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Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /***
- *dballoc.cpp
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992 - 1997, Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *Purpose:
- * This file contains a debug implementation of the IMalloc interface.
- *
- * This implementation is basically a simple wrapping of the C runtime,
- * with additional work to detect memory leakage, and memory overwrite.
- *
- * Leakage is detected by tracking each allocation in an address
- * instance table, and then checking to see if the table is empty
- * when the last reference to the allocator is released.
- *
- * Memory overwrite is detected by placing a signature at the end
- * of every allocated block, and checking to make sure the signature
- * is unchanged when the block is freed.
- *
- * This implementation also has additional param validation code, as
- * well as additional check make sure that instances that are passed
- * to Free() were actually allocated by the corresponding instance
- * of the allocator.
- *
- *
- * Creating an instance of this debug allocator that uses the default
- * output interface would look like the following,
- *
- *
- * BOOL init_application_instance()
- * {
- * HRESULT hresult;
- * IMalloc FAR* pmalloc;
- *
- * pmalloc = NULL;
- *
- * if((hresult = OleStdCreateDbAlloc(0,&pmalloc))!=NOERROR)
- * goto LReturn;
- *
- * hresult = OleInitialize(pmalloc);
- *
- * // release pmalloc to let OLE hold the only ref to the it. later
- * // when OleUnitialize is called, memory leaks will be reported.
- * if(pmalloc != NULL)
- * pmalloc->Release();
- *
- * LReturn:
- *
- * return (hresult == NOERROR) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- * }
- *
- *
- * CONSIDER: could add an option to force error generation, something
- *
- * CONSIDER: add support for heap-checking. say for example,
- * DBALLOC_HEAPCHECK would do a heapcheck every free? every 'n'
- * calls to free? ...
- *
- *
- *Implementation Notes:
- *
- * The method IMalloc::DidAlloc() is allowed to always return
- * "Dont Know" (-1). This method is called by Ole, and they take
- * some appropriate action when they get this answer.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- // Note: this file is designed to be stand-alone; it includes a
- // carefully chosen, minimal set of headers.
- //
- // For conditional compilation we use the ole2 conventions,
- // _MAC = mac
- // WIN32 = Win32 (NT really)
- // <nothing> = defaults to Win16
- // REVIEW: the following needs to modified to handle _MAC
- #define STRICT
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ole2.h>
- #if defined( __TURBOC__)
- #define __STDC__ (1)
- #endif
- #define WINDLL 1 // make far pointer version of stdargs.h
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #if defined( __TURBOC__)
- #undef __STDC__
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "dballoc.h"
- extern "C" DWORD g_dwObjectCount; // since we don't include ole2ui.h
- #define DIM(X) (sizeof(X)/sizeof((X)[0]))
- #define UNREACHED 0
- #if defined(WIN32)
- # define MEMCMP(PV1, PV2, CB) memcmp((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
- # define MEMCPY(PV1, PV2, CB) memcpy((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
- # define MEMSET(PV, VAL, CB) memset((PV), (VAL), (CB))
- # define MALLOC(CB) malloc(CB)
- # define REALLOC(PV, CB) realloc((PV), (CB))
- # define FREE(PV) free(PV)
- # define HEAPMIN() _heapmin()
- #elif defined(_MAC)
- # define MEMCMP(PV1, PV2) ERROR -- NYI
- # define MEMCPY(PV1, PV2, CB) ERROR -- NYI
- # define MEMSET(PV, VAL, CB) ERROR -- NYI
- # define MALLOC(CB) ERROR -- NYI
- # define REALLOC(PV, CB) ERROR -- NYI
- # define FREE(PV) ERROR -- NYI
- # define HEAPMIN() ERROR -- NYI
- #else
- # define MEMCMP(PV1, PV2, CB) _fmemcmp((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
- # define MEMCPY(PV1, PV2, CB) _fmemcpy((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
- # define MEMSET(PV, VAL, CB) _fmemset((PV), (VAL), (CB))
- # define MALLOC(CB) _fmalloc(CB)
- # define REALLOC(PV, CB) _frealloc(PV, CB)
- # define FREE(PV) _ffree(PV)
- # define HEAPMIN() _fheapmin()
- #endif
- /*************************************************************************
- *************************************************************************/
- #if DBG
