
- # a n, entire buffer gets flushed. Logical behavior would be to flush
- # only up to the n.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -buffering line -translation crlf
- puts -nonewline $f "n12"
- set x [contents $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set x
- } "rn12"
- test io-2.4 {WriteBytes: reset sawLF after each buffer} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -buffering line -translation lf
- -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdefgnhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "abcdefgnhijklmno" "abcdefgnhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]
- test io-3.1 {WriteChars: compatibility with WriteBytes} {
- # loop until all bytes are written
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding ascii -buffersize 16 -translation crlf
- puts $f "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- close $f
- contents $path(test1)
- } "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzrn"
- test io-3.2 {WriteChars: compatibility with WriteBytes: savedLF > 0} {
- # After flushing buffer, there was a n left over from the last
- # n -> rn expansion. It gets stuck at beginning of this buffer.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding ascii -buffersize 16 -translation crlf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345n12"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "123456789012345r" "123456789012345rn12"]
- test io-3.3 {WriteChars: compatibility with WriteBytes: flush on line} {
- # Tcl "line" buffering has weird behavior: if current buffer contains
- # a n, entire buffer gets flushed. Logical behavior would be to flush
- # only up to the n.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding ascii -buffering line -translation crlf
- puts -nonewline $f "n12"
- set x [contents $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set x
- } "rn12"
- test io-3.4 {WriteChars: loop over stage buffer} {
- # stage buffer maps to more than can be queued at once.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding jis0208 -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)" "!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)"]
- test io-3.5 {WriteChars: saved != 0} {
- # Bytes produced by UtfToExternal from end of last channel buffer
- # had to be moved to beginning of next channel buffer to preserve
- # requested buffersize.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding jis0208 -buffersize 17
- puts -nonewline $f "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!" "!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)"]
- test io-3.6 {WriteChars: (stageRead + dstWrote == 0)} {
- # One incomplete UTF-8 character at end of staging buffer. Backup
- # in src to the beginning of that UTF-8 character and try again.
- #
- # Translate the first 16 bytes, produce 14 bytes of output, 2 left over
- # (first two bytes of uff21 in UTF-8). Given those two bytes try
- # translating them again, find that no bytes are read produced, and break
- # to outer loop where those two bytes will have the remaining 4 bytes
- # (the last byte of uff21 plus the all of uff22) appended.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "12345678901234uff21uff22"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "12345678901234x82x60" "12345678901234x82x60x82x61"]
- test io-3.7 {WriteChars: (bufPtr->nextAdded > bufPtr->length)} {
- # When translating UTF-8 to external, the produced bytes went past end
- # of the channel buffer. This is done purpose -- we then truncate the
- # bytes at the end of the partial character to preserve the requested
- # blocksize on flush. The truncated bytes are moved to the beginning
- # of the next channel buffer.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding jis0208 -buffersize 17
- puts -nonewline $f "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!" "!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)!)"]
- test io-3.8 {WriteChars: reset sawLF after each buffer} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding ascii -buffering line -translation lf
- -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdefgnhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "abcdefgnhijklmno" "abcdefgnhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]
- test io-4.1 {TranslateOutputEOL: lf} {
- # search for n
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -buffering line -translation lf
- puts $f "abcde"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "abcden" "abcden"]
- test io-4.2 {TranslateOutputEOL: cr} {
- # search for n, replace with r
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -buffering line -translation cr
- puts $f "abcde"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "abcder" "abcder"]
- test io-4.3 {TranslateOutputEOL: crlf} {
- # simple case: search for n, replace with r
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -buffering line -translation crlf
- puts $f "abcde"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "abcdern" "abcdern"]
- test io-4.4 {TranslateOutputEOL: crlf} {
- # keep storing more bytes in output buffer until output buffer is full.
- # We have 13 bytes initially that would turn into 18 bytes. Fill
- # dest buffer while (dstEnd < dstMax).
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "1234567nnnnnA"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "1234567rnrnrnrnr" "1234567rnrnrnrnrnA"]
- test io-4.5 {TranslateOutputEOL: crlf} {
- # Check for overflow of the destination buffer
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -buffersize 12
- puts -nonewline $f "12345678901n456789012345678901234"
- close $f
- set x [contents $path(test1)]
- } "12345678901rn456789012345678901234"
- test io-5.1 {CheckFlush: not full} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f
- puts -nonewline $f "12345678901234567890"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "" "12345678901234567890"]
- test io-5.2 {CheckFlush: full} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "12345678901234567890"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "1234567890123456" "12345678901234567890"]
- test io-5.3 {CheckFlush: not line} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -buffering line
- puts -nonewline $f "12345678901234567890"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "" "12345678901234567890"]
- test io-5.4 {CheckFlush: line} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -buffering line -translation lf -encoding ascii
- puts -nonewline $f "1234567890n1234567890"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "1234567890n1234567890" "1234567890n1234567890"]
- test io-5.5 {CheckFlush: none} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "1234567890"
- set x [list [contents $path(test1)]]
- close $f
- lappend x [contents $path(test1)]
- } [list "1234567890" "1234567890"]
- test io-6.1 {Tcl_GetsObj: working} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f "foonboo"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [gets $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } {foo}
- test io-6.2 {Tcl_GetsObj: CheckChannelErrors() != 0} {
- # no test, need to cause an async error.
- } {}
- test io-6.3 {Tcl_GetsObj: how many have we used?} {
- # if (bufPtr != NULL) {oldRemoved = bufPtr->nextRemoved}
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f "abcndefg"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [list [tell $f] [gets $f line] [tell $f] [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {0 3 5 4 defg}
- test io-6.4 {Tcl_GetsObj: encoding == NULL} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation binary
- puts $f "x81u1234"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation binary
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 3 "x81x34x00"]
- test io-6.5 {Tcl_GetsObj: encoding != NULL} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation binary
- puts $f "x88xeax92x9a"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 2 "u4e00u4e01"]
- set a "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
- append a $a
- append a $a
- test io-6.6 {Tcl_GetsObj: loop test} {
- # if (dst >= dstEnd)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f $a
- puts $f hi
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 256 $a]
- test io-6.7 {Tcl_GetsObj: error in input} {stdio openpipe} {
- # if (FilterInputBytes(chanPtr, &gs) != 0)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- puts -nonewline $f "hinwould"
- flush $f
- gets $f
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- set x [gets $f line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {-1}
- test io-6.8 {Tcl_GetsObj: remember if EOF is seen} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f "abcdefx1aghijknwombat"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {6 abcdef -1 {}}
- test io-6.9 {Tcl_GetsObj: remember if EOF is seen} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f "abcdefghijknwomu001abat"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {11 abcdefghijk 3 wom}
- # Comprehensive tests
- test io-6.10 {Tcl_GetsObj: lf mode: no chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {-1 {}}
- test io-6.11 {Tcl_GetsObj: lf mode: lone n} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "n"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {0 {} -1 {}}
- test io-6.12 {Tcl_GetsObj: lf mode: lone r} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "r"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 1 "r" -1 ""]
- test io-6.13 {Tcl_GetsObj: lf mode: 1 char} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f a
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.14 {Tcl_GetsObj: lf mode: 1 char followed by EOL} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "an"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.15 {Tcl_GetsObj: lf mode: several chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdnefghrijklrnmnop"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 4 "abcd" 10 "efghrijklr" 4 "mnop" -1 ""]
- test io-6.16 {Tcl_GetsObj: cr mode: no chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {-1 {}}
- test io-6.17 {Tcl_GetsObj: cr mode: lone n} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "n"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 1 "n" -1 ""]
- test io-6.18 {Tcl_GetsObj: cr mode: lone r} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "r"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {0 {} -1 {}}
- test io-6.19 {Tcl_GetsObj: cr mode: 1 char} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f a
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.20 {Tcl_GetsObj: cr mode: 1 char followed by EOL} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "ar"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.21 {Tcl_GetsObj: cr mode: several chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdnefghrijklrnmnop"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 9 "abcdnefgh" 4 "ijkl" 5 "nmnop" -1 ""]
- test io-6.22 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: no chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {-1 {}}
- test io-6.23 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: lone n} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "n"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 1 "n" -1 ""]
- test io-6.24 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: lone r} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "r"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 1 "r" -1 ""]
- test io-6.25 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: rr} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "rr"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 2 "rr" -1 ""]
- test io-6.26 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: rn} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "rn"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 0 "" -1 ""]
- test io-6.27 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: 1 char} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f a
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.28 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: 1 char followed by EOL} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "arn"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.29 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: several chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdnefghrijklrnmnop"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 14 "abcdnefghrijkl" 4 "mnop" -1 ""]
- test io-6.30 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: buffer exhausted} {testchannel} {
- # if (eol >= dstEnd)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345rnabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [testchannel inputbuffered $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 15 "123456789012345" 15]
