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Upload User: jiancairen
Upload Date: 2007-08-27
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Java Develop
Development Platform:
- /*
- * Copyright 2002-2004 the original author or authors.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.springframework.aop.framework;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.List;
- import javax.servlet.ServletException;
- import javax.transaction.TransactionRequiredException;
- import junit.framework.TestCase;
- import org.aopalliance.aop.Advice;
- import org.aopalliance.aop.AspectException;
- import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
- import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
- import org.springframework.aop.Advisor;
- import org.springframework.aop.AfterReturningAdvice;
- import org.springframework.aop.DynamicIntroductionAdvice;
- import org.springframework.aop.MethodBeforeAdvice;
- import org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter.ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests;
- import org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter.UnknownAdviceTypeException;
- import org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor;
- import org.springframework.aop.interceptor.NopInterceptor;
- import org.springframework.aop.interceptor.SerializableNopInterceptor;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import org.springframework.beans.IOther;
- import org.springframework.beans.ITestBean;
- import org.springframework.beans.Person;
- import org.springframework.beans.SerializablePerson;
- import org.springframework.beans.TestBean;
- import org.springframework.util.SerializationTestUtils;
- import org.springframework.util.StopWatch;
- /**
- * @author Rod Johnson
- * @author Juergen Hoeller
- * @since 13-Mar-2003
- */
- public abstract class AbstractAopProxyTests extends TestCase {
- protected MockTargetSource mockTargetSource = new MockTargetSource();
- /**
- * Make a clean target source available if code wants to use it.
- * The target must be set. Verification will be automatic in tearDown
- * to ensure that it was used appropriately by code.
- * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
- */
- protected void setUp() {
- mockTargetSource.reset();
- }
- protected void tearDown() {
- mockTargetSource.verify();
- }
- /**
- * Set in CGLIB or JDK mode.
- */
- protected abstract Object createProxy(AdvisedSupport as);
- protected abstract AopProxy createAopProxy(AdvisedSupport as);
- /**
- * Is a target always required?
- */
- protected boolean requiresTarget() {
- return false;
- }
- public void testNoInterceptorsAndNoTarget() {
- AdvisedSupport pc =
- new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- // Add no interceptors
- try {
- AopProxy aop = createAopProxy(pc);
- aop.getProxy();
- fail("Shouldn't allow no interceptors");
- } catch (AopConfigException ex) {
- // Ok
- }
- }
- private static class CheckMethodInvocationIsSameInAndOutInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
- Method m = mi.getMethod();
- Object retval = mi.proceed();
- assertEquals("Method invocation has same method on way back", m, mi.getMethod());
- return retval;
- }
- }
- /**
- * ExposeInvocation must be set to true
- */
- private static class CheckMethodInvocationViaThreadLocalIsSameInAndOutInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
- String task = "get invocation on way IN";
- try {
- MethodInvocation current = ExposeInvocationInterceptor.currentInvocation();
- assertEquals(mi, current);
- Object retval = mi.proceed();
- task = "get invocation on way OUT";
- assertEquals(current, ExposeInvocationInterceptor.currentInvocation());
- return retval;
- }
- catch (AspectException ex) {
- System.err.println(task + " for " + mi.getMethod());
- ex.printStackTrace();
- //fail("Can't find invocation: " + ex);
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Same thing for a proxy.
- * Only works when exposeProxy is set to true.
- * Checks that the proxy is the same on the way in and out.
- */
- public static class ProxyMatcherInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
- Object proxy = AopContext.currentProxy();
- Object ret = mi.proceed();
- // TODO why does this cause stack overflow?
- //assertEquals(proxy, AopContext.currentProxy());
- assertTrue(proxy == AopContext.currentProxy());
- return ret;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Simple test that if we set values we can get them out again
- *
- */
- public void testValuesStick() {
- int age1 = 33;
- int age2 = 37;
- String name = "tony";
- TestBean target1 = new TestBean();
- target1.setAge(age1);
- ProxyFactory pf1 = new ProxyFactory(target1);
- pf1.addAdvisor(new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(new NopInterceptor()));
- pf1.addAdvisor(new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(new TimestampIntroductionInterceptor()));
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) target1;
- assertEquals(age1, tb.getAge());
- tb.setAge(age2);
- assertEquals(age2, tb.getAge());
- assertNull(tb.getName());
- tb.setName(name);
- assertEquals(name, tb.getName());
- }
- /**
- * This is primarily a test for the efficiency of our
- * usage of CGLIB. If we create too many classes with
- * CGLIB this will be slow or will run out of memory
- * TODO reenable this
- *
- */
- public void testManyProxies() {
- int howmany = 10000;
- StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
- sw.start(getClass() + getName() + ": create " + howmany + " proxies");
- testManyProxies(howmany);
- sw.stop();
- System.out.println(sw);
- // Set a performance benchmark
- // It's pretty generous so as not to cause failures
- // on slow machines
- assertTrue("Proxy creation was too slow",
- sw.getTotalTimeSeconds() < 20);
- }
- private void testManyProxies(int howmany) {
- int age1 = 33;
- TestBean target1 = new TestBean();
- target1.setAge(age1);
- ProxyFactory pf1 = new ProxyFactory(target1);
- pf1.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- pf1.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- ITestBean proxies[] = new ITestBean[howmany];
- for (int i = 0; i < howmany; i++) {
- proxies[i] = (ITestBean) createAopProxy(pf1).getProxy();
- assertEquals(age1, proxies[i].getAge());
- }
- }
- public void testSerializationAdviceAndTargetNotSerializable() throws Exception {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- assertFalse(SerializationTestUtils.isSerializable(tb));
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(tb);
- pf.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- ITestBean proxy = (ITestBean) createAopProxy(pf).getProxy();
- assertFalse(SerializationTestUtils.isSerializable(proxy));
- }
- public void testSerializationAdviceNotSerializable() throws Exception {
- SerializablePerson sp = new SerializablePerson();