- #include "assert.h"
- #define FnAssert(lpstrExpr, lpstrMsg, lpstrFileName, iLine)
- (_assert(lpstrMsg ? lpstrMsg : lpstrExpr,
- lpstrFileName,
- iLine), NOERROR)
- #endif //DBG
- #if defined( __TURBOC__ )
- #define classmodel _huge
- #else
- #define classmodel FAR
- #endif
- class classmodel CStdDbOutput : public IDbOutput {
- public:
- static IDbOutput FAR* Create();
- // IUnknown methods
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv);
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void);
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void);
- // IDbOutput methods
- virtual void _cdecl Printf (char FAR* szFmt, ...);
- STDMETHOD_(void, Assertion)(
- BOOL cond,
- char FAR* szExpr,
- char FAR* szFile,
- UINT uLine,
- char FAR* szMsg);
- void FAR* operator new(size_t cb){
- return MALLOC(cb);
- }
- void operator delete(void FAR* pv){
- FREE(pv);
- }
- CStdDbOutput(){
- g_dwObjectCount++ ;
- m_refs = 0;
- }
- ~CStdDbOutput() { g_dwObjectCount-- ; }
- private:
- ULONG m_refs;
- char m_rgch[128]; // buffer for output formatting
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // implementation of the debug allocator
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- class FAR CAddrNode
- {
- public:
- void FAR* m_pv; // instance
- ULONG m_cb; // size of allocation in BYTES
- ULONG m_nAlloc; // the allocation pass count
- CAddrNode FAR* m_next;
- void FAR* operator new(size_t cb){
- return MALLOC(cb);
- }
- void operator delete(void FAR* pv){
- FREE(pv);
- }
- };
- class classmodel CDbAlloc : public IMalloc
- {
- public:
- static HRESULT Create(
- ULONG options, IDbOutput FAR* pdbout, IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc);
- // IUnknown methods
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv);
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void);
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void);
- // IMalloc methods
- STDMETHOD_(void FAR*, Alloc)(ULONG cb);
- STDMETHOD_(void FAR*, Realloc)(void FAR* pv, ULONG cb);
- STDMETHOD_(void, Free)(void FAR* pv);
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, GetSize)(void FAR* pv);
- STDMETHOD_(int, DidAlloc)(void FAR* pv);
- STDMETHOD_(void, HeapMinimize)(void);
- void FAR* operator new(size_t cb){
- return MALLOC(cb);
- }
- void operator delete(void FAR* pv){
- FREE(pv);
- }
- CDbAlloc(){
- m_refs = 1;
- m_pdbout = NULL;
- m_cAllocCalls = 0;
- m_nBreakAtNthAlloc = 0;
- m_nBreakAtAllocSize = 0;
- MEMSET(m_rganode, 0, sizeof(m_rganode));
- g_dwObjectCount++ ;
- }
- ~CDbAlloc() { g_dwObjectCount-- ; }
- private:
- ULONG m_refs;
- ULONG m_cAllocCalls; // total count of allocation calls
- ULONG m_nBreakAtNthAlloc; // allocation number to break to debugger
- // this value should be set typically in the
- // debugger.
- ULONG m_nBreakAtAllocSize; // allocation size to break to debugger
- // this value should be set typically in the
- // debugger.
- IDbOutput FAR* m_pdbout; // output interface
- CAddrNode FAR* m_rganode[64]; // address instance table
- // instance table methods
- BOOL IsEmpty(void);
- void AddInst(void FAR* pv, ULONG nAlloc, ULONG cb);
- void DelInst(void FAR* pv);
- CAddrNode FAR* GetInst(void FAR* pv);
- void DumpInst(CAddrNode FAR* pn);
- void DumpInstTable(void);
- inline UINT HashInst(void FAR* pv) const {
- return ((UINT)((ULONG)pv >> 4)) % DIM(m_rganode);
- }
- // output method(s)
- inline void Assertion(
- BOOL cond,
- char FAR* szExpr,
- char FAR* szFile,
- UINT uLine,
- char FAR* szMsg)
- {
- m_pdbout->Assertion(cond, szExpr, szFile, uLine, szMsg);
- }
- #define ASSERT(X) Assertion(X, #X, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL)
- #define ASSERTSZ(X, SZ) Assertion(X, #X, __FILE__, __LINE__, SZ)
- static const unsigned char m_rgchSig[4];
- };
- const unsigned char CDbAlloc::m_rgchSig[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF };
- /***
- *HRESULT OleStdCreateDbAlloc(ULONG reserved, IMalloc** ppmalloc)
- * Purpose:
- * Create an instance of CDbAlloc -- a debug implementation
- * of IMalloc.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * ULONG reserved - reserved for future use. must be 0.
- * IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc - (OUT) pointer to an IMalloc interface
- * of new debug allocator object
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR - if no error.
- * E_OUTOFMEMORY - allocation failed.
