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Windows Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /** FILE: arrow.c ********** Module Header ********************************
- *
- * Control panel utility library routines for managing "cpArrow" window
- * class/spinner controls used in applet dialogs.
- *
- * History:
- * 15:30 on Thur 25 Apr 1991 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat]
- * Took base code from Win 3.1 source
- * 10:30 on Tues 04 Feb 1992 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat]
- * Updated code to latest Win 3.1 sources
- * 12:00 on Fri 07 Aug 1992 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat]
- * Implemented new drawing scheme for spinner/arrow control
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1990-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- //==========================================================================
- // Include files
- //==========================================================================
- // C Runtime
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- // Application specific
- #include "cparrow.h"
- //==========================================================================
- // Local Definitions
- //==========================================================================
- // Offsets to use with GetWindowLong
- // Control state flags.
- #define SPINNERSTATE_GRAYED 0x0001
- #define SPINNERSTATE_HIDDEN 0x0002
- // Combination of click states.
- // Combination of state flags.
- #define SPINNERSTATE_ALL 0x001F
- // Sinner Control color indices
- #define CCOLORS 5
- //==========================================================================
- // External Declarations
- //==========================================================================
- //==========================================================================
- // Local Data Declarations
- //==========================================================================
- /*
- * Macros to change the control state given the state flag(s)
- */
- #define StateSet(dwState, wFlags) (dwState |= (wFlags))
- #define StateClear(dwState, wFlags) (dwState &= ~(wFlags))
- #define StateTest(dwState, wFlags) (dwState & (wFlags))
- //Array of default colors, matching the order of SPINNERCOLOR_* values.
- DWORD rgColorDef[CCOLORS]={
- };
- BOOL bArrowTimed = FALSE;
- BOOL bRight;
- HANDLE hParent;
- //==========================================================================
- // Local Function Prototypes
- //==========================================================================
- void Draw3DButtonRect (HDC hDC, HPEN hPenHigh, HPEN hPenShadow, int x1,
- int y1, int x2, int y2, BOOL fClicked);
- LONG SpinnerPaint (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwSpinnerState);
- //==========================================================================
- // Functions
- //==========================================================================
- BOOL OddArrowWindow(HWND hArrowWnd)
- {
- #ifdef OLD_CODE
- HWND hParent;
- RECT rResize;
- BOOL bResize;
- GetWindowRect(hArrowWnd, (LPRECT) &rResize);
- if (!(bResize = (rResize.right - rResize.left) % 2))
- {
- rResize.right++;
- ScreenToClient(hParent = GetParent(hArrowWnd), (LPPOINT) & rResize.left);
- ScreenToClient(hParent, (LPPOINT) & rResize.right);
- MoveWindow(hArrowWnd, rResize.left, rResize.top,
- (rResize.right - rResize.left),
- (rResize.bottom - rResize.top), FALSE);
- }
- return(bResize);
- #endif // OLD_CODE
- return(TRUE);
- }
- VOID ArrowTimerProc(HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, UINT nID, DWORD dwTime)
- {
- WORD wScroll;
- DWORD dwSpinnerState;
- dwSpinnerState = (DWORD) GetWindowLong (hWnd, GWL_SPINNERSTATE);
- if (StateTest(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_CLICKED))
- {
- wScroll = (StateTest(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_DOWNCLICK)) ?
- if (bRight == WM_RBUTTONDOWN)
- wScroll += SB_PAGEUP - SB_LINEUP;
- SendMessage(hParent, WM_VSCROLL,
- MAKELONG(wScroll, GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_ID)),
- (LONG) hWnd);
- }
- // Don't need to call KillTimer(), because SetTimer will
- // reset the right one
- SetTimer(hWnd, nID, 50, (TIMERPROC) ArrowTimerProc);
- return ;
- wMsg = wMsg;
- dwTime = dwTime;
- }
- /*
- * ClickedRectCalc
- *
- * Description:
- * Calculates the rectangle of the clicked region based on the
- *
- * Parameter:
- * hWnd HWND handle to the control window.
- * lpRect LPRECT rectangle structure to fill.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * void
- *
- */
- void ClickedRectCalc(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwState, LPRECT lpRect)
- {
- int cx, cy;
- GetClientRect (hWnd, lpRect);
- cx = lpRect->right >> 1;
- cy = lpRect->bottom >> 1;
- if (StateTest(dwState, SPINNERSTATE_DOWNCLICK))
- lpRect->top = cy;
- else
- lpRect->bottom = 1+cy;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ArrowControlProc
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * Window Procedure for the Spinner/Arrow custom control. Handles all
- * messages like WM_PAINT just as a normal application window would.