- test io-6.31 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: buffer exhausted, blocked} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # (FilterInputBytes() != 0)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {crlf lf} -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbrn123456789012345r"
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- set x [gets $f]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [fblocked $f] [testchannel inputbuffered $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "bbbbbbbbbbbbbb" -1 "" 1 16]
- test io-6.32 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: buffer exhausted, more data} {testchannel} {
- # not (FilterInputBytes() != 0)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345rn123"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [tell $f] [testchannel inputbuffered $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 15 "123456789012345" 17 3]
- test io-6.33 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: buffer exhausted, at eof} {
- # eol still equals dstEnd
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345r"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [eof $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 16 "123456789012345r" 1]
- test io-6.34 {Tcl_GetsObj: crlf mode: buffer exhausted, not followed by n} {
- # not (*eol == 'n')
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345rabcdrnefg"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [tell $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 20 "123456789012345rabcd" 22]
- test io-6.35 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: no chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {-1 {}}
- test io-6.36 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: lone n} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "n"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 0 "" -1 ""]
- test io-6.37 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: lone r} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "r"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 0 "" -1 ""]
- test io-6.38 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: rr} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "rr"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 0 "" 0 "" -1 ""]
- test io-6.39 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: rn} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "rn"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 0 "" -1 ""]
- test io-6.40 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: 1 char} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f a
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.41 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: 1 char followed by EOL} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "arn"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } {1 a -1 {}}
- test io-6.42 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: several chars} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdnefghrijklrnmnop"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 4 "abcd" 4 "efgh" 4 "ijkl" 4 "mnop" -1 ""]
- test io-6.43 {Tcl_GetsObj: input saw cr} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # if (chanPtr->flags & INPUT_SAW_CR)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto lf} -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbn123456789abcdefr"
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f]]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 1
- puts -nonewline $f "nabcdrefgx1a"
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" 15 "123456789abcdef" 1 4 "abcd" 0 3 "efg"]
- test io-6.44 {Tcl_GetsObj: input saw cr, not followed by cr} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # not (*eol == 'n')
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto lf} -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbn123456789abcdefr"
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f]]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 1
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrefgx1a"
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" 15 "123456789abcdef" 1 4 "abcd" 0 3 "efg"]
- test io-6.45 {Tcl_GetsObj: input saw cr, skip right number of bytes} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # Tcl_ExternalToUtf()
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto lf} -buffering none
- fconfigure $f -encoding unicode
- puts -nonewline $f "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbn123456789abcdefr"
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- gets $f
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 1
- puts -nonewline $f "nabcdrefg"
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 15 "123456789abcdef" 1 4 "abcd" 0]
- test io-6.46 {Tcl_GetsObj: input saw cr, followed by just n should give eof} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # memmove()
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto lf} -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbn123456789abcdefr"
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- gets $f
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 1
- puts -nonewline $f "nx1a"
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 15 "123456789abcdef" 1 -1 "" 0]
- test io-6.47 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: r at end of buffer, peek for n} {testchannel} {
- # (eol == dstEnd)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345rnabcdefghijklmnopq"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f] [testchannel inputbuffered $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "123456789012345" 15]
- test io-6.48 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: r at end of buffer, no more avail} {testchannel} {
- # PeekAhead() did not get any, so (eol >= dstEnd)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345r"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -buffersize 16
- set x [list [gets $f] [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "123456789012345" 1]
- test io-6.49 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: r followed by n} {testchannel} {
- # if (*eol == 'n') {skip++}
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456rn78901"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [list [gets $f] [testchannel queuedcr $f] [tell $f] [gets $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "123456" 0 8 "78901"]
- test io-6.50 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: r not followed by n} {testchannel} {
- # not (*eol == 'n')
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456r78901"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [list [gets $f] [testchannel queuedcr $f] [tell $f] [gets $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "123456" 0 7 "78901"]
- test io-6.51 {Tcl_GetsObj: auto mode: n} {
- # else if (*eol == 'n') {goto gotoeol;}
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456n78901"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [list [gets $f] [tell $f] [gets $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "123456" 7 "78901"]
- test io-6.52 {Tcl_GetsObj: saw EOF character} {testchannel} {
- # if (eof != NULL)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456x1ak9012345r"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a
- set x [list [gets $f] [testchannel queuedcr $f] [tell $f] [gets $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "123456" 0 6 ""]
- test io-6.53 {Tcl_GetsObj: device EOF} {
- # didn't produce any bytes
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [eof $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } {-1 {} 1}
- test io-6.54 {Tcl_GetsObj: device EOF} {
- # got some bytes before EOF.
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abc
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [eof $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } {3 abc 1}
- test io-6.55 {Tcl_GetsObj: overconverted} {
- # Tcl_ExternalToUtf(), make sure state updated
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp
- puts $f "thereu4e00oknu4e01more bytesnhere"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding iso2022-jp
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line [gets $f line] $line]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 8 "thereu4e00ok" 11 "u4e01more bytes" 4 "here"]
- test io-6.56 {Tcl_GetsObj: incomplete lines should disable file events} {stdio openpipe fileevent} {
- update
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "foobar"
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- variable x {}
- after 500 [namespace code { lappend x timeout }]
- fileevent $f readable [namespace code { lappend x [gets $f] }]
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 1
- puts -nonewline $f "bazn"
- after 500 [namespace code { lappend x timeout }]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- close $f
- set x
- } {{} timeout foobarbaz timeout}
- test io-7.1 {FilterInputBytes: split up character at end of buffer} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis
- puts $f "1234567890123uff10uff11uff12uff13uff14nend"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis -buffersize 16
- set x [gets $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "1234567890123uff10uff11uff12uff13uff14"
- test io-7.2 {FilterInputBytes: split up character in middle of buffer} {
- # (bufPtr->nextAdded < bufPtr->bufLength)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary
- puts -nonewline $f "1234567890n123x82x4fx82x50x82"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [eof $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 10 "1234567890" 0]
- test io-7.3 {FilterInputBytes: split up character at EOF} {testchannel} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary
- puts -nonewline $f "1234567890123x82x4fx82x50x82"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line]
- lappend x [tell $f] [testchannel inputbuffered $f] [eof $f]
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 15 "1234567890123uff10uff11" 18 0 1 -1 ""]
- test io-7.4 {FilterInputBytes: recover from split up character} {stdio openpipe fileevent} {
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "1234567890123x82x4fx82x50x82"
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis -blocking 0
- fileevent $f read [namespace code "ready $f"]
- variable x {}
- proc ready {f} {
- variable x
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [fblocked $f]
- }
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -blocking 1
- puts $f "x51x82x52"
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list -1 "" 1 17 "1234567890123uff10uff11uff12uff13" 0]
- test io-8.1 {PeekAhead: only go to device if no more cached data} {testchannel} {
- # (bufPtr->nextPtr == NULL)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -encoding ascii -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345rn2345678"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding ascii -translation auto -buffersize 16
- # here
- gets $f
- set x [testchannel inputbuffered $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "7"
- test io-8.2 {PeekAhead: only go to device if no more cached data} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # not (bufPtr->nextPtr == NULL)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -encoding ascii -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345rnbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- variable x {}
- fileevent $f read [namespace code "ready $f"]
- proc ready {f} {
- variable x
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line [testchannel inputbuffered $f]
- }
- fconfigure $f -encoding unicode -buffersize 16 -blocking 0
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -encoding ascii -blocking 1
- # here
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list -1 "" 42 15 "123456789012345" 25]
- test io-8.3 {PeekAhead: no cached data available} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # (bytesLeft == 0)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto binary}
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdefghijklmnor"
- flush $f
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list 15 "abcdefghijklmno" 1]
- set a "123456789012345678901234567890"
- append a "123456789012345678901234567890"
- append a "1234567890123456789012345678901"
- test io-8.4 {PeekAhead: cached data available in this buffer} {
- # not (bytesLeft == 0)
- set f [open $path(test1) w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation binary
- puts $f "${a}rnabcdef"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -translation auto
- # "${a}r" was converted in one operation (because ENCODING_LINESIZE
- # is 30). To check if "n" follows, calls PeekAhead and determines
- # that cached data is available in buffer w/o having to call driver.
