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Package: MSDN_VC98.zip [view]
Upload User: bangxh
Upload Date: 2007-01-31
Package Size: 42235k
Code Size: 3k
Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
- /* File created by MIDL compiler version 3.03.0110 */
- /* at Mon Mar 30 02:26:29 1998
- */
- /* Compiler settings for qudcln.idl:
- Os (OptLev=s), W1, Zp4, env=Win32, ms_ext, c_ext
- error checks: none
- */
- /* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
- #endif
- #include "rpcproxy.h"
- #ifndef __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__
- #error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
- #endif // __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__
- #include "qudcln.h"
- typedef struct _MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
- {
- short Pad;
- unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
- typedef struct _MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
- {
- short Pad;
- unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
- extern const MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_TypeFormatString;
- extern const MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_ProcFormatString;
- /* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
- GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
- /* Object interface: IQuadrantClient, ver. 0.0,
- GUID={0x2a0e4fbc,0x3908,0x101b,{0x89,0x63,0x00,0x00,0x0b,0x65,0xc7,0x5b}} */
- #pragma data_seg(".rdata")
- #if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
- #error Invalid build platform for this stub.
- #endif
- static const MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_ProcFormatString =
- {
- 0,
- {
- 0x0
- }
- };
- static const MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_TypeFormatString =
- {
- 0,
- {
- 0x0
- }
- };
- const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * _qudcln_ProxyVtblList[] =
- {
- 0
- };
- const CInterfaceStubVtbl * _qudcln_StubVtblList[] =
- {
- 0
- };
- PCInterfaceName const _qudcln_InterfaceNamesList[] =
- {
- 0
- };
- #define _qudcln_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _qudcln, pIID, n)
- int __stdcall _qudcln_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- const ExtendedProxyFileInfo qudcln_ProxyFileInfo =
- {
- (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _qudcln_ProxyVtblList,
- (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _qudcln_StubVtblList,
- (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _qudcln_InterfaceNamesList,
- 0, // no delegation
- & _qudcln_IID_Lookup,
- 0,
- 1
- };