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Development Platform:


  1. #region Using directives
  2. using System;
  3. using System.Windows.Forms;
  4. using Microsoft.Win32;
  5. using System.Drawing;
  6. #endregion
  7. namespace DocToolkit
  8. {
  9.     /// <summary>
  10.     /// Class allows to keep last window state in Registry
  11.     /// and restore it when form is loaded.
  12.     /// 
  13.     /// Source: Saving and Restoring the Location, Size and 
  14.     ///         Windows State of a .NET Form
  15.     ///         By Joel Matthias 
  16.     ///         
  17.     ///  Downloaded from
  18.     ///  
  19.     ///  Using:
  20.     ///  1. Add class member to the owner form:
  21.     ///  
  22.     ///  private PersistWindowState persistState;
  23.     ///  
  24.     ///  2. Create it in the form constructor:
  25.     ///  
  26.     ///  persistState = new PersistWindowState("Software\MyCompany\MyProgram", this);
  27.     ///  
  28.     /// </summary>
  29.     public class PersistWindowState
  30.     {
  31.         #region Members
  32.         private Form ownerForm;          // reference to owner form
  33.         private string registryPath;       // path in Registry where state information is kept
  34.         // Form state parameters:
  35.         private int normalLeft;
  36.         private int normalTop;
  37.         private int normalWidth;
  38.         private int normalHeight;
  39.         // FormWindowState is enumeration from System.Windows.Forms Namespace
  40.         // Contains 3 members: Maximized, Minimized and Normal.
  41.         private FormWindowState windowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
  42.         // if allowSaveMinimized is true, form closed in minimal state
  43.         // is loaded next time in minimal state.
  44.         private bool allowSaveMinimized = false;
  45.         #endregion
  46.         #region Constructor
  47.         /// <summary>
  48.         /// Initialization
  49.         /// </summary>
  50.         /// <param name="sRegPath"></param>
  51.         /// <param name="owner"></param>
  52.         public PersistWindowState(string path, Form owner)
  53.         {
  54.             if (path == null ||
  55.                 path.Length == 0)
  56.             {
  57.                 registryPath = "Software\Unknown";
  58.             }
  59.             else
  60.             {
  61.                 registryPath = path;
  62.             }
  63.             if (!registryPath.EndsWith("\"))
  64.                 registryPath += "\";
  65.             registryPath += "MainForm";
  66.             ownerForm = owner;
  67.             // subscribe to parent form's events
  68.             ownerForm.Closing += OnClosing;
  69.             ownerForm.Resize += OnResize;
  70.             ownerForm.Move += OnMove;
  71.             ownerForm.Load += OnLoad;
  72.             // get initial width and height in case form is never resized
  73.             normalWidth = ownerForm.Width;
  74.             normalHeight = ownerForm.Height;
  75.         }
  76.         #endregion
  77.         #region Properties
  78.         /// <summary>
  79.         /// AllowSaveMinimized property (default value false) 
  80.         /// </summary>
  81.         public bool AllowSaveMinimized
  82.         {
  83.             get
  84.             {
  85.                 return allowSaveMinimized;
  86.             }
  87.             set
  88.             {
  89.                 allowSaveMinimized = value;
  90.             }
  91.         }
  92.         #endregion
  93.         #region Event Handlers
  94.         /// <summary>
  95.         /// Parent form is resized.
  96.         /// Keep current size.
  97.         /// </summary>
  98.         /// <param name="sender"></param>
  99.         /// <param name="e"></param>
  100.         private void OnResize(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  101.         {
  102.             // save width and height
  103.             if (ownerForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
  104.             {
  105.                 normalWidth = ownerForm.Width;
  106.                 normalHeight = ownerForm.Height;
  107.             }
  108.         }
  109.         /// <summary>
  110.         /// Parent form is moved.
  111.         /// Keep current window position.
  112.         /// </summary>
  113.         /// <param name="sender"></param>
  114.         /// <param name="e"></param>
  115.         private void OnMove(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  116.         {
  117.             // save position
  118.             if (ownerForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
  119.             {
  120.                 normalLeft = ownerForm.Left;
  121.                 normalTop = ownerForm.Top;
  122.             }
  123.             // save state
  124.             windowState = ownerForm.WindowState;
  125.         }
  126.         /// <summary>
  127.         /// Parent form is closing.
  128.         /// Keep last state in Registry.
  129.         /// </summary>
  130.         /// <param name="sender"></param>
  131.         /// <param name="e"></param>
  132.         private void OnClosing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
  133.         {
  134.             // save position, size and state
  135.             RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(registryPath);
  136.             key.SetValue("Left", normalLeft);
  137.             key.SetValue("Top", normalTop);
  138.             key.SetValue("Width", normalWidth);
  139.             key.SetValue("Height", normalHeight);
  140.             // check if we are allowed to save the state as minimized (not normally)
  141.             if (!allowSaveMinimized)
  142.             {
  143.                 if (windowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
  144.                     windowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
  145.             }
  146.             key.SetValue("WindowState", (int)windowState);
  147.         }
  148.         /// <summary>
  149.         /// Parent form is loaded.
  150.         /// Read last state from Registry and set it to form.
  151.         /// </summary>
  152.         /// <param name="sender"></param>
  153.         /// <param name="e"></param>
  154.         private void OnLoad(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  155.         {
  156.             // attempt to read state from registry
  157.             RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(registryPath);
  158.             if (key != null)
  159.             {
  160.                 int left = (int)key.GetValue("Left", ownerForm.Left);
  161.                 int top = (int)key.GetValue("Top", ownerForm.Top);
  162.                 int width = (int)key.GetValue("Width", ownerForm.Width);
  163.                 int height = (int)key.GetValue("Height", ownerForm.Height);
  164.                 FormWindowState windowState = (FormWindowState)key.GetValue("WindowState", (int)ownerForm.WindowState);
  165.                 ownerForm.Location = new Point(left, top);
  166.                 ownerForm.Size = new Size(width, height);
  167.                 ownerForm.WindowState = windowState;
  168.             }
  169.         }
  170.         #endregion
  171.     }
  172. }