- set x [gets $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } $a
- unset a
- test io-8.5 {PeekAhead: don't peek if last read was short} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # (bufPtr->nextAdded < bufPtr->length)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto binary}
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdefghijklmnor"
- flush $f
- # here
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } {15 abcdefghijklmno 1}
- test io-8.6 {PeekAhead: change to non-blocking mode} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # ((chanPtr->flags & CHANNEL_NONBLOCKING) == 0)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto binary} -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdefghijklmnor"
- flush $f
- # here
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } {15 abcdefghijklmno 1}
- test io-8.7 {PeekAhead: cleanup} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # Make sure bytes are removed from buffer.
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -translation {auto binary} -buffering none
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdefghijklmnor"
- # here
- set x [list [gets $f line] $line [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- puts -nonewline $f "x1a"
- lappend x [gets $f line] $line
- close $f
- set x
- } {15 abcdefghijklmno 1 -1 {}}
- test io-9.1 {CommonGetsCleanup} {
- } {}
- test io-10.1 {Tcl_ReadChars: CheckChannelErrors} {
- # no test, need to cause an async error.
- } {}
- test io-10.2 {Tcl_ReadChars: loop until enough copied} {
- # one time
- # for (copied = 0; (unsigned) toRead > 0; )
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f abcdefghijklmnop
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- set x [read $f 5]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcde}
- test io-10.3 {Tcl_ReadChars: loop until enough copied} {
- # multiple times
- # for (copied = 0; (unsigned) toRead > 0; )
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- # here
- set x [read $f 19]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijklmnopqrs}
- test io-10.4 {Tcl_ReadChars: no more in channel buffer} {
- # (copiedNow < 0)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijkl
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- # here
- set x [read $f 1000]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijkl}
- test io-10.5 {Tcl_ReadChars: stop on EOF} {
- # (chanPtr->flags & CHANNEL_EOF)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijkl
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- # here
- set x [read $f 1000]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijkl}
- test io-11.1 {ReadBytes: want to read a lot} {
- # ((unsigned) toRead > (unsigned) srcLen)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijkl
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary
- # here
- set x [read $f 1000]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijkl}
- test io-11.2 {ReadBytes: want to read all} {
- # ((unsigned) toRead > (unsigned) srcLen)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijkl
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary
- # here
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijkl}
- test io-11.3 {ReadBytes: allocate more space} {
- # (toRead > length - offset - 1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16 -encoding binary
- # here
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}
- test io-11.4 {ReadBytes: EOF char found} {
- # (TranslateInputEOL() != 0)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar m -encoding binary
- # here
- set x [list [read $f] [eof $f] [read $f] [eof $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "abcdefghijkl" 1 "" 1]
- test io-12.1 {ReadChars: want to read a lot} {
- # ((unsigned) toRead > (unsigned) srcLen)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijkl
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- # here
- set x [read $f 1000]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijkl}
- test io-12.2 {ReadChars: want to read all} {
- # ((unsigned) toRead > (unsigned) srcLen)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijkl
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- # here
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijkl}
- test io-12.3 {ReadChars: allocate more space} {
- # (toRead > length - offset - 1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 16
- # here
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}
- test io-12.4 {ReadChars: split-up char} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # (srcRead == 0)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -buffering none -buffersize 16
- puts -nonewline $f "123456789012345x96"
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis -blocking 0
- fileevent $f read [namespace code "ready $f"]
- proc ready {f} {
- variable x
- lappend x [read $f] [testchannel inputbuffered $f]
- }
- variable x {}
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- fconfigure $f -encoding binary -blocking 1
- puts -nonewline $f "x7b"
- after 500 ;# Give the cat process time to catch up
- fconfigure $f -encoding shiftjis -blocking 0
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "123456789012345" 1 "u672c" 0]
- test io-12.5 {ReadChars: fileevents on partial characters} {stdio openpipe fileevent} {
- set path(test1) [makeFile {
- fconfigure stdout -encoding binary -buffering none
- gets stdin; puts -nonewline "xe7"
- gets stdin; puts -nonewline "x89"
- gets stdin; puts -nonewline "xa6"
- } test1]
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(test1)]" r+]
- fileevent $f readable [namespace code {
- lappend x [read $f]
- if {[eof $f]} {
- lappend x eof
- }
- }]
- puts $f "go1"
- flush $f
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0 -encoding utf-8
- variable x {}
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- after 500 [namespace code { lappend x timeout }]
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- puts $f "go2"
- flush $f
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- after 500 [namespace code { lappend x timeout }]
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- puts $f "go3"
- flush $f
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- lappend x [catch {close $f} msg] $msg
- set x
- } "{} timeout {} timeout u7266 {} eof 0 {}"
- test io-13.1 {TranslateInputEOL: cr mode} {} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrdefr"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndefn"
- test io-13.2 {TranslateInputEOL: crlf mode} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrndefrn"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndefn"
- test io-13.3 {TranslateInputEOL: crlf mode: naked cr} {
- # (src >= srcMax)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrndefr"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndefr"
- test io-13.4 {TranslateInputEOL: crlf mode: cr followed by not n} {
- # (src >= srcMax)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrndefrfgh"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndefrfgh"
- test io-13.5 {TranslateInputEOL: crlf mode: naked lf} {
- # (src >= srcMax)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrndefnfgh"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndefnfgh"
- test io-13.6 {TranslateInputEOL: auto mode: saw cr in last segment} {stdio testchannel openpipe fileevent} {
- # (chanPtr->flags & INPUT_SAW_CR)
- # This test may fail on slower machines.
