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Package: MSDN_VC98.zip [view]
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Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Copyright 1986-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- // last err support object.
- //
- //There should be no global objects of this class
- // because by the time the dectructor of a global CLastError
- // is called, MAPIFreeBuffer does not work.
- #ifndef __LASTERR_H__
- #define __LASTERR_H__
- class CLastError
- {
- public:
- CLastError(LPSTR);
- ~CLastError(void);
- // standard OLE or MAPI errors.
- HRESULT HrSetLastError(HRESULT hr);
- // our internal extended error codes or a non-standard string for OLE or MAPI errors
- // scFORM is one of the errors defined by MAKE_FORM_X_SCODE macro family
- HRESULT HrSetLastError(HRESULT hr, SCODE scFORM, ...);
- // errors returned from underlying objects.
- HRESULT HrSetLastError(HRESULT hr, IUnknown* punk);
- // our implementation of GetLastError
- HRESULT HrGetLastError(HRESULT hr, DWORD dwFlags,
- //displays the last error info
- int ShowError(HWND);
- private:
- // we have three possible error types: our internal errors which
- // we signify by MAPI_E_EXTENDED to the user, standard errors
- // defined by MAPI and errors returned by objects we keep and utilize.
- enum {eNoError, eExtended, eMAPI, eObject} m_eLastErr;
- HRESULT m_hrLast;
- HRESULT m_hrGLE; // what GetLastError on the object returned; mostly 0
- LPMAPIERROR m_pmapierr;
- LPSTR m_szComponent;
- };
- inline CLastError::CLastError(LPSTR szComponent)
- {
- m_eLastErr = eNoError;
- m_hrLast = 0;
- m_hrGLE = 0;
- m_pmapierr = 0;
- m_szComponent = NULL;
- if(!MAPIAllocateBuffer(lstrlen(szComponent) +1,
- (LPVOID *) &m_szComponent))
- {
- lstrcpy(m_szComponent, szComponent);
- }
- }
- inline CLastError::~CLastError()
- {
- if (m_pmapierr != NULL)
- {
- MAPIFreeBuffer(m_pmapierr);
- }
- if(m_szComponent != NULL)
- {
- MAPIFreeBuffer(m_szComponent);
- }
- }
- #endif // __LASTERR_H__