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Package: MSDN_VC98.zip [view]
Upload User: bangxh
Upload Date: 2007-01-31
Package Size: 42235k
Code Size: 6k
Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copyright (C) 1992 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- //
- // File: inpstrm.cxx
- //
- // Contents: Memory mapped input stream
- //
- // Classes: CMemoryMappedSerialStream
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <pch.cxx>
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include <htmlfilt.hxx>
- #include <codepage.hxx>
- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Method: CMemoryMappedInputStream::CMemoryMappedInputStream
- //
- // Synopsis: Constructor
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CMemoryMappedInputStream::CMemoryMappedInputStream()
- : _bytesReadFromMMBuffer(0),
- _charsReadFromTranslatedBuffer(0),
- _cwcTranslatedBuffer(0),
- _ulCodePage(LocaleToCodepage(GetSystemDefaultLCID())),
- _fUnGotChar(FALSE),
- _wch(0)
- {
- }
- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Method: CMemoryMappedInputStream::~CMemoryMappedInputStream
- //
- // Synopsis: Destructor
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CMemoryMappedInputStream::~CMemoryMappedInputStream()
- {
- if ( _mmStream.Ok() && _mmStreamBuf.Get() != 0 )
- _mmStream.Unmap( _mmStreamBuf );
- }
- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Method: CMemoryMappedInputStream::Init
- //
- // Synopsis: Initialize the memory mapped stream
- //
- // Arguments: [pwszFileName] -- File to be mapped
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CMemoryMappedInputStream::Init( WCHAR *pwszFileName )
- {
- Win4Assert( pwszFileName );
- _bytesReadFromMMBuffer = 0;
- if ( _mmStream.Ok() )
- {
- _mmStreamBuf.Rewind();
- _mmStream.Close();
- }
- _mmStream.Open( pwszFileName,
- if ( _mmStream.Ok() )
- {
- _mmStreamBuf.Init( &_mmStream );
- if ( !_mmStream.isEmpty() )
- _mmStreamBuf.Map( HTML_FILTER_CHUNK_SIZE );
- }
- else
- {
- htmlDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Throwing FILTER_E_ACCESS in CMemoryMappedInputStream::Initn" ));
- throw( CException( FILTER_E_ACCESS ) );
- }
- }
- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Method: CMemoryMappedInputStream::GetChar
- //
- // Synopsis: Read the next consecutive character from the input file
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WCHAR CMemoryMappedInputStream::GetChar()
- {
- if ( !_mmStream.Ok() || !_mmStreamBuf.Get() )
- throw( CException( FILTER_E_ACCESS ) );
- if ( _fUnGotChar )
- {
- _fUnGotChar = FALSE;
- return _wch;
- }
- if ( _charsReadFromTranslatedBuffer == _cwcTranslatedBuffer )
- {
- if ( _bytesReadFromMMBuffer == _mmStreamBuf.Size() )
- {
- if ( _mmStreamBuf.Eof() )
- return WEOF;
- //
- // Try to map in next chunk of file
- //
- _mmStreamBuf.Map( HTML_FILTER_CHUNK_SIZE );
- _bytesReadFromMMBuffer = 0;
- Win4Assert( _mmStreamBuf.Size() > _bytesReadFromMMBuffer );
- }
- ULONG cChUnread = _mmStreamBuf.Size() - _bytesReadFromMMBuffer;
- //
- // Since, the wide chars are precomposed, assume 1:1 translation mapping
- //
- if ( cChIn > cChUnread )
- {
- //
- // Not enough chars in input
- //
- cChIn = cChUnread;
- }
- ULONG cwcActual = 0;
- do
- {
- cwcActual = MultiByteToWideChar( _ulCodePage,
- (char *) _mmStreamBuf.Get() + _bytesReadFromMMBuffer,
- cChIn,
- _awcTranslatedBuffer,
- if ( cwcActual == 0 )
- {
- if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && cChIn >= 2 )
- cChIn /= 2;
- else
- {
- Win4Assert( !"CMemoryMappedInputStream::GetChar, cannot translate single char" );
- throw( CException( GetLastError() ) );
- }
- }
- } while( cwcActual == 0 );
- Win4Assert( _bytesReadFromMMBuffer + cChIn <= _mmStreamBuf.Size() );
- Win4Assert( cwcActual <= TRANSLATED_CHAR_BUFFER_LENGTH );
- _bytesReadFromMMBuffer += cChIn;
- _charsReadFromTranslatedBuffer = 0;
- _cwcTranslatedBuffer = cwcActual;
- }
- return _awcTranslatedBuffer[_charsReadFromTranslatedBuffer++];
- }
- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Method: CMemoryMappedInputStream::UnGetChar
- //
- // Synopsis: Pushes(logically) a character back into the input stream
- //
- // Arguments: [wch] -- Char to be pushed back
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CMemoryMappedInputStream::UnGetChar( WCHAR wch )
- {
- //
- // We can unget only one char at a time
- //
- Win4Assert( !_fUnGotChar );
- _fUnGotChar = TRUE;
- _wch = wch;
- }
- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Method: CMemoryMappedInputStream::Eof
- //
- // Synopsis: Is this the end of input file ?
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CMemoryMappedInputStream::Eof()
- {
- if ( !_mmStream.Ok() )
- throw( CException( FILTER_E_ACCESS ) );
- if ( _fUnGotChar )
- return FALSE;
- if ( _charsReadFromTranslatedBuffer < _cwcTranslatedBuffer )
- return FALSE;
- if ( _bytesReadFromMMBuffer == _mmStreamBuf.Size() )
- return _mmStreamBuf.Eof();
- else
- return FALSE;
- }