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Package: ns-allinone-2.33.tar.gz [view]
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Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1997 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the Network Research
- * Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor of the Laboratory may be used
- * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
- /*
- * This code below was motivated in part by code contributed by
- * Kathie Nichols (nichols@com21.com). The code below is based primarily
- * on the 4.4BSD TCP implementation. -KF [kfall@ee.lbl.gov]
- *
- * Major revisions, 8/97, kmn (vj)
- *
- * Some Warnings:
- * this version of TCP will not work correctly if the sequence number
- * goes above 2147483648 due to sequence number wrap
- *
- * this version of TCP currently sends data on the 3rd segment of
- * the initial 3-way handshake. So, the typical sequence of events is
- * A ------> SYN ------> B
- * A <----- SYN+ACK ---- B
- * A ------> ACK+data -> B
- * whereas many "real-world" TCPs don't send data until a 4th segment
- *
- * there is no dynamic receiver's advertised window. The advertised
- * window is simulated by simply telling the sender a bound on the window
- * size (wnd_).
- *
- * in real TCP, a user process performing a read (via PRU_RCVD)
- * calls tcp_output each time to (possibly) send a window
- * update. Here we don't have a user process, so we simulate
- * a user process always ready to consume all the receive buffer
- *
- * Notes:
- * wnd_, wnd_init_, cwnd_, ssthresh_ are in segment units
- * sequence and ack numbers are in byte units
- *
- * Futures:
- * there are different existing TCPs with respect to how
- * ack's are handled on connection startup. Some delay
- * the ack for the first segment, which can cause connections
- * to take longer to start up than if we be sure to ack it quickly.
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static const char rcsid[] =
- "@(#) $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/baytcp/tcp-full-bay.cc,v 1.6 2006/12/17 15:17:01 mweigle Exp $ (LBL)";
- #endif
- #include "tclcl.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "tcp-full-bay.h"
- #include "flags.h"
- #include "random.h"
- #include "template.h"
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- static class BayFullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- BayFullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/BayFullTcp") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new BayFullTcpAgent());
- }
- } class_bayfull;
- static class TahoeBayFullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- TahoeBayFullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/BayFullTcp/Tahoe") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- // tcl lib code
- // sets reno_fastrecov_ to false
- //return (new BayFullTcpAgent());
- fprintf(stderr,"Tahoe, NewReno or Sack flavors are NOT available for BayTCP!! Use BayFullTcp only, which actually implements Reno.n");
- exit(1);
- return NULL;
- }
- } class_tahoe_bayfull;
- static class NewRenoBayFullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- NewRenoBayFullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/BayFullTcp/Newreno") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- // tcl lib code
- // sets deflate_on_pack_ to false
- //return (new BayFullTcpAgent());
- fprintf(stderr,"Tahoe, NewReno or Sack flavors are NOT available for BayFullTCP!! Use BayFullTcp only, which actually implements Reno.n");
- exit(1);
- return NULL;
- }
- } class_newreno_bayfull;
- static class SackBayFullTcpClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- SackBayFullTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/BayFullTcp/Sack") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- //return (new BayFullTcpAgent());
- fprintf(stderr,"Tahoe, NewReno or Sack flavors are NOT available for BayFullTCP!! Use BayFullTcp only, which actually implements Reno.n");
- exit(1);
- return NULL;
- }
- } class_sack_bayfull;
- /*
- * Tcl bound variables:
- * segsperack: for delayed ACKs, how many to wait before ACKing
- * segsize: segment size to use when sending
- */
- BayFullTcpAgent::BayFullTcpAgent() : flags_(0),
- state_(TCPS_CLOSED), rq_(rcv_nxt_), last_ack_sent_(0), app_(0),
- delack_timer_(this)
- {
- bind("segsperack_", &segs_per_ack_);
- bind("segsize_", &maxseg_);
- bind("tcprexmtthresh_", &tcprexmtthresh_);
- bind("iss_", &iss_);
- bind_bool("nodelay_", &nodelay_);
- bind_bool("data_on_syn_",&data_on_syn_);
- bind_bool("dupseg_fix_", &dupseg_fix_);
- bind_bool("dupack_reset_", &dupack_reset_);
- bind("interval_", &delack_interval_);
- }
- void
- BayFullTcpAgent::delay_bind_init_all()
- {
- TcpAgent::delay_bind_init_all();
- reset();
- }
- int
- BayFullTcpAgent::delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer)
- {
- return TcpAgent::delay_bind_dispatch(varName, localName, tracer);
- }
- /*
- * reset to starting point, don't set state_ here,
- * because our starting point might be LISTEN rather
- * than CLOSED if we're a passive opener
- */
- void
- BayFullTcpAgent::reset()
- {
- TcpAgent::reset();
- highest_ack_ = 0;
- last_ack_sent_ = 0;
- rcv_nxt_ = 0; //kmn
- flags_ = 0;
- t_seqno_ = iss_;
- close_on_empty_ = 0; //added 7/30/97 by kmn
- switch_spa_thresh_ = 0;
- first_data_ = 0; //don't open cwnd too early
- }
- void
- BayFullTcpAgent::reinit()
- {
- cancel_rtx_timeout();
- rtt_init();
- cwnd_ = wnd_init_;
- last_ack_ = highest_ack_ = 0;
- ssthresh_ = int(wnd_);
- awnd_ = wnd_init_ / 2.0;
- recover_ = 0;
- recover_cause_ = 0;
- last_ack_sent_ = 0;
- rcv_nxt_ = 0; //kmn
- flags_ = 0;
- t_seqno_ = maxseq_ = iss_;
- switch_spa_thresh_ = 0;
- /*
- for(int i =0; i < NTIMER; i++) {
- cancel(i);
- }
- */
- rq_.clear();
- first_data_ = 0; //don't open cwnd too early
- }
- /*
- * headersize:
- * how big is an IP+TCP header in bytes
- * (for now, is the basic size, but may changes
- * in the future w/options; fix for sack)
- */
- int
- BayFullTcpAgent::headersize()
- {
- }
- /*
- * cancel any pending timers
- * free up the reassembly queue if there's anything there
- */
- BayFullTcpAgent::~BayFullTcpAgent()
- {
- /*
- * not required any more
- register i;
- for (i = 0; i < NTIMER; i++)
- if (pending_[i])
- cancel(i);
- */
- rq_.clear();
- }
- /*
- * the 'advance' interface to the regular tcp is in packet
- * units. Here we scale this to bytes for full tcp.