- assertTrue(SerializationTestUtils.isSerializable(sp));
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(sp);
- // This isn't serializable
- Advice i = new NopInterceptor();
- pf.addAdvice(i);
- assertFalse(SerializationTestUtils.isSerializable(i));
- Object proxy = createAopProxy(pf).getProxy();
- assertFalse(SerializationTestUtils.isSerializable(proxy));
- }
- public void testSerializationSerializableTargetAndAdvice() throws Throwable {
- SerializablePerson personTarget = new SerializablePerson();
- personTarget.setName("jim");
- personTarget.setAge(26);
- assertTrue(SerializationTestUtils.isSerializable(personTarget));
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(personTarget);
- CountingThrowsAdvice cta = new CountingThrowsAdvice();
- pf.addAdvice(new SerializableNopInterceptor());
- // Try various advice types
- pf.addAdvice(new CountingBeforeAdvice());
- pf.addAdvice(new CountingAfterReturningAdvice());
- pf.addAdvice(cta);
- Person p = (Person) createAopProxy(pf).getProxy();
- p.echo(null);
- assertEquals(0, cta.getCalls());
- try {
- p.echo(new ServletException());
- }
- catch (ServletException ex) {
- }
- assertEquals(1, cta.getCalls());
- // Will throw exception if it fails
- Person p2 = (Person) SerializationTestUtils.serializeAndDeserialize(p);
- assertNotSame(p, p2);
- assertEquals(p.getName(), p2.getName());
- assertEquals(p.getAge(), p2.getAge());
- assertTrue("Deserialized object is an AOP proxy", AopUtils.isAopProxy(p2));
- Advised a1 = (Advised) p;
- Advised a2 = (Advised) p2;
- // Check we can manipulate state of p2
- assertEquals(a1.getAdvisors().length, a2.getAdvisors().length);
- // This should work as SerializablePerson is equal
- assertEquals("Proxies should be equal, even after one was serialized", p, p2);
- assertEquals("Proxies should be equal, even after one was serialized", p2, p);
- // Check we can add a new advisor to the target
- NopInterceptor ni = new NopInterceptor();
- p2.getAge();
- assertEquals(0, ni.getCount());
- a2.addAdvice(ni);
- p2.getAge();
- assertEquals(1, ni.getCount());
- cta = (CountingThrowsAdvice) a2.getAdvisors()[3].getAdvice();
- p2.echo(null);
- assertEquals(1, cta.getCalls());
- try {
- p2.echo(new ServletException());
- }
- catch (ServletException ex) {
- }
- assertEquals(2, cta.getCalls());
- }
- /**
- * Check that the two MethodInvocations necessary are independent and
- * don't conflict.
- * Check also proxy exposure.
- */
- public void testOneAdvisedObjectCallsAnother() {
- int age1 = 33;
- int age2 = 37;
- TestBean target1 = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pf1 = new ProxyFactory(target1);
- // Permit proxy and invocation checkers to get context from AopContext
- pf1.setExposeProxy(true);
- NopInterceptor di1 = new NopInterceptor();
- pf1.addAdvice(0, di1);
- pf1.addAdvice(1, new ProxyMatcherInterceptor());
- pf1.addAdvice(2, new CheckMethodInvocationIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
- pf1.addAdvice(1, new CheckMethodInvocationViaThreadLocalIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
- // Must be first
- pf1.addAdvice(0, ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
- ITestBean advised1 = (ITestBean) pf1.getProxy();
- advised1.setAge(age1); // = 1 invocation
- TestBean target2 = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pf2 = new ProxyFactory(target2);
- pf2.setExposeProxy(true);
- NopInterceptor di2 = new NopInterceptor();
- pf2.addAdvice(0, di2);
- pf2.addAdvice(1, new ProxyMatcherInterceptor());
- pf2.addAdvice(2, new CheckMethodInvocationIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
- pf2.addAdvice(1, new CheckMethodInvocationViaThreadLocalIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
- pf2.addAdvice(0, ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
- //System.err.println(pf2.toProxyConfigString());
- ITestBean advised2 = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf2);
- advised2.setAge(age2);
- advised1.setSpouse(advised2); // = 2 invocations
- assertEquals("Advised one has correct age", age1, advised1.getAge()); // = 3 invocations
- assertEquals("Advised two has correct age", age2, advised2.getAge());
- // Means extra call on advised 2
- assertEquals("Advised one spouse has correct age", age2, advised1.getSpouse().getAge()); // = 4 invocations on 1 and another one on 2
- assertEquals("one was invoked correct number of times", 4, di1.getCount());
- // Got hit by call to advised1.getSpouse().getAge()
- assertEquals("one was invoked correct number of times", 3, di2.getCount());
- }
- public void testReentrance() {
- int age1 = 33;
- TestBean target1 = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pf1 = new ProxyFactory(target1);
- NopInterceptor di1 = new NopInterceptor();
- pf1.addAdvice(0, di1);
- ITestBean advised1 = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf1);
- advised1.setAge(age1); // = 1 invocation
- advised1.setSpouse(advised1); // = 2 invocations
- assertEquals("one was invoked correct number of times", 2, di1.getCount());
- assertEquals("Advised one has correct age", age1, advised1.getAge()); // = 3 invocations
- assertEquals("one was invoked correct number of times", 3, di1.getCount());
- // = 5 invocations, as reentrant call to spouse is advised also
- assertEquals("Advised spouse has correct age", age1, advised1.getSpouse().getAge());
- assertEquals("one was invoked correct number of times", 5, di1.getCount());
- }
- public interface INeedsToSeeProxy {
- int getCount();
- void incrementViaThis();
- void incrementViaProxy();
- void increment();
- }
- public static class NeedsToSeeProxy implements INeedsToSeeProxy {
- private int count;
- public int getCount() {
- return count;
- }
- public void incrementViaThis() {
- this.increment();
- }
- public void incrementViaProxy() {
- INeedsToSeeProxy thisViaProxy = (INeedsToSeeProxy) AopContext.currentProxy();
- thisViaProxy.increment();
- Advised advised = (Advised) thisViaProxy;
- checkAdvised(advised);
- }
- protected void checkAdvised(Advised advised) {
- }
- public void increment() {
- ++count;
- }
- }
- public static class TargetChecker extends NeedsToSeeProxy {
- protected void checkAdvised(Advised advised) {
- // TODO replace this check: no longer possible
- //assertEquals(advised.getTarget(), this);
- }
- }
- public void testTargetCanGetProxy() {
- NopInterceptor di = new NopInterceptor();
- INeedsToSeeProxy target = new TargetChecker();
- ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(target);
- proxyFactory.setExposeProxy(true);
- assertTrue(proxyFactory.getExposeProxy());
- proxyFactory.addAdvice(0, di);
- INeedsToSeeProxy proxied = (INeedsToSeeProxy) createProxy(proxyFactory);
- assertEquals(0, di.getCount());
- assertEquals(0, target.getCount());
- proxied.incrementViaThis();
- assertEquals("Increment happened", 1, target.getCount());