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- STDAPI OleStdCreateDbAlloc(ULONG reserved,IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc)
- {
- return CDbAlloc::Create(reserved, NULL, ppmalloc);
- }
- CDbAlloc::Create(
- ULONG options,
- IDbOutput FAR* pdbout,
- IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc)
- {
- HRESULT hresult;
- CDbAlloc FAR* pmalloc;
- // default the instance of IDbOutput if the user didn't supply one
- if(pdbout == NULL && ((pdbout = CStdDbOutput::Create()) == NULL)){
- hresult = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- goto LError0;
- }
- pdbout->AddRef();
- if((pmalloc = new FAR CDbAlloc()) == NULL){
- hresult = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- goto LError1;
- }
- pmalloc->m_pdbout = pdbout;
- *ppmalloc = pmalloc;
- return NOERROR;
- LError1:;
- pdbout->Release();
- pmalloc->Release();
- LError0:;
- return hresult;
- }
- CDbAlloc::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv)
- {
- if(riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IMalloc){
- *ppv = this;
- AddRef();
- return NOERROR;
- }
- }
- CDbAlloc::AddRef()
- {
- return ++m_refs;
- }
- CDbAlloc::Release()
- {
- if(--m_refs == 0){
- // check for memory leakage
- if(IsEmpty()){
- m_pdbout->Printf("No Memory Leaks.n");
- }else{
- m_pdbout->Printf("Memory Leak Detected,n");
- DumpInstTable();
- }
- m_pdbout->Release();
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- return m_refs;
- }
- CDbAlloc::Alloc(ULONG cb)
- {
- size_t size;
- void FAR* pv;
- ++m_cAllocCalls;
- if (m_nBreakAtNthAlloc && m_cAllocCalls == m_nBreakAtNthAlloc) {
- ASSERTSZ(FALSE, "DBALLOC: NthAlloc Break target reachedrn");
- } else if (m_nBreakAtAllocSize && cb == m_nBreakAtAllocSize) {
- ASSERTSZ(FALSE, "DBALLOC: AllocSize Break target reachedrn");
- }
- // REVIEW: need to add support for huge allocations (on win16)
- if((cb + sizeof(m_rgchSig)) > UINT_MAX)
- return NULL;
- size = (size_t)cb;
- if((pv = MALLOC(size + sizeof(m_rgchSig))) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // set allocated block to some non-zero value
- MEMSET(pv, -1, size);
- // put signature at end of allocated block
- MEMCPY((char FAR*)pv + size, m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig));
- AddInst(pv, m_cAllocCalls, size);
- return pv;
- }
- CDbAlloc::Realloc(void FAR* pv, ULONG cb)
- {
- size_t size;
- // REVIEW: need to add support for huge realloc
- if((cb + sizeof(m_rgchSig)) > UINT_MAX)
- return NULL;
- if(pv == NULL){
- return Alloc(cb);
- }
- ++m_cAllocCalls;
- ASSERT(GetInst(pv) != NULL);
- DelInst(pv);
- if(cb == 0){
- Free(pv);
- return NULL;
- }
- size = (size_t)cb;
- if((pv = REALLOC(pv, size + sizeof(m_rgchSig))) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // put signature at end of allocated block
- MEMCPY((char FAR*)pv + size, m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig));
- AddInst(pv, m_cAllocCalls, size);
- return pv;
- }
- CDbAlloc::Free(void FAR* pv)
- {
- CAddrNode FAR* pn;
- static char szSigMsg[] = "Signature Check Failed";
- if (pv == NULL) return;
- pn = GetInst(pv);
- // check for attempt to free an instance we didnt allocate
- if(pn == NULL){
- ASSERTSZ(FALSE, "pointer freed by wrong allocator");
- return;
- }
- // verify the signature
- if(MEMCMP((char FAR*)pv + pn->m_cb, m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig)) != 0){
- m_pdbout->Printf(szSigMsg); m_pdbout->Printf("n");
- DumpInst(GetInst(pv));
- }
- // stomp on the contents of the block
- MEMSET(pv, 0xCC, (size_t)pn->m_cb + sizeof(m_rgchSig));
- DelInst(pv);
- FREE(pv);
- }
- CDbAlloc::GetSize(void FAR* pv)
- {
- CAddrNode FAR* pn;
- pn = GetInst(pv);
- if (pn == NULL) {
- return (ULONG)-1;
- }
- return pn->m_cb;
- }
- /***
- *PUBLIC HRESULT CDbAlloc::DidAlloc
- *Purpose:
- * Answer if the given address belongs to a block allocated by
- * this allocator.
- *
- *Entry:
- * pv = the instance to lookup
- *
- *Exit:
- * return value = int
- * 1 - did alloc
- * 0 - did *not* alloc
- * -1 - dont know (according to the ole2 spec it is always legal
- * for the allocator to answer "dont know")
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- CDbAlloc::DidAlloc(void FAR* pv)
- {
- return -1; // answer "I dont know"
- }
- CDbAlloc::HeapMinimize()
- {
- #ifdef WIN32
- ASSERTSZ (FALSE,"In HeapMinimize () - heapmin not defined in 32bit version.");
- #else
- #endif
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // instance table methods
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /***
- *PRIVATE CDbAlloc::AddInst
- *Purpose:
- * Add the given instance to the address instance table.