- *
- * 'advance' is normally called by an "application" (i.e. data source)
- * to signal that there is something to send
- *
- * 'curseq_' is the last byte number provided by the application
- */
- void
- BayFullTcpAgent::advance(int np)
- {
- // XXX hack:
- // because np is in packets and a data source
- // may pass a *huge* number as a way to tell us
- // to go forever, just look for the huge number
- // and if it's there, pre-divide it
- if (np >= 0x10000000)
- np /= maxseg_;
- curseq_ += (np * maxseg_);
- //
- // state-specific operations:
- // if CLOSED, do an active open/connect
- // if ESTABLISHED, just try to send more
- // if above ESTABLISHED, we are closing, so don't allow
- // if anything else (establishing), do nothing here
- //
- if (state_ > TCPS_ESTABLISHED) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: BayFullTcpAgent::advance(%s): cannot advance while in state %dn",
- now(), name(), state_);
- return;
- } else if (state_ == TCPS_CLOSED) {
- connect(); // initiate new connection
- } else if (state_ == TCPS_ESTABLISHED)
- send_much(0, REASON_NORMAL, 0);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * added 7/30/97 by kmn to allow to pass bytes and set close_on_empty_
- */
- int
- BayFullTcpAgent::advance(int n, int close_flag)
- {
- close_on_empty_ = close_flag;
- //
- // state-specific operations:
- // if CLOSED, do an active open/connect
- // if ESTABLISHED, just try to send more
- // if above ESTABLISHED, we are closing, so don't allow
- // if anything else (establishing), do nothing here
- //
- if (state_ > TCPS_ESTABLISHED) {
- return 0; //try again later, please
- } else if (state_ == TCPS_CLOSED) {
- curseq_ = iss_ + n;
- reinit();
- connect(); // initiate new connection
- }
- else if (state_ == TCPS_ESTABLISHED)
- curseq_ += n;
- else
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * flags that are completely dependent on the tcp state
- * (in real TCP, see tcp_fsm.h, the "tcp_outflags" array)
- */
- int BayFullTcpAgent::outflags()
- {
- int flags = 0;
- if ((state_ != TCPS_LISTEN) && (state_ != TCPS_SYN_SENT))
- flags |= TH_ACK;
- if ((state_ == TCPS_SYN_SENT) || (state_ == TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED))
- flags |= TH_SYN;
- if ((state_ == TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1) || (state_ == TCPS_LAST_ACK))
- flags |= TH_FIN;
- return (flags);
- }
- void BayFullTcpAgent::sendpacket(int seqno, int ackno, int pflags, int datalen,
- int reason, Packet *p)
- {
- if (!p) p = allocpkt();
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(p);
- hdr_cmn *th = hdr_cmn::access(p);
- tcph->seqno() = seqno;
- tcph->ackno() = ackno;
- tcph->flags() = pflags;
- tcph->hlen() = headersize();
- tcph->ts() = now();
- /* Open issue: should tcph->reason map to pkt->flags_ as in ns-1?? */
- tcph->reason() |= reason;
- th->size() = datalen + headersize();
- if (datalen <= 0)
- ++nackpack_;
- else {
- ++ndatapack_;
- ndatabytes_ += datalen;
- }
- if (reason == REASON_TIMEOUT || reason == REASON_DUPACK) {
- ++nrexmitpack_;
- nrexmitbytes_ += datalen;
- }
- send(p, 0);
- }
- /*
- * see if we should send a segment, and if so, send it
- * (may be ACK or data)
- * 'maxseq_' is called 'snd_max' in "real" TCP
- * and is the largest seq number we've sent
- *
- * maxseg_, largest seq# we've sent (snd_max)
- * flags_, flags regarding our internal state (t_state)
- * pflags, a local used to build up the tcp header flags (flags)
- * curseq_, is the highest sequence number given to us by "application"