- assertEquals("Only one invocation via AOP as use of this wasn't proxied", 1, di.getCount());
- // 1 invocation
- assertEquals("Increment happened", 1, proxied.getCount());
- proxied.incrementViaProxy(); // 2 invoocations
- assertEquals("Increment happened", 2, target.getCount());
- assertEquals("3 more invocations via AOP as the first call was reentrant through the proxy", 4, di.getCount());
- }
- public void testTargetCantGetProxyByDefault() {
- NeedsToSeeProxy et = new NeedsToSeeProxy();
- ProxyFactory pf1 = new ProxyFactory(et);
- assertFalse(pf1.getExposeProxy());
- INeedsToSeeProxy proxied = (INeedsToSeeProxy) createProxy(pf1);
- try {
- proxied.incrementViaProxy();
- fail("Should have failed to get proxy as exposeProxy wasn't set to true");
- }
- catch (AspectException ex) {
- // Ok
- }
- }
- public void testContext() throws Throwable {
- testContext(true);
- }
- public void testNoContext() throws Throwable {
- testContext(false);
- }
- /**
- * @param context if true, want context
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- private void testContext(final boolean context) throws Throwable {
- final String s = "foo";
- // Test return value
- MethodInterceptor mi = new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- if (!context) {
- assertNoInvocationContext();
- } else {
- assertTrue("have context", ExposeInvocationInterceptor.currentInvocation() != null);
- }
- return s;
- }
- };
- AdvisedSupport pc = new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- if (context) {
- pc.addAdvice(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
- }
- pc.addAdvice(mi);
- // Keep CGLIB happy
- if (requiresTarget()) {
- pc.setTarget(new TestBean());
- }
- AopProxy aop = createAopProxy(pc);
- assertNoInvocationContext();
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) aop.getProxy();
- assertNoInvocationContext();
- assertTrue("correct return value", tb.getName() == s);
- }
- public static class OwnSpouse extends TestBean {
- public ITestBean getSpouse() {
- return this;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test that the proxy returns itself when the
- * target returns <code>this</code>
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testTargetReturnsThis() throws Throwable {
- // Test return value
- TestBean raw = new OwnSpouse();
- AdvisedSupport pc = new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- pc.setTarget(raw);
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertTrue("this return is wrapped in proxy", tb.getSpouse() == tb);
- }
- /*
- public void testCanAttach() throws Throwable {
- final TrapInterceptor tii = new TrapInvocationInterceptor();
- ProxyConfig pc = new ProxyConfigSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class }, false);
- pc.addAdvice(tii);
- pc.addAdvice(new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- assertTrue("Saw same interceptor", invocation == tii.invocation);
- return null;
- }
- });
- AopProxy aop = new AopProxy(pc, new MethodInvocationFactorySupport());
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) aop.getProxy();
- tb.getSpouse();
- assertTrue(tii.invocation != null);
- // TODO strengthen this
- // assertTrue(tii.invocation.getProxy() == tb);
- assertTrue(tii.invocation.getThis() == null);
- }
- */
- public void testDeclaredException() throws Throwable {
- final Exception expectedException = new Exception();
- // Test return value
- MethodInterceptor mi = new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- throw expectedException;
- }
- };
- AdvisedSupport pc = new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- pc.addAdvice(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
- pc.addAdvice(mi);
- // We don't care about the object
- mockTargetSource.setTarget(new Object());
- pc.setTargetSource(mockTargetSource);
- AopProxy aop = createAopProxy(pc);
- try {
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) aop.getProxy();
- // Note: exception param below isn't used
- tb.exceptional(expectedException);
- fail("Should have thrown exception raised by interceptor");
- }
- catch (Exception thrown) {
- assertEquals("exception matches", expectedException, thrown);
- }
- }
- /**
- * An interceptor throws a checked exception not on the method signature.
- * For efficiency, we don't bother unifying java.lang.reflect and
- * net.sf.cglib UndeclaredThrowableException
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testUndeclaredCheckedException() throws Throwable {
- final Exception unexpectedException = new Exception();
- // Test return value
- MethodInterceptor mi = new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- throw unexpectedException;
- }
- };
- AdvisedSupport pc = new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- pc.addAdvice(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
- pc.addAdvice(mi);
- // We don't care about the object
- pc.setTarget(new TestBean());
- AopProxy aop = createAopProxy(pc);
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) aop.getProxy();
- try {
- // Note: exception param below isn't used
- tb.getAge();
- fail("Should have wrapped exception raised by interceptor");
- }
- catch (UndeclaredThrowableException thrown) {
- assertEquals("exception matches", unexpectedException, thrown.getUndeclaredThrowable());
- }
- //catch (net.sf.cglib.proxy.UndeclaredThrowableException thrown) {
- // assertEquals("exception matches", unexpectedException, thrown.getUndeclaredThrowable());
- //}
- catch (Exception ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- fail("Didn't expect exception: " + ex);
- }
- }
- public void testUndeclaredUnheckedException() throws Throwable {
- final RuntimeException unexpectedException = new RuntimeException();
- // Test return value
- MethodInterceptor mi = new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- throw unexpectedException;
- }
- };
- AdvisedSupport pc = new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- pc.addAdvice(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
- pc.addAdvice(mi);
- // We don't care about the object
- pc.setTarget(new TestBean());
- AopProxy aop = createAopProxy(pc);
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) aop.getProxy();
- try {
- // Note: exception param below isn't used
- tb.getAge();
- fail("Should have wrapped exception raised by interceptor");
- }
- catch (RuntimeException thrown) {
- assertEquals("exception matches", unexpectedException, thrown);
- }
- //catch (net.sf.cglib.proxy.UndeclaredThrowableException thrown) {
- // assertEquals("exception matches", unexpectedException, thrown.getUndeclaredThrowable());
- //}
- }
- /**
- * Check that although a method is eligible for advice chain optimization and
- * direct reflective invocation, it doesn't happen if we've asked to see the proxy,
- * so as to guarantee a consistent programming model.