- * State information about the control is maintained ALL drawing is
- * handled during WM_PAINT message processing.
- *
- */
- LRESULT APIENTRY ArrowControlProc(HWND hArrow, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam)
- {
- WORD wScroll;
- POINT pt;
- RECT rect;
- int x, y;
- int cy;
- DWORD dwSpinnerState, dwState;
- dwSpinnerState = (DWORD) GetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_SPINNERSTATE);
- switch (message)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- dwSpinnerState = 0;
- SetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_SPINNERSTATE, (LONG) dwSpinnerState);
- break;
- case WM_ENABLE:
- // Handles disabling/enabling case. Example of a
- // change-state-and-repaint strategy since we let the
- // painting code take care of the visuals.
- if (wParam)
- StateClear(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_GRAYED);
- else
- StateSet(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_GRAYED);
- SetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_SPINNERSTATE, (LONG) dwSpinnerState);
- // Force a repaint since the control will look different.
- InvalidateRect (hArrow, NULL, TRUE);
- UpdateWindow (hArrow);
- break;
- // Set or clear the hidden flag. Windows will
- // automatically force a repaint if we become visible.
- if (wParam)
- StateClear(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_HIDDEN);
- else
- StateSet(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_HIDDEN);
- SetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_SPINNERSTATE, (LONG) dwSpinnerState);
- break;
- // dialog or some other modal process has started.
- // we must make sure that we cancel any clicked state
- // we are in, kill the timers, and release the capture.
- StateClear(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_CLICKED);
- if (bArrowTimed)
- {
- GetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_ID)), (LONG) hArrow);
- KillTimer (hArrow, GetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_ID));
- bArrowTimed = FALSE;
- }
- ReleaseCapture();
- break;
- // When we get a mouse down message, we know that the mouse
- // is over the control. We then do the following steps
- // to set up the new state:
- // 1. Hit-test the coordinates of the click to
- // determine in which half the click occurred.
- // 2. Set the appropriate SPINNERSTATE_*CLICK state
- // and repaint that clicked half. This is another
- // example of a change-state-and-repaint strategy.
- // 3. Send an initial scroll message.
- // 4. Set the mouse capture.
- // 5. Set the initial delay timer before repeating
- // the scroll message.
- if (bRight)
- break;
- bRight = message;
- hParent = GetParent (hArrow);
- // Get the mouse coordinates.
- x = (int) LOWORD(lParam);
- y = (int) HIWORD(lParam);
- // Only need to hit-test the upper half
- // Then change-state-and-repaint
- GetClientRect (hArrow, &rect);
- cy = rect.bottom >> 1;
- if (y > cy)
- {
- StateSet(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_DOWNCLICK);
- rect.top = cy;
- wScroll = SB_LINEDOWN;
- }
- else
- {
- StateSet(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_UPCLICK);
- rect.bottom = cy + 1;
- wScroll = SB_LINEUP;
- }
- SetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_SPINNERSTATE, (LONG) dwSpinnerState);
- InvalidateRect (hArrow, &rect, TRUE);
- UpdateWindow (hArrow);
- SetCapture (hArrow);
- // Process SHIFT key state along with button message
- if (wParam & MK_SHIFT)
- {
- if (message != WM_RBUTTONDOWN)
- wScroll += (WORD) (SB_TOP - SB_LINEUP);
- else
- }
- else
- {
- if (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN)
- wScroll += SB_PAGEUP - SB_LINEUP;
- bArrowTimed = SetTimer (hArrow, GetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_ID),
- 200, (TIMERPROC) ArrowTimerProc);
- }
- SendMessage (hParent, WM_VSCROLL, MAKELONG(wScroll,
- GetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_ID)), (LONG) hArrow);
- break;
- // On WM_MOUSEMOVE messages we want to know if the mouse
- // has moved out of the control when the control is in
- // a clicked state. If the control has not been clicked,
- // then we have nothing to do. Otherwise we want to set
- // the SPINNERSTATE_MOUSEOUT flag and repaint so the button
- // visually comes up.
- if (!StateTest(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_CLICKED))
- break;
- // Save copy of original state
- dwState = dwSpinnerState;
- // Get the mouse coordinates.