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat)]" w+]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation {auto lf}
- fileevent $f read [namespace code "ready $f"]
- proc ready {f} {
- variable x
- lappend x [read $f] [testchannel queuedcr $f]
- }
- variable x {}
- variable y {}
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdefghjr"
- after 500 [namespace code {set y ok}]
- vwait [namespace which -variable y]
- puts -nonewline $f "n01234"
- after 500 [namespace code {set y ok}]
- vwait [namespace which -variable y]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "abcdefghjn" 1 "01234" 0]
- test io-13.7 {TranslateInputEOL: auto mode: naked r} {testchannel openpipe} {
- # (src >= srcMax)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdr"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [list [read $f] [testchannel queuedcr $f]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list "abcdn" 1]
- test io-13.8 {TranslateInputEOL: auto mode: rn} {
- # (*src == 'n')
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrndef"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndef"
- test io-13.9 {TranslateInputEOL: auto mode: r followed by not n} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdrdef"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndef"
- test io-13.10 {TranslateInputEOL: auto mode: n} {
- # not (*src == 'r')
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdndef"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdndef"
- test io-13.11 {TranslateInputEOL: EOF char} {
- # (*chanPtr->inEofChar != '')
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "abcdndefgh"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -eofchar e
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "abcdnd"
- test io-13.12 {TranslateInputEOL: find EOF char in src} {
- # (*chanPtr->inEofChar != '')
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f "rnrnrnabrnrndefrnrnrn"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1)]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -eofchar e
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "nnnabnnd"
- # Test standard handle management. The functions tested are
- # Tcl_SetStdChannel and Tcl_GetStdChannel. Incidentally we are
- # also testing channel table management.
- if {[info commands testchannel] != ""} {
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
- set consoleFileNames [list console0 console1 console2]
- } else {
- set consoleFileNames [lsort [testchannel open]]
- }
- } else {
- # just to avoid an error
- set consoleFileNames [list]
- }
- test io-14.1 {Tcl_SetStdChannel and Tcl_GetStdChannel} {testchannel} {
- set l ""
- lappend l [fconfigure stdin -buffering]
- lappend l [fconfigure stdout -buffering]
- lappend l [fconfigure stderr -buffering]
- lappend l [lsort [testchannel open]]
- set l
- } [list line line none $consoleFileNames]
- test io-14.2 {Tcl_SetStdChannel and Tcl_GetStdChannel} {
- interp create x
- set l ""
- lappend l [x eval {fconfigure stdin -buffering}]
- lappend l [x eval {fconfigure stdout -buffering}]
- lappend l [x eval {fconfigure stderr -buffering}]
- interp delete x
- set l
- } {line line none}
- set path(test3) [makeFile {} test3]
- test io-14.3 {Tcl_SetStdChannel & Tcl_GetStdChannel} {exec openpipe} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f {
- close stdin
- close stdout
- close stderr
- set f [}
- puts $f [list open $path(test1) r]]
- puts $f "set f2 [[list open $path(test2) w]]"
- puts $f "set f3 [[list open $path(test3) w]]"
- puts $f { puts stdout [gets stdin]
- puts stdout out
- puts stderr err
- close $f
- close $f2
- close $f3
- }
- close $f
- set result [exec [interpreter] $path(test1)]
- set f [open $path(test2) r]
- set f2 [open $path(test3) r]
- lappend result [read $f] [read $f2]
- close $f
- close $f2
- set result
- } {{
- out
- } {err
- }}
- # This test relies on the fact that the smallest available fd is used first.
- test io-14.4 {Tcl_SetStdChannel & Tcl_GetStdChannel} {exec unixOnly} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts -nonewline $f { close stdin
- close stdout
- close stderr
- set f [}
- puts $f [list open $path(test1) r]]
- puts $f "set f2 [[list open $path(test2) w]]"
- puts $f "set f3 [[list open $path(test3) w]]"
- puts $f { puts stdout [gets stdin]
- puts stdout $f2
- puts stderr $f3
- close $f
- close $f2
- close $f3
- }
- close $f
- set result [exec [interpreter] $path(test1)]
- set f [open $path(test2) r]
- set f2 [open $path(test3) r]
- lappend result [read $f] [read $f2]
- close $f
- close $f2
- set result
- } {{ close stdin
- file1
- } {file2
- }}
- catch {interp delete z}
- test io-14.5 {Tcl_GetChannel: stdio name translation} {
- interp create z
- eof stdin
- catch {z eval flush stdin} msg1
- catch {z eval close stdin} msg2
- catch {z eval flush stdin} msg3
- set result [list $msg1 $msg2 $msg3]
- interp delete z
- set result
- } {{channel "stdin" wasn't opened for writing} {} {can not find channel named "stdin"}}
- test io-14.6 {Tcl_GetChannel: stdio name translation} {
- interp create z
- eof stdout
- catch {z eval flush stdout} msg1
- catch {z eval close stdout} msg2
- catch {z eval flush stdout} msg3
- set result [list $msg1 $msg2 $msg3]
- interp delete z
- set result
- } {{} {} {can not find channel named "stdout"}}
- test io-14.7 {Tcl_GetChannel: stdio name translation} {
- interp create z
- eof stderr
- catch {z eval flush stderr} msg1
- catch {z eval close stderr} msg2
- catch {z eval flush stderr} msg3
- set result [list $msg1 $msg2 $msg3]
- interp delete z
- set result
- } {{} {} {can not find channel named "stderr"}}
- set path(script) [makeFile {} script]
- test io-14.8 {reuse of stdio special channels} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(script)
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(script) w]
- puts -nonewline $f {
- close stderr
- set f [}
- puts $f [list open $path(test1) w]]
- puts -nonewline $f {
- puts stderr hello
- close $f
- set f [}
- puts $f [list open $path(test1) r]]
- puts $f {
- puts [gets $f]
- }
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(script)]" r]
- set c [gets $f]
- close $f
- set c
- } hello
- test io-14.9 {reuse of stdio special channels} {stdio openpipe fileevent} {
- file delete $path(script)
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(script) w]
- puts $f {
- array set path [lindex $argv 0]
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- puts $f hello
- close $f
- close stderr
- set f [open "|[list [info nameofexecutable] $path(cat) $path(test1)]" r]
- puts [gets $f]
- }
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(script) [array get path]]" r]
- set c [gets $f]
- close $f
- # Added delay to give Windows time to stop the spawned process and clean
- # up its grip on the file test1. Added delete as proper test cleanup.
- # The failing tests were 18.1 and 18.2 as first re-users of file "test1".
- after 10000
- file delete $path(script)
- file delete $path(test1)
- set c
- } hello
- test io-15.1 {Tcl_CreateCloseHandler} {
- } {}
- test io-16.1 {Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler} {
- } {}
- # Test channel table management. The functions tested are
- # GetChannelTable, DeleteChannelTable, Tcl_RegisterChannel,
- # Tcl_UnregisterChannel, Tcl_GetChannel and Tcl_CreateChannel.
- #
- # These functions use "eof stdin" to ensure that the standard
- # channels are added to the channel table of the interpreter.