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testTargetCanGetInvocationEvenIfNoAdviceChain() throws Throwable {
- NeedsToSeeProxy target = new NeedsToSeeProxy();
- AdvisedSupport pc = new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { INeedsToSeeProxy.class } );
- pc.setTarget(target);
- pc.setExposeProxy(true);
- // Now let's try it with the special target
- AopProxy aop = createAopProxy(pc);
- INeedsToSeeProxy proxied = (INeedsToSeeProxy) aop.getProxy();
- // It will complain if it can't get the proxy
- proxied.incrementViaProxy();
- }
- public void testTargetCanGetInvocation() throws Throwable {
- final InvocationCheckExposedInvocationTestBean expectedTarget = new InvocationCheckExposedInvocationTestBean();
- AdvisedSupport pc = new AdvisedSupport(new Class[] { ITestBean.class, IOther.class });
- pc.addAdvice(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
- TrapTargetInterceptor tii = new TrapTargetInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- // Assert that target matches BEFORE invocation returns
- assertEquals("Target is correct", expectedTarget, invocation.getThis());
- return super.invoke(invocation);
- }
- };
- pc.addAdvice(tii);
- pc.setTarget(expectedTarget);
- AopProxy aop = createAopProxy(pc);
- ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) aop.getProxy();
- tb.getName();
- // Not safe to trap invocation
- //assertTrue(tii.invocation == target.invocation);
- //assertTrue(target.invocation.getProxy() == tb);
- // ((IOther) tb).absquatulate();
- //MethodInvocation minv = tii.invocation;
- //assertTrue("invoked on iother, not " + minv.getMethod().getDeclaringClass(), minv.getMethod().getDeclaringClass() == IOther.class);
- //assertTrue(target.invocation == tii.invocation);
- }
- /**
- * Throw an exception if there is an Invocation
- */
- private void assertNoInvocationContext() {
- try {
- ExposeInvocationInterceptor.currentInvocation();
- fail("Expected no invocation context");
- } catch (AspectException ex) {
- // ok
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test stateful interceptor
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testMixin() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(new Class[] { Lockable.class, ITestBean.class });
- pc.addAdvisor(new LockMixinAdvisor());
- pc.setTarget(tb);
- int newAge = 65;
- ITestBean itb = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- itb.setAge(newAge);
- assertTrue(itb.getAge() == newAge);
- Lockable lockable = (Lockable) itb;
- assertFalse(lockable.locked());
- lockable.lock();
- assertTrue(itb.getAge() == newAge);
- try {
- itb.setAge(1);
- fail("Setters should fail when locked");
- }
- catch (LockedException ex) {
- // ok
- }
- assertTrue(itb.getAge() == newAge);
- // Unlock
- assertTrue(lockable.locked());
- lockable.unlock();
- itb.setAge(1);
- assertTrue(itb.getAge() == 1);
- }
- public void testReplaceArgument() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- pc.setTarget(tb);
- pc.addAdvisor(new StringSetterNullReplacementAdvice());
- ITestBean t = (ITestBean) pc.getProxy();
- int newAge = 5;
- t.setAge(newAge);
- assertTrue(t.getAge() == newAge);
- String newName = "greg";
- t.setName(newName);
- assertEquals(newName, t.getName());
- t.setName(null);
- // Null replacement magic should work
- assertTrue(t.getName().equals(""));
- }
- public void testCanCastProxyToProxyConfig() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(tb);
- NopInterceptor di = new NopInterceptor();
- pc.addAdvice(0, di);
- ITestBean t = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(0, di.getCount());
- t.setAge(23);
- assertEquals(23, t.getAge());
- assertEquals(2, di.getCount());
- Advised advised = (Advised) t;
- assertEquals("Have 1 advisor", 1, advised.getAdvisors().length);
- assertEquals(di, advised.getAdvisors()[0].getAdvice());
- NopInterceptor di2 = new NopInterceptor();
- advised.addAdvice(1, di2);
- t.getName();
- assertEquals(3, di.getCount());
- assertEquals(1, di2.getCount());
- // will remove di
- advised.removeAdvisor(0);
- t.getAge();
- // Unchanged
- assertEquals(3, di.getCount());
- assertEquals(2, di2.getCount());
- CountingBeforeAdvice cba = new CountingBeforeAdvice();
- assertEquals(0, cba.getCalls());
- advised.addAdvice(cba);
- t.setAge(16);
- assertEquals(16, t.getAge());
- assertEquals(2, cba.getCalls());
- }
- public void testAdviceImplementsIntroductionInfo() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- String name = "tony";
- tb.setName(name);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(tb);
- NopInterceptor di = new NopInterceptor();
- pc.addAdvice(di);
- final long ts = 37;
- pc.addAdvice(new DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor(new TimeStamped() {
- /**
- * @see org.springframework.aop.framework.TimeStamped#getTimeStamp()
- */
- public long getTimeStamp() {
- return ts;
- }
- }));
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(name, proxied.getName());
- TimeStamped intro = (TimeStamped) proxied;
- assertEquals(ts, intro.getTimeStamp());
- }
- public void testCannotAddDynamicIntroductionAdviceExceptInIntroductionAdvice() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- try {
- pc.addAdvice(new DummyIntroductionAdviceImpl());
- fail("Shouldn't be able to add introduction interceptor except via introduction advice");
- }
- catch (AopConfigException ex) {
- assertTrue(ex.getMessage().indexOf("ntroduction") > -1);
- }
- // Check it still works: proxy factory state shouldn't have been corrupted
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- }
- public void testRejectsBogusDynamicIntroductionAdviceWithNoAdapter() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pc.addAdvisor(new DefaultIntroductionAdvisor(new DummyIntroductionAdviceImpl(), Comparable.class));
- try {
- // TODO May fail on either call: may want to tighten up definition
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- proxied.getName();
- fail("Bogus introduction");
- }
- catch (Exception ex) {
- // TODO used to catch UnknownAdviceTypeException, but
- // with CGLIB some errors are in proxy creation and are wrapped
- // in aspect exception. Error message is still fine.