- * highest_ack_, the highest ACK we've seen for our data (snd_una)
- * seqno, the next seq# we're going to send (snd_nxt), this will
- * update t_seqno_ (the last thing we sent)
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::output(int seqno, int reason)
- {
- int is_retransmit = (seqno < maxseq_);
- int idle = (highest_ack_ == maxseq_);
- //kmn - changing all this for clarity 8/7/97
- int buffered_bytes = (curseq_ + iss_) - seqno;
- int datalen = min(buffered_bytes, (highest_ack_ + (window() * maxseg_)) - seqno);
- int pflags = outflags();
- int emptying_buffer = 0;
- if((pflags & TH_SYN) || datalen <= 0)
- datalen = 0;
- else if(datalen > maxseg_) {
- datalen = maxseg_;
- } else if(datalen == buffered_bytes) {
- emptying_buffer = 1;
- pflags |= TH_PUSH;
- //usrclosed() causes nested calls to output()
- if(close_on_empty_) {
- pflags |= TH_FIN;
- state_ = TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1;
- }
- }
- //end of kmn changes
- /* turn off FIN if there's really more to send */
- if (datalen > 0 && !emptying_buffer)
- pflags &= ~TH_FIN;
- /* sender SWS avoidance (Nagle) */
- if (datalen > 0) {
- // if full-sized segment, ok
- if (datalen == maxseg_)
- goto send;
- // if Nagle disabled and buffer clearing, ok
- if ((idle || nodelay_) && emptying_buffer)
- goto send;
- // if a retransmission
- if (is_retransmit)
- goto send;
- // if big "enough", ok...
- // (this is not a likely case, and would
- // only happen for tiny windows)
- if (datalen >= ((wnd_ * maxseg_) / 2.0))
- goto send;
- }
- if (need_send())
- goto send;
- /*
- * send now if a SYN or special flag "TF_ACKNOW" is set.
- * TF_ACKNOW can be set during connection establishment and
- * to generate acks for out-of-order data
- * kmn 8/28 need to send if there's a push
- */
- if ((flags_ & TF_ACKNOW) || (pflags & (TH_SYN|TH_FIN|TH_PUSH)))
- goto send;
- return; // no reason to send now
- send:
- //these changed by vj and kmn
- if (pflags & TH_FIN) {
- if (flags_ & TF_SENTFIN) {
- // don't allow seqno to advance past fin
- // (the ack generated by a discarded duplicate
- // may attempt to do this)
- if (seqno >= maxseq_)
- --seqno;
- } else {
- flags_ |= TF_SENTFIN;
- ++t_seqno_;
- }
- }
- if((pflags & TH_SYN)) {
- if ((flags_ & TF_SENTSYN) == 0) {
- flags_ |= TF_SENTSYN;
- ++t_seqno_;
- }
- }
- /*
- * fill in packet fields. Agent::allocpkt()
- * has already filled most of the network layer
- * fields for us. So fill in tcp hdr and adjust
- * the packet size.
- */
- sendpacket(seqno, rcv_nxt_, pflags, datalen, reason);
- last_ack_sent_ = rcv_nxt_;
- flags_ &= ~(TF_ACKNOW|TF_DELACK);
- t_seqno_ += datalen; // update snd_nxt (t_seqno_)
- if (t_seqno_ > maxseq_) {
- maxseq_ = t_seqno_; // largest seq# we've sent
- /*
- * Time this transmission if not a retransmission and
- * not currently timing anything.
- */
- if (rtt_active_ == FALSE) {
- rtt_active_ = TRUE; // set timer
- rtt_seq_ = seqno; // timed seq #
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set retransmit timer if not currently set,
- * and not doing an ack or a keep-alive probe.
- * Initial value for retransmit timer is smoothed
- * round-trip time + 2 * round-trip time variance.
- * Future values are rtt + 4 * rttvar.
- */
- if (!(rtx_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING) && (t_seqno_ > highest_ack_)) {
- set_rtx_timer(); // no timer pending, schedule one
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try to send as much data as the window will allow. The link layer will
- * do the buffering; we ask the application layer for the size of the packets.
