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Package: MSDN_VC98.zip [view]
Upload User: bangxh
Upload Date: 2007-01-31
Package Size: 42235k
Code Size: 3k
Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #ifndef fFalse
- #define fFalse FALSE
- #define fTrue TRUE
- #endif
- // Dialog Box Control IDs
- #define GTCTRL 100
- #define PSB_PrevPage 101
- #define PSB_NextPage 102
- #define PSB_Close 103
- #define PSB_TopLeft 104
- // Menu item identifiers
- // File Menu
- #define IDM_NEW 410
- #define IDM_OPEN 411
- #define IDM_CLOSE 412
- #define IDM_REVERT 413
- #define IDM_SAVE 420
- #define IDM_SAVEAS 421
- #define IDM_PRINT 427
- #define IDM_PRINTSETUP 428
- #define IDM_PRINTPREVIEW 429
- #define IDM_EXIT 430
- // Edit Menu
- #define IDM_UNDO 500
- #define IDM_CUT 510
- #define IDM_COPY 511
- #define IDM_PASTE 512
- #define IDM_PASTESPECIAL 513
- #define IDM_DELETE 514
- #define IDM_SELECTALL 515
- #define IDM_FIND 520
- #define IDM_REPLACE 521
- #define IDM_OBJECT 530
- #define IDM_INSOBJ 531
- #define IDM_INSFILE 532
- #define IDM_SAVESEL 533
- #ifdef DBCS
- #define IDM_WORDREG 534
- #endif
- // Offset into the Edit menu of IDM_OBJECT
- #define ipos_Object 12
- #define IDM_OBJECTCONVERT 2000
- #define IDM_OBJECTMIN 2001
- // Format Menu
- #define IDM_CHARFORMAT 600
- #define IDM_APPLYTOWORD 601
- #define IDM_SUPERSCRIPT 605
- #define IDM_SUBSCRIPT 606
- #define IDM_ALIGNLEFT 610
- #define IDM_ALIGNCENTER 611
- #define IDM_ALIGNRIGHT 612
- #define IDM_INDENTFIRST 620
- #define IDM_OUTDENTFIRST 621
- #define IDM_MARGINS 630
- #define IDM_TABS 631
- #define IDM_PROTECTED 635
- #define IDM_NOWRAP 640
- #define IDM_WRAP 641
- #define IDM_WYSIWYG 642
- // Options Menu
- #define IDM_SELBAR 700
- #define IDM_AUTOWORDSEL 701
- #define IDM_SHOWMARGINS 702
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define IDM_READONLY 760
- #define IDM_AUTOHSCROLL 761
- #define IDM_AUTOVSCROLL 762
- #define IDM_AUTOHIDESEL 763
- #endif
- #ifdef DBCS
- #define IDM_VERTICAL 780
- #endif
- // accelerators not asocciated with any menus
- #define IDM_GOTOCURSOR 800
- #define IDM_MOVECURSOR 801
- // Debug Menu
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define IDM_DBGPED 900
- #define IDM_GETTEXT 901
- #define IDM_CLSDBG 902
- #define IDM_TRACEDLG 903
- #define IDM_EATES 905
- #define IDM_IGNOREDROPS 906
- #define IDM_BOTTOMLESS 907
- #define IDM_TEXTONLY 908
- #define IDM_REFUSEGRAPH 909
- #define IDM_PASTETXTOBJ 911
- #define IDM_BIGLIMIT 913
- #define IDM_FILLERUP 914
- #define IDM_PPMETA 915
- #define IDM_HIDE 921
- #ifdef DBCS
- #define IDM_LANGINFO 923
- #endif
- #endif
- // Format Bar
- // formatbar bitmap
- #define BMP_FormatBar 21769
- // indices in the the formatbar bitmap
- #define tbBold 0
- #define tbItalic 1
- #define tbUnderline 2
- #define tbLeft 3
- #define tbCenter 4
- #define tbRight 5
- #define tbBullet 6
- #define tbColor 7
- #define tbDecreaseIndent 8
- #define tbIncreaseIndent 9
- #ifdef DBCS
- #define tbVertical 10
- #define tbFormatBarMax 11
- #else
- #define tbFormatBarMax 10
- #endif
- // formatbar menu IDs
- // keep these together in this order
- #define TBI_Bold 21770
- #define TBI_Italic 21771
- #define TBI_Underline 21772
- #define TBI_Bullet 21775
- #define TBI_IncreaseIndent 21776
- #define TBI_DecreaseIndent 21777
- // keep these together in this order
- #define TBI_Left 21780
- #define TBI_Center 21781
- #define TBI_Right 21782
- #define TBI_AccelBold 21785
- #define TBI_AccelItalic 21786
- #define TBI_AccelUnderline 21787
- #ifdef DBCS
- #define TBI_FE_Vertical 21792
- #endif