- pt.x = (int) LOWORD(lParam);
- pt.y = (int) HIWORD(lParam);
- // Get the area we originally clicked and the new POINT
- ClickedRectCalc (hArrow, dwSpinnerState, &rect);
- // Hit-Test the rectange and change the state if necessary.
- if (PtInRect(&rect, pt))
- StateClear(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_MOUSEOUT);
- else
- StateSet(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_MOUSEOUT);
- SetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_SPINNERSTATE, (LONG) dwSpinnerState);
- // If the state changed, repaint the appropriate part of
- // the control.
- if (dwState != dwSpinnerState)
- {
- InvalidateRect (hArrow, &rect, TRUE);
- UpdateWindow (hArrow);
- }
- break;
- // A mouse button up event is much like WM_CANCELMODE since
- // we have to clean out whatever state the control is in:
- // 1. Kill any repeat timers we might have created.
- // 2. Release the mouse capture.
- // 3. Clear the clicked states and repaint, another example
- // of a change-state-and-repaint strategy.
- if ((UINT) (bRight - WM_LBUTTONDOWN + WM_LBUTTONUP) == message)
- {
- bRight = 0;
- ReleaseCapture();
- if (bArrowTimed)
- {
- GetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_ID)), (LONG) hArrow);
- KillTimer (hArrow, GetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_ID));
- bArrowTimed = FALSE;
- }
- // Repaint if necessary, only if we are clicked AND the mouse
- // is still in the boundaries of the control.
- if (StateTest(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_CLICKED) &&
- StateTest(dwSpinnerState, ~SPINNERSTATE_MOUSEOUT))
- {
- // Calculate the rectangle before clearing states.
- ClickedRectCalc (hArrow, dwSpinnerState, &rect);
- // Clear the states so we repaint properly.
- SetWindowLong (hArrow, GWL_SPINNERSTATE, (LONG) dwSpinnerState);
- InvalidateRect (hArrow, &rect, TRUE);
- UpdateWindow (hArrow);
- }
- }
- break;
- case WM_PAINT:
- return SpinnerPaint (hArrow, dwSpinnerState);
- default:
- return (DefWindowProc (hArrow, message, wParam, lParam));
- break;
- }
- return(0L);
- }
- /*
- * SpinnerPaint
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * Handles all WM_PAINT messages for the control and paints
- * the control for the current state, whether it be clicked
- * or disabled.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * hWnd HWND Handle to the control.
- * dwSpinnerState DWORD Spinner control status flags
- *
- * Return Value:
- * LONG 0L.
- */
- LONG SpinnerPaint (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwSpinnerState)
- {
- LPRECT lpRect;
- RECT rect;
- HDC hDC;
- int iColor;
- HBRUSH hBrushArrow;
- HBRUSH hBrushFace;
- HBRUSH hBrushBlack;
- POINT rgpt1[3];
- POINT rgpt2[3];
- int xAdd1=0, yAdd1=0;
- int xAdd2=0, yAdd2=0;
- int cx, cy; // Whole dimensions
- int cx2, cy2; // Half dimensions
- int cx4, cy4; // Quarter dimensions
- lpRect = ▭
- hDC = BeginPaint (hWnd, &ps);
- GetClientRect (hWnd, lpRect);
- // Get colors that we'll need. We do not want to cache these
- // items since we may our top-level parent window may have
- // received a WM_WININICHANGE message at which time the control
- // is repainted. Since this control never sees that message,
- // we cannot assume that colors will remain the same throughout
- // the life of the control.
- for (iColor = 0; iColor < CCOLORS; iColor++)
- {
- rgCr[iColor] = GetSysColor (rgColorDef[iColor]);
- rgHPen[iColor] = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 1, rgCr[iColor]);
- }
- hBrushFace = CreateSolidBrush (rgCr[SPINNERCOLOR_FACE]);
- hBrushArrow = CreateSolidBrush (rgCr[SPINNERCOLOR_ARROW]);
- hBrushBlack = GetStockObject (BLACK_BRUSH);
- // These values are extremely cheap to calculate for the amount
- // we are going to use them.
- cx = lpRect->right - lpRect->left;
- cy = lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top;
- cx2 = cx >> 1;
- cy2 = cy >> 1;
- cx4 = cx2 >> 1;
- cy4 = cy2 >> 1;
- // If one half is depressed, set the x/yAdd varaibles that we use
- // to shift the small arrow image down and right.