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::send_much(int force, int reason, int maxburst)
- {
- /*
- * highest_ack is essentially "snd_una" in real TCP
- *
- * loop while we are in-window (seqno <= (highest_ack + win))
- * and there is something to send (t_seqno_ < curseq_+iss_)
- */
- int win = window() * maxseg_; // window() in pkts
- int npackets = 0;
- int topwin = curseq_ + iss_;
- if (topwin > highest_ack_ + win)
- topwin = highest_ack_ + win;
- if (!force && (delsnd_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING))
- return;
- while (force || (t_seqno_ < topwin)) {
- if (overhead_ != 0 && !(delsnd_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING)) {
- delsnd_timer_.resched(Random::uniform(overhead_));
- return;
- }
- output(t_seqno_, reason); // updates seqno for us
- force = 0;
- if (outflags() & TH_SYN)
- break;
- if (maxburst && ++npackets >= maxburst)
- break;
- }
- }
- void BayFullTcpAgent::cancel_rtx_timeout()
- {
- if (rtx_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING) {
- rtx_timer_.cancel();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Process an ACK
- * this version of the routine doesn't necessarily
- * require the ack to be one which advances the ack number
- *
- * if this ACKs a rtt estimate
- * indicate we are not timing
- * reset the exponential timer backoff (gamma)
- * update rtt estimate
- * cancel retrans timer if everything is sent and ACK'd, else set it
- * advance the ack number if appropriate
- * update segment to send next if appropriate
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::newack(Packet* pkt)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- register int ackno = tcph->ackno();
- // we were timing the segment and we
- // got an ACK for it
- if (rtt_active_ && ackno >= rtt_seq_) {
- /* got a rtt sample */
- rtt_active_ = FALSE; // no longer timing
- t_backoff_ = 1; // stop exp backoff
- }
- /* always with timestamp option */
- double tao = now() - tcph->ts();
- rtt_update(tao);
- if (ackno >= maxseq_)
- cancel_rtx_timeout();
- else {
- if (ackno > highest_ack_) {
- set_rtx_timer();
- }
- }
- // advance the ack number if this is for new data
- if (ackno > highest_ack_)
- highest_ack_ = ackno;
- // set up the next packet to send
- if (t_seqno_ < highest_ack_)
- t_seqno_ = highest_ack_; // thing to send next
- }
- /*
- * nuked this stuff, but left in method - kmn
- */
- int BayFullTcpAgent::predict_ok(Packet* )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * fast_retransmit using the given seqno
- * perform a fast retransmit
- * kludge t_seqno_ (snd_nxt) so we do the
- * retransmit then continue from where we were
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::fast_retransmit(int seq)
- {
- rtt_backoff(); // bug fix by van to avoid spurious rtx
- int onxt = t_seqno_; // output() changes t_seqno_
- recover_ = maxseq_; // keep a copy of highest sent
- recover_cause_ = REASON_DUPACK; // why we started this recovery period
- output(seq, REASON_DUPACK); // send one pkt
- t_seqno_ = onxt;
- }
- /*
- * real tcp determines if the remote
- * side should receive a window update/ACK from us, and often
- * results in sending an update every 2 segments, thereby
- * giving the familiar 2-packets-per-ack behavior of TCP.
- * Here, we don't advertise any windows, so we just see if
- * there's at least 'segs_per_ack_' pkts not yet acked
- */
- /* kmn - adding code to switch from one seg per ack to set value
- */
- int BayFullTcpAgent::need_send()
- {
- //first cut, send if anything to ack. Might need maxseg_
- if(flags_ & TF_ACKNOW)
- return 1;
- if(rcv_nxt_ < switch_spa_thresh_)
- return ((rcv_nxt_ - last_ack_sent_) >= 1);
- return ((rcv_nxt_ - last_ack_sent_) >= (segs_per_ack_ * maxseg_));
- }
- /*
- * deal with timers going off.
- * 2 types for now:
- * retransmission timer (TCP_TIMER_RTX)
- * delayed send (randomization) timer (TCP_TIMER_DELSND)
- *
- * real TCP initializes the RTO as 6 sec
- * ( ^ 3sec, kmn )
- * (A + 2D, where A=0, D=3), [Stevens p. 305]
- * and thereafter uses
- * (A + 4D, where A and D are dynamic estimates)
- *
- * note that in the simulator t_srtt_, t_rttvar_ and t_rtt_
- * are all measured in 'tcp_tick_'-second units
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::timeout(int tno)
- {
- if(state_ == TCPS_CLOSED || state_ == TCPS_LISTEN)
- return;
- /* retransmit timer */
- if (tno == TCP_TIMER_RTX) {
- ++nrexmit_;
- recover_ = maxseq_;
- recover_cause_ = REASON_TIMEOUT;
- //changed 6/10/00 to look at rtx problem -kmn
- /* if(highest_ack_ == maxseq_)
- reset_rtx_timer(0,0);
- else
- reset_rtx_timer(0,1);
- */
- reset_rtx_timer(1);
- t_seqno_ = highest_ack_;
- dupacks_ = 0;
- send_much(1, REASON_TIMEOUT);
- } else if (tno == TCP_TIMER_DELSND) {
- /*
- * delayed-send timer, with random overhead
- * to avoid phase effects
- */
- send_much(1, PF_TIMEOUT);
- } else if (tno == TCP_TIMER_DELACK) {
- if (flags_ & TF_DELACK) {
- flags_ &= ~TF_DELACK;
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- send_much(1, REASON_NORMAL, 0);
- }
- delack_timer_.resched(delack_interval_);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: (%s) UNKNOWN TIMEOUT %dn",
- now(), name(), tno);
- }
- }
- /*
- * introduced kedar
- */
- void BayDelAckTimer::expire(Event *) {
- a_->timeout(TCP_TIMER_DELACK);
- }
- /*
- * main reception path -