- //assertTrue(ex.getMessage().indexOf("ntroduction") > -1);
- }
- }
- private class DummyIntroductionAdviceImpl implements DynamicIntroductionAdvice {
- /**
- * @see org.springframework.aop.DynamicIntroductionAdvice#implementsInterface(java.lang.Class)
- */
- public boolean implementsInterface(Class intf) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check that the introduction advice isn't allowed to introduce interfaces
- * that are unsupported by the IntroductionInterceptor
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testCannotAddIntroductionAdviceWithUnimplementedInterface() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- try {
- pc.addAdvisor(0, new DefaultIntroductionAdvisor(new TimestampIntroductionInterceptor(), ITestBean.class));
- fail("Shouldn't be able to add introduction advice introducing an unimplemented interface");
- }
- catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
- //assertTrue(ex.getMessage().indexOf("ntroduction") > -1);
- }
- // Check it still works: proxy factory state shouldn't have been corrupted
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- }
- /**
- * Note that an introduction can't throw an unexpected checked exception,
- * as it's constained by the interface
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testIntroductionThrowsUncheckedException() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- class MyDi extends DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor implements TimeStamped {
- /**
- * @see org.springframework.aop.framework.TimeStamped#getTimeStamp()
- */
- public long getTimeStamp() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- }
- pc.addAdvisor(new DefaultIntroductionAdvisor(new MyDi()));
- TimeStamped ts = (TimeStamped) createProxy(pc);
- try {
- ts.getTimeStamp();
- fail("Should throw UnsupportedOperationException");
- }
- catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Should only be able to introduce interfaces, not classes
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testCannotAddIntroductionAdviceToIntroduceClass() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- try {
- pc.addAdvisor(0, new DefaultIntroductionAdvisor(new TimestampIntroductionInterceptor(), TestBean.class));
- fail("Shouldn't be able to add introduction advice that introduces a class, rather than an interface");
- }
- catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
- assertTrue(ex.getMessage().indexOf("interface") > -1);
- }
- // Check it still works: proxy factory state shouldn't have been corrupted
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- }
- public void testCannotAddInterceptorWhenFrozen() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- assertFalse(pc.isFrozen());
- pc.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- pc.setFrozen(true);
- try {
- pc.addAdvice(0, new NopInterceptor());
- fail("Shouldn't be able to add interceptor when frozen");
- }
- catch (AopConfigException ex) {
- assertTrue(ex.getMessage().indexOf("frozen") > -1);
- }
- // Check it still works: proxy factory state shouldn't have been corrupted
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(1, ((Advised) proxied).getAdvisors().length);
- }
- /**
- * Check that casting to Advised can't get around advice freeze
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testCannotAddAdvisorWhenFrozenUsingCast() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- assertFalse(pc.isFrozen());
- pc.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- pc.setFrozen(true);
- Advised advised = (Advised) proxied;
- assertTrue(pc.isFrozen());
- try {
- advised.addAdvisor(new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(new NopInterceptor()));
- fail("Shouldn't be able to add Advisor when frozen");
- }
- catch (AopConfigException ex) {
- assertTrue(ex.getMessage().indexOf("frozen") > -1);
- }
- // Check it still works: proxy factory state shouldn't have been corrupted
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(1, advised.getAdvisors().length);
- }
- public void testCannotRemoveAdvisorWhenFrozen() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- assertFalse(pc.isFrozen());
- pc.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- pc.setFrozen(true);
- Advised advised = (Advised) proxied;
- assertTrue(pc.isFrozen());
- try {
- advised.removeAdvisor(0);
- fail("Shouldn't be able to remove Advisor when frozen");
- }
- catch (AopConfigException ex) {
- assertTrue(ex.getMessage().indexOf("frozen") > -1);
- }
- // Didn't get removed
- assertEquals(1, advised.getAdvisors().length);
- pc.setFrozen(false);
- // Can now remove it
- advised.removeAdvisor(0);
- // Check it still works: proxy factory state shouldn't have been corrupted
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(0, advised.getAdvisors().length);
- }
- public void testUseAsHashKey() {
- TestBean target1 = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pf1 = new ProxyFactory(target1);
- pf1.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- ITestBean proxy1 = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf1);
- TestBean target2 = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pf2 = new ProxyFactory(target2);
- pf2.addAdvisor(new DefaultIntroductionAdvisor(new TimestampIntroductionInterceptor()));
- ITestBean proxy2 = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf2);
- HashMap h = new HashMap();
- Object value1 = new Object();
- Object value2 = new Object();
- assertNull(h.get(proxy1));
- h.put(proxy1, value1);
- h.put(proxy2, value2);
- assertEquals(h.get(proxy1), value1);
- assertEquals(h.get(proxy2), value2);
- }
- /**
- * Check that the string is informative.
- *
- */
- public void testProxyConfigString() {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pc.setInterfaces(new Class[] { ITestBean.class } );
- pc.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- MethodBeforeAdvice mba = new CountingBeforeAdvice();
- Advisor advisor = new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(new NameMatchMethodPointcut(), mba);
- pc.addAdvisor(advisor);
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- String proxyConfigString = ((Advised) proxied).toProxyConfigString();
- System.err.println(proxyConfigString);
- assertTrue(proxyConfigString.indexOf(advisor.toString()) != -1);
- assertTrue(proxyConfigString.indexOf("1 interface") != -1);
- }
- public void testCanPreventCastToAdvisedUsingOpaque() {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pc.setInterfaces(new Class[] { ITestBean.class } );
- pc.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- CountingBeforeAdvice mba = new CountingBeforeAdvice();
- Advisor advisor = new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(new NameMatchMethodPointcut().addMethodName("setAge"), mba);
- pc.addAdvisor(advisor);
- assertFalse("Opaque defaults to false", pc.getOpaque());
- pc.setOpaque(true);