- test io-17.1 {GetChannelTable, DeleteChannelTable on std handles} {testchannel} {
- set l1 [testchannel refcount stdin]
- eof stdin
- interp create x
- set l ""
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stdin] - $l1]
- x eval {eof stdin}
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stdin] - $l1]
- interp delete x
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stdin] - $l1]
- set l
- } {0 1 0}
- test io-17.2 {GetChannelTable, DeleteChannelTable on std handles} {testchannel} {
- set l1 [testchannel refcount stdout]
- eof stdin
- interp create x
- set l ""
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stdout] - $l1]
- x eval {eof stdout}
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stdout] - $l1]
- interp delete x
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stdout] - $l1]
- set l
- } {0 1 0}
- test io-17.3 {GetChannelTable, DeleteChannelTable on std handles} {testchannel} {
- set l1 [testchannel refcount stderr]
- eof stdin
- interp create x
- set l ""
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stderr] - $l1]
- x eval {eof stderr}
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stderr] - $l1]
- interp delete x
- lappend l [expr [testchannel refcount stderr] - $l1]
- set l
- } {0 1 0}
- test io-18.1 {Tcl_RegisterChannel, Tcl_UnregisterChannel} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set l ""
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- close $f
- if {[catch {lindex [testchannel info $f] 15} msg]} {
- lappend l $msg
- } else {
- lappend l "very broken: $f found after being closed"
- }
- string compare [string tolower $l]
- [list 1 [format "can not find channel named "%s"" $f]]
- } 0
- test io-18.2 {Tcl_RegisterChannel, Tcl_UnregisterChannel} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set l ""
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- interp create x
- interp share "" $f x
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- x eval close $f
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- interp delete x
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- close $f
- if {[catch {lindex [testchannel info $f] 15} msg]} {
- lappend l $msg
- } else {
- lappend l "very broken: $f found after being closed"
- }
- string compare [string tolower $l]
- [list 1 2 1 1 [format "can not find channel named "%s"" $f]]
- } 0
- test io-18.3 {Tcl_RegisterChannel, Tcl_UnregisterChannel} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set l ""
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- interp create x
- interp share "" $f x
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- interp delete x
- lappend l [lindex [testchannel info $f] 15]
- close $f
- if {[catch {lindex [testchannel info $f] 15} msg]} {
- lappend l $msg
- } else {
- lappend l "very broken: $f found after being closed"
- }
- string compare [string tolower $l]
- [list 1 2 1 [format "can not find channel named "%s"" $f]]
- } 0
- test io-19.1 {Tcl_GetChannel->Tcl_GetStdChannel, standard handles} {
- eof stdin
- } 0
- test io-19.2 {testing Tcl_GetChannel, user opened handle} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- set x [eof $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } 0
- test io-19.3 {Tcl_GetChannel, channel not found} {
- list [catch {eof file34} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can not find channel named "file34"}}
- test io-19.4 {Tcl_CreateChannel, insertion into channel table} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- set l ""
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- if {[catch {lindex [testchannel info $f] 15} msg]} {
- lappend l $msg
- } else {
- lappend l "very broken: $f found after being closed"
- }
- string compare [string tolower $l]
- [list 0 [format "can not find channel named "%s"" $f]]
- } 0
- test io-20.1 {Tcl_CreateChannel: initial settings} {
- set a [open $path(test2) w]
- set old [encoding system]
- encoding system ascii
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- set x [fconfigure $f -encoding]
- close $f
- encoding system $old
- close $a
- set x
- } {ascii}
- test io-20.2 {Tcl_CreateChannel: initial settings} {pcOnly} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w+]
- set x [list [fconfigure $f -eofchar] [fconfigure $f -translation]]
- close $f
- set x
- } [list [list x1a ""] {auto crlf}]
- test io-20.3 {Tcl_CreateChannel: initial settings} {unixOnly} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w+]
- set x [list [fconfigure $f -eofchar] [fconfigure $f -translation]]
- close $f
- set x
- } {{{} {}} {auto lf}}
- test io-20.4 {Tcl_CreateChannel: initial settings} {macOnly} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w+]
- set x [list [fconfigure $f -eofchar] [fconfigure $f -translation]]
- close $f
- set x
- } {{{} {}} {auto cr}}
- set path(stdout) [makeFile {} stdout]
- test io-20.5 {Tcl_CreateChannel: install channel in empty slot} {stdio openpipe} {
- set f [open $path(script) w]
- puts -nonewline $f {
- close stdout
- set f1 [}
- puts $f [list open $path(stdout) w]]
- puts $f {
- fconfigure $f1 -buffersize 777
- puts stderr [fconfigure stdout -buffersize]
- }
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(script)]"]
- catch {close $f} msg
- set msg
- } {777}
- test io-21.1 {CloseChannelsOnExit} {
- } {}
- # Test management of attributes associated with a channel, such as
- # its default translation, its name and type, etc. The functions
- # tested in this group are Tcl_GetChannelName,
- # Tcl_GetChannelType and Tcl_GetChannelFile. Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData
- # not tested because files do not use the instance data.
- test io-22.1 {Tcl_GetChannelMode} {
- # Not used anywhere in Tcl.
- } {}
- test io-23.1 {Tcl_GetChannelName} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- set n [testchannel name $f]
- close $f
- string compare $n $f
- } 0
- test io-24.1 {Tcl_GetChannelType} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- set t [testchannel type $f]
- close $f
- string compare $t file
- } 0
- test io-25.1 {Tcl_GetChannelHandle, input} {testchannel} {
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- puts $f "1234567890n098765432"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- gets $f
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel inputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {10 11}
- test io-25.2 {Tcl_GetChannelHandle, output} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hello
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- flush $f
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- close $f
- file delete $path(test1)
- set l
- } {6 6 0 6}
- test io-26.1 {Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData} {stdio openpipe} {
- # "pid" command uses Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData
- # Don't care what pid is (but must be a number), just want to exercise it.
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] << exit]"]
- expr [pid $f]
- close $f
- } {}
- # Test flushing. The functions tested here are FlushChannel.
- test io-27.1 {FlushChannel, no output buffered} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- flush $f
- set s [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set s
- } 0
- test io-27.2 {FlushChannel, some output buffered} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set l ""
- puts $f hello
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- flush $f
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- set l
- } {0 6 6}
- test io-27.3 {FlushChannel, implicit flush on close} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set l ""
- puts $f hello
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- set l
- } {0 6}
- test io-27.4 {FlushChannel, implicit flush when buffer fills} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- fconfigure $f -buffersize 60
- set l ""
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} {
- puts $f hello
- }
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- flush $f
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set l
- } {0 60 72}
- test io-27.5 {FlushChannel, implicit flush when buffer fills and on close}
- {unixOrPc} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffersize 60 -eofchar {}
- set l ""
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} {
- puts $f hello
- }
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- set l
- } {0 60 72}
- set path(pipe) [makeFile {} pipe]
- set path(output) [makeFile {} output]
- test io-27.6 {FlushChannel, async flushing, async close}
- {stdio asyncPipeClose openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- file delete $path(output)
- set f [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f "set f [[list open $path(output) w]]"
- puts $f {
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering none -eofchar {}
- while {![eof stdin]} {
- after 20
- puts -nonewline $f [read stdin 1024]
- }
- close $f
- }
- close $f
- set x 01234567890123456789012345678901
- for {set i 0} {$i < 11} {incr i} {
- set x "$x$x"
- }
- set f [open $path(output) w]
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" w]
- fconfigure $f -blocking off
- puts -nonewline $f $x
- close $f
- set counter 0
- while {([file size $path(output)] < 65536) && ($counter < 1000)} {
- incr counter
- after 20
- update
- }
- if {$counter == 1000} {
- set result "file size only [file size $path(output)]"
- } else {
- set result ok
- }
- } ok
- # Tests closing a channel. The functions tested are CloseChannel and Tcl_Close.
- test io-28.1 {CloseChannel called when all references are dropped} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- interp create x
- interp share "" $f x
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel refcount $f]
- x eval close $f
- interp delete x
- lappend l [testchannel refcount $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {2 1}
- test io-28.2 {CloseChannel called when all references are dropped} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- interp create x
- interp share "" $f x
- puts -nonewline $f abc
- close $f
- x eval puts $f def
- x eval close $f
- interp delete x
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set l [gets $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } abcdef
- test io-28.3 {CloseChannel, not called before output queue is empty}
- {stdio asyncPipeClose nonPortable openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- file delete $path(output)
- set f [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f {
- # Need to not have eof char appended on close, because the other
- # side of the pipe already closed, so that writing would cause an
- # error "invalid file".