- * called from the agent that handles the data path below in its muxing mode
- * advance() is called when connection is established with size sent from
- * user/application agent
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::recv(Packet *pkt, Handler*)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- hdr_cmn *th = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- hdr_ip *iph = hdr_ip::access(pkt);
- int needoutput = 0;
- int ourfinisacked = 0;
- int todrop = 0;
- int dupseg = FALSE;
- #ifdef notdef
- if (trace_)
- plot();
- #endif
- //
- // if no delayed-ACK timer is set, set one
- // they are set to fire every 'interval_' secs, starting
- // at time t0 = (0.0 + k * interval_) for some k such
- // that t0 > now
- //
- /*
- if (!pending_[TCP_TIMER_DELACK]) {
- */
- if (!(delack_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING)) {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- int last = int(now / delack_interval_);
- delack_timer_.resched(delack_interval_ * (last + 1.0) - now);
- }
- int datalen = th->size() - tcph->hlen();
- int ackno = tcph->ackno(); // ack # from packet
- // nuked header prediction code that was here - kmn 8/5/97
- int tiflags = tcph->flags() ; // tcp flags from packet
- switch (state_) {
- case TCPS_LISTEN: /* awaiting peer's SYN */
- if (tiflags & TH_ACK) {
- if (tiflags & TH_FIN) {
- sendpacket(tcph->ackno(), tcph->seqno()+1,
- goto drop;
- }
- // ACK shouldn't be on here
- // kmn - this can be from previous connection if reusing
- // fprintf(stderr,
- // "%f: BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s): got ACK(%d) while in LISTENn",
- // now(), name(), ackno);
- goto drop;
- }
- if ((tiflags & TH_SYN) == 0) {
- // we're looking for a SYN in return
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s): got a non-SYN while in LISTENn",
- now(), name());
- goto drop;
- }
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- rcv_nxt_ = tcph->seqno() + 1; //kmn
- t_seqno_ = iss_;
- //kmn - switch from one to set segs per ack
- switch_spa_thresh_ = rcv_nxt_ + (16 * 1024);
- goto step6;
- case TCPS_SYN_SENT: /* we sent SYN, expecting SYN+ACK */
- if ((tiflags & TH_ACK) && (ackno > maxseq_)) {
- // not an ACK for our SYN, discard
- // fprintf(stderr,
- // "%f: BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s): bad ACK (%d) for our SYN(%d)n",
- // now(), name(), int(ackno), int(maxseq_));
- goto drop;
- }
- if ((tiflags & TH_SYN) == 0) {
- // we're looking for a SYN in return
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s): no SYN for our SYN(%d)n",
- now(), name(), int(maxseq_));
- goto drop;
- }
- rcv_nxt_ = tcph->seqno()+1; // initial expected seq#
- //kmn - switch from one to set segs per ack
- switch_spa_thresh_ = rcv_nxt_ + (16 * 1024);
- cancel_rtx_timeout(); // cancel timer on our 1st SYN
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW; // ACK peer's SYN
- if (tiflags & TH_ACK) {
- // got SYN+ACK (what we're expecting)
- // set up to ACK peer's SYN+ACK
- newack(pkt);
- } else {
- // simultaneous active opens
- }
- goto step6;
- }
- // check for redundant data at head/tail of segment
- // note that the 4.4bsd [Net/3] code has
- // a bug here which can cause us to ignore the
- // perfectly good ACKs on duplicate segments. The
- // fix is described in (Stevens, Vol2, p. 959-960).
- // This code is based on that correction.
- //
- // In addition, it has a modification so that duplicate segments
- // with dup acks don't trigger a fast retransmit when dupseg_fix_
- // is enabled.
- //
- todrop = rcv_nxt_ - tcph->seqno(); // how much overlap?
- if (todrop > 0) {
- // segment is something we've seen (perhaps partially)
- if (tiflags & TH_SYN) {
- t_seqno_ = highest_ack_;
- if ((tiflags & TH_ACK) == 0)
- goto dropafterack;
- tiflags &= ~TH_SYN;
- }
- if (todrop > datalen ||
- (todrop == datalen && ((tiflags & TH_FIN) == 0))) {
- /*
- * Any valid FIN must be to the left of the window.
- * At this point the FIN must be a duplicate or out
- * of sequence; drop it.
- */
- tiflags &= ~TH_FIN;
- /*
- * Send an ACK to resynchronize and drop any data.
- * But keep on processing for RST or ACK.
- */
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- todrop = datalen;
- dupseg = TRUE;
- }
- tcph->seqno() += todrop;
- datalen -= todrop;
- }
- if (tiflags & TH_SYN) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: %d.%d>%d.%d BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s) received unexpected SYN (state:%d)n",
- now(),
- iph->saddr(), iph->sport(),
- iph->daddr(), iph->dport(),
- name(), state_);
- goto drop;
- }
- if ((tiflags & (TH_SYN|TH_ACK)) == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%f: %d.%d>%d.%d BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s) got packet lacking ACK (seq %d)n",
- now(),
- iph->saddr(), iph->sport(),
- iph->daddr(), iph->dport(),
- name(), tcph->seqno());
- goto drop;
- }
- /*
- * ACK processing
- */
- switch (state_) {
- case TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED: /* got ACK for our SYN+ACK */
- if (ackno < highest_ack_ || ackno > maxseq_) {
- // not in useful range
- goto drop;
- }
- /* fall into ... */
- /*
- * In ESTABLISHED state: drop duplicate ACKs; ACK out of range
- * ACKs. If the ack is in the range
- * tp->snd_una < ti->ti_ack <= tp->snd_max
- * then advance tp->snd_una to ti->ti_ack and drop
- * data from the retransmission queue.
