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Package: MSDN_VC98.zip [view]
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Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #ifndef D3DUTILS_H
- #define D3DUTILS_H
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DUtils.h
- ** Purpose: Various D3D utility functions
- ** Notes:
- **
- ** Copyright (c) 1995 - 1997 by Microsoft, all rights reserved
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #define D3D_OVERLOADS
- #include <d3d.h>
- #include <d3dtypes.h>
- extern const float pi;
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Function Prototypes
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- // generic simple matrix routines
- extern D3DMATRIX ZeroMatrix(void);
- extern D3DMATRIX IdentityMatrix(void);
- extern D3DMATRIX ProjectionMatrix(const float near_plane, const float far_plane, const float fov);
- extern D3DMATRIX ViewMatrix(const D3DVECTOR & from, const D3DVECTOR & at,
- const D3DVECTOR & up, const float roll=0.0f);
- extern D3DMATRIX RotateXMatrix(const float rads);
- extern D3DMATRIX RotateYMatrix(const float rads);
- extern D3DMATRIX RotateZMatrix(const float rads);
- extern D3DMATRIX TranslateMatrix(const float dx, const float dy, const float dz);
- extern D3DMATRIX TranslateMatrix(const D3DVECTOR & v);
- extern D3DMATRIX ScaleMatrix(const float size);
- extern D3DMATRIX ScaleMatrix(const float a, const float b, const float c);
- extern D3DMATRIX ScaleMatrix(const D3DVECTOR & v);
- extern D3DMATRIX MatrixMult(const D3DMATRIX & a, const D3DMATRIX & b);
- extern D3DMATRIX MatrixInverse(const D3DMATRIX & m);
- extern D3DMATRIX MatrixTranspose(const D3DMATRIX & m);
- extern D3DVECTOR TransformVector(const D3DVECTOR & v, const D3DMATRIX & m);
- extern D3DVECTOR TransformNormal(const D3DVECTOR & v, const D3DMATRIX & m);
- // Other stuff
- extern float rnd(void);
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Classes
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Class: Light
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- class Light {
- protected:
- public:
- D3DLIGHT2 light; // structure defining the light
- LPDIRECT3DLIGHT lpD3DLight; // object pointer for the light
- int changed;
- public:
- Light(LPDIRECT3D2 lpD3D);
- ~Light();
- HRESULT RemoveFromViewport(LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT2 lpView);
- HRESULT Set(void);
- void SetColor(const D3DVECTOR& color);
- D3DVECTOR GetColor(void) const;
- void SetPosition(const D3DVECTOR& position);
- D3DVECTOR GetPosition(void) const;
- void SetDirection(const D3DVECTOR& direction);
- D3DVECTOR GetDirection(void) const;
- void SetAttenuation(const D3DVECTOR& attenuation);
- D3DVECTOR GetAttenuation(void) const;
- void SetRange(const float range);
- float GetRange(void) const;
- void SetFalloff(const float falloff);
- float GetFalloff(void) const;
- void SetUmbra(const float falloff);
- float GetUmbra(void) const;
- void SetPenumbra(const float falloff);
- float GetPenumbra(void) const;
- void SetFlags(const DWORD flags);
- DWORD GetFlags(void) const;
- }; // End Light
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Class: PointLight
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- class PointLight : public Light {
- public:
- PointLight(LPDIRECT3D2 lpD3D,
- const D3DVECTOR & color,
- const D3DVECTOR & position);
- }; // End PointLight
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Class: SpotLight
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- class SpotLight : public Light {
- public:
- SpotLight(LPDIRECT3D2 lpD3D,
- const D3DVECTOR& color,
- const D3DVECTOR& position,
- const D3DVECTOR& direction,
- const float umbra_angle,
- const float penumbra_angle);
- }; // End SpotLight
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Class: DirectionalLight
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- class DirectionalLight : public Light {
- public:
- DirectionalLight(LPDIRECT3D2 lpD3D,
- const D3DVECTOR& color, const D3DVECTOR& direction);
- };
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Class: ParallelPointLight
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- class ParallelPointLight : public Light {
- public:
- ParallelPointLight(LPDIRECT3D2 lpD3D, const D3DVECTOR& color, const D3DVECTOR& position);
- }; // End ParallelPointLight
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Class: Material
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- class Material
- {
- protected:
- int changed;
- public:
- ~Material();
- HRESULT Set(void);
- void SetDiffuse(const D3DVECTOR& color);
- D3DVECTOR GetDiffuse(void) const;
- void SetAlpha(const float& alpha);
- float GetAlpha(void) const;
- void SetAmbient(const D3DVECTOR& color);
- D3DVECTOR GetAmbient(void) const;
- void SetEmissive(const D3DVECTOR& color);
- D3DVECTOR GetEmissive(void) const;
- void SetSpecular(const D3DVECTOR& color);
- D3DVECTOR GetSpecular(void) const;
- void SetPower(const D3DVALUE& power);
- D3DVALUE GetPower(void) const;
- void SetRampSize(const DWORD& ramp);
- DWORD GetRampSize(void) const;
- void SetTextureHandle(const D3DTEXTUREHANDLE& hTexture);
- D3DTEXTUREHANDLE GetTextureHandle(void);
- }; // End Material
- //
- // include the inline functions for the classes
- //
- #include "d3dutils.inl"
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** End of File
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #endif // D3DUTILS_H