- if (!StateTest(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_MOUSEOUT))
- {
- if (StateTest(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_UPCLICK))
- {
- xAdd1 = 1;
- yAdd1 = 1;
- }
- else if (StateTest(dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_DOWNCLICK))
- {
- xAdd2 = 1;
- yAdd2 = 1;
- }
- }
- // Draw the face color and the outer frame
- SelectObject (hDC, hBrushFace);
- SelectObject (hDC, rgHPen[SPINNERCOLOR_FRAME]);
- Rectangle (hDC, lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
- // Draw the horizontal center line.
- MoveToEx (hDC, 0, cy2, NULL);
- LineTo (hDC, cx, cy2);
- // We do one of three modifications for drawing the borders:
- // 1) Both halves un-clicked.
- // 2) Top clicked, bottom unclicked.
- // 3) Top unclicked, bottom clicked.
- //
- // Case 1 is xAdd1==xAdd2==0
- // Case 2 is xAdd1==1, xAdd2=0
- // Case 3 is xAdd1==0, xAdd2==1
- // Draw top and bottom buttons borders.
- 0, 0, cx-1, cy2, (BOOL) xAdd1);
- 0, cy2, cx-1, cy-1, (BOOL) xAdd2);
- // Select default line color.
- SelectObject (hDC, rgHPen[SPINNERCOLOR_ARROW]);
- // Draw the arrows depending on the enable state.
- if (StateTest (dwSpinnerState, SPINNERSTATE_GRAYED))
- {
- // Draw arrow color lines in the upper left of the
- // top arrow and on the top of the bottom arrow.
- // Pen was already selected as a default.
- MoveToEx (hDC, cx2, cy4-2, NULL); //Top arrow
- LineTo (hDC, cx2-3, cy4+1);
- MoveToEx (hDC, cx2-3, cy2+cy4-2, NULL); //Bottom arrow
- LineTo (hDC, cx2+3, cy2+cy4-2);
- // Draw highlight color lines in the bottom of the
- // top arrow and on the lower right of the bottom arrow.
- MoveToEx (hDC, cx2-3, cy4+1, NULL); //Top arrow
- LineTo (hDC, cx2+3, cy4+1);
- MoveToEx (hDC, cx2+3, cy2+cy4-2, NULL); //Bottom arrow
- LineTo (hDC, cx2, cy2+cy4+1);
- SetPixel (hDC, cx2, cy2+cy4+1, rgCr[SPINNERCOLOR_HIGHLIGHT]);
- }
- else
- {
- // Top arrow polygon
- rgpt1[0].x = xAdd1 + cx2;
- rgpt1[0].y = yAdd1 + cy4 - 2;
- rgpt1[1].x = xAdd1 + cx2 - 3;
- rgpt1[1].y = yAdd1 + cy4 + 1;
- rgpt1[2].x = xAdd1 + cx2 + 3;
- rgpt1[2].y = yAdd1 + cy4 + 1;
- // Bottom arrow polygon
- rgpt2[0].x = xAdd2 + cx2;
- rgpt2[0].y = yAdd2 + cy2 + cy4 + 1;
- rgpt2[1].x = xAdd2 + cx2 - 3;
- rgpt2[1].y = yAdd2 + cy2 + cy4 - 2;
- rgpt2[2].x = xAdd2 + cx2 + 3;
- rgpt2[2].y = yAdd2 + cy2 + cy4 - 2;
- // Draw the arrows
- SelectObject (hDC, hBrushArrow);
- Polygon (hDC, (LPPOINT)rgpt1, 3);
- Polygon (hDC, (LPPOINT)rgpt2, 3);
- }
- // Clean up
- EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
- DeleteObject (hBrushFace);
- DeleteObject (hBrushArrow);
- for (iColor = 0; iColor < CCOLORS; iColor++)
- {
- if (rgHPen[iColor])
- DeleteObject (rgHPen[iColor]);
- }
- return 0L;
- }
- /*
- * Draw3DButtonRect
- *
- * Description:
- * Draws the 3D button look within a given rectangle. This rectangle
- * is assumed to be bounded by a one pixel black border, so everything
- * is bumped in by one.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * hDC DC to draw to.
- * hPenHigh HPEN highlight color pen.
- * hPenShadow HPEN shadow color pen.
- * x1 int Upper left corner x.
- * y1 int Upper left corner y.
- * x2 int Lower right corner x.
- * y2 int Lower right corner y.