- assertTrue("Opaque now true for this config", pc.getOpaque());
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- proxied.setAge(10);
- assertEquals(10, proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(1, mba.getCalls());
- assertFalse("Cannot be cast to Advised", proxied instanceof Advised);
- }
- public void testAdviceSupportListeners() throws Throwable {
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(21);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- CountingAdvisorListener l = new CountingAdvisorListener(pc);
- pc.addListener(l);
- RefreshCountingAdvisorChainFactory acf = new RefreshCountingAdvisorChainFactory();
- // Should be automatically added as a listener
- pc.setAdvisorChainFactory(acf);
- assertFalse(pc.isActive());
- assertEquals(0, l.activates);
- assertEquals(0, acf.refreshes);
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(1, acf.refreshes);
- assertEquals(1, l.activates);
- assertTrue(pc.isActive());
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(0, l.adviceChanges);
- NopInterceptor di = new NopInterceptor();
- pc.addAdvice(0, di);
- assertEquals(1, l.adviceChanges);
- assertEquals(2, acf.refreshes);
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- pc.removeAdvice(di);
- assertEquals(2, l.adviceChanges);
- assertEquals(3, acf.refreshes);
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- pc.getProxy();
- assertEquals(1, l.activates);
- pc.removeListener(l);
- assertEquals(2, l.adviceChanges);
- pc.addAdvisor(new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(new NopInterceptor()));
- // No longer counting
- assertEquals(2, l.adviceChanges);
- }
- public void testExistingProxyChangesTarget() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb1 = new TestBean();
- tb1.setAge(33);
- TestBean tb2 = new TestBean();
- tb2.setAge(26);
- tb2.setName("Juergen");
- TestBean tb3 = new TestBean();
- tb3.setAge(37);
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(tb1);
- NopInterceptor nop = new NopInterceptor();
- pc.addAdvice(nop);
- ITestBean proxy = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(nop.getCount(), 0);
- assertEquals(tb1.getAge(), proxy.getAge());
- assertEquals(nop.getCount(), 1);
- // Change to a new static target
- pc.setTarget(tb2);
- assertEquals(tb2.getAge(), proxy.getAge());
- assertEquals(nop.getCount(), 2);
- // Change to a new dynamic target
- HotSwappableTargetSource hts = new HotSwappableTargetSource(tb3);
- pc.setTargetSource(hts);
- assertEquals(tb3.getAge(), proxy.getAge());
- assertEquals(nop.getCount(), 3);
- hts.swap(tb1);
- assertEquals(tb1.getAge(), proxy.getAge());
- tb1.setName("Colin");
- assertEquals(tb1.getName(), proxy.getName());
- assertEquals(nop.getCount(), 5);
- // Change back, relying on casting to Advised
- Advised advised = (Advised) proxy;
- assertSame(hts, advised.getTargetSource());
- SingletonTargetSource sts = new SingletonTargetSource(tb2);
- advised.setTargetSource(sts);
- assertEquals(tb2.getName(), proxy.getName());
- assertSame(sts, advised.getTargetSource());
- assertEquals(tb2.getAge(), proxy.getAge());
- }
- public static class CountingAdvisorListener implements AdvisedSupportListener {
- public int adviceChanges;
- public int activates;
- private AdvisedSupport expectedSource;
- public CountingAdvisorListener(AdvisedSupport expectedSource) {
- this.expectedSource = expectedSource;
- }
- public void adviceChanged(AdvisedSupport as) {
- assertEquals(expectedSource, as);
- ++adviceChanges;
- }
- public void activated(AdvisedSupport as) {
- assertEquals(expectedSource, as);
- ++activates;
- }
- }
- public class RefreshCountingAdvisorChainFactory implements AdvisorChainFactory {
- public int refreshes;
- public void adviceChanged(AdvisedSupport pc) {
- ++refreshes;
- }
- public List getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(Advised pc, Object proxy, Method method, Class targetClass) {
- return AdvisorChainFactoryUtils.calculateInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(pc, proxy, method, targetClass);
- }
- public void activated(AdvisedSupport as) {
- ++refreshes;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fires on setter methods that take a string. Replaces null arg
- * with ""
- */
- public static class StringSetterNullReplacementAdvice extends DynamicMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor {
- private static MethodInterceptor cleaner = new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
- // We know it can only be invoked if there's a single parameter of type string
- mi.getArguments()[0] = "";
- return mi.proceed();
- }
- };
- public StringSetterNullReplacementAdvice() {
- super(cleaner);
- }
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass, Object[] args){//, AttributeRegistry attributeRegistry) {
- return args[0] == null;
- }
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass){//, AttributeRegistry attributeRegistry) {
- return m.getName().startsWith("set") &&
- m.getParameterTypes().length == 1 &&
- m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(String.class);
- }
- }
- public void testDynamicMethodPointcutThatAlwaysAppliesStatically() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- TestDynamicPointcutAdvice dp = new TestDynamicPointcutAdvice(new NopInterceptor(), "getAge");
- pc.addAdvisor(dp);
- pc.setTarget(tb);
- ITestBean it = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(dp.count, 0);
- int age = it.getAge();
- assertEquals(dp.count, 1);
- it.setAge(11);
- assertEquals(it.getAge(), 11);
- assertEquals(dp.count, 2);
- }
- public void testDynamicMethodPointcutThatAppliesStaticallyOnlyToSetters() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- // Could apply dynamically to getAge/setAge but not to getName
- TestDynamicPointcutAdvice dp = new TestDynamicPointcutForSettersOnly(new NopInterceptor(), "Age");
- pc.addAdvisor(dp);
- this.mockTargetSource.setTarget(tb);
- pc.setTargetSource(mockTargetSource);
- ITestBean it = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(dp.count, 0);
- int age = it.getAge();
- // Statically vetoed
- assertEquals(0, dp.count);
- it.setAge(11);
- assertEquals(it.getAge(), 11);
- assertEquals(dp.count, 1);
- // Applies statically but not dynamically
- it.setName("joe");
- assertEquals(dp.count, 1);
- }
- public void testStaticMethodPointcut() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(new Class[] { ITestBean.class });
- NopInterceptor di = new NopInterceptor();
- TestStaticPointcutAdvice sp = new TestStaticPointcutAdvice(di, "getAge");
- pc.addAdvisor(sp);
- pc.setTarget(tb);
- ITestBean it = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(di.getCount(), 0);
- int age = it.getAge();
- assertEquals(di.getCount(), 1);
- it.setAge(11);
- assertEquals(it.getAge(), 11);
- assertEquals(di.getCount(), 2);
- }
- /**
- * There are times when we want to call proceed()
- * twice. We can do this if we clone the invocation.
