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Package: MSDN_VC98.zip [view]
Upload User: bangxh
Upload Date: 2007-01-31
Package Size: 42235k
Code Size: 4k
Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * ChoseCom.c - This module handles the Dialog user interactions for the
- * choose computers within a log file
- *
- * Microsoft Confidential
- * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- //==========================================================================//
- // Includes //
- //==========================================================================//
- #include "perfmon.h" // basic defns, windows.h
- #include "dlgs.h" // common dialog control IDs
- #include "playback.h" // for PlayingBackLog
- #include "pmhelpid.h" // Help IDs
- #include "utils.h" // for CallWinHelp
- static LPTSTR lpChooseComputerText ;
- static DWORD TextLength ;
- //==========================================================================//
- // Message Handlers //
- //==========================================================================//
- void static OnInitDialog (HDLG hDlg)
- {
- // build the listbox of computers wintin the log file
- BuildLogComputerList (hDlg, IDD_CHOOSECOMPUTERLISTBOX) ;
- // set the scroll limit on the edit box
- EditSetLimit (GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_CHOOSECOMPUTERNAME), TextLength-1) ;
- dwCurrentDlgID = HC_PM_idDlgLogComputerList ;
- WindowCenter (hDlg) ;
- } // OnInitDialog
- void static OnOK (HDLG hDlg)
- {
- GetDlgItemText (hDlg,
- lpChooseComputerText,
- TextLength-1) ;
- } // OnOK
- void OnComputerSelectionChanged (HWND hDlg)
- {
- TCHAR localComputerName [MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 3] ;
- int SelectedIndex ;
- // get the listbox selection and put it in the editbox
- SelectedIndex = LBSelection (hWndLB) ;
- if (SelectedIndex != LB_ERR)
- {
- localComputerName[0] = TEXT('') ;
- if (LBString (hWndLB, SelectedIndex, localComputerName) != LB_ERR &&
- localComputerName[0])
- {
- SetDlgItemText (hDlg, IDD_CHOOSECOMPUTERNAME, localComputerName) ;
- }
- }
- } // OnComputerSelectionChanged
- BOOL FAR PASCAL ChooseLogComputerDlgProc(HWND hDlg, WORD msg, DWORD wParam, LONG lParam)
- {
- switch (msg)
- {
- OnInitDialog (hDlg) ;
- break ;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch (LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- case IDOK:
- OnOK (hDlg) ;
- dwCurrentDlgID = 0 ;
- EndDialog (hDlg, TRUE) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- break ;
- case IDCANCEL:
- dwCurrentDlgID = 0 ;
- EndDialog (hDlg, FALSE) ;
- return (TRUE) ;
- case ID_HELP:
- CallWinHelp (dwCurrentDlgID) ;
- break ;
- if (HIWORD (wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE)
- OnComputerSelectionChanged (hDlg) ;
- break ;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break ;
- default:
- break ;
- }
- return (FALSE) ;
- } // ChooseLogComputerDlgProc
- BOOL GetLogFileComputer (HWND hWndParent, LPTSTR lpComputerName, DWORD BufferSize)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess ;
- DWORD LocalDlgID = dwCurrentDlgID ;
- // initialize some globals
- *lpComputerName = TEXT('') ;
- lpChooseComputerText = lpComputerName ;
- TextLength = BufferSize ;
- bSuccess = DialogBox (hInstance,
- idDlgChooseComputer,
- hWndParent,
- (DLGPROC)ChooseLogComputerDlgProc) ;
- dwCurrentDlgID = LocalDlgID ;
- if (*lpComputerName == '')
- {
- bSuccess = FALSE ;
- }
- return (bSuccess) ;
- } // GetLogFileComputer