- *
- *Entry:
- * pv = the instance to add
- * nAlloc = the allocation passcount of this instance
- *
- *Exit:
- * None
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- void
- CDbAlloc::AddInst(void FAR* pv, ULONG nAlloc, ULONG cb)
- {
- UINT hash;
- CAddrNode FAR* pn;
- ASSERT(pv != NULL);
- pn = (CAddrNode FAR*)new FAR CAddrNode();
- if (pn == NULL) {
- ASSERT(pn != NULL);
- return;
- }
- pn->m_pv = pv;
- pn->m_cb = cb;
- pn->m_nAlloc = nAlloc;
- hash = HashInst(pv);
- pn->m_next = m_rganode[hash];
- m_rganode[hash] = pn;
- }
- /***
- *Purpose:
- * Remove the given instance from the address instance table.
- *
- *Entry:
- * pv = the instance to remove
- *
- *Exit:
- * None
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- void
- CDbAlloc::DelInst(void FAR* pv)
- {
- CAddrNode FAR* FAR* ppn, FAR* pnDead;
- for(ppn = &m_rganode[HashInst(pv)]; *ppn != NULL; ppn = &(*ppn)->m_next){
- if((*ppn)->m_pv == pv){
- pnDead = *ppn;
- *ppn = (*ppn)->m_next;
- delete pnDead;
- // make sure it doesnt somehow appear twice
- ASSERT(GetInst(pv) == NULL);
- return;
- }
- }
- // didnt find the instance
- }
- CAddrNode FAR*
- CDbAlloc::GetInst(void FAR* pv)
- {
- CAddrNode FAR* pn;
- for(pn = m_rganode[HashInst(pv)]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_next){
- if(pn->m_pv == pv)
- return pn;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void
- CDbAlloc::DumpInst(CAddrNode FAR* pn)
- {
- if (pn == NULL)
- return;
- m_pdbout->Printf("[0x%lx] nAlloc=%ld size=%ldn",
- pn->m_pv, pn->m_nAlloc, GetSize(pn->m_pv));
- }
- /***
- *Purpose:
- * Answer if the address instance table is empty.
- *
- *Entry:
- * None
- *
- *Exit:
- * return value = BOOL, TRUE if empty, FALSE otherwise
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- CDbAlloc::IsEmpty()
- {
- UINT u;
- for(u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u){
- if(m_rganode[u] != NULL)
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***
- *PRIVATE CDbAlloc::Dump
- *Purpose:
- * Print the current contents of the address instance table,
- *
- *Entry:
- * None
- *
- *Exit:
- * None
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- void
- CDbAlloc::DumpInstTable()
- {
- UINT u;
- CAddrNode FAR* pn;
- for(u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u){
- for(pn = m_rganode[u]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_next){
- DumpInst(pn);
- }
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // implementation of CStdDbOutput
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- IDbOutput FAR*
- CStdDbOutput::Create()
- {
- return (IDbOutput FAR*)new FAR CStdDbOutput();
- }
- CStdDbOutput::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv)
- {
- if(riid == IID_IUnknown){
- *ppv = this;
- AddRef();
- return NOERROR;
- }
- }
- CStdDbOutput::AddRef()
- {
- return ++m_refs;
- }
- CStdDbOutput::Release()
- {
- if(--m_refs == 0){
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- return m_refs;
- }
- void _cdecl
- CStdDbOutput::Printf(char FAR* lpszFmt, ...)
- {
- va_list args;
- char szBuf[256];
- #if defined( OBSOLETE )
- char *pn, FAR* pf;
- static char rgchFmtBuf[128];
- static char rgchOutputBuf[128];
- // copy the 'far' format string to a near buffer so we can use
- // a medium model vsprintf, which only supports near data pointers.
- //
- pn = rgchFmtBuf, pf=szFmt;
- while(*pf != '')
- *pn++ = *pf++;
- *pn = '';
- #endif
- va_start(args, lpszFmt);
- // wvsprintf(rgchOutputBuf, rgchFmtBuf, args);
- wvsprintf(szBuf, lpszFmt, args);
- OutputDebugString(szBuf);
- }
- CStdDbOutput::Assertion(
- BOOL cond,
- char FAR* szExpr,
- char FAR* szFile,
- UINT uLine,
- char FAR* szMsg)
- {
- if(cond)
- return;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- // following is from compobj.dll (ole2)
- FnAssert(szExpr, szMsg, szFile, uLine);
- #else
- // REVIEW: should be able to do something better that this...
- DebugBreak();
- #endif
- }