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- /*
- * Patron Chapter 21
- *
- * Implementation of an object with the IOleUILinkContainer
- * interface necessary to use the standard Links Dialog. This
- * is implemented as a stand-along object with access to the CPage
- * with which its associated, primiarily because it is only used
- * for the one dialog. Therefore this object has it's own IUnknown.
- * In addition, we use the Links Assistant object developed in this
- * chapter to simplify our own code.
- *
- * Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Kraig Brockschmidt, Microsoft
- * Internet : kraigb@microsoft.com
- * Compuserve: >INTERNET:kraigb@microsoft.com
- */
- #include "patron.h"
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::CIOleUILinkContainer
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::~CIOleUILinkContainer
- *
- * Parameters (Constructor):
- * pPage PCPage of the page we're in.
- */
- CIOleUILinkContainer::CIOleUILinkContainer(PCPage pPage)
- {
- m_cRef=0;
- m_pPage=pPage;
- m_iTenant=0;
- m_pDelIUILinks=NULL;
- m_fDirty=FALSE;
- return;
- }
- CIOleUILinkContainer::~CIOleUILinkContainer(void)
- {
- ReleaseInterface(m_pDelIUILinks);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::Init
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Performs initialization on the object that might fail. In
- * particular this creates an object of CLSID_LinksAssistant that
- * helps in implementing this interface.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * None
- *
- * Return Value:
- * BOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- BOOL CIOleUILinkContainer::Init(void)
- {
- hr=CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LinksAssistant, NULL
- , (PPVOID)&m_pDelIUILinks);
- return SUCCEEDED(hr);
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::QueryInterface
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::AddRef
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::Release
- *
- * Purpose:
- * IUnknown members for CIOleUILinkContainer object.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::QueryInterface(REFIID riid
- , PPVOID ppv)
- {
- *ppv=NULL;
- if (IID_IUnknown==riid || IID_IOleUILinkContainer==riid)
- {
- *ppv=this;
- AddRef();
- return NOERROR;
- }
- return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CIOleUILinkContainer::AddRef(void)
- {
- return ++m_cRef;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CIOleUILinkContainer::Release(void)
- {
- if (0!=--m_cRef)
- return m_cRef;
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::GetNextLink
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Called when the Links dialog is filling its listbox. Here we
- * need to return a key for the first link if dwLink is zero, then
- * return the next links if it's non-zero.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD last returned from this function. Zero if
- * this is the first call to this function.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * DWORD Some value that identifies this object. Zero
- * stops the sequence such that this function is
- * no longer called.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CIOleUILinkContainer::GetNextLink(DWORD dwLink)
- {
- PCTenant pTenant;
- //If we're told to start the sequence, set index to zero.
- if (0L==dwLink)
- m_iTenant=0;
- /*
- * On each subsequent call, find the next linked object in
- * this document and return it. Make sure the index is
- * incremented for the next time this function is called.
- */
- for ( ; m_iTenant < m_pPage->m_cTenants; m_iTenant++)
- {
- if (m_pPage->TenantGet(m_iTenant, &pTenant, FALSE))
- {
- if (TENANTTYPE_LINKEDOBJECT==pTenant->TypeGet())
- {
- m_iTenant++;
- return (DWORD)pTenant;
- }
- }
- }
- //If we hit the end of list, this tells the dialog to stop.
- return 0L;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::SetLinkUpdateOptions
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Informs the application to call IOleLink::SetUpdateOptions for
- * the object identified by dwLink.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD object identifier as returned from
- * GetNextLink.
- * dwOptions DWORD containing the new options.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT Return value of IOleLink::SetUpdateOptions.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::SetLinkUpdateOptions(DWORD dwLink
- , DWORD dwOptions)
- {
- if (NULL==dwLink)
- return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
- /*
- * Your responsibility is to call the object's
- * IOleLink::SetUpdateOptions function with dwOptions. Simple?
- *
- * For Patron we must first get the object pointer obtainable
- * from the tenant's ObjectGet function, then QI for IOleLink.
- */
- hr=GetObjectInterface(dwLink, IID_IOleLink, (PPVOID)&pIOleLink);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- hr=pIOleLink->SetUpdateOptions(dwOptions);
- pIOleLink->Release();
- m_fDirty=SUCCEEDED(hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::GetLinkUpdateOptions
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Requests the container to call IOleLink::GetUpdateOptions for
- * the object identified by dwLink.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD identifying the object
- * pdwOptions LPDWORD in which to store the options.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT Return value of IOleLink::GetUpdateOptions
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::GetLinkUpdateOptions(DWORD dwLink
- , LPDWORD pdwOptions)
- {
- if (NULL==dwLink)
- return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
- hr=GetObjectInterface(dwLink, IID_IOleLink, (PPVOID)&pIOleLink);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- hr=pIOleLink->GetUpdateOptions(pdwOptions);
- pIOleLink->Release();
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::SetLinkSource
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Changes the moniker to which an object is linked.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD identifying the object in question.
- * pszName LPTSTR to the displayable name of the source.
- * cchName ULONG length of the file portaion of pszName
- * pchEaten ULONG * in which to return the number of
- * characters used in parsing pszDisplayName.
