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Package: MSDN_VC98.zip [view]
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Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // mfcdual.cpp: Helpful functions for adding dual interface support to
- // MFC applications
- // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "AutoClik.h"
- #include <afxpriv.h>
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // DualHandleException
- HRESULT DualHandleException(REFIID riidSource, const CException* pAnyException)
- {
- ASSERT_VALID(pAnyException);
- TRACE0("DualHandleException calledn");
- // Set ErrInfo object so that VTLB binding container
- // applications can get rich error information.
- ICreateErrorInfo* pcerrinfo;
- HRESULT hr = CreateErrorInfo(&pcerrinfo);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- TCHAR szDescription[256];
- LPCTSTR pszDescription = szDescription;
- GUID guid = GUID_NULL;
- DWORD dwHelpContext = 0;
- BSTR bstrHelpFile = NULL;
- BSTR bstrSource = NULL;
- if (pAnyException->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(COleDispatchException)))
- {
- // specific IDispatch style exception
- COleDispatchException* e = (COleDispatchException*)pAnyException;
- guid = riidSource;
- (e->m_wCode + 0x200));
- pszDescription = e->m_strDescription;
- dwHelpContext = e->m_dwHelpContext;
- // propagate source and help file if present
- // call ::SysAllocString directly so no further exceptions are thrown
- if (!e->m_strHelpFile.IsEmpty())
- bstrHelpFile = ::SysAllocString(T2COLE(e->m_strHelpFile));
- if (!e->m_strSource.IsEmpty())
- bstrSource = ::SysAllocString(T2COLE(e->m_strSource));
- }
- else if (pAnyException->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMemoryException)))
- {
- // failed memory allocation
- AfxLoadString(AFX_IDP_FAILED_MEMORY_ALLOC, szDescription);
- }
- else
- {
- // other unknown/uncommon error
- AfxLoadString(AFX_IDP_INTERNAL_FAILURE, szDescription);
- }
- if (bstrHelpFile == NULL && dwHelpContext != 0)
- bstrHelpFile = ::SysAllocString(T2COLE(AfxGetApp()->m_pszHelpFilePath));
- if (bstrSource == NULL)
- bstrSource = ::SysAllocString(T2COLE(AfxGetAppName()));
- // Set up ErrInfo object
- pcerrinfo->SetGUID(guid);
- pcerrinfo->SetDescription(::SysAllocString(T2COLE(pszDescription)));
- pcerrinfo->SetHelpContext(dwHelpContext);
- pcerrinfo->SetHelpFile(bstrHelpFile);
- pcerrinfo->SetSource(bstrSource);
- TRACE("tSource = %wsn", bstrSource);
- TRACE("tDescription = %sn", pszDescription);
- TRACE("tHelpContext = %lxn", dwHelpContext);
- TRACE("tHelpFile = %wsn", bstrHelpFile);
- // Set the ErrInfo object for the current thread
- IErrorInfo* perrinfo;
- if (SUCCEEDED(pcerrinfo->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorInfo, (LPVOID*)&perrinfo)))
- {
- SetErrorInfo(0, perrinfo);
- perrinfo->Release();
- }
- pcerrinfo->Release();
- }
- TRACE("DualHandleException returning HRESULT %lxn", hr);
- return hr;
- }