- fconfigure stdout -eofchar {}
- fconfigure stderr -eofchar {}
- set f [open $path(output) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering none
- for {set x 0} {$x < 20} {incr x} {
- after 20
- puts -nonewline $f [read stdin 1024]
- }
- close $f
- }
- close $f
- set x 01234567890123456789012345678901
- for {set i 0} {$i < 11} {incr i} {
- set x "$x$x"
- }
- set f [open $path(output) w]
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] pipe]" r+]
- fconfigure $f -blocking off -eofchar {}
- puts -nonewline $f $x
- close $f
- set counter 0
- while {([file size $path(output)] < 20480) && ($counter < 1000)} {
- incr counter
- after 20
- update
- }
- if {$counter == 1000} {
- set result probably_broken
- } else {
- set result ok
- }
- } ok
- test io-28.4 {Tcl_Close} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set l ""
- lappend l [lsort [testchannel open]]
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- lappend l [lsort [testchannel open]]
- close $f
- lappend l [lsort [testchannel open]]
- set x [list $consoleFileNames
- [lsort [eval list $consoleFileNames $f]]
- $consoleFileNames]
- string compare $l $x
- } 0
- test io-28.5 {Tcl_Close vs standard handles} {stdio unixOnly testchannel openpipe} {
- file delete $path(script)
- set f [open $path(script) w]
- puts $f {
- close stdin
- puts [testchannel open]
- }
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(script)]" r]
- set l [gets $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {file1 file2}
- test io-29.1 {Tcl_WriteChars, channel not writable} {
- list [catch {puts stdin hello} msg] $msg
- } {1 {channel "stdin" wasn't opened for writing}}
- test io-29.2 {Tcl_WriteChars, empty string} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar {}
- puts -nonewline $f ""
- close $f
- file size $path(test1)
- } 0
- test io-29.3 {Tcl_WriteChars, nonempty string} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar {}
- puts -nonewline $f hello
- close $f
- file size $path(test1)
- } 5
- test io-29.4 {Tcl_WriteChars, buffering in full buffering mode} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering full -eofchar {}
- puts $f hello
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- flush $f
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set l
- } {6 0 0 6}
- test io-29.5 {Tcl_WriteChars, buffering in line buffering mode} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering line -eofchar {}
- puts -nonewline $f hello
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f hello
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set l
- } {5 0 0 11}
- test io-29.6 {Tcl_WriteChars, buffering in no buffering mode} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering none -eofchar {}
- puts -nonewline $f hello
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f hello
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set l
- } {0 5 0 11}
- test io-29.7 {Tcl_Flush, full buffering} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering full -eofchar {}
- puts -nonewline $f hello
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f hello
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- flush $f
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set l
- } {5 0 11 0 0 11}
- test io-29.8 {Tcl_Flush, full buffering} {testchannel} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -buffering line
- puts -nonewline $f hello
- set l ""
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- flush $f
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f hello
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- flush $f
- lappend l [testchannel outputbuffered $f]
- lappend l [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set l
- } {5 0 0 5 0 11 0 11}
- test io-29.9 {Tcl_Flush, channel not writable} {
- list [catch {flush stdin} msg] $msg
- } {1 {channel "stdin" wasn't opened for writing}}
- test io-29.10 {Tcl_WriteChars, looping and buffering} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f1 [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f1 -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set f2 [open $path(longfile) r]
- for {set x 0} {$x < 10} {incr x} {
- puts $f1 [gets $f2]
- }
- close $f2
- close $f1
- file size $path(test1)
- } 387
- test io-29.11 {Tcl_WriteChars, no newline, implicit flush} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f1 [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f1 -eofchar {}
- set f2 [open $path(longfile) r]
- for {set x 0} {$x < 10} {incr x} {
- puts -nonewline $f1 [gets $f2]
- }
- close $f1
- close $f2
- file size $path(test1)
- } 377
- test io-29.12 {Tcl_WriteChars on a pipe} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- file delete $path(pipe)
- set f1 [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f1 "set f1 [[list open $path(longfile) r]]"
- puts $f1 {
- for {set x 0} {$x < 10} {incr x} {
- puts [gets $f1]
- }
- }
- close $f1
- set f1 [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r]
- set f2 [open $path(longfile) r]
- set y ok
- for {set x 0} {$x < 10} {incr x} {
- set l1 [gets $f1]
- set l2 [gets $f2]
- if {"$l1" != "$l2"} {
- set y broken
- }
- }
- close $f1
- close $f2
- set y
- } ok
- test io-29.13 {Tcl_WriteChars to a pipe, line buffered} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- file delete $path(pipe)
- set f1 [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f1 {
- puts [gets stdin]
- puts [gets stdin]
- }
- close $f1
- set y ok
- set f1 [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
- fconfigure $f1 -buffering line
- set f2 [open $path(longfile) r]
- set line [gets $f2]
- puts $f1 $line
- set backline [gets $f1]
- if {"$line" != "$backline"} {
- set y broken
- }
- set line [gets $f2]
- puts $f1 $line
- set backline [gets $f1]
- if {"$line" != "$backline"} {
- set y broken
- }
- close $f1
- close $f2
- set y
- } ok
- test io-29.14 {Tcl_WriteChars, buffering and implicit flush at close} {
- file delete $path(test3)
- set f [open $path(test3) w]
- puts -nonewline $f "Text1"
- puts -nonewline $f " Text 2"
- puts $f " Text 3"
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test3) r]
- set x [gets $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } {Text1 Text 2 Text 3}
- test io-29.15 {Tcl_Flush, channel not open for writing} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set fd [open $path(test1) w]
- close $fd
- set fd [open $path(test1) r]
- set x [list [catch {flush $fd} msg] $msg]
- close $fd
- string compare $x
- [list 1 "channel "$fd" wasn't opened for writing"]
- } 0
- test io-29.16 {Tcl_Flush on pipe opened only for reading} {stdio openpipe} {
- set fd [open "|[list [interpreter] cat longfile]" r]
- set x [list [catch {flush $fd} msg] $msg]
- catch {close $fd}
- string compare $x
- [list 1 "channel "$fd" wasn't opened for writing"]
- } 0
- test io-29.17 {Tcl_WriteChars buffers, then Tcl_Flush flushes} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f1 [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f1 -translation lf
- puts $f1 hello
- puts $f1 hello
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- set x [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f1
- set x
- } 18
- test io-29.18 {Tcl_WriteChars and Tcl_Flush intermixed} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set x ""
- set f1 [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f1 -translation lf
- puts $f1 hello
- puts $f1 hello
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- lappend x [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- lappend x [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- lappend x [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f1
- set x
- } {18 24 30}
- test io-29.19 {Explicit and implicit flushes} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f1 [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f1 -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set x ""
- puts $f1 hello
- puts $f1 hello
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- lappend x [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- lappend x [file size $path(test1)]
- puts $f1 hello
- close $f1
- lappend x [file size $path(test1)]
- set x
- } {18 24 30}
- test io-29.20 {Implicit flush when buffer is full} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f1 [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f1 -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set line "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
- for {set x 0} {$x < 100} {incr x} {
- puts $f1 $line
- }
- set z ""
- lappend z [file size $path(test1)]
- for {set x 0} {$x < 100} {incr x} {
- puts $f1 $line
- }
- lappend z [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f1
- lappend z [file size $path(test1)]
- set z
- } {4096 12288 12600}
- test io-29.21 {Tcl_Flush to pipe} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- set f1 [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f1 {set x [read stdin 6]}
- puts $f1 {set cnt [string length $x]}
- puts $f1 {puts "read $cnt characters"}
- close $f1
- set f1 [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- set x [gets $f1]
- catch {close $f1}
- set x
- } "read 6 characters"
- test io-29.22 {Tcl_Flush called at other end of pipe} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- set f1 [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f1 {
- fconfigure stdout -buffering full
- puts hello
- puts hello
- flush stdout
- gets stdin
- puts bye
- flush stdout
- }
- close $f1
- set f1 [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
- set x ""
- lappend x [gets $f1]
- lappend x [gets $f1]
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- lappend x [gets $f1]
- close $f1
- set x
- } {hello hello bye}
- test io-29.23 {Tcl_Flush and line buffering at end of pipe} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- set f1 [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f1 {
- puts hello
- puts hello
- gets stdin
- puts bye
- }
- close $f1
- set f1 [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
- set x ""
- lappend x [gets $f1]
- lappend x [gets $f1]
- puts $f1 hello
- flush $f1
- lappend x [gets $f1]
- close $f1
- set x
- } {hello hello bye}
- test io-29.24 {Tcl_WriteChars and Tcl_Flush move end of file} {
- set f [open $path(test3) w]
- puts $f "Line 1"
- puts $f "Line 2"
- set f2 [open $path(test3)]
- set x {}
- lappend x [read -nonewline $f2]
- close $f2
- flush $f
- set f2 [open $path(test3)]
- lappend x [read -nonewline $f2]
- close $f2
- close $f
- set x
- } "{} {Line 1nLine 2}"
- test io-29.25 {Implicit flush with Tcl_Flush to command pipelines} {stdio openpipe fileevent} {
- file delete $path(test3)
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(cat) | [interpreter] $path(cat) > $path(test3)]" w]
- puts $f "Line 1"
- puts $f "Line 2"
- close $f
- after 100
- set f [open $path(test3) r]
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "Line 1nLine 2n"
- test io-29.26 {Tcl_Flush, Tcl_Write on bidirectional pipelines} {stdio unixExecs openpipe} {
- set f [open "|[list cat -u]" r+]
- puts $f "Line1"
- flush $f
- set x [gets $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } {Line1}
- test io-29.27 {Tcl_Flush on closed pipeline} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- set f [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f {exit}
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
- gets $f
- puts $f output
- after 50
- #
- # The flush below will get a SIGPIPE. This is an expected part of
- # test and indicates that the test operates correctly. If you run
- # this test under a debugger, the signal will by intercepted unless
- # you disable the debugger's signal interception.