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testCloneInvocationToProceedThreeTimes() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(tb);
- pc.addInterface(ITestBean.class);
- MethodInterceptor twoBirthdayInterceptor = new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
- // Clone the invocation to proceed three times
- // "The Moor's Last Sigh": this technology can cause premature aging
- MethodInvocation clone1 = ((ReflectiveMethodInvocation) mi).invocableClone();
- MethodInvocation clone2 = ((ReflectiveMethodInvocation) mi).invocableClone();
- clone1.proceed();
- clone2.proceed();
- return mi.proceed();
- }
- };
- StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor advisor = new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor(twoBirthdayInterceptor) {
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass) {
- return "haveBirthday".equals(m.getName());
- }
- };
- pc.addAdvisor(advisor);
- ITestBean it = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- final int age = 20;
- it.setAge(age);
- assertEquals(age, it.getAge());
- // Should return the age before the third, AOP-induced birthday
- assertEquals(age + 2, it.haveBirthday());
- // Return the final age produced by 3 birthdays
- assertEquals(age + 3, it.getAge());
- }
- /**
- * We want to change the arguments on a clone: it shouldn't affect the original
- * @throws Throwable
- */
- public void testCanChangeArgumentsIndependentlyOnClonedInvocation() throws Throwable {
- TestBean tb = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(tb);
- pc.addInterface(ITestBean.class);
- /**
- * Changes the name, then changes it back
- */
- MethodInterceptor nameReverter = new MethodInterceptor() {
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
- MethodInvocation clone = ((ReflectiveMethodInvocation) mi).invocableClone();
- String oldName = ((ITestBean) mi.getThis()).getName();
- clone.getArguments()[0] = oldName;
- // Original method invocation should be unaffected by changes to argument list of clone
- mi.proceed();
- return clone.proceed();
- }
- };
- class NameSaver implements MethodInterceptor {
- private List names = new LinkedList();
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
- names.add(mi.getArguments()[0]);
- return mi.proceed();
- }
- };
- NameSaver saver = new NameSaver();
- pc.addAdvisor(new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(Pointcuts.SETTERS, nameReverter));
- pc.addAdvisor(new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(Pointcuts.SETTERS, saver));
- ITestBean it = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc);
- String name1 = "tony";
- String name2 = "gordon";
- tb.setName(name1);
- assertEquals(name1, tb.getName());
- it.setName(name2);
- // NameReverter saved it back
- assertEquals(name1, it.getName());
- assertEquals(2, saver.names.size());
- assertEquals(name2, saver.names.get(0));
- assertEquals(name1, saver.names.get(1));
- }
- public static interface IOverloads {
- void overload();
- int overload(int i);
- String overload(String foo);
- void noAdvice();
- }
- public static class Overloads implements IOverloads {
- public void overload() {
- }
- public int overload(int i) {
- return i;
- }
- public String overload(String s) {
- return s;
- }
- public void noAdvice() {
- }
- }
- public void testOverloadedMethodsWithDifferentAdvice() throws Throwable {
- Overloads target = new Overloads();
- ProxyFactory pc = new ProxyFactory(target);
- NopInterceptor overLoadVoids = new NopInterceptor();
- pc.addAdvisor(new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor(overLoadVoids) {
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass) {
- return m.getName().equals("overload") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0;
- }
- });
- NopInterceptor overLoadInts = new NopInterceptor();
- pc.addAdvisor(new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor(overLoadInts) {
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass) {
- return m.getName().equals("overload") && m.getParameterTypes().length == 1 &&
- m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(int.class);
- }
- });
- IOverloads proxy = (IOverloads) createProxy(pc);
- assertEquals(0, overLoadInts.getCount());
- assertEquals(0, overLoadVoids.getCount());
- proxy.overload();
- assertEquals(0, overLoadInts.getCount());
- assertEquals(1, overLoadVoids.getCount());
- assertEquals(25, proxy.overload(25));
- assertEquals(1, overLoadInts.getCount());
- assertEquals(1, overLoadVoids.getCount());
- proxy.noAdvice();
- assertEquals(1, overLoadInts.getCount());
- assertEquals(1, overLoadVoids.getCount());
- }
- public void testEquals() {
- IOther a = new AllInstancesAreEqual();
- IOther b = new AllInstancesAreEqual();
- NopInterceptor i1 = new NopInterceptor();
- NopInterceptor i2 = new NopInterceptor();
- ProxyFactory pfa = new ProxyFactory(a);
- pfa.addAdvice(i1);
- ProxyFactory pfb = new ProxyFactory(b);
- pfb.addAdvice(i2);
- IOther proxyA = (IOther) createProxy(pfa);
- IOther proxyB = (IOther) createProxy(pfb);
- assertEquals(pfa.getAdvisors().length, pfb.getAdvisors().length);
- assertTrue(a.equals(b));
- assertTrue(i1.equals(i2));
- assertTrue(proxyA.equals(proxyB));
- //assertTrue(a.equals(proxyA));
- assertFalse(proxyA.equals(a));
- // Equality checks were handled by the proxy
- assertEquals(0, i1.getCount());
- // When we invoke A, it's NopInterceptor will have count == 1
- // and won't think it's equal to B's NopInterceptor
- proxyA.absquatulate();
- assertEquals(1, i1.getCount());
- assertFalse(proxyA.equals(proxyB));
- }
- public void testBeforeAdvisorIsInvoked() {
- CountingBeforeAdvice cba = new CountingBeforeAdvice();
- Advisor matchesNoArgs = new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor(cba) {
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass) {
- return m.getParameterTypes().length == 0;
- }
- };
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(80);
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pf.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- pf.addAdvisor(matchesNoArgs);
- assertEquals("Advisor was added", matchesNoArgs, pf.getAdvisors()[1]);
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf);
- assertEquals(0, cba.getCalls());
- assertEquals(0, cba.getCalls("getAge"));
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(1, cba.getCalls());
- assertEquals(1, cba.getCalls("getAge"));
- assertEquals(0, cba.getCalls("setAge"));
- // Won't be advised
- proxied.setAge(26);
- assertEquals(1, cba.getCalls());
- assertEquals(26, proxied.getAge());
- }
- public void testBeforeAdviceThrowsException() {
- final RuntimeException rex = new RuntimeException();
- CountingBeforeAdvice ba = new CountingBeforeAdvice() {
- public void before(Method m, Object[] args, Object target) throws Throwable {
- super.before(m, args, target);
- if (m.getName().startsWith("set"))
- throw rex;
- }
- };
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- target.setAge(80);
- NopInterceptor nop1 = new NopInterceptor();
- NopInterceptor nop2 = new NopInterceptor();
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pf.addAdvice(nop1);
- pf.addAdvice(ba);
- pf.addAdvice(nop2);
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf);
- // Won't throw an exception
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(1, ba.getCalls());