- *
- * note that states CLOSE_WAIT and TIME_WAIT aren't used
- * in the simulator
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1:
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2:
- // look for dup ACKs (dup ack numbers, no data)
- //
- // do fast retransmit/recovery if at/past thresh
- if (ackno <= highest_ack_) {
- // an ACK which doesn't advance highest_ack_
- if (datalen == 0 && (!dupseg_fix_ || !dupseg)) {
- /*
- * If we have outstanding data
- * this is a completely
- * duplicate ack,
- * the ack is the biggest we've
- * seen and we've seen exactly our rexmt
- * threshhold of them, assume a packet
- * has been dropped and retransmit it.
- *
- * We know we're losing at the current
- * window size so do congestion avoidance.
- *
- * Dup acks mean that packets have left the
- * network (they're now cached at the receiver)
- * so bump cwnd by the amount in the receiver
- * to keep a constant cwnd packets in the
- * network.
- */
- if (!(rtx_timer_.status() == TIMER_PENDING) ||
- ackno != highest_ack_) {
- // not timed, or re-ordered ACK
- dupacks_ = 0;
- } else if (bug_fix_ &&
- highest_ack_ == recover_ &&
- recover_cause_ == REASON_TIMEOUT) {
- // doing timeout recovery not fastrxmit
- dupacks_ = 0;
- } else if (++dupacks_ == tcprexmtthresh_) {
- cancel_rtx_timeout();
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- fast_retransmit(ackno);
- // we measure cwnd in packets,
- // so don't scale by maxseg_
- // as real TCP does
- cwnd_ = ssthresh_ + dupacks_;
- goto drop;
- } else if (dupacks_ > tcprexmtthresh_) {
- // we just measure cwnd in packets,
- // so don't scale by maxset_ as real
- // tcp does
- cwnd_++; // fast recovery
- send_much(0, REASON_NORMAL, 0);
- goto drop;
- }
- } else {
- // non-zero length segment
- // (or window changed in real TCP).
- if (dupack_reset_)
- dupacks_ = 0;
- }
- break; /* take us to "step6" */
- }
- /*
- * we've finished the fast retransmit/recovery period
- * (i.e. received an ACK which advances highest_ack_)
- */
- /*
- * If the congestion window was inflated to account
- * for the other side's cached packets, retract it.
- */
- if (dupacks_ >= tcprexmtthresh_ && cwnd_ > ssthresh_) {
- /*
- * make sure we send at most 2 packets due to this ack
- */
- cwnd_ = (maxseq_ - ackno + maxseg_ - 1)
- / maxseg_ + 2;
- }
- dupacks_ = 0;
- if (ackno > maxseq_) {
- // ack more than we sent(!?)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s) too-big ACK (ack: %d, maxseq:%d)n",
- now(), name(), int(ackno), int(maxseq_));
- goto dropafterack;
- }
- /*
- * If we have a timestamp reply, update smoothed
- * round trip time. If no timestamp is present but
- * transmit timer is running and timed sequence
- * number was acked, update smoothed round trip time.
- * Since we now have an rtt measurement, cancel the
- * timer backoff (cf., Phil Karn's retransmit alg.).
- * Recompute the initial retransmit timer.
- *
- * If all outstanding data is acked, stop retransmit
- * If there is more data to be acked, restart retransmit
- * timer, using current (possibly backed-off) value.
- */
- newack(pkt);
- if (state_ == TCPS_ESTABLISHED && ackno < maxseq_)
- needoutput = 1;
- /* kmn - 8/12/97: don't want to do this on first
- * data send, especially to compare IWs
- * So added test.
- */
- if(first_data_)
- opencwnd();
- // kmn - 8/15 added second test that is acking fin
- if ((state_ == TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1 || state_ == TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2
- || state_ == TCPS_LAST_ACK || state_ == TCPS_CLOSING)
- && ackno >= (curseq_ + iss_)) // && ackno == maxseq_)
- ourfinisacked = 1;
- else
- ourfinisacked = 0;
- // additional processing when we're in special states
- switch (state_) {
- /*
- * In FIN_WAIT_1 STATE in addition to the processing
- * for the ESTABLISHED state if our FIN is now acknowledged
- * then enter FIN_WAIT_2.
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1: /* doing active close */
- if (ourfinisacked)
- state_ = TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2;
- break;
- /*
- * In CLOSING STATE in addition to the processing for
- * the ESTABLISHED state if the ACK acknowledges our FIN
- * then enter the TIME-WAIT state, otherwise ignore
- * the segment.