- #
- if {[catch {flush $f} msg]} {
- set x [list 1 $msg $errorCode]
- catch {close $f}
- } else {
- if {[catch {close $f} msg]} {
- set x [list 1 $msg $errorCode]
- } else {
- set x {this was supposed to fail and did not}
- }
- }
- regsub {".*":} $x {"":} x
- string tolower $x
- } {1 {error flushing "": broken pipe} {posix epipe {broken pipe}}}
- test io-29.28 {Tcl_WriteChars, lf mode} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- flush $f
- set s [file size $path(test1)]
- close $f
- set s
- } 21
- test io-29.29 {Tcl_WriteChars, cr mode} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr -eofchar {}
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- file size $path(test1)
- } 21
- test io-29.30 {Tcl_WriteChars, crlf mode} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -eofchar {}
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- file size $path(test1)
- } 25
- test io-29.31 {Tcl_WriteChars, background flush} {stdio openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- file delete $path(output)
- set f [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f "set f [[list open $path(output) w]]"
- puts $f {fconfigure $f -translation lf}
- set x [list while {![eof stdin]}]
- set x "$x {"
- puts $f $x
- puts $f { puts -nonewline $f [read stdin 4096]}
- puts $f { flush $f}
- puts $f "}"
- puts $f {close $f}
- close $f
- set x 01234567890123456789012345678901
- for {set i 0} {$i < 11} {incr i} {
- set x "$x$x"
- }
- set f [open $path(output) w]
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
- fconfigure $f -blocking off
- puts -nonewline $f $x
- close $f
- set counter 0
- while {([file size $path(output)] < 65536) && ($counter < 1000)} {
- incr counter
- after 5
- update
- }
- if {$counter == 1000} {
- set result "file size only [file size $path(output)]"
- } else {
- set result ok
- }
- } ok
- test io-29.32 {Tcl_WriteChars, background flush to slow reader}
- {stdio asyncPipeClose openpipe} {
- file delete $path(pipe)
- file delete $path(output)
- set f [open $path(pipe) w]
- puts $f "set f [[list open $path(output) w]]"
- puts $f {fconfigure $f -translation lf}
- set x [list while {![eof stdin]}]
- set x "$x {"
- puts $f $x
- puts $f { after 20}
- puts $f { puts -nonewline $f [read stdin 1024]}
- puts $f { flush $f}
- puts $f "}"
- puts $f {close $f}
- close $f
- set x 01234567890123456789012345678901
- for {set i 0} {$i < 11} {incr i} {
- set x "$x$x"
- }
- set f [open $path(output) w]
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list [interpreter] $path(pipe)]" r+]
- fconfigure $f -blocking off
- puts -nonewline $f $x
- close $f
- set counter 0
- while {([file size $path(output)] < 65536) && ($counter < 1000)} {
- incr counter
- after 20
- update
- }
- if {$counter == 1000} {
- set result "file size only [file size $path(output)]"
- } else {
- set result ok
- }
- } ok
- test io-29.33 {Tcl_Flush, implicit flush on exit} {exec} {
- set f [open $path(script) w]
- puts $f "set f [[list open $path(test1) w]]"
- puts $f {fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hello
- puts $f bye
- puts $f strange
- }
- close $f
- exec [interpreter] $path(script)
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set r [read $f]
- close $f
- set r
- } "hellonbyenstrangen"
- test io-29.34 {Tcl_Close, async flush on close, using sockets} {socket tempNotMac fileevent} {
- variable c 0
- variable x running
- set l abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- proc writelots {s l} {
- for {set i 0} {$i < 2000} {incr i} {
- puts $s $l
- }
- }
- proc accept {s a p} {
- variable x
- fileevent $s readable [namespace code [list readit $s]]
- fconfigure $s -blocking off
- set x accepted
- }
- proc readit {s} {
- variable c
- variable x
- set l [gets $s]
- if {[eof $s]} {
- close $s
- set x done
- } elseif {([string length $l] > 0) || ![fblocked $s]} {
- incr c
- }
- }
- set ss [socket -server [namespace code accept] 0]
- set cs [socket [info hostname] [lindex [fconfigure $ss -sockname] 2]]
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- fconfigure $cs -blocking off
- writelots $cs $l
- close $cs
- close $ss
- vwait [namespace which -variable x]
- set c
- } 2000
- test io-29.35 {Tcl_Close vs fileevent vs multiple interpreters} {socket tempNotMac fileevent} {
- # On Mac, this test screws up sockets such that subsequent tests using port 2828
- # either cause errors or panic().
- catch {interp delete x}
- catch {interp delete y}
- interp create x
- interp create y
- set s [socket -server [namespace code accept] 0]
- proc accept {s a p} {
- puts $s hello
- close $s
- }
- set c [socket [info hostname] [lindex [fconfigure $s -sockname] 2]]
- interp share {} $c x
- interp share {} $c y
- close $c
- x eval {
- proc readit {s} {
- gets $s
- if {[eof $s]} {
- close $s
- }
- }
- }
- y eval {
- proc readit {s} {
- gets $s
- if {[eof $s]} {
- close $s
- }
- }
- }
- x eval "fileevent $c readable {readit $c}"
- y eval "fileevent $c readable {readit $c}"
- y eval [list close $c]
- update
- close $s
- interp delete x
- interp delete y
- } ""
- # Test end of line translations. Procedures tested are Tcl_Write, Tcl_Read.