- assertEquals(1, ba.getCalls("getAge"));
- assertEquals(1, nop1.getCount());
- assertEquals(1, nop2.getCount());
- // Will fail, after invoking Nop1
- try {
- proxied.setAge(26);
- fail("before advice should have ended chain");
- }
- catch (RuntimeException ex) {
- assertEquals(rex, ex);
- }
- assertEquals(2, ba.getCalls());
- assertEquals(2, nop1.getCount());
- // Nop2 didn't get invoked when the exception was thrown
- assertEquals(1, nop2.getCount());
- // Shouldn't have changed value in joinpoint
- assertEquals(target.getAge(), proxied.getAge());
- }
- public void testAfterReturningAdvisorIsInvoked() {
- class SummingAfterAdvice implements AfterReturningAdvice {
- public int sum;
- public void afterReturning(Object returnValue, Method m, Object[] args, Object target) throws Throwable {
- sum += ((Integer) returnValue).intValue();
- }
- }
- SummingAfterAdvice aa = new SummingAfterAdvice();
- Advisor matchesInt = new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor(aa) {
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass) {
- return m.getReturnType() == int.class;
- }
- };
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pf.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- pf.addAdvisor(matchesInt);
- assertEquals("Advisor was added", matchesInt, pf.getAdvisors()[1]);
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf);
- assertEquals(0, aa.sum);
- int i1 = 12;
- int i2 = 13;
- // Won't be advised
- proxied.setAge(i1);
- assertEquals(i1, proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(i1, aa.sum);
- proxied.setAge(i2);
- assertEquals(i2, proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(i1 + i2, aa.sum);
- assertEquals(i2, proxied.getAge());
- }
- public void testAfterReturningAdvisorIsNotInvokedOnException() {
- CountingAfterReturningAdvice car = new CountingAfterReturningAdvice();
- TestBean target = new TestBean();
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pf.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- pf.addAdvice(car);
- assertEquals("Advice was wrapped in Advisor and added", car, pf.getAdvisors()[1].getAdvice());
- ITestBean proxied = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf);
- assertEquals(0, car.getCalls());
- int age = 10;
- proxied.setAge(age);
- assertEquals(age, proxied.getAge());
- assertEquals(2, car.getCalls());
- Exception exc = new Exception();
- // On exception it won't be invoked
- try {
- proxied.exceptional(exc);
- fail();
- }
- catch (Throwable t) {
- assertSame(exc, t);
- }
- assertEquals(2, car.getCalls());
- }
- public void testThrowsAdvisorIsInvoked() throws Throwable {
- // Reacts to ServletException and RemoteException
- ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.MyThrowsHandler th = new ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.MyThrowsHandler();
- Advisor matchesEchoInvocations = new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor(th) {
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass) {
- return m.getName().startsWith("echo");
- }
- };
- ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.Echo target = new ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.Echo();
- target.setA(16);
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pf.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- pf.addAdvisor(matchesEchoInvocations);
- assertEquals("Advisor was added", matchesEchoInvocations, pf.getAdvisors()[1]);
- ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.IEcho proxied = (ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.IEcho) createProxy(pf);
- assertEquals(0, th.getCalls());
- assertEquals(target.getA(), proxied.getA());
- assertEquals(0, th.getCalls());
- Exception ex = new Exception();
- // Will be advised but doesn't match
- try {
- proxied.echoException(1, ex);
- fail();
- }
- catch (Exception caught) {
- assertEquals(ex, caught);
- }
- ex = new ServletException();
- try {
- proxied.echoException(1, ex);
- fail();
- }
- catch (ServletException caught) {
- assertEquals(ex, caught);
- }
- assertEquals(1, th.getCalls("servletException"));
- }
- public void testAddThrowsAdviceWithoutAdvisor() throws Throwable {
- // Reacts to ServletException and RemoteException
- ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.MyThrowsHandler th = new ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.MyThrowsHandler();
- ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.Echo target = new ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.Echo();
- target.setA(16);
- ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(target);
- pf.addAdvice(new NopInterceptor());
- pf.addAdvice(th);
- ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.IEcho proxied = (ThrowsAdviceInterceptorTests.IEcho) createProxy(pf);
- assertEquals(0, th.getCalls());
- assertEquals(target.getA(), proxied.getA());
- assertEquals(0, th.getCalls());
- Exception ex = new Exception();
- // Will be advised but doesn't match
- try {
- proxied.echoException(1, ex);
- fail();
- }
- catch (Exception caught) {
- assertEquals(ex, caught);
- }
- // Subclass of RemoteException
- ex = new TransactionRequiredException();
- try {
- proxied.echoException(1, ex);
- fail();
- }
- catch (TransactionRequiredException caught) {
- assertEquals(ex, caught);
- }
- assertEquals(1, th.getCalls("remoteException"));
- }
- protected static class TestDynamicPointcutAdvice extends DynamicMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor {
- private String pattern;
- public int count;
- public TestDynamicPointcutAdvice(MethodInterceptor mi, String pattern) {
- super(mi);
- this.pattern = pattern;
- }
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass, Object[] args) {
- boolean run = m.getName().indexOf(pattern) != -1;
- if (run) ++count;
- return run;
- }
- }
- protected static class TestDynamicPointcutForSettersOnly extends TestDynamicPointcutAdvice {
- public TestDynamicPointcutForSettersOnly(MethodInterceptor mi, String pattern) {
- super(mi, pattern);
- }
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class clazz) {
- return m.getName().startsWith("set");
- }
- }
- protected static class TestStaticPointcutAdvice extends StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor {
- private String pattern;
- private int count;
- public TestStaticPointcutAdvice(MethodInterceptor mi, String pattern) {
- super(mi);
- this.pattern = pattern;
- }
- public boolean matches(Method m, Class targetClass) {
- boolean run = m.getName().indexOf(pattern) != -1;
- if (run) ++count;
- return run;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Note that trapping the Invocation as in previous version of this test
- * isn't safe, as invocations may be reused
- * and hence cleared at the end of each invocation.
- * So we trap only the targe.
- */
- protected static class TrapTargetInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
- public Object target;
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- = invocation.getThis();
- return invocation.proceed();
- }
- }
- public static class EqualsTestBean extends TestBean {
- public ITestBean getSpouse() {
- return this;
- }
- }
- public static class AllInstancesAreEqual implements IOther {
- public boolean equals(Object o) {
- return o instanceof AllInstancesAreEqual;
- }
- public void absquatulate() {
- }
- }
- }