- * fValidate BOOL indicating if we're to validate that the
- * source exists first.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT NOERROR if successful, E_FAIL otherwise.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::SetLinkSource(DWORD dwLink
- , LPTSTR pszName, ULONG cchName, ULONG *pchEaten
- , BOOL fValidate)
- {
- PCTenant pTenant=(PCTenant)dwLink;
- if (NULL==dwLink)
- return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
- //This is for use in GetLinkSource, below.
- pTenant->m_fLinkAvail=FALSE;
- hr=GetObjectInterface(dwLink, IID_IOleLink, (PPVOID)&pIOleLink);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- hr=m_pDelIUILinks->SetLinkSource((DWORD)pIOleLink, pszName
- , cchName, pchEaten, fValidate);
- pIOleLink->Release();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- //hr will be S_FALSE if link is unavailable.
- pTenant->Repaint();
- pTenant->m_fLinkAvail=(NOERROR==hr);
- m_fDirty=TRUE;
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::GetLinkSource
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Retrieves various strings and values for this link source.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD identifying the object affected.
- * ppszName LPTSTR * in which to return the new source
- * name
- * pcchName ULONG * in which to return the length of
- * pszName
- * ppszFullLink LPTSTR * in which to return the full name of
- * the class of linked object.
- * ppszShortLink LPTSTR * in which to return the short name of
- * the class of linked object.
- * pfSourceAvail BOOL * in which to return if this is an
- * available link source.
- * pfSelected BOOL * in which to return if this object is
- * currently selected in the document. This
- * selects the item in the listbox for this object.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT NOERROR on success, error code otherwise.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::GetLinkSource(DWORD dwLink
- , LPTSTR *ppszName, ULONG *pcchName, LPTSTR *ppszFullLink
- , LPTSTR *ppszShortLink, BOOL *pfSourceAvail, BOOL *pfSelected)
- {
- PCTenant pTenant=(PCTenant)dwLink;
- LPBC pbc=NULL;
- if (NULL==dwLink)
- return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
- //We know what this is from SetLinkSource
- *pfSourceAvail=pTenant->m_fLinkAvail;
- if (pfSelected)
- *pfSelected=pTenant->FIsSelected();
- hr=GetObjectInterface(dwLink, IID_IOleLink, (PPVOID)&pIOleLink);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- hr=m_pDelIUILinks->GetLinkSource((DWORD)pIOleLink, ppszName
- , pcchName, ppszFullLink, ppszShortLink, pfSourceAvail
- , pfSelected);
- pIOleLink->Release();
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::OpenLinkSource
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Asks the container to call DoVerb on this object with
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD identifying the linked object.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT Standard.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::OpenLinkSource(DWORD dwLink)
- {
- PCTenant pTenant=(PCTenant)dwLink;
- pTenant->Activate(OLEIVERB_OPEN);
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::UpdateLink
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Asks the container to update the link for this object.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD identifying the linked object.
- * fErrorMessage BOOL indicating if we can show errors.
- * fErrorAction BOOL making no sense whatsoever.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT Standard.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::UpdateLink(DWORD dwLink
- , BOOL fErrorMessage, BOOL fErrorAction)
- {
- PCTenant pTenant=(PCTenant)dwLink;
- hr=GetObjectInterface(dwLink, IID_IOleLink, (PPVOID)&pIOleLink);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- hr=m_pDelIUILinks->UpdateLink((DWORD)pIOleLink, fErrorMessage
- , fErrorAction);
- pTenant->Repaint();
- pTenant->m_fLinkAvail=SUCCEEDED(hr);
- pIOleLink->Release();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- if (fErrorMessage)
- {
- MessageBox(m_pPage->m_hWnd
- , TEXT("Could not update link."), TEXT("Patron")
- , MB_OK);
- }
- }
- else
- m_fDirty=TRUE;
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::CancelLink
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Requests that the container turn this linked object into a
- * static object.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD identifying the linked object.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT Standard.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::CancelLink(DWORD dwLink)
- {
- PCTenant pTenant=(PCTenant)dwLink;
- hr=GetObjectInterface(dwLink, IID_IOleLink, (PPVOID)&pIOleLink);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- //This sets the source moniker to NULL.
- m_pDelIUILinks->CancelLink((DWORD)pIOleLink);
- pIOleLink->Release();
- //Go change this object over to a static one.
- pTenant->ConvertToStatic();
- m_fDirty=TRUE;
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CIOleUILinkContainer::GetObjectInterface
- * (Protected)
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Retrieves and interface pointer for the object identified by
- * dwLink
- *
- * Parameters:
- * dwLink DWORD identifying the object
- * riid REFIID of the interface desired.
- * ppv PPVOID into which we return the pointer.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT NOERROR on success, error code otherwise.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CIOleUILinkContainer::GetObjectInterface(DWORD dwLink
- , REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv)
- {
- PCTenant pTenant=(PCTenant)dwLink;
- LPUNKNOWN pIUnknown;
- pTenant->ObjectGet(&pIUnknown);
- hr=pIUnknown->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- pIUnknown->Release();
- return hr;
- }