- test io-30.1 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Read lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellontherenandnheren"
- test io-30.2 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Read cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellontherenandnheren"
- test io-30.3 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Read crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellontherenandnheren"
- test io-30.4 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Read cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellontherenandnheren"
- test io-30.5 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Read lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellorthererandrherer"
- test io-30.6 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Read crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellorthererandrherer"
- test io-30.7 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Read crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellontherenandnheren"
- test io-30.8 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Read lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellorntherernandrnherern"
- test io-30.9 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Read cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set x [read $f]
- close $f
- set x
- } "hellonntherennandnnherenn"
- test io-30.10 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set c [read $f]
- set x [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- list $c $x
- } {{hello
- there
- and
- here
- } auto}
- test io-30.11 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set c [read $f]
- set x [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- list $c $x
- } {{hello
- there
- and
- here
- } auto}
- test io-30.12 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set c [read $f]
- set x [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- list $c $x
- } {{hello
- there
- and
- here
- } auto}
- test io-30.13 {Tcl_Write crlf on block boundary, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set line "123456789ABCDE" ;# 14 char plus crlf
- puts -nonewline $f x ;# shift crlf across block boundary
- for {set i 0} {$i < 700} {incr i} {
- puts $f $line
- }
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set c [read $f]
- close $f
- string length $c
- } [expr 700*15+1]
- test io-30.14 {Tcl_Write crlf on block boundary, Tcl_Read crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set line "123456789ABCDE" ;# 14 char plus crlf
- puts -nonewline $f x ;# shift crlf across block boundary
- for {set i 0} {$i < 700} {incr i} {
- puts $f $line
- }
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set c [read $f]
- close $f
- string length $c
- } [expr 700*15+1]
- test io-30.15 {Tcl_Write mixed, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandrhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set c [read $f]
- close $f
- set c
- } {hello
- there
- and
- here
- }
- test io-30.16 {Tcl_Write ^Z at end, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f hellontherenandrherenx1a
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation auto
- set c [read $f]
- close $f
- set c
- } {hello
- there
- and
- here
- }
- test io-30.17 {Tcl_Write, implicit ^Z at end, Tcl_Read auto} {pcOnly} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandrhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation auto
- set c [read $f]
- close $f
- set c
- } {hello
- there
- and
- here
- }
- test io-30.18 {Tcl_Write, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set s [format "abcndefn%cghinqrs" 26]
- puts $f $s
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation auto
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {abc def 0 {} 1 {} 1}
- test io-30.19 {Tcl_Write, ^Z no newline in middle, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set s [format "abcndefn%cghinqrs" 26]
- puts $f $s
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation auto
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {abc def 0 {} 1 {} 1}
- test io-30.20 {Tcl_Write, ^Z in middle ignored, Tcl_Read lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set s [format "abcndefn%cghinqrs" 26]
- puts $f $s
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } "abc def 0 x1aghi 0 qrs 0 {} 1"
- test io-30.21 {Tcl_Write, ^Z in middle ignored, Tcl_Read cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set s [format "abcndefn%cghinqrs" 26]
- puts $f $s
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr -eofchar {}
- set l ""
- set x [gets $f]
- lappend l [string compare $x "abcndefnx1aghinqrsn"]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {0 1 {} 1}
- test io-30.22 {Tcl_Write, ^Z in middle ignored, Tcl_Read crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
- set s [format "abcndefn%cghinqrs" 26]
- puts $f $s
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -eofchar {}
- set l ""
- set x [gets $f]
- lappend l [string compare $x "abcndefnx1aghinqrsn"]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {0 1 {} 1}
- test io-30.23 {Tcl_Write lf, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set c [format abcndefn%cqrsntuv 26]
- puts $f $c
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -eofchar x1a
- set c [string length [read $f]]
- set e [eof $f]
- close $f
- list $c $e
- } {8 1}
- test io-30.24 {Tcl_Write lf, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Read lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set c [format abcndefn%cqrsntuv 26]
- puts $f $c
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar x1a
- set c [string length [read $f]]
- set e [eof $f]
- close $f
- list $c $e
- } {8 1}
- test io-30.25 {Tcl_Write cr, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set c [format abcndefn%cqrsntuv 26]
- puts $f $c
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -eofchar x1a
- set c [string length [read $f]]
- set e [eof $f]
- close $f
- list $c $e
- } {8 1}
- test io-30.26 {Tcl_Write cr, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Read cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set c [format abcndefn%cqrsntuv 26]
- puts $f $c
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr -eofchar x1a
- set c [string length [read $f]]
- set e [eof $f]
- close $f
- list $c $e
- } {8 1}
- test io-30.27 {Tcl_Write crlf, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Read auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set c [format abcndefn%cqrsntuv 26]
- puts $f $c
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto -eofchar x1a
- set c [string length [read $f]]
- set e [eof $f]
- close $f
- list $c $e
- } {8 1}
- test io-30.28 {Tcl_Write crlf, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Read crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set c [format abcndefn%cqrsntuv 26]
- puts $f $c
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf -eofchar x1a
- set c [string length [read $f]]
- set e [eof $f]
- close $f
- list $c $e
- } {8 1}
- # Test end of line translations. Functions tested are Tcl_Write and Tcl_Gets.
- test io-31.1 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello 6 auto there 12 auto}
- test io-31.2 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello 6 auto there 12 auto}
- test io-31.3 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello 7 auto there 14 auto}
- test io-31.4 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Gets lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello 6 lf there 12 lf}
- test io-31.5 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Gets cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set l ""
- lappend l [string length [gets $f]]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {21 21 cr 1 {} 21 cr 1}
- test io-31.6 {Tcl_Write lf, Tcl_Gets crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set l ""
- lappend l [string length [gets $f]]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {21 21 crlf 1 {} 21 crlf 1}
- test io-31.7 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Gets cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello 6 cr 0 there 12 cr 0}
- test io-31.8 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Gets lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set l ""
- lappend l [string length [gets $f]]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {21 21 lf 1 {} 21 lf 1}
- test io-31.9 {Tcl_Write cr, Tcl_Gets crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set l ""
- lappend l [string length [gets $f]]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {21 21 crlf 1 {} 21 crlf 1}
- test io-31.10 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Gets crlf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello 7 crlf 0 there 14 crlf 0}
- test io-31.11 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Gets cr} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation cr
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [string length [gets $f]]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello 6 cr 0 6 13 cr 0}
- test io-31.12 {Tcl_Write crlf, Tcl_Gets lf} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation crlf
- puts $f hellontherenandnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set l ""
- lappend l [string length [gets $f]]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [string length [gets $f]]
- lappend l [tell $f]
- lappend l [fconfigure $f -translation]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {6 7 lf 0 6 14 lf 0}
- test io-31.13 {binary mode is synonym of lf mode} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation binary
- set x [fconfigure $f -translation]
- close $f
- set x
- } lf
- #
- # Test io-9.14 has been removed because "auto" output translation mode is
- # not supoprted.
- #
- test io-31.14 {Tcl_Write mixed, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts $f hellonthererandrnhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello there and here 0 {} 1}
- test io-31.15 {Tcl_Write mixed, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f hellonthererandrnherer
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello there and here 0 {} 1}
- test io-31.16 {Tcl_Write mixed, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f hellonthererandrnheren
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello there and here 0 {} 1}
- test io-31.17 {Tcl_Write mixed, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- puts -nonewline $f hellonthererandrnherern
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -translation auto
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello there and here 0 {} 1}
- test io-31.18 {Tcl_Write ^Z at end, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf
- set s [format "hellontherenandrheren%c" 26]
- puts $f $s
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation auto
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello there and here 0 {} 1}
- test io-31.19 {Tcl_Write, implicit ^Z at end, Tcl_Gets auto} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation lf
- puts $f hellontherenandrhere
- close $f
- set f [open $path(test1) r]
- fconfigure $f -eofchar x1a -translation auto
- set l ""
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- lappend l [gets $f]
- lappend l [eof $f]
- close $f
- set l
- } {hello there and here 0 {} 1}
- test io-31.20 {Tcl_Write, ^Z in middle, Tcl_Gets auto, eofChar} {
- file delete $path(test1)
- set f [open $path(test1) w]
- fconfigure $f -translation lf