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- /*************************************************************************
- **
- ** This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- **
- ** Copyright (C) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** This source code is only intended as a supplement to Microsoft Development
- ** Tools and/or WinHelp documentation. See these sources for detailed
- ** information regarding the Microsoft samples programs.
- **
- ** OLE Automation Lines object
- **
- ** lines.cpp
- **
- ** CLines collection implementation
- **
- ** Written by Microsoft Product Support Services, Windows Developer Support
- **
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #ifdef WIN16
- #include <ole2.h>
- #include <compobj.h>
- #include <dispatch.h>
- #include <variant.h>
- #include <olenls.h>
- #endif
- #include "lines.h"
- /*
- * CLines::Create
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Creates an instance of a Lines collection object and initializes it.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lMaxSize Maximum number of items that can added to collection.
- * lLBound Lower bound of index of collection.
- * pPane Pointer to pane that contains this collection. Required because the pane coordinates
- * the lines and points collection.
- * ppLines Returns Lines collection object.
- *
- * Return Value:
- *
- */
- CLines::Create(ULONG lMaxSize, long lLBound, CPane FAR* pPane, CLines FAR* FAR* ppLines)
- {
- CLines FAR* pLines = NULL;
- SAFEARRAYBOUND sabound[1];
- *ppLines = NULL;
- // Create new collection
- pLines = new CLines();
- if (pLines == NULL)
- goto error;
- pLines->m_cMax = lMaxSize;
- pLines->m_cElements = 0;
- pLines->m_lLBound = lLBound;
- pLines->m_pPane = pPane;
- // Load type information for the Lines collection from type library.
- hr = LoadTypeInfo(&pLines->m_ptinfo, IID_ILines);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- goto error;
- // Create a safe array of variants which is used to implement the collection.
- sabound[0].cElements = lMaxSize;
- sabound[0].lLbound = lLBound;
- pLines->m_psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, sabound);
- if (pLines->m_psa == NULL)
- {
- goto error;
- }
- *ppLines = pLines;
- return NOERROR;
- error:
- if (pLines == NULL)
- if (pLines->m_ptinfo)
- pLines->m_ptinfo->Release();
- if (pLines->m_psa)
- SafeArrayDestroy(pLines->m_psa);
- pLines->m_psa = NULL;
- pLines->m_ptinfo = NULL;
- delete pLines;
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::CLines
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Constructor for CLines object. Initializes members to NULL.
- *
- */
- #pragma warning (disable : 4355)
- CLines::CLines() : m_SupportErrorInfo(this, IID_ILines)
- #pragma warning (default : 4355)
- {
- m_cRef = 0;
- m_psa = NULL;
- m_ptinfo = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::~CLines
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Destructor for CLines object.
- *
- */
- CLines::~CLines()
- {
- if (m_ptinfo) m_ptinfo->Release();
- if (m_psa) SafeArrayDestroy(m_psa);
- }
- /*
- * CLines::QueryInterface, AddRef, Release
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Implements IUnknown::QueryInterface, AddRef, Release
- *
- */
- CLines::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv)
- {
- *ppv = NULL;
- if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_ILines || iid == IID_IDispatch)
- *ppv = this;
- else if (iid == IID_ISupportErrorInfo)
- *ppv = &m_SupportErrorInfo;
- else return E_NOINTERFACE;
- AddRef();
- return NOERROR;
- }
- CLines::AddRef(void)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- TCHAR ach[50];
- wsprintf(ach, TEXT("Ref = %ld, Linesrn"), m_cRef+1);
- OutputDebugString(ach);
- #endif
- return ++m_cRef;
- }
- CLines::Release(void)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- TCHAR ach[50];
- wsprintf(ach, TEXT("Ref = %ld, Linesrn"), m_cRef-1);
- OutputDebugString(ach);
- #endif
- if(--m_cRef == 0)
- {
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- return m_cRef;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::GetTypeInfoCount
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Implements IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount.
- *
- */
- CLines::GetTypeInfoCount(UINT FAR* pctinfo)
- {
- *pctinfo = 1;
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::GetTypeInfo
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Implements IDispatch::GetTypeInfo.
- *
- */
- CLines::GetTypeInfo(
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo FAR* FAR* pptinfo)
- {
- *pptinfo = NULL;
- if(itinfo != 0)
- m_ptinfo->AddRef();
- *pptinfo = m_ptinfo;
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::GetIDsOfNames
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Implements IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames. The standard implementation, DispGetIDsOfNames,
- * is used.
- *
- */
- CLines::GetIDsOfNames(
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR FAR* FAR* rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID FAR* rgdispid)
- {
- return DispGetIDsOfNames(m_ptinfo, rgszNames, cNames, rgdispid);
- }
- /*
- * CLines::Invoke
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Implements IDispatch::Invoke. The standard implementation, DispInvoke,
- * is used.
- *
- */
- CLines::Invoke(
- DISPID dispidMember,
- REFIID riid,
- LCID lcid,
- WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS FAR* pdispparams,
- VARIANT FAR* pvarResult,
- EXCEPINFO FAR* pexcepinfo,
- UINT FAR* puArgErr)
- {
- return DispInvoke(
- this, m_ptinfo,
- dispidMember, wFlags, pdispparams,
- pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr);
- }
- /*
- *
- * Properties and methods exposed through automation.
- *
- */
- /*
- * CLines::Add
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Adds a line to the lines collection.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * pLineNew IDispatch of line to be added to collection.
- *
- */
- CLines::Add(ILine FAR* pLineNew)
- {
- LONG l;
- CLine FAR* pLine = NULL;
- HDC hdc;
- // Is the collection full?