- * fClicked BOOL specifies if the button is down or not (TRUE==DOWN)
- *
- * Return Value:
- * void
- *
- */
- void Draw3DButtonRect (HDC hDC, HPEN hPenHigh, HPEN hPenShadow, int x1,
- int y1, int x2, int y2, BOOL fClicked)
- {
- HPEN hPenOrg;
- // Shrink the rectangle to account for borders.
- x1+=1;
- x2-=1;
- y1+=1;
- y2-=1;
- hPenOrg = SelectObject (hDC, hPenShadow);
- if (fClicked)
- {
- // Shadow on left and top edge when clicked.
- MoveToEx (hDC, x1, y2, NULL);
- LineTo (hDC, x1, y1);
- LineTo (hDC, x2+1, y1);
- }
- else
- {
- // Lowest shadow line.
- MoveToEx (hDC, x1, y2, NULL);
- LineTo (hDC, x2, y2);
- LineTo (hDC, x2, y1-1);
- // Upper shadow line.
- MoveToEx (hDC, x1+1, y2-1, NULL);
- LineTo (hDC, x2-1, y2-1);
- LineTo (hDC, x2-1, y1);
- SelectObject (hDC, hPenHigh);
- // Upper highlight line.
- MoveToEx (hDC, x1, y2-1, NULL);
- LineTo (hDC, x1, y1);
- LineTo (hDC, x2, y1);
- }
- if (hPenOrg)
- SelectObject (hDC, hPenOrg);
- return;
- }
- BOOL RegisterArrowClass (HANDLE hModule)
- {
- WNDCLASS wcArrow;
- wcArrow.lpszClassName = TEXT("cpArrow");
- wcArrow.hInstance = hModule;
- wcArrow.lpfnWndProc = ArrowControlProc;
- wcArrow.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wcArrow.hIcon = NULL;
- wcArrow.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wcArrow.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
- wcArrow.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
- wcArrow.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wcArrow.cbWndExtra = sizeof(DWORD);
- return(RegisterClass((LPWNDCLASS) &wcArrow));
- }
- /*
- short ArrowVScrollProc(wScroll, nCurrent, lpAVS)
- wScroll is an SB_* message
- nCurrent is the base value to change
- lpAVS is a far pointer to the structure containing change amounts
- and limits to be used, along with a flags location for errors
- returns a short value of the final amount
- the flags element in the lpAVS struct is
- 0 if no problems found
- OVERFLOW set if the change exceeded upper limit (limit is returned)
- UNDERFLOW set if the change exceeded lower limit (limit is returned)
- UNKNOWNCOMMAND set if wScroll is not a known SB_* message
- NOTE: Only one of OVERFLOW or UNDERFLOW may be set. If you send in values
- that would allow both to be set, that's your problem. Either can
- be set in combination with UNKNOWNCOMMAND (when the command is not
- known and the input value is out of bounds).
- */
- short ArrowVScrollProc(short wScroll, short nCurrent, LPARROWVSCROLL lpAVS)
- {
- short nDelta;
- /* Find the message and put the relative change in nDelta. If the
- message is an absolute change, put 0 in nDelta and set nCurrent
- to the value specified. If the command is unknown, set error
- flag, set nDelta to 0, and proceed through checks.
- */
- switch (wScroll)
- {
- case SB_LINEUP:
- nDelta = lpAVS->lineup;
- break;
- nDelta = lpAVS->linedown;
- break;
- case SB_PAGEUP:
- nDelta = lpAVS->pageup;
- break;
- nDelta = lpAVS->pagedown;
- break;
- case SB_TOP:
- nCurrent = lpAVS->top;
- nDelta = 0;
- break;
- case SB_BOTTOM:
- nCurrent = lpAVS->bottom;
- nDelta = 0;
- break;
- nCurrent = lpAVS->thumbtrack;
- nDelta = 0;
- break;
- nCurrent = lpAVS->thumbpos;
- nDelta = 0;
- break;
- nDelta = 0;
- break;
- default:
- nDelta = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (nCurrent + nDelta > lpAVS->top)
- {
- nCurrent = lpAVS->top;
- nDelta = 0;
- lpAVS->flags = OVERFLOW;
- }
- else if (nCurrent + nDelta < lpAVS->bottom)
- {
- nCurrent = lpAVS->bottom;
- nDelta = 0;
- lpAVS->flags = UNDERFLOW;
- }
- else
- lpAVS->flags = 0;
- return(nCurrent + nDelta);
- }