- */
- case TCPS_CLOSING: /* simultaneous active close */;
- if (ourfinisacked)
- state_ = TCPS_CLOSED;
- break;
- /*
- * In LAST_ACK, we may still be waiting for data to drain
- * and/or to be acked, as well as for the ack of our FIN.
- * If our FIN is now acknowledged,
- * enter the closed state and return.
- */
- case TCPS_LAST_ACK: /* passive close */
- if (ourfinisacked) {
- state_ = TCPS_CLOSED; //kmn added 2 lines
- /*
- for(int i =0; i < NTIMER; i++) {
- cancel(i);
- }
- */
- goto drop;
- } else { //should be a FIN we've seen
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%f: %d.%d>%d.%d BayFullTcpAgent::recv(%s) received non-ACK (state:%d)n",
- now(),
- iph->saddr(), iph->sport(),
- iph->daddr(), iph->dport(),
- name(), state_);
- }
- /* no case for TIME_WAIT in simulator */
- } // inner switch
- } // outer switch
- step6:
- /* real TCP handles window updates and URG data here */
- /* dodata: this label is in the "real" code.. here only for reference */
- /*
- * DATA processing
- * kmn - several changes here to talk to application agent
- */
- if (datalen > 0 || (tiflags & TH_FIN)) {
- first_data_ = 1; //now seen first data
- // see the "TCP_REASS" macro for this code
- if (tcph->seqno() == rcv_nxt_ && rq_.empty()) {
- // got the in-order packet we were looking
- // for, nobody is in the reassembly queue,
- // so this is the common case...
- // note: in "real" TCP we must also be in
- // ESTABLISHED state to come here, because
- // data arriving before ESTABLISHED is
- // queued in the reassembly queue. Since we
- // don't really have a process anyhow, just
- // accept the data here as-is (i.e. don't
- // require being in ESTABLISHED state)
- tiflags &= TH_FIN;
- if (tiflags) {
- ++rcv_nxt_;
- }
- flags_ |= TF_DELACK;
- rcv_nxt_ += datalen;
- // give to "application" here
- // added 7/30/97 by kmn to call application with
- // number of bytes since last push (if any)
- // the server is going to call advance before this
- // completes, so changed advance to not call
- // send_much if ESTABLISHED. curseq gets
- // checked below.
- //
- if(datalen && app_ && (tcph->flags() & TH_PUSH)) {
- //rcv_nxt_ - last_upcalled_bytes_;
- app_->recv(pkt,this,DATA_PUSH);
- //last_upcalled_bytes_ = rcv_nxt_;
- }
- needoutput = need_send();
- } else {
- // not the one we want next (or it
- // is but there's stuff on the reass queue);
- // do whatever we need to do for out-of-order
- // segments or hole-fills. Also,
- // send an ACK to the other side right now.
- tiflags = rq_.add(pkt);
- if (tiflags & TH_PUSH) {
- if (app_ != NULL )
- app_->recv(pkt,this,DATA_PUSH);
- needoutput = need_send();
- } else
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- //reset for losses
- switch_spa_thresh_ = rcv_nxt_ + (16 * 1024);
- }
- }
- /*
- * if FIN is received, ACK the FIN
- * (let user know if we could do so)
- */
- if (tiflags & TH_FIN) {
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- rq_.clear(); // other side shutting down
- switch (state_) {
- /*
- * enter the CLOSE_WAIT state.
- * (in the simulator, go to LAST_ACK)
- * (passive close)
- */
- state_ = TCPS_LAST_ACK;
- break;
- /*
- * If still in FIN_WAIT_1 STATE FIN has not been acked so
- * enter the CLOSING state.
- * (simultaneous close)
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1:
- state_ = TCPS_CLOSING;
- break;
- /*
- * In FIN_WAIT_2 state enter the TIME_WAIT state,
- * starting the time-wait timer, turning off the other
- * standard timers.
- * (in the simulator, just go to CLOSED)
- * (active close)
- */
- case TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2:
- state_ = TCPS_CLOSED;
- cancel_rtx_timeout();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (needoutput || (flags_ & TF_ACKNOW))
- send_much(1, REASON_NORMAL, 0);
- else if ((curseq_ + iss_) > highest_ack_)
- send_much(0, REASON_NORMAL, 0);
- /* kmn - ugh, egregious hack. Can tell it's a server
- * so it goes to listen state. Do something
- * else if this becomes more stable
- */
- if(state_ == TCPS_CLOSED) {
- if(close_on_empty_) {
- reinit();
- curseq_ = iss_;
- state_ = TCPS_LISTEN;
- } else { /*"something else" - kmn 6/00 */
- if (app_ != NULL )
- app_->recv(pkt,this,CONNECTION_END);
- }
- }
- Packet::free(pkt);
- return;
- dropafterack:
- flags_ |= TF_ACKNOW;
- send_much(1, REASON_NORMAL, 0);
- drop:
- Packet::free(pkt);
- return;
- }
- void BayFullTcpAgent::reset_rtx_timer(int )
- {
- // cancel old timer,
- // set a new one
- rtt_backoff(); // double current timeout
- set_rtx_timer(); // set new timer
- rtt_active_ = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * do an active open
- * (in real TCP, see tcp_usrreq, case PRU_CONNECT)
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::connect()
- {
- state_ = TCPS_SYN_SENT; // sending a SYN now
- if (!data_on_syn_) {
- // force no data in this segment
- int cur = curseq_;
- curseq_ = iss_;
- output(iss_, REASON_NORMAL);
- curseq_ = cur + 1; //think I have to add in the syn here
- return;
- }
- output(iss_, REASON_NORMAL);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * be a passive opener
- * (in real TCP, see tcp_usrreq, case PRU_LISTEN)
- * (for simulation, make this peer's ptype ACKs)
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::listen()
- {
- state_ = TCPS_LISTEN;
- type_ = PT_TCP; // changed by kmn 8/6/97
- //type_ = PT_ACK; // instead of PT_TCP
- }
- /*
- * called when user/application performs 'close'
- */
- void BayFullTcpAgent::usrclosed()
- {
- switch (state_) {
- state_ = TCPS_CLOSED;
- break;
- state_ = TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1;
- send_much(1, REASON_NORMAL, 0);
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- int BayFullTcpAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- // would like to have some "connect" primitive
- // here, but the problem is that we get called before
- // the simulation is running and we want to send a SYN.