- if (m_cElements == m_cMax)
- return RaiseException(IDS_CollectionFull, IID_ILines);
- hr = pLineNew->QueryInterface(IID_ILine, (void FAR* FAR*)&pLine);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return RaiseException(IDS_LineFromOtherInstance, IID_ILines);
- // Add end points of line to the pane's point collection
- if (FALSE == pLine->AddEndPointsToPane(m_pPane))
- {hr = RaiseException(IDS_CantAddEndPoints, IID_ILines); goto error;}
- // Add new line to collection
- l = m_lLBound+m_cElements;
- VariantInit(&v);
- V_DISPATCH(&v) = pLineNew;
- hr = SafeArrayPutElement(m_psa, &l, &v);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {hr = RaiseException(IDS_Unexpected, IID_ILines); goto error;}
- m_cElements++;
- // Draw the new line
- hdc = m_pPane->GetDC();
- pLine->Draw(hdc);
- m_pPane->ReleaseDC(hdc);
- pLine->Release();
- return NOERROR;
- error:
- if (pLine)
- pLine->Release();
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::get_Count
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Returns number of items in collection.
- *
- */
- CLines::get_Count(long FAR* lCount)
- {
- *lCount = m_cElements;
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::get_Item
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Retrieves item from collection, given an index.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lIndex Index of item to be retrieved.
- * ppLine Returns IDispatch of item retrieved from collection.
- *
- */
- CLines::get_Item(long lIndex, ILine FAR* FAR* ppLine)
- {
- // Check if index is within range
- if (lIndex < m_lLBound || lIndex >= (long)(m_lLBound+m_cElements))
- return RaiseException(IDS_InvalidIndex, IID_ILines);
- // Retrieve and return item. Note that SafeArrayGetElement AddRefs, so an additional AddRef
- // is not required.
- VariantInit(&v);
- hr = SafeArrayGetElement(m_psa, &lIndex, &v);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return RaiseException(IDS_Unexpected, IID_ILines);
- *ppLine = (ILine FAR*) V_DISPATCH(&v);
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::get_NewEnum
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Returns an enumerator (IEnumVARIANT) for the items curently in the collection.
- * The NewEnum property is restricted and so is invisible to users of an
- * automation controller's scripting language. Automation controllers that support
- * a 'For Each' statement to iterate through the elements of a collection will use
- * the enumerator returned by NewEnum. The enumerator creates a snapshot of the
- * the current state of the collection.
- *
- */
- CLines::get__NewEnum(IUnknown FAR* FAR* ppunkEnum)
- {
- CEnumVariant FAR* penum = NULL;;
- *ppunkEnum = NULL;
- // Create new enumerator for items currently in collection and QI for IUnknown
- hr = CEnumVariant::Create(m_psa, m_cElements, &penum);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {hr = RaiseException(IDS_OutOfMemory, IID_ILines); goto error;}
- hr = penum->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (VOID FAR* FAR*)ppunkEnum);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {hr = RaiseException(IDS_Unexpected, IID_ILines); goto error;}
- return NOERROR;
- error:
- if (penum)
- delete penum;
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::Remove
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Removes specified item from collection.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lIndex Index of item to be removed.
- *
- */
- CLines::Remove(long lIndex)
- {
- long l;
- CLine FAR* pLine = NULL;
- RECT rc;
- // Check if integer index is within range.
- if (lIndex < m_lLBound || lIndex >= (long)(m_lLBound+m_cElements))
- return RaiseException(IDS_InvalidIndex, IID_ILines);
- hr = SafeArrayAccessData(m_psa, (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pvar);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return RaiseException(IDS_Unexpected, IID_ILines);
- V_DISPATCH(&pvar[lIndex-m_lLBound])->QueryInterface(IID_ILine, (void FAR* FAR*)&pLine);
- // Ask the pane to invalidate the area where the line is drawn.
- pLine->GetInvalidateRect(&rc);
- m_pPane->InvalidateRect(&rc);
- // Remove end points of line from the pane's point collection.
- pLine->RemoveEndPointsFromPane(m_pPane);
- // Remove Line
- V_DISPATCH(&pvar[lIndex-m_lLBound])->Release();
- // Move up the array elements, after the element to be removed.
- for (l=lIndex-m_lLBound; l<(long)(m_cElements-1); l++)
- pvar[l] = pvar[l+1];
- // Remove last element.
- V_VT(&pvar[l]) = VT_EMPTY;
- pLine->Release();
- hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData(m_psa);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return RaiseException(IDS_Unexpected, IID_ILines);
- m_cElements--;
- m_pPane->Update(); // Ask the pane to repaint invalidated areas caused by removal of line.
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- *
- * The following methods are not exposed through Automation
- *
- */
- /*
- * CLines::Draw
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Draws all lines in collection.
- *
- */
- CLines::Draw(HDC hdc)
- {
- long l;
- CLine FAR* pLine = NULL;
- // Draw each line in the Lines collection
- hr = SafeArrayAccessData(m_psa, (void HUGEP* FAR*)&pvar);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return;
- for (l=0; l<(long)m_cElements; l++)
- {
- hr = V_DISPATCH(&pvar[l])->QueryInterface(IID_ILine, (void FAR* FAR*)&pLine);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- continue;
- pLine->Draw(hdc);
- pLine->Release();
- }
- hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData(m_psa);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * CLines::Clear
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Removes all items from collection.
- *
- */
- CLines::Clear(void)
- {
- SafeArrayDestroyData(m_psa);
- SafeArrayAllocData(m_psa);
- m_cElements = 0;
- }