- // Because no routing exists yet, this fails.
- // Instead, see code in advance() above.
- //
- // listen can happen any time because it just changes state_
- //
- // close is designed to happen at some point after the
- // simulation is running (using an ns 'at' command)
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "listen") == 0) {
- // just a state transition
- listen();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "close") == 0) {
- usrclosed();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "advance") == 0) {
- advance(atoi(argv[2]));
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- //added 7/31/97 by kmn to work with apps, specifically www
- // probably should use a special type of agent...
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "attach-application") == 0) {
- app_ = (BayTcpAppAgent *)TclObject::lookup(argv[2]);
- if (app_ == 0) {
- tcl.resultf("no such agent %s", argv[2]);
- return(TCL_ERROR);
- }
- return(TCL_OK);
- }
- //added by kmn 8/12/97
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "initial-window") == 0) {
- wnd_init_ = atoi(argv[2]);
- cwnd_ = wnd_init_;
- awnd_ = wnd_init_ /2.0;
- return(TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- return (TcpAgent::command(argc, argv));
- }
- /*
- * clear out reassembly queue
- */
- void BayReassemblyQueue::clear()
- {
- seginfo* p;
- seginfo* n;
- for (p = head_; p != NULL; p = n) {
- n = p->next_;
- delete p;
- }
- head_ = tail_ = NULL;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * add a packet to the reassembly queue..
- * will update BayFullTcpAgent::rcv_nxt_ by way of the
- * BayReassemblyQueue::rcv_nxt_ integer reference (an alias)
- */
- int BayReassemblyQueue::add(Packet* pkt)
- {
- hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(pkt);
- hdr_cmn *th = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- int start = tcph->seqno();
- int end = start + th->size() - tcph->hlen();
- int tiflags = tcph->flags();
- seginfo *q, *p, *n;
- if (head_ == NULL) {
- // nobody there, just insert
- tail_ = head_ = new seginfo;
- head_->prev_ = NULL;
- head_->next_ = NULL;
- head_->startseq_ = start;
- head_->endseq_ = end;
- head_->flags_ = tiflags;
- } else {
- p = NULL;
- n = new seginfo;
- n->startseq_ = start;
- n->endseq_ = end;
- n->flags_ = tiflags;
- if (tail_->endseq_ <= start) {
- // common case of end of reass queue
- p = tail_;
- goto endfast;
- }
- q = head_;
- // look for the segment after this one
- while (q != NULL && (end > q->startseq_))
- q = q->next_;
- // set p to the segment before this one
- if (q == NULL)
- p = tail_;
- else
- p = q->prev_;
- if (p == NULL) {
- // insert at head
- n->next_ = head_;
- n->prev_ = NULL;
- head_->prev_ = n;
- head_ = n;
- } else {
- endfast:
- // insert in the middle or end
- n->next_ = p->next_;
- if (p->next_)
- p->next_->prev_ = n;
- p->next_ = n;
- n->prev_ = p;
- if (p == tail_)
- tail_ = n;
- }
- }
- //
- // look for a sequence of in-order segments and
- // set rcv_nxt if we can
- //
- if (head_->startseq_ > rcv_nxt_)
- return 0; // still awaiting a hole-fill
- tiflags = 0;
- p = head_;
- while (p != NULL) {
- // update rcv_nxt_ to highest in-seq thing
- // and delete the entry from the reass queue
- rcv_nxt_ = p->endseq_;
- tiflags |= p->flags_;
- q = p;
- if (q->prev_)
- q->prev_->next_ = q->next_;
- else
- head_ = q->next_;
- if (q->next_)
- q->next_->prev_ = q->prev_;
- else
- tail_ = q->prev_;
- if (q->next_ && (q->endseq_ < q->next_->startseq_)) {
- delete q;
- break; // only the in-seq stuff
- }
- p = p->next_;
- delete q;
- }
- return